The chickens are coming home to roost for Trump enablers

Or maybe just have better things to do with my life on a Saturday night.

Typo. Talking to you just feels like it has gone into the next day.

But to answer your only legit question quickly, the best place to get info is from the actual first hand experts in the related fields, not from CNN, Shaun Hannity or whomever.

You wrote the post on FRIDAY (Synthaholic beat me to the punch on that one).

And how the hell can it by a "typo"? The only common part that Saturday and Friday have is the last 3 letters. If you can't differentiate what day it is, then you're not very smart. Hell, I'm retired and every day is pretty much like the other (I wake up, work around the house, go into town if needed, and figure out what I want to do next) and what day of the week it is doesn't matter much to me because I don't have to be somewhere for work, but even so, I STILL know what day it is.

Maybe you should buy yourself a digital watch with the days of the week on it...............just sayin'.
May as well start listing the sanctions, disbarments, and other assorted humiliations and career-ending for those who abused the public's trust and/or violated ethics or laws.

Ex-Trump attorney admits statements about 2020 election were false and is censured by judge​

Jenna Ellis was censured by a disciplinary judge in Colorado Wednesday, in the latest effort to hold accountable attorneys who boosted former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election reversal gambits.

Ellis signed a stipulation stating that several comments she made about the 2020 election violated professional ethics rules barring reckless, knowing or intentional misrepresentations by attorneys, according to documents posted by Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel.

Sounds like a very politically improper effort to punish folks with whom leftards happen to disagree.

I’m sure a hypocrite like Syndi approves of that.
You wrote the post on FRIDAY And how the hell can it by a "typo"?

Real easy, bone brain. You never had a day that felt like a Monday to you, or a Friday or a Sunday? All day today for some reason, I've kept catching myself thinking it was a Saturday or thinking that tomorrow was Sunday, then remembering that it was still Friday instead.

THAT'S how.

Or are you that fucking perfect?
Well, that is an important issue to me. It has been my personal, anecdotal experience that what I'm seeing the real life is getting closer and closer to what I see here. Example:

We just moved to a new state for retirement, and I was in the DMV yesterday. The lady asked me my "political affiliation". I said, "is unaffiliated a choice?", and she said yes and entered that.

Then I made the mistake of joking, "unaffiliated and cranky", and holy shit, off she went. Her voice just above a whisper, she was telling how Biden's doing to do this and that, and that it's communist and "pure evil". I don't even remember the details, since I was trying so hard to watch my facial expressions.

I don't think I would have found myself in that situation a few years ago. That really concerns me.

Politics is getting more and more aggressive. People are upset with the state of things. The problem is that it doesn’t seem like anyone is trying to build any bridges, rather they are treating them down.
Real easy, bone brain. You never had a day that felt like a Monday to you, or a Friday or a Sunday? All day today for some reason, I've kept catching myself thinking it was a Saturday or thinking that tomorrow was Sunday, then remembering that it was still Friday instead.

THAT'S how.

Or are you that fucking perfect?

No, not perfect, just able to know what day of the week it is, and have always been able to know what day of the week it was, even when faced with the boring day to day routine of spending weeks at a time out at sea. Like I said, if that's too much for your feeble mind to handle, maybe you should think about investing in a digital watch that tells you the day and date so you don't look stupid in the future.

Shit.....................I've been retired from the Navy for over 20 years, and my days have been my own without having to answer to anyone else, or even acknowledge what day of the week it is, and even now, I'm still able to understand what day I'm living in. You've stated repeatedly how smart you are in this and other threads, but I'm starting to wonder if you really are as smart as you claim if you can't understand what day of the week it is. (And by the way.............your "typo" claim was weak sauce at best).
Of course I can prove they are lies. As soon as you make claims you can’t prove and call them facts… That’s you lying.
How can you prove it? By citing corrupt courts, politicians, and media? You can't prove shit.
My proof is in the fact that you claim things are true that you can’t prove to be true. That proves you are lying
You cannot prove a thing without an evidentiary hearing. When evidence is allowed to be presented let me know.
Wrong, you prove that you’re lying when you claim something is true and then fail to prove it. That’s makes it a lie. Don’t need a hearing for that
If their media proves it to them, that's all they need. They don't need to prove anything in court, because the courts are all corrupt.

What a tidy little mindset they have, huh?

Former trump Attorney Admits Statements About 2020 Election Were False and is Censured by Judge

The vast majority of the American population knew trump’s reputation as a pathetic liar that his claims of election fraud were all bullsh!t. Rupert Murdoch knew trump was lying as well as the entire staff at FOX Noise. Only the devoted trump cult members believe their beloved leader’s endless lies. Due to the blind devotion of trump’s cultists, loyalists like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert,‭ ‬and the like,‭ ‬continue to propagate trump’s many falsehoods for no other reason than political expedience.

Former trump attorney Jenna Ellis is the first of trump’s legal team to feel the sting of accountability. “Ellis signed a stipulation stating that several comments she made about the 2020 election violated professional ethics rules barring reckless, knowing or intentional misrepresentations by attorneys, according to documents posted by Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel. As part of the stipulation, Ellis agrees to pay $224.”

“Among the false statements highlighted in the stipulation were comments by Ellis on social media and in TV appearances claiming that the Trump campaign had evidence the election was ‘stolen.’”

“‘The public censure in this matter reinforces that even if engaged in political speech, there is a line attorneys cannot cross, particularly when they are speaking in a representative capacity,’ Jessica Yates, attorney regulation counsel for the Colorado Supreme Court, said in a statement.”

Sadly, there is no code of ethics for U.S. politicians, they lie at will. These lies are preferred by their voters rather than the many uncomfortable truths that end political campaigns before they begin for both Democrats and Republicans.


Former trump Attorney Admits Statements About 2020 Election Were False and is Censured by Judge

The vast majority of the American population knew trump’s reputation as a pathetic liar that his claims of election fraud were all bullsh!t. Rupert Murdoch knew trump was lying as well as the entire staff at FOX Noise. Only the devoted trump cult members believe their beloved leader’s endless lies. Due to the blind devotion of trump’s cultists, loyalists like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert,‭ ‬and the like,‭ ‬continue to propagate trump’s many falsehoods for no other reason than political expedience.

Former trump attorney Jenna Ellis is the first of trump’s legal team to feel the sting of accountability. “Ellis signed a stipulation stating that several comments she made about the 2020 election violated professional ethics rules barring reckless, knowing or intentional misrepresentations by attorneys, according to documents posted by Colorado’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel. As part of the stipulation, Ellis agrees to pay $224.”

“Among the false statements highlighted in the stipulation were comments by Ellis on social media and in TV appearances claiming that the Trump campaign had evidence the election was ‘stolen.’”

“‘The public censure in this matter reinforces that even if engaged in political speech, there is a line attorneys cannot cross, particularly when they are speaking in a representative capacity,’ Jessica Yates, attorney regulation counsel for the Colorado Supreme Court, said in a statement.”

Sadly, there is no code of ethics for U.S. politicians, they lie at will. These lies are preferred by their voters rather than the many uncomfortable truths that end political campaigns before they begin for both Democrats and Republicans.


And we all know that CNN is taking their last breath of air before they go down.

Translation: "We'll say anything, no matter how ridiculous a lie it is, to try and stop the hemorrhaging."

Look, it's all pretty much out now. This has been a long con, since the day Trump screamed "the only way I lose is if it's rigged", with zero (0) evidence.

The Trumpsters have told us that they don't care that they've been lied to. They're too invested in this, emotionally, personally, culturally, to turn back now.

This is pro wrestling, and they're just going to run with it. As Trump himself has told them, this is their "final battle", and nothing else is going to matter.
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Yeah and Biden got 88 million votes campaigning from his basement....You'll gladly swallow that steaming pile won't you?
Actually, by the time the investigations into the "massive" voter fraud (that didn't happen) were complete, it looks like he actually got more votes. There were quite a few Republicans caught committing voter fraud.
So you gotta add those to Biden's total.

A bigly win. :)
LOL, so she lied about having evidence of election fraud, and the left is trying to spin that into proof election fraud didn't happen...
Curious how many fines had to be paid over lies about Russia collusion, or COVID?

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