The chickens are coming home to roost for Trump enablers


The left cult only knows how to point fingers at others.


Really??????? The left didn't investigate the Clintons 25 times and find nothing. Republicans spend ALL of their time accusing Democrats of wrong doing and when their supposed "crimes" are investigated there is no evidence, no witnesses and no crime has been committed.

When Democrats make accusations against Republicans, a crime has already been committed, and the Republican gets charged and convicted. Republicans make up shit about Democrats, and then claim they "got away with it" when no evidence is fund
How's that "weaponization of government" committee doing? So far, the only "weaponization" found is that of the Trump Administration, not Democrats.
That is the behavior that our current "system" (ha ha) incentivizes and rewards.

Changing the system is on us. Do we care enough to do that?

Here on USMB? No, we’re too busy arguing to really make any change. We’ll have to hope the rest of the country can make the change, because here, it seems like we’re getting further apart.
Here on USMB? No, we’re too busy arguing to really make any change. We’ll have to hope the rest of the country can make the change, because here, it seems like we’re getting further apart.
Well, that is an important issue to me. It has been my personal, anecdotal experience that what I'm seeing the real life is getting closer and closer to what I see here. Example:

We just moved to a new state for retirement, and I was in the DMV yesterday. The lady asked me my "political affiliation". I said, "is unaffiliated a choice?", and she said yes and entered that.

Then I made the mistake of joking, "unaffiliated and cranky", and holy shit, off she went. Her voice just above a whisper, she was telling how Biden's doing to do this and that, and that it's communist and "pure evil". I don't even remember the details, since I was trying so hard to watch my facial expressions.

I don't think I would have found myself in that situation a few years ago. That really concerns me.
Do you have any "evidence" or is this yet another false claim with nothing to back it up? You're really good at throwing out accusations but you have nothing to prove your lies.
You liars don't accept proof, but for some reason, always ask for it. Fact is, no matter what proof is given, you lying scum will deny it. So, scum, why bother?

Leftist ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb to keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/ Alex Jones/ Brietbart/ Infowars/ Stormfront/ Gateway/ Hannity/ Rush

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump!

20. Science denier! But men can menstruate and have babies.

Always the same with you scum, always.
Well, that is an important issue to me. It has been my personal, anecdotal experience that what I'm seeing the real life is getting closer and closer to what I see here. Example:

We just moved to a new state for retirement, and I was in the DMV yesterday. The lady asked me my "political affiliation". I said, "is unaffiliated a choice?", and she said yes and entered that.

Then I made the mistake of joking, "unaffiliated and cranky", and holy shit, off she went. Her voice just above a whisper, she was telling how Biden's doing to do this and that, and that it's communist and "pure evil". I don't even remember the details, since I was trying so hard to watch my facial expressions.

I don't think I would have found myself in that situation a few years ago. That really concerns me.
I pity the state you moved too.
May as well start listing the sanctions, disbarments, and other assorted humiliations and career-ending for those who abused the public's trust and/or violated ethics or laws.

Ex-Trump attorney admits statements about 2020 election were false and is censured by judge​

Jenna Ellis was censured by a disciplinary judge in Colorado Wednesday, in the latest effort to hold accountable attorneys who boosted former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election reversal gambits.

Ellis signed a stipulation stating that several comments she made about the 2020 election violated professional ethics rules barring reckless, knowing or intentional misrepresentations by attorneys, according to documents posted by Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel.

Well there's a qualifying condition for idiots like yourself.
An idiot like myself? Anytime you'd like to lock horns and test whether you are more intelligent or educated than me just let me know.

In reality, she's not that hot at all. It's all hair dye and makeup.
Moron, being hot is a state of inner radiation, of being, not solely just a state of looking. I bet we could dump 50 pounds of hair dye and makeup on you and you still couldn't so much as get a twitch out of any guy's meat whistle.

There is no prohibition in the Commandments against gay sex, abortion, or bigotry
REALLY dumbass? You think the Bible condones and has nothing to say about homosexuality, abortion and bigotry??? Wow.
Well, that is an important issue to me. It has been my personal, anecdotal experience that what I'm seeing the real life is getting closer and closer to what I see here. Example:

We just moved to a new state for retirement, and I was in the DMV yesterday. The lady asked me my "political affiliation". I said, "is unaffiliated a choice?", and she said yes and entered that.

Then I made the mistake of joking, "unaffiliated and cranky", and holy shit, off she went. Her voice just above a whisper, she was telling how Biden's doing to do this and that, and that it's communist and "pure evil". I don't even remember the details, since I was trying so hard to watch my facial expressions.

I don't think I would have found myself in that situation a few years ago. That really concerns me.
I know that I would've told that Bitch where to get off. Homey don't play dat.
The Lincoln Project and CNN.
Anytime you'd like to lock horns and test whether you are more intelligent or educated than me just let me know.
All we can go on are your posts here at USMB. And they are not posts from a smart person. Example: you're not smart enough to know that Fox and their prime time anchors have been lying to you for years.
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All we can go on are your posts her at USMB. And they are not posts from a smart person.

You're outta luck, Synthy. It TAKES brains to RECOGNIZE brains. But anytime you want to prove you're smarter than me, just let me know, I'll fix you right up.

Example: you're not smart enough to know that Fox and their prime time anchors have been lying to you for years.
You are apparently too dim to remember the many times I've stated that I haven't gotten nor watched Fox in about eight years, but still brainwashed enough to think that none of the other outlets who spoon-feed you BS are lying to you FAR MORE.
This is exactly what I mean. You're not smart enough, or educated enough to know that the bible says nothing against abortion, and in fact commands abortion in at least one verse.

Ever hear of THOU SHALL NOT KILL, jackass?! Geez, you just flunked the idiot course and here I thought you'd make it to at least MORON.
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You're outta luck, Synthy. It TAKES brains to RECOGNIZE brains. But anytime you want to prove you're smarter than me, just let me know, I'll fix you right up.

You are apparently too dim to remember the many times I've stated that I haven't gotten nor watched Fox in about eight years, but still brainwashed enough to think that none of the other outlets who spoon-feed you BS are lying to you FAR MORE.
Whichever wingnut station or media you consume - Fox, Newsmax, OANN, Brietbart, Gateway Pundit - it doesn't matter. You're still not smart enough to know that they have been lying to you for years. Example: you STILL think Trump won in 2020. Only a stupid person still believes that.

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