The Chicagoization of America

This is true, but the problem is also that the majority of people who could have changed the outcome just plain stayed home, because the opposing candidate was not "good enough" for them.

Until those people do not realize that staying home will not help them, because insted of "not good enough" candidate they will get a pure shit chosen FOR THEM and they will still have to live with that shit for the next 4 or 6 or 2 years, the chicagoization will continue.
We have some leftist goober in another thread stating American cities now have SLAVE PATROLS on the streets. LMAO Bwhahahahahaha
Robert Reich’s Revolutionary Rants

February 12, 2014 by Matthew Vadum


To distract from Barack Obama’s failing presidency and the misery it is causing millions of Americans, leftist gadfly Robert Reich is wheeling out tired old paranoid rhetoric about class warfare and “inequality.”

Using language out of the Communist Manifesto, Reich inveighs against an invisible, cartoonish, Monopoly Man-type villain. Of course, Reich has no interest in talking about the vicious war that President Obama and his allies are waging against productive members of society, those who have affordable health insurance, and those who pay the taxes used up by the nonproductive.

Long a thuggish shill of the now-dying labor movement, Reich rants that

“Opposing a minimum wage hike, blocking unemployment insurance, cutting food stamps, keeping millions from accessing Medicaid … I believe these positions are part of a concerted effort to keep struggling folks down that represents nothing less than a war on the poor and working class.”

Although poll after poll has shown that “inequality” doesn’t register on American voters’ radar screens, Reich and the Left are pushing hard to raise the federal minimum wage, a move that will hit the young, especially young people of color, the hardest. Under 3 percent of all workers in the nation (and an even lower percentage of full-time workers) earn the minimum wage.


Reich’s noise-making is about the politics of distraction, misdirecting public attention, trying to change the national political conversation, moving it away from the stagnant economy, the failing Obamacare program, the political scandals that are becoming too numerous to count, and the other grave problems in American society that left-wingers have caused and exacerbated.

Given the mainstream media’s continuing love affair with the telegenic Reich, he’s likely to be in the spotlight, deceiving the American public, for a long time to come.

Robert Reich?s Revolutionary Rants | FrontPage Magazine

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