"The Children are fine" Child Protective worker. They were dead.

I had already addressed this many times.
So you have no answer to your lack of participation and to your saying that I felt you were supposed to solve it by yourself which we both know was a lie.
Why even continue trying to carry on?
So many angles here. I am NOT just picking on Florida as there are problems everywhere but Florida does seem to have more than their share of these kinds of problems.

It seems to me that if DeSantis was truly pro-life this would be something at the top of his list to address.

Will anyone be held accountable? Not likely.

Florida child welfare agency said the kids were doing fine. Actually, they were dead
Florida privatized their child welfare over 20 years ago so that all of this became some other person's problem. The woman that falsified the records will likely be prosecuted and fired.

If there is an available parent then that is where the kids should have gone. It could have been impossible due to some issues that the father has (criminal history, mental health, physical health). The mother clearly has mental health issues.
Come up with other solutions. I'll listen.
Yeah. That's the rub isnt it? I want to say charities, the "church", local communities, but those come with their own sets of problems. I dont know that there is a "good" solution to this problem. I will say that the closer to the problem the solution exists the better. So if government is involved (and it likely will be) the lowest level of government we can have fixing the issue the better.
Republicans realize that demographics is putting them in the minority. It's a population inevitability.
So they invoked a strategy to gerrymander control, and to stoke fear. Plus they intentionally sabotage the workings of government, to show the people that government doesn't work.
In other words you have nothing. These problems have existed since the 1950's It's what gave birth to the war on poverty and the great society. The idea that it's just the Republicans fault is laughable. The redistricting you're talking about happened in 2010. What happened the 60 years prior to that? And you think the Republicans are the only ones who redistrict states in their favor? LOL Wow tell me another one.
Lefties blame the pro-life Governor of Florida for the deaths of three kids in Miami at the hands of a mother who had a history of domestic abuse. Yeah right, I'm sure DeSantis had a hand in it.
So many angles here. I am NOT just picking on Florida as there are problems everywhere but Florida does seem to have more than their share of these kinds of problems.

It seems to me that if DeSantis was truly pro-life this would be something at the top of his list to address.

Will anyone be held accountable? Not likely.

Florida child welfare agency said the kids were doing fine. Actually, they were dead
Misleading headline. Actually, the report was filed later. It referenced the date of the last visit when the kids were still alive.

The delayed entry of the computerized record of the visit isn’t the same as the filing of a false report. The system obviously is broken. Not just in Florida. In many states. But that doesn’t excuse a misleading headline.
Lefties blame the pro-life Governor of Florida for the deaths of three kids in Miami at the hands of a mother who had a history of domestic abuse. Yeah right, I'm sure DeSantis had a hand in it.
It was privatized--like Texas- and the assumption is that it is still run by the State.
Misleading headline. Actually, the report was filed later. It referenced the date of the last visit when the kids were still alive.

The delayed entry of the computerized record of the visit isn’t the same as the filing of a false report. The system obviously is broken. Not just in Florida. In many states. But that doesn’t excuse a misleading headline.
It's an intentionally misleading article all the way through. Most people aren't going to know that.
So you have no answer to your lack of participation and to your saying that I felt you were supposed to solve it by yourself which we both know was a lie.
Why even continue trying to carry on?

Nothing I do will do anything to solve this problem.
Florida privatized their child welfare over 20 years ago so that all of this became some other person's problem. The woman that falsified the records will likely be prosecuted and fired.

If there is an available parent then that is where the kids should have gone. It could have been impossible due to some issues that the father has (criminal history, mental health, physical health). The mother clearly has mental health issues.

Nothing will happen to the employee. Nothing.
Yeah. That's the rub isnt it? I want to say charities, the "church", local communities, but those come with their own sets of problems. I dont know that there is a "good" solution to this problem. I will say that the closer to the problem the solution exists the better. So if government is involved (and it likely will be) the lowest level of government we can have fixing the issue the better.

The church nor charities can take kids from bad parents.
Misleading headline. Actually, the report was filed later. It referenced the date of the last visit when the kids were still alive.

The delayed entry of the computerized record of the visit isn’t the same as the filing of a false report. The system obviously is broken. Not just in Florida. In many states. But that doesn’t excuse a misleading headline.

It's not clear when the last visit was.
Nothing I do will do anything to solve this problem.
I see so it is better to expect others to help instead of use an hour a week out of your life to maybe help someone.
Good on you. More people should be like you then we could all sit around on the internet complaining. Imagine how great things would be
The church nor charities can take kids from bad parents.
No they can’t but they CAN provide the needed services that hopefully preempts that and likely better services for less money. I said the government would need to be involved in some way.
No they can’t but they CAN provide the needed services that hopefully preempts that and likely better services for less money. I said the government would need to be involved in some way.
They would be paying for it. That's how that works. The "charities" are already involved.

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