The Church Of Christ is now an enemy of the state?

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Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Now in America a church can be seized for refusing to incorporate?

I wonder what they did? Do ya'll think they were making scriptural bombs or something?

Followers of Christ are now considered enemies of the state because they do not believe in the institutions of the world?

If the Church will not apply for tax exempt status they are going to be called terrorist and they will be seized by our government?

Where is the media coverage on this?

Jesus said to pay the tax, render to Ceasar what is Ceasar's. A Church abides in that which was spoken and now they are terrorist? What happened to freedom? What has happened to the number one constitutional amendment?

Dear J.A.I.L.

On 03-24-05 our church was seized by Counter Terrorism Agents, and my wife and I were arrested on criminal charges... for refusing to incorporate the church of Jesus Christ!

We've lost everything we spent our entire lives working for, have become alienated from most of our family and friends, and are currently sojourning in exile while all efforts to achieve any form of redress from the government who committed this unconstitutional sacrilege have all been ignored. ….

If you think there is a workable solution to this very complexed legal problem, we would certainly appreciate hearing any "outside the box" ideas you might have.

Peace and blessings,

William Raymond:
Paying regular taxes and refusing to incorporate as a non profit is not okay? Following Christ means one pays their taxes. The church did not file a 503c because they did not want to be bound to preaching what the state says they can't preach. Basically it comes down to the church wanted the freedom to speak out against legislation that the church disagrees with. That is not a crime!

"They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."
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