The chickens are coming home to roost for Trump enablers

Ever hear of THOU SHALL NOT KILL, jackass?! Geez, you just flunked the idiot course and here I thought you'd make it to at least MORON.
God makes it very clear in Exodus that a fetus is property and does not hold the same value as a woman in His eyes. Jesus' religion of Judaism doesn't agree with you either, and abortions are legal and free in Israel.

You're not smart. And you're ignorant about Christianity, and you certainly don't follow the teaching of Jesus.
Whichever wingnut station or media you consume - Fox, Newsmax, OANN, Brietbart, Gateway Pundit - it doesn't matter.
None of the above. I don't consume news, I do my own research and observations. Any news I take serious I do mainly because their conclusions closely ally to and thus confirm my own drawn facts.

You're still not smart enough to know that they have been lying to you for years.
No, I'm just way smarter, smart enough to KNOW when I'm being lied to, exaggerated, and can see THROUGH the lies to the salient facts and motivations. You're WAY over your head, Ace.

Example: you STILL think Trump won in 2020. Only a stupid person still believes that.
Wrong again. I have a massive mountain and preponderance of FACTS which are highly irregular and virtually IMPOSSIBLE to explain without excepting the BIG STEAL which was ADMITTED TO in print right in Time Magazine, naming all of these perps as in on it. Are you calling Time Magazine and Molly Ball and all of these people and organizations LIARS after they BRAGGED about stealing the election?

Time Shadow Election Commission.png
God makes it very clear in Exodus that a fetus is property and does not hold the same value as a woman in His eyes. Jesus' religion of Judaism doesn't agree with you either, and abortions are legal and free in Israel.

You're not smart. And you're ignorant about Christianity, and you certainly don't follow the teaching of Jesus.

WHAT 'EV, Ace. You think what you want. Life is too short to argue with dim bulbs.
I do my own research and observations.
You can't do research without sources to get the information that you base your research on. Are they experts in the field, or media personalities like Tucker Carlson or Christopher Rufo?
smart enough to KNOW when I'm being lied to, exaggerated, and can see THROUGH the lies to the salient facts and motivations.
Yet you're not smart enough to see through the lies of Trump and his minions who have told you multiple lies that have been proven wrong.

Wrong again. I have a massive mountain and preponderance of FACTS which are highly irregular and virtually IMPOSSIBLE to explain without excepting the BIG STEAL
What makes them facts? You weren't in the elections office in Arizona. Neither was Pillow Man Mike Lindell. So you are relying on "facts" as told to you. Again, by whom? Were they experts in the field of elections?
Are you calling Time Magazine and Molly Ball and all of these people and organizations LIARS after they BRAGGED about stealing the election?
Link? I doubt you have one.

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