"The Children are fine" Child Protective worker. They were dead.

I think many people consider their taxes as the "charity" they are paying to take care of these issues. Certainly the lefter leaning side of the spectrum trends that direction. People dont get involved because they assume the government is taking care of it.

The church can not remove children from a situation of abuse.
The church can not remove children from a situation of abuse.
Yeah, you said that before and I acknowledged it. What else do you want me to do? I also said government had a role, im not sure what else I can say to you.

Here. You are right. Whatever your take is it's the correct one and we should do that and regardless of what it is I agree with you. Is that better?
Yeah, you said that before and I acknowledged it. What else do you want me to do? I also said government had a role, im not sure what else I can say to you.

It's not about you. (or me), we can not do it either.
Part of the reason that Florida's child protective services is so poor is because of the transient population.
Why is it the tax payer's responsibility to take care of Odette's children? Why isn't it her responsibility?
What are the odds of a "societal understanding" when everything these days is broken down along party lines?

You recently started a thread about teacher shortages, I could easily start one about the same for nurses. If we cannot get enough people to fill the slots now, where will we find them to fill the needs for orphanages?

It would have to be exceedingly well structured and be well paid positions.

Since that won't happen, the OP scenario will continue to happen. That's it.
I think you are crazy. People will not vote to pay more taxes to have mental asylums or orphanages. These people you think will vote for that are the same ones that vote against every tax hike to pay for our current schools.

Oh. I bet people in San Francisco would vote for mental institutions at this point. Rather than have to step over needles and poop on the street every day.
I think you are crazy. People will not vote to pay more taxes to have mental asylums or orphanages. These people you think will vote for that are the same ones that vote against every tax hike to pay for our current schools.
People wont and shouldnt vote for our politicians to spend more money on anything. We spend plenty already. What they should and might vote for is people who will prioritize our problems and spend the money better. I know that's a pipe dream but outside that happening Im not sure how we fix our problems.
It's society's responsibility. It isnt The Lord of the Flies out there. That's not to say our welfare system is structured the way it should be but the answer isnt fuck everyone.
The Moon Bats sure as hell don't think that it is their responsibility to protect the lives of children when it comes to killing them for a birth control method, do they?

However, once they are put on welfare then the stupid Moon Bats think it is the responsibility of the taxpayers to provide their welfare the rest of the children's lives, don't they?
How we reverse this is the question, and I am not sure it can be. We are just to divided along party lines to help those that need our support the most
No one in this thread has mentioned that the whole entire responsibility belongs with the parents. No one else.
Soooo, pro life until born then too bad? Things that make you go hmmmmmm. And yet we do little to promote contraception. This situation is only going to get exponentially worse.
Soooo, pro life until born then too bad? Things that make you go hmmmmmm. And yet we do little to promote contraception. This situation is only going to get exponentially worse.
We have a very extensive welfare program. Could it be better? Sure, but poor people in the US have cell phones, food, clean water, housing, tv's, cable, internet, etc.

As far as contraception goes, what do you want the US/State/Local Government to do? There is free contraception available for free whether that's some form of "the pill" or condoms to anyone who cant afford them and I think condoms even for people who can.
Great, so we have declared that tax payers have no skin the game. So from now on I will argue they just need to shut up.
Lol kid you are hilarious. Way to twist things. To bad the only reason you started this thread was to try and make a political statement and not because you actually cared about children.
But for a clown you are funny
Not to the extent they once were due to the government taking over that role in large part.
The Charitable Choice Act under Clinton (we know this as the Faith Based Initiative) which created a partnership. The charities receive most of their funding through tax dollars at the Federal, State and local level and are able to pick and choose who it is that they want to work with. If you are wanting to give your child up for adoption then they are still available. There are faith based foster care agencies, faith based service providers (therapists, etc.) and faith based treatment centers.

Can you take the children out of an orphanage and put them on a train and send them out west? No. But, they are a vital part of social services. In order for me to get things, I was heavily reliant on them. They have this set up called the Care Portal. You put the request in for services or household items or stuff for foster care kids and all these churches in that county look at the list and figure out if they can do it. There are churches that put together these workshops that usually last for 2-3 days and focus on TBRI. Trying to find TBRI therapists are a nightmare where I am at. The waiting list to get kids or foster parents in is unreal. What they do is take as much information that explains WHY some kids do what they do and how to work with them. One would think that with trauma as THE gateway drug that this would be everywhere but no.....
They are a VITAL partner.
If you want to "make a difference" then stop asking for information from a CEO of a shelter that worked in administration that wants to stand around and talk about how someone isn't doing their job. That individual never worked in the field. The number one question that people need to ask is what prohibits workers from entering case notes immediately after an investigation? What is the workload?
What is anyone supposed to do?

The caretakers are exhausted and burned out. Nurses. Doctors, Cops, teachers, social workers, etc. The needs are profound and the people willing to go where the needs are diminish seemingly by the day.

This is unsustainable. I don't know where we go from here tbh.
Cash payments for sterilization, and probably contraceptives in the water supply.
As I stated previously: the needs are so profound we really need institutions back. Mental hospitals, live in. And also, yes, orphanages. Lots and lots of oversight of course with exceedingly well paid positions. The cost savings in the end will pay for itself. Bring some of these children up in good orphanages will save money in the prison pipelines.

I know it sounds harsh; downright Gothic. But go cruise through some of the neighborhoods these children are apparently being "raised" in.
Couldn't cost more than a couple trillion dollars.

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