The CHIPS act - delivering $52B in subsidies to the massively profitable semiconductor industry - has passed Congress after being bloated out to $280B

Shut up and answer the question-- The question is: do YOU want manufacturing in this country again?
I already implied that, knuckledragger. Stop shadowing my posts and trolling me. It's getting tiresome. You're late to the conversation.

The CHIPS Act is a step in the right direction. It's what will be necessary if you ever want to see a semblance of production in this country again.
How much climate change pork is in this bullshit bill.

Hey, why didn’t we spend this money on working class families?
No he's not.
Trump would've met with chip manufacturer CEO's in person to assess their capabilities and needs.
I don't remember Bi-Dung doing this.
Trump wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
The only things he's met with are hookers, Russians, and insurrectionists.
I already implied that, knuckledragger.
Not to ME, spittoonhead!

Stop shadowing my posts and trolling me.
Can't help it, we both belong to the same forum, but you are free to leave anytime you want. BTW, Rectal Polyp, asking a person a thread-related question isn't "trolling," its called DISCUSSION, something you're obviously incapable of, but I understand what a taxation it is on your brain to have to actually think and try to reply to questions.

It's getting tiresome.
Let us know when breathing gets tiresome for ya.

You're late to the conversation.
I'm sorry, did I miss a bell?

The CHIPS Act is a step in the right direction. It's what will be necessary if you ever want to see a semblance of production in this country again.
So in other words, you SUPPORT Trump's policy of bringing manufacturing back to this country! Despite fighting it five years ago when Trump started it, Joe Biden and his Demoshits have finally been forced into conceding that Trump was right and that China is no friend, at least until the midterms are over.

Nothing gets a Democrat off their ass moving like a big election coming up they are likely to get their asses handed to them in!
Trump wouldn't know a policy position if it stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
Aides in Obumma's WH used to say never to come between Barry and his Big Mac, especially when he had the major munchies from huffing his choom!

See the source image

He ran out of ketchup once for his fries and sent Michelle after the poor kid to kick his ass!

The only things he's met with are hookers, Russians, and insurrectionists.
I bet Joe Diaper set him up with a LOT russian hookers! Care of Hunter, his crackhead son who's a national security risk.
I have a lot of sympathy for the concrete amendments proposed to this bill by Bernie Sanders (overwhelmingly dismissed by the DNC and Republicans) and especially his criticisms of Intel and corporate American policy.

Bernie opposed allowing corporations that receive “CHIP” subsidy money from remunerating executives with more stock options, which is often abused. In particular he wants to restrict “stock buy-backs” that fatten the “market value” of stocks and CEO’s “stock options” — instead of reinvesting profits in research and development.

The alternative “realist” view that this bipartisan legislation was nevertheless absolutely necessary … is discussed in the following rather interesting article that appeared in a leftist newspaper: Sanders battles corporate welfare subsidizing of semiconductor firms
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All they had to do is just like what was done to foreign cars - a certain percentage must be made in the US.

But you can’t pay off your buddies that way.

That is China being paid off after making Joe Potatohead rich and by releasing a bio weapon to create a pandemic to destroy Trump's great economy. Also, allowing the Democrats to use the pandemic as a front to steal the election with the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat swing districts.

Now the Chicom get our money. Reminds you of Solyndra, doesn't it?
In particular he wants to restrict “stock buy-backs” that fatten the “market value” of stocks and CEO’s “stock options”

He doesn't want the owners of the company to have a higher market value?

instead of reinvesting profits in research and development.

You know, if they do too much reinvesting, they won't pay much in taxes.
Reinvesting in research and development is exactly what we should be encouraging corporations to do. We used to encourage and praise this.

Of course sometimes today important research projects are carried out in public and private tax-subsidized universities, but profitable discoveries are still monopolized by corporations who keep the intellectual property rights.

The general system of U.S. capitalism encourages big business to concentrate on short-term quarter-to-quarter profit making. It most infamously rewards executives for increasing stock values artificially, by using the company’s profits to buy back its own stocks (this used to be illegal) — thereby inflating the value of the remaining stocks in circulation and the value of executive stock options. This is a disgrace, part of the “financialization” of our whole economy.
That is China being paid off after making Joe Potatohead rich and by releasing a bio weapon to create a pandemic to destroy Trump's great economy. Also, allowing the Democrats to use the pandemic as a front to steal the election with the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat swing districts.

Now the Chicom get our money. Reminds you of Solyndra, doesn't it?
there aint no evidence of mail in fraud.
The coronavirus was a gobal event, if they were out to get Trump, then they were out to get the world.
And the loss on solyndra was recovered.
Reinvesting in research and development is exactly what we should be encouraging corporations to do. We used to encourage and praise this.

Of course sometimes today important research projects are carried out in public and private tax-subsidized universities, but profitable discoveries are still monopolized by corporations who keep the intellectual property rights.

The general system of U.S. capitalism encourages big business to concentrate on short-term quarter-to-quarter profit making. It most infamously rewards executives for increasing stock values artificially, by using the company’s profits to buy back its own stocks (this used to be illegal) — thereby inflating the value of the remaining stocks in circulation and the value of executive stock options. This is a disgrace, part of the “financialization” of our whole economy.

Reinvesting in research and development is exactly what we should be encouraging corporations to do. We used to encourage and praise this.

Now when they do it, Warren and Sanders whine that they made a profit and paid no taxes.

It most infamously rewards executives for increasing stock values artificially, by using the company’s profits to buy back its own stocks

What's artificial about it? They bought stock, the value increased. That's a feature, not a bug.

thereby inflating the value of the remaining stocks in circulation and the value of executive stock options.

I hate it when the value of my shares increases.
“I hate it when the value of my shares increases.” — Toddsterpatriot
Don’t be coy. You love — like the big rentier financial capitalists destroying the U.S. — to profit at the expense of our nation’s real productive economy.
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Don’t be coy. You love — like the big rentier financial capitalists destroying the U.S. — to profit at the expense of our nation’s real productive economy.

A company buying its own shares back isn't destroying the economy.
My shares going up isn't destroying the economy either.

If you think it's so bad, feel free to build your own company to compete with those companies.
You'll do much better than them with all your reinvestments.
Let me know when you go public.

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