The Christian Tithe ripoff.

Christians are ripping off your tithes because they are the thief in the night that has enough gall to steal during the day.
Yes, as evidence of something I created, but maybe also as evidence of a murder committed by someone else. If I take a knife and kill someone with it, they don't accuse the creator of the knife.

Right. What you are saying here is that it is evidence, but that the determination of what it means must still be made. Exactly. In any trial or dispute there are usually at least two sides who don't agree. They usually discuss the exact same evidence and each provide expert testimony as to what it means. One side will argue this way and the other side will argue that way. In the end, the judge or jury must weight the evidence and the interpretation of the evidence and decide which side has more weight and render a judgement.

Not always, you can start out with the intention of writing a certain kind of song and then end up somewhere else. Happens often. Not the exception. Anyways, being an exception is important only in that you have to concede that this universe might be the exception as well. Check mate, brah. :D

You might want to hold up on that checkmate thingee. Sure, you started out to write a certain kind of a song and ended up writing a different kind of song. Ok, great. It was still a song though, right? You didn't start out to write a song and end up making a cell phone, right? Or a turkey dinner, right? At the end of the day you still wrote a song. You set out to write a song and you ended up writing a song. If I start out trying to create a being that knows and creates with 5 limbs for locomotion and end up with a being that knows and creates with 4 limbs for locomotion, I still ended up creating a being that knows and creates. It doesn't really matter if he has 5 limbs or 4 limbs. As it turns out nature has decided 4 limbs is the optimal number of limbs for locomotion.

I guess I really can't answer this one because I don't know how many steps it takes to build a cell phone vs a turkey dinner. But you're implying that either you know, or it's irrelevant. (a cell phone can be made in Chine at a plant in probably 5 minutes, a turkey dinner takes

Well, before a cell phone can be built, electricity must be discovered, radio waves must be discovered, the telephone must be invented, manufacturing technology must be developed, computer chips must be invented and millions of lines of complex software code must be written. To make a turkey dinner all you need is fire, a turkey and some vegetables.

Again, not always. If I'm drawing a circle, it's one step. And some things that require steps, like writing a song, can be done with the steps in different orders, like, you can write the lyrics before or after the music...

Sure, but what you have just described are still steps. But you could take it one step further, right? Before you could even write that song, you needed to learn how to learn language (i.e. how to speak), you needed to learn music (i.e. how to sing) you needed to learn how to play an instrument, etc. And if we go back to the cell phone and the turkey dinner analog the same thing applies. We see that not only are there steps to assembling each, but that a whole new set of different technologies must first be developed before you can even begin assembly steps. It is just that the number, the magnitude and the complexity is different for each (i.e. turkey dinner vs a cell phone), right?

All creation would require intelligence, I presume. But maybe not? A tomato plant makes a tomato, is it intelligent?

All naturally created things are part of creation. Ultimately each of us must decide for our self if these naturally created things were the product of an intelligent being (i.e. a being that knows and creates). What we are doing here is using our experiences as beings that know and create as a proxy. In the case of the tomato plant, you - a being that knows and creates - would have to had the intention of planting, tending and harvesting tomatoes to produce tomatoes. You would have had to use steps to do it and it would have required intelligence to do so.

No (except for drawing a circle, lol)
Maybe, but not necessarily.
Not always, ex: people paint pictures that nobody knows what they mean.
Ok, given the new information I just gave you about the enabling technologies required to create a cell phone, can you at least tell me if you believe that creating a cell requires more steps and intelligence to create than it does to create a turkey dinner?

Can you tell me what the purpose of a cell phone is?

The universe is evidence without a case yet. You have no one to legitimately point the finger at. So we’d not yet be at the trial phase.

As for creating songs, sometimes I start out writing a song and get hungry and end up making dinner (not turkey, I’m a vegetarian). So you’re still in check mate, brah.

And you also believe in evolution with your locomotion story. Not what the bible says…

With the steps, you’re saying everything is a series of steps, like to draw a circle, first two people have to have sex, carry you for 9 months, … lol. Ok, whatever, lol.

With the tomato plant, I don’t have to do anything for tomatoes to appear, they do it naturally in nature. Like the universe could naturally propagate into multi-verses without being directed, of which ours is one of them.

As for the cell vs turkey discussion, ok, I’ll say that some things are more complex than others and could require more steps. And?

The cell phone has many purposes, from talking to games to tracking people to … So what’s the cell’s primary purpose is maybe what you’d ask? Well it depends on the needs of the person. Take me, I don’t even have a cell phone.
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I never said that, in fact, didn't I say that there's evidence for re-incarnation?
Ok, my bad, you are open to the possiblity that there is a next world but in your world view there is no room for a Creator. Is that a fair assessment? Also, there is no final judgement, right? In other words, whatever you do here has no consequences on being re-incarnated. Did I capture this correctly?

No, I said that it's evidence of something, but being evidence of a creator has not been proven. It could be something completely different, like that universes are self-propagating into multi-verses and have no need for a creator god. Or even something else.
Maybe even the exception to your rule.
Ok, Fair enough. What you are saying here is that it is evidence, but that the determination of what it means must still be made. I agree. In any trial or dispute there are usually at least two sides who don't agree. They usually discuss the exact same evidence and each provide expert testimony as to what it means. One side will argue this way and the other side will argue that way. In the end, the judge or jury must weight the evidence and the interpretation of the evidence and decide which side has more weight and render a judgement. Each of us must decide for ourselves what the evidence means. I could not agree more. We have just reached a very important milestone.
"you are open to the possiblity that there is a next world but in your world view there is no room for a Creator. Is that a fair assessment?" No, that's why I'm an agnostic, I also see no proof that a god isn't possible.
There could be a final judgement and/or karma might very well carry over into the next life/world. Or not. But the god of the bible, Not a chance, it's just way too made up and absurd. A god who will give you free will but then burn you in a fire forever if you don't choose Him. That's is such a con man's game that I surprised ANYONE fell for it.

As for the evidence and your trial, you have insufficient evidence to go to court and point the finger at someone. I could propose a different scenario(s) based on science that would throw a massive reasonable doubt wrench into your arguments.
They creep into your purse and wallets unawares , they masquerade as "A principle from God", because they know the people will accept that,. demons know how to deceive ; they know all they have to do is " Look like God", or appear to be the truth , or seem to be the light and what's right ; they know how to deceive and lead sheep astray, they been doing it for thousands of years.

They know how to pat Christianity on the back and rub that ego; they are powerful experts at pacifying the pride of a Christian;

they know how to milk the cow. How to make those collection buckets over flow.
Here's the bottom line. God wants you to believe in Him without scientifically verifiable proof. Now, He does prove Himself to those who believe in Him. You're willing to accept alien abductions without scientifically verifiable proof, so why do you have such a hard time accepting that millions of people over thousands of years who report the same experiences are on to something?

Any so called personal experience of God based solely on reading the bible about other people who heard from God, but without any of the attending signs reported, is merely the product of an unrestrained imagination.

They may be onto something but what they are onto is a decade long decline in mental health and intellectual acuity from which many never recover..
They experience some things you don't, so you simply say they're crazy..

No, they experience the exact same thing that I experience when I read the Bible and I am not saying they are crazy. The difference is that when I read the fantastical stories in the Bible with the dead coming out of their graves and Jesus ascending bodily into heaven etc., I use well known facts about reality as a constraint on any possible explanation for these accounts, thinking rationally the only way that leads to comprehension, while others set reality aside just believe without any understanding about what it is that they claim to believe and plunge into fantasyland according to their own unrestrained imaginations and end up hopelessly confused calling good evil and evil good..

But, then again, a person who claims to believe in God , eternal life, and eternal condemnation and proclaims to have an experience of God limited to the words in a book, and then goes about teaching others to worship a human being, which that same book condemns as evil and punishable by death, even though they have never sought proof of its truth or had a confirming personal experience of the living God in their entire life, always being dogmatic about the words and subjects that they never understood, could qualify as suicidal if not outright crazy.

If you have not made some great errors in your speculations and you are not suicidal or crazy, is your professed faith that a three in one god, that you never have seen or heard from in your entire life, diddled a virgin and became an edible mangod, a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and brazen demonstration of rebellion against he who truly is God?
Your distortion of Scripture and absolute certainty that you know better what people experience than they do leads you inevitably into error.

Nonsense. I am going by what you said that your own contact with God is limited to what you read in the bible.

If you read a book about any other living being in heaven or on earth that you have never seen or met personally, would you claim to know all about them and have a personal relationship with them?

Wouldn't that claim be pure fantasy?

If you read a book about someone else who was kicked by a mule would you go around claiming to have been kicked by a mule?


If you did, wouldn't that claim be a complete lie?

Then why do you claim to have a personal relationship with the living God even though according to your own admission he has never revealed himself to you personally; you never stood in his presence, seen his glory, or heard his words??
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Here's the bottom line. God wants you to believe in Him without scientifically verifiable proof. Now, He does prove Himself to those who believe in Him. You're willing to accept alien abductions without scientifically verifiable proof, so why do you have such a hard time accepting that millions of people over thousands of years who report the same experiences are on to something?

Any so called personal experience of God based solely on reading the bible about other people who heard from God, but without any of the attending signs reported, is merely the product of an unrestrained imagination.

They may be onto something but what they are onto is a decade long decline in mental health and intellectual acuity from which many never recover..
They experience some things you don't, so you simply say they're crazy..

No, they experience the exact same thing that I experience when I read the Bible and I am not saying they are crazy. The difference is that when I read the fantastical stories in the Bible with the dead coming out of their graves and Jesus ascending bodily into heaven etc., I use well known facts about reality as a constraint on any possible explanation for these accounts, thinking rationally the only way that leads to comprehension, while others set reality aside just believe without any understanding about what it is that they claim to believe and plunge into fantasyland according to their own unrestrained imaginations and end up hopelessly confused calling good evil and evil good..

But, then again, a person who claims to believe in God , eternal life, and eternal condemnation and proclaims to have an experience of God limited to the words in a book, and then goes about teaching others to worship a human being, which that same book condemns as evil and punishable by death, even though they have never sought proof of its truth or had a confirming personal experience of the living God in their entire life, always being dogmatic about the words and subjects that they never understood, could qualify as suicidal if not outright crazy.

If you have not made some great errors in your speculations and you are not suicidal or crazy, is your professed faith that a three in one god, that you never have seen or heard from in your entire life, diddled a virgin and became an edible mangod, a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and brazen demonstration of rebellion against he who truly is God?
Your distortion of Scripture and absolute certainty that you know better what people experience than they do leads you inevitably into error.

Nonsense. I am going by what you said that your own contact with God is limited to what you read in the bible.

If you read a book about any other living being in heaven or on earth that you have never seen or met personally, would you claim to know all about them and have a personal relationship with them?

Wouldn't that claim be pure fantasy?

If you read a book about someone else who was kicked by a mule would you go around claiming to have been kicked by a mule?


If you did, wouldn't that claim be a complete lie?

Then why do you claim to have a personal relationship with the living God even though according to your own admission he has never revealed himself to you personally; you never stood in his presence, seen his glory, or heard his words??
You are incorrect. I said that ONE of the ways God communicates with me is through His word. I also said I do not hear voices in my head. You do not understand because you have not experienced.
Any so called personal experience of God based solely on reading the bible about other people who heard from God, but without any of the attending signs reported, is merely the product of an unrestrained imagination.

They may be onto something but what they are onto is a decade long decline in mental health and intellectual acuity from which many never recover..
They experience some things you don't, so you simply say they're crazy..

No, they experience the exact same thing that I experience when I read the Bible and I am not saying they are crazy. The difference is that when I read the fantastical stories in the Bible with the dead coming out of their graves and Jesus ascending bodily into heaven etc., I use well known facts about reality as a constraint on any possible explanation for these accounts, thinking rationally the only way that leads to comprehension, while others set reality aside just believe without any understanding about what it is that they claim to believe and plunge into fantasyland according to their own unrestrained imaginations and end up hopelessly confused calling good evil and evil good..

But, then again, a person who claims to believe in God , eternal life, and eternal condemnation and proclaims to have an experience of God limited to the words in a book, and then goes about teaching others to worship a human being, which that same book condemns as evil and punishable by death, even though they have never sought proof of its truth or had a confirming personal experience of the living God in their entire life, always being dogmatic about the words and subjects that they never understood, could qualify as suicidal if not outright crazy.

If you have not made some great errors in your speculations and you are not suicidal or crazy, is your professed faith that a three in one god, that you never have seen or heard from in your entire life, diddled a virgin and became an edible mangod, a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and brazen demonstration of rebellion against he who truly is God?
Your distortion of Scripture and absolute certainty that you know better what people experience than they do leads you inevitably into error.

Nonsense. I am going by what you said that your own contact with God is limited to what you read in the bible.

If you read a book about any other living being in heaven or on earth that you have never seen or met personally, would you claim to know all about them and have a personal relationship with them?

Wouldn't that claim be pure fantasy?

If you read a book about someone else who was kicked by a mule would you go around claiming to have been kicked by a mule?


If you did, wouldn't that claim be a complete lie?

Then why do you claim to have a personal relationship with the living God even though according to your own admission he has never revealed himself to you personally; you never stood in his presence, seen his glory, or heard his words??
You are incorrect. I said that ONE of the ways God communicates with me is through His word. I also said I do not hear voices in my head. You do not understand because you have not experienced.
"His word"? You mean the ones written by men in the bible? Like god would need to communicate through a book. You guys crack me up. :lol:
You try and tell a Christian that the tithe is being used in the wrong manner , its like talking to a wall; they just don't get it! They this get this blank look on their face and you just know its nothing there.
They experience some things you don't, so you simply say they're crazy..

No, they experience the exact same thing that I experience when I read the Bible and I am not saying they are crazy. The difference is that when I read the fantastical stories in the Bible with the dead coming out of their graves and Jesus ascending bodily into heaven etc., I use well known facts about reality as a constraint on any possible explanation for these accounts, thinking rationally the only way that leads to comprehension, while others set reality aside just believe without any understanding about what it is that they claim to believe and plunge into fantasyland according to their own unrestrained imaginations and end up hopelessly confused calling good evil and evil good..

But, then again, a person who claims to believe in God , eternal life, and eternal condemnation and proclaims to have an experience of God limited to the words in a book, and then goes about teaching others to worship a human being, which that same book condemns as evil and punishable by death, even though they have never sought proof of its truth or had a confirming personal experience of the living God in their entire life, always being dogmatic about the words and subjects that they never understood, could qualify as suicidal if not outright crazy.

If you have not made some great errors in your speculations and you are not suicidal or crazy, is your professed faith that a three in one god, that you never have seen or heard from in your entire life, diddled a virgin and became an edible mangod, a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and brazen demonstration of rebellion against he who truly is God?
Your distortion of Scripture and absolute certainty that you know better what people experience than they do leads you inevitably into error.

Nonsense. I am going by what you said that your own contact with God is limited to what you read in the bible.

If you read a book about any other living being in heaven or on earth that you have never seen or met personally, would you claim to know all about them and have a personal relationship with them?

Wouldn't that claim be pure fantasy?

If you read a book about someone else who was kicked by a mule would you go around claiming to have been kicked by a mule?


If you did, wouldn't that claim be a complete lie?

Then why do you claim to have a personal relationship with the living God even though according to your own admission he has never revealed himself to you personally; you never stood in his presence, seen his glory, or heard his words??
You are incorrect. I said that ONE of the ways God communicates with me is through His word. I also said I do not hear voices in my head. You do not understand because you have not experienced.
"His word"? You mean the ones written by men in the bible? Like god would need to communicate through a book. You guys crack me up. :lol:
You have faith in far less.
You try and tell a Christian that the tithe is being used in the wrong manner , its like talking to a wall; they just don't get it! They this get this blank look on their face and you just know its nothing there.
Maybe that's because you, NOT being a Christian but being obsessed with all things Christian, have no idea what the heck you're talking about.
You try and tell a Christian that the tithe is being used in the wrong manner , its like talking to a wall; they just don't get it! They this get this blank look on their face and you just know its nothing there.
Maybe that's because you, NOT being a Christian but being obsessed with all things Christian, have no idea what the heck you're talking about.

I can see me being accused of not knowing what I am talking about ; here's a fella we all heard of describing the state of this greed in Christianity ; Rev. 3:17 , Jesus himself talking , " Because you say ,I am rich and increased with goods ; and have need of nothing , ( the obvious attitude of a prosperity ministry that has abused the tithe and offerings in the bible until now how its looked on is perverted), and you "Don't Know" you are wretched , miserable , poor , "Blind" and naked." These believers " Don't Know" and are "Blind" to how they view money in the bible ; when you try to show truth to a blind person , they look at you with a blank face.

Just look at how all the responding Christians in this thread are reacting ; they don't get any of the scriptures I show , none of the points I make ; its just not there. They really don't get this ;BECAUSE they are blind and DON'T KNOW they are unaware.

They really , really don't know. They think its something wrong with me.
You try and tell a Christian that the tithe is being used in the wrong manner , its like talking to a wall; they just don't get it! They this get this blank look on their face and you just know its nothing there.
Maybe that's because you, NOT being a Christian but being obsessed with all things Christian, have no idea what the heck you're talking about.

I can see me being accused of not knowing what I am talking about ; here's a fella we all heard of describing the state of this greed in Christianity ; Rev. 3:17 , Jesus himself talking , " Because you say ,I am rich and increased with goods ; and have need of nothing , ( the obvious attitude of a prosperity ministry that has abused the tithe and offerings in the bible until now how its looked on is perverted), and you "Don't Know" you are wretched , miserable , poor , "Blind" and naked." These believers " Don't Know" and are "Blind" to how they view money in the bible ; when you try to show truth to a blind person , they look at you with a blank face.

Just look at how all the responding Christians in this thread are reacting ; they don't get any of the scriptures I show , none of the points I make ; its just not there. They really don't get this ;BECAUSE they are blind and DON'T KNOW they are unaware.

They really , really don't know. They think its something wrong with me.
There is. You are not a Christian and you have no idea what it means to be one. You're obsessed with the tithe when it's not an issue for the Christian. All his wealth belongs to God and His use, not just 10%. You're the one stuck in the OT way of doing things.
You try and tell a Christian that the tithe is being used in the wrong manner , its like talking to a wall; they just don't get it! They this get this blank look on their face and you just know its nothing there.
Maybe that's because you, NOT being a Christian but being obsessed with all things Christian, have no idea what the heck you're talking about.

I can see me being accused of not knowing what I am talking about ; here's a fella we all heard of describing the state of this greed in Christianity ; Rev. 3:17 , Jesus himself talking , " Because you say ,I am rich and increased with goods ; and have need of nothing , ( the obvious attitude of a prosperity ministry that has abused the tithe and offerings in the bible until now how its looked on is perverted), and you "Don't Know" you are wretched , miserable , poor , "Blind" and naked." These believers " Don't Know" and are "Blind" to how they view money in the bible ; when you try to show truth to a blind person , they look at you with a blank face.

Just look at how all the responding Christians in this thread are reacting ; they don't get any of the scriptures I show , none of the points I make ; its just not there. They really don't get this ;BECAUSE they are blind and DON'T KNOW they are unaware.

They really , really don't know. They think its something wrong with me.
There is. You are not a Christian and you have no idea what it means to be one. You're obsessed with the tithe when it's not an issue for the Christian. All his wealth belongs to God and His use, not just 10%. You're the one stuck in the OT way of doing things.

I am obsessed with staying on topic of my threads , this one is about Tithes. I am obsessed with the truth . And I am obsessed with Ice Cream. So I do have obsessions; I am also obsessed with taking naps. Oh and Conan Comic books. I am not a Christian , don't want to be one ; and I know they don't have a monopoly on belief. I know you think Christianity are the only sheep, because your training is based on selfish biblical propaganda. Your mind is trained to believe Christianity is a biblical club for members only ; that your group holds a name brand on salvation. You are obsessed with Christianity in a far more sinister way , you think Christianity holds a monopoly on the calling of God. A very dangerous ego in belief , and I like exposing that ego;

I just like doing it

I got nothing better to do.
No, they experience the exact same thing that I experience when I read the Bible and I am not saying they are crazy. The difference is that when I read the fantastical stories in the Bible with the dead coming out of their graves and Jesus ascending bodily into heaven etc., I use well known facts about reality as a constraint on any possible explanation for these accounts, thinking rationally the only way that leads to comprehension, while others set reality aside just believe without any understanding about what it is that they claim to believe and plunge into fantasyland according to their own unrestrained imaginations and end up hopelessly confused calling good evil and evil good..

But, then again, a person who claims to believe in God , eternal life, and eternal condemnation and proclaims to have an experience of God limited to the words in a book, and then goes about teaching others to worship a human being, which that same book condemns as evil and punishable by death, even though they have never sought proof of its truth or had a confirming personal experience of the living God in their entire life, always being dogmatic about the words and subjects that they never understood, could qualify as suicidal if not outright crazy.

If you have not made some great errors in your speculations and you are not suicidal or crazy, is your professed faith that a three in one god, that you never have seen or heard from in your entire life, diddled a virgin and became an edible mangod, a deliberate desecration of the teachings of Jesus and brazen demonstration of rebellion against he who truly is God?
Your distortion of Scripture and absolute certainty that you know better what people experience than they do leads you inevitably into error.

Nonsense. I am going by what you said that your own contact with God is limited to what you read in the bible.

If you read a book about any other living being in heaven or on earth that you have never seen or met personally, would you claim to know all about them and have a personal relationship with them?

Wouldn't that claim be pure fantasy?

If you read a book about someone else who was kicked by a mule would you go around claiming to have been kicked by a mule?


If you did, wouldn't that claim be a complete lie?

Then why do you claim to have a personal relationship with the living God even though according to your own admission he has never revealed himself to you personally; you never stood in his presence, seen his glory, or heard his words??
You are incorrect. I said that ONE of the ways God communicates with me is through His word. I also said I do not hear voices in my head. You do not understand because you have not experienced.
"His word"? You mean the ones written by men in the bible? Like god would need to communicate through a book. You guys crack me up. :lol:
You have faith in far less.
As long as you admit that all you have is faith, it's all good.
You try and tell a Christian that the tithe is being used in the wrong manner , its like talking to a wall; they just don't get it! They this get this blank look on their face and you just know its nothing there.
Maybe that's because you, NOT being a Christian but being obsessed with all things Christian, have no idea what the heck you're talking about.

I can see me being accused of not knowing what I am talking about ; here's a fella we all heard of describing the state of this greed in Christianity ; Rev. 3:17 , Jesus himself talking , " Because you say ,I am rich and increased with goods ; and have need of nothing , ( the obvious attitude of a prosperity ministry that has abused the tithe and offerings in the bible until now how its looked on is perverted), and you "Don't Know" you are wretched , miserable , poor , "Blind" and naked." These believers " Don't Know" and are "Blind" to how they view money in the bible ; when you try to show truth to a blind person , they look at you with a blank face.

Just look at how all the responding Christians in this thread are reacting ; they don't get any of the scriptures I show , none of the points I make ; its just not there. They really don't get this ;BECAUSE they are blind and DON'T KNOW they are unaware.

They really , really don't know. They think its something wrong with me.
There is. You are not a Christian and you have no idea what it means to be one. You're obsessed with the tithe when it's not an issue for the Christian. All his wealth belongs to God and His use, not just 10%. You're the one stuck in the OT way of doing things.

I am obsessed with staying on topic of my threads , this one is about Tithes. I am obsessed with the truth . And I am obsessed with Ice Cream. So I do have obsessions; I am also obsessed with taking naps. Oh and Conan Comic books. I am not a Christian , don't want to be one ; and I know they don't have a monopoly on belief. I know you think Christianity are the only sheep, because your training is based on selfish biblical propaganda. Your mind is trained to believe Christianity is a biblical club for members only ; that your group holds a name brand on salvation. You are obsessed with Christianity in a far more sinister way , you think Christianity holds a monopoly on the calling of God. A very dangerous ego in belief , and I like exposing that ego;

I just like doing it

I got nothing better to do.
That's very sad.

Now, consider that if there really was another way for man to be reconciled to God, Jesus would never have made that sacrifice in the first place.
Your distortion of Scripture and absolute certainty that you know better what people experience than they do leads you inevitably into error.

Nonsense. I am going by what you said that your own contact with God is limited to what you read in the bible.

If you read a book about any other living being in heaven or on earth that you have never seen or met personally, would you claim to know all about them and have a personal relationship with them?

Wouldn't that claim be pure fantasy?

If you read a book about someone else who was kicked by a mule would you go around claiming to have been kicked by a mule?


If you did, wouldn't that claim be a complete lie?

Then why do you claim to have a personal relationship with the living God even though according to your own admission he has never revealed himself to you personally; you never stood in his presence, seen his glory, or heard his words??
You are incorrect. I said that ONE of the ways God communicates with me is through His word. I also said I do not hear voices in my head. You do not understand because you have not experienced.
"His word"? You mean the ones written by men in the bible? Like god would need to communicate through a book. You guys crack me up. :lol:
You have faith in far less.
As long as you admit that all you have is faith, it's all good.
I have faith and personal experience. You only have faith.
Nonsense. I am going by what you said that your own contact with God is limited to what you read in the bible.

If you read a book about any other living being in heaven or on earth that you have never seen or met personally, would you claim to know all about them and have a personal relationship with them?

Wouldn't that claim be pure fantasy?

If you read a book about someone else who was kicked by a mule would you go around claiming to have been kicked by a mule?


If you did, wouldn't that claim be a complete lie?

Then why do you claim to have a personal relationship with the living God even though according to your own admission he has never revealed himself to you personally; you never stood in his presence, seen his glory, or heard his words??
You are incorrect. I said that ONE of the ways God communicates with me is through His word. I also said I do not hear voices in my head. You do not understand because you have not experienced.
"His word"? You mean the ones written by men in the bible? Like god would need to communicate through a book. You guys crack me up. :lol:
You have faith in far less.
As long as you admit that all you have is faith, it's all good.
I have faith and personal experience. You only have faith.
Personal delusion is all you have, and faith in an invisible friend that nobody can prove.
You try and tell a Christian that the tithe is being used in the wrong manner , its like talking to a wall; they just don't get it! They this get this blank look on their face and you just know its nothing there.
Maybe that's because you, NOT being a Christian but being obsessed with all things Christian, have no idea what the heck you're talking about.

I can see me being accused of not knowing what I am talking about ; here's a fella we all heard of describing the state of this greed in Christianity ; Rev. 3:17 , Jesus himself talking , " Because you say ,I am rich and increased with goods ; and have need of nothing , ( the obvious attitude of a prosperity ministry that has abused the tithe and offerings in the bible until now how its looked on is perverted), and you "Don't Know" you are wretched , miserable , poor , "Blind" and naked." These believers " Don't Know" and are "Blind" to how they view money in the bible ; when you try to show truth to a blind person , they look at you with a blank face.

Just look at how all the responding Christians in this thread are reacting ; they don't get any of the scriptures I show , none of the points I make ; its just not there. They really don't get this ;BECAUSE they are blind and DON'T KNOW they are unaware.

They really , really don't know. They think its something wrong with me.
There is. You are not a Christian and you have no idea what it means to be one. You're obsessed with the tithe when it's not an issue for the Christian. All his wealth belongs to God and His use, not just 10%. You're the one stuck in the OT way of doing things.

I am obsessed with staying on topic of my threads , this one is about Tithes. I am obsessed with the truth . And I am obsessed with Ice Cream. So I do have obsessions; I am also obsessed with taking naps. Oh and Conan Comic books. I am not a Christian , don't want to be one ; and I know they don't have a monopoly on belief. I know you think Christianity are the only sheep, because your training is based on selfish biblical propaganda. Your mind is trained to believe Christianity is a biblical club for members only ; that your group holds a name brand on salvation. You are obsessed with Christianity in a far more sinister way , you think Christianity holds a monopoly on the calling of God. A very dangerous ego in belief , and I like exposing that ego;

I just like doing it

I got nothing better to do.
That's very sad.

Now, consider that if there really was another way for man to be reconciled to God, Jesus would never have made that sacrifice in the first place.

Christianity has not only perverted the tithe ,they have perverted the truth about salvation and reconciliation ; Christianity has literally perverted every biblical teaching they have gotten their hands on.
The universe is evidence without a case yet. You have no one to legitimately point the finger at. So we’d not yet be at the trial phase.

No. If there is a Creator, then what He created would be evidence. You have already conceded this point.

As for creating songs, sometimes I start out writing a song and get hungry and end up making dinner (not turkey, I’m a vegetarian). So you’re still in check mate, brah.

lol, so you have never created any songs. All of your songs are vegetarian dinners? Is that what you are saying. How embarrassing.

And you also believe in evolution with your locomotion story. Not what the bible says…

Sure it is. The Bible tells us there was a beginning and that God created Creation (i.e. the universe and everything in it in steps).

"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of in and this curious vacuum held potential. A story logically begins at the beginning, but this story is about the universe and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. That is, some very short time after creation in the big bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up--we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning." Leon Lederman, American experimental physicist and Nobel Laureate

And since we live in a universe where the laws of nature are such that given enough time and the right conditions, beings that know and create were pre-ordained to exist the moment that space and time came into existence.

With the steps, you’re saying everything is a series of steps, like to draw a circle, first two people have to have sex, carry you for 9 months, … lol. Ok, whatever, lol.

No. That's a really stupid analogy. Why don't you try that analogy with making a vegetarian dinner and see how you do. But yes, everything you create will require steps. That should be self evident. And the more complex the creation, the more steps and the greater the intelligence requires to do so. This is really basic stuff. I actually explained it to a 2nd grader today and she got it right away.

With the tomato plant, I don’t have to do anything for tomatoes to appear, they do it naturally in nature. Like the universe could naturally propagate into multi-verses without being directed, of which ours is one of them.

You have tomatoes growing wild in your yard? Really? That's awesome. I don't mind playing this game if you don't mind looking stupid for playing it. If this was a date, I'd be at third base getting ready to steal home plate.

As for the cell vs turkey discussion, ok, I’ll say that some things are more complex than others and could require more steps. And?

Wow! That was a surprise. I almost feel bad for making that last joke. Almost. Anyway, thanks for stating the obvious. Why did it take you that long?

The cell phone has many purposes, from talking to games to tracking people to … So what’s the cell’s primary purpose is maybe what you’d ask? Well it depends on the needs of the person. Take me, I don’t even have a cell phone.

Sure it does now, but its primary purpose is a communication device. So you are that guy? I had heard there was one guy on the planet that didn't have one. I envy you.
The Christian tithe is a mental pressure on the believer to weekly give a percentage of their income or they will not be blessed or be obedient ; it teaches the believer to give under " Compulsion" ; or pressured obligation , 2 Corinth. 9:7 speaks against this tactic.

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