The chickens are coming home to roost for Trump enablers

Trump wants to be putin but this isn't russia yet. There's too many institutions that aint completely ruled over by people like Trump and his fucked up base. I pray he'll be convicted and sent to prison soon.
”I’m a faggot therefore I hate anyone that doesn’t pretend faggotry is AWESOME!”
God makes it very clear in Exodus that a fetus is property and does not hold the same value as a woman in His eyes. Jesus' religion of Judaism doesn't agree with you either, and abortions are legal and free in Israel.

You're not smart. And you're ignorant about Christianity, and you certainly don't follow the teaching of Jesus.

You can't do research without sources to get the information that you base your research on. Are they experts in the field, or media personalities like Tucker Carlson or Christopher Rufo?

Yet you're not smart enough to see through the lies of Trump and his minions who have told you multiple lies that have been proven wrong.

What makes them facts? You weren't in the elections office in Arizona. Neither was Pillow Man Mike Lindell. So you are relying on "facts" as told to you. Again, by whom? Were they experts in the field of elections?

Link? I doubt you have one.

Lol! When you bail out of a debate on a debate forum I'm pretty certain you have lost the argument.

You retard.

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It's Friday, Mr. 'I am smart'.

May as well start listing the sanctions, disbarments, and other assorted humiliations and career-ending for those who abused the public's trust and/or violated ethics or laws.

Ex-Trump attorney admits statements about 2020 election were false and is censured by judge​

Jenna Ellis was censured by a disciplinary judge in Colorado Wednesday, in the latest effort to hold accountable attorneys who boosted former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election reversal gambits.

Ellis signed a stipulation stating that several comments she made about the 2020 election violated professional ethics rules barring reckless, knowing or intentional misrepresentations by attorneys, according to documents posted by Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel.

Uh OH !!!!!

They admitted they lied about election fraud !!!

Funny how all these republicans are admitting there was no election fraud when they are under oath or looking at their personal/private messages.
That’s fine, hold them accountable, but, let’s not stop there, because lies are told on both sides, and they need to be held accountable for their lies as well.

Now, I know you will follow up with “well, the left didn’t tell “the big lie, and put people in danger, and try to overthrow democracy”. It doesn’t matter, if you are going to hold one side accountable for lying, you need to hold the other side accountable too. You don’t get to decide what level of lie is worthy of consequence.

Unless of course, your goal here isn’t really honesty, and is really just about getting rid of the competition.
Of course anybody caught lying should be held accountable. Why are you saying that isn’t the case?
Whichever wingnut station or media you consume - Fox, Newsmax, OANN, Brietbart, Gateway Pundit - it doesn't matter. You're still not smart enough to know that they have been lying to you for years. Example: you STILL think Trump won in 2020. Only a stupid person still believes that.
OAN is head and shoulders above any other network. Gotta get the truth somewhere. You ain't gonna get the truth from CNN.
May as well start listing the sanctions, disbarments, and other assorted humiliations and career-ending for those who abused the public's trust and/or violated ethics or laws.

Ex-Trump attorney admits statements about 2020 election were false and is censured by judge​

Jenna Ellis was censured by a disciplinary judge in Colorado Wednesday, in the latest effort to hold accountable attorneys who boosted former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election reversal gambits.

Ellis signed a stipulation stating that several comments she made about the 2020 election violated professional ethics rules barring reckless, knowing or intentional misrepresentations by attorneys, according to documents posted by Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel.

You go fascist!!
Uh OH !!!!!

They admitted they lied about election fraud !!!

Funny how all these republicans are admitting there was no election fraud when they are under oath or looking at their personal/private messages.
Do you realize those people are changing no ones minds? People have made up their minds one way or the other. Funny how the Left keeps bringing it up.
Galaxy Brain toobfreak thinks she's credible.
Wow, you just keep trolling me like a puppy wanting a bone. Must have really gotten to you.

Even though her source for the "election theft" is a woman who said that the wind told her Trump actually won.
Actually, I was pretty disappointed by her and Rudy from that day they came out talking shit like they had the goods sewn tight big time and were going to rock the world---

---and then laid an egg and had NOTHING. At least nothing they could hang out in a court and make it STICK.

It put a bad light on all of the other mountains and mountains of irreconcilable discrepancies and illegalities calling into question legions of votes that had things been done by the LETTER OF THE LAW as should be REQUIRED, would have certainly swung several states and the election in Trump's favor without a doubt.

You watch now, another election will come along soon where similar lapses in policing the election proceedings to the letter of state law will happen, this time swinging the favor into the court of some republican (maybe Trump) and now the left will squeal, kick, stomp and fight (even riot, maim and murder) demanding their way pouting and pounding their fists blue in the face until they get their way that every law be followed verbatim until the republican LOSES--- the exact OPPOSITE of everything they claimed, said and wanted these past two years when THAT worked in their favor.

Which is why the DNC and left SUCK so badly and I cannot ever respect or take them seriously--- their position on everything changes with the wind just so long, like little children, they come out ahead getting their way.
Conservatives need to stop lying about the 2020 election being ‘stolen.’

Only ones doing THAT are the RINOS of the GOP who keep kowtowing to the lying left.

The rest of us take serious the Time Magazine article where Molly Ball gleefully named and detailed step by step how they systematically spent a year planning to steal the election to save the world from Trump because he kept telling people they were GOING TO STEAL IT!

Now you fucking liars try to deny it. Boy, you really "SAVED" us, didn't you, pimplebrain?

Do you realize those people are changing no ones minds? People have made up their minds one way or the other. Funny how the Left keeps bringing it up.
translation ;
you and other trash will think whatever you are told to think by conservative media
In the Dominion lawsuit the court will released text messages within the Fox organization. Fox is in crisis mode because for one thing they predicted Trumps loss in Georgia which did not go over well with their core base of viewers. There were even text messages where Tucker says he hates Trump and is glad to be rid of him. Oh well Tucker is wrong again and Trump is still around. This is hilarious.

This might explain why they are given Tucker a free pass in reporting more outrageous stores. The latest that the J6 riot was peaceful based on select videos showing them walking to the Capitol building. He got the attention of white supremacist groups who applauded him for reporting on the Replacement theory.

I guess FOX has a problem with keeping the republican watching their network and competing with all the right wing sites that reports anything that floats.

Tucker has been given the green light.

Fake News, well republicans love it when it goes their way but cry foul when it doesn't

Carlson, one of Fox News' top hosts, made it clear on Jan. 4, 2021, that he was getting fed up with Trump. In a text exchange with an unknown person, Carlson said: "We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait."

"I hate him passionately. I blew up at Peter Navarro today in frustration," he added, referring to the former Trump administration official. "I actually like Peter. But I can't handle much more of this."

He wrote in another text message: "That's the last four years. We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn't really an upside to Trump."

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