Zone1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the only true and living Church today

faith is required not proof dumbass you are soul less without faith.
There are millions of people who have many beliefs for no rational justification. When their beliefs are common we call them religious, otherwise they are likely to be called mad, psychotic or delusional.
Clearly there is sanity in numbers. Yet it is merely an accident if history that it is considered normal in our society to believe your creator can hear your thoughts whilst it is demonstrative of mental illness to believe he is communicated to you by having rain tap out Morse code on your window. Religious people are not generally mad, it's certainly is that their votes beliefs are. .

For the people who ostensibly wish me well or are worried about my immortal soul, I say I take it kindly.

I hope I have made myself clear. Cheers my friend.
You keep ignoring all of the points I make and keep repeating the same cheap, bullshit rhetoric. Keep pretending capitalist imperialism doesn't exist and hasn't killed anyone. You're creating strawman arguments because I never proposed any type of utopianism. A modern communist society isn't a utopia, it's just the mode of production that we will have to adopt when technology necessitates it due to the loss of jobs. We will have to choose between living in a techno-fiefdom where the rich own all of the technology and means of production and we (working class people) are consigned to serfdom or in a communist society where we all own the technology and machinery together, collectively, producing everything that we consume to meet our needs.

Capitalism isn't "top-down"? When was the last time your employer held an election? Have you ever been asked to give your vote to elect one of your managers at work? There's no bottom-up in capitalism, it's all top-down you fool. The workplace under capitalism is run as an absolute tyranny and that's where people spend most of their waking hours, at work (an absolute dictatorship). No wonder you know nothing about communism when you're basing your information on "Animal Farm", a polemical, satirical, American cold war novel, written to demonize communism. Yeah, that's a really "good" source of information to learn about Marxism.
I don't ignore anything you write. It's very important not to ignore the devil and his dangerous aspirations to create his tyranny by destroying God's free moral agency to choose good or evil. Communism does just that. Marxism by itself isn't communism. You do know this, right? True Marxism is simply everyone having the same opportunities, same outcomes, no wars or tribulation, everyone getting along singing cumbaya around the campfire, no poverty. Just a perfect Utopia. No one at the top getting more money, property or power than anyone else. I wonder if Marx journeyed to America and became aware of Joseph Smith and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaching of the United Order. It's the same concept that will be the order of the Celestialized earth part of heaven. The same concepts are also taught in The Book of Mormon as well with the people in the America's living at times a very utopian lifestyle in various places in the Americas between the years 600 BC and 421 AD. However, it never lasted. Eventually Satan made inroads to the carnal and prideful natural hearts of mankind. The problem today is that the wrong people always try to establish the same utopian ideas and it never happens. It's always tried with tyrannists like Stalin and Mao. tens of millions always die. Poverty reigns under Communist control.
My inability to not belief is not delusional. It arrived by rational deduction.

I can assure you that is incorrect and was made by you to bolster your position.
I'll say you don't know how many there are.

Delusional of truth??? So with the lack of evidence of a god and the evidence of science, they are delusional??? Do you read what you write?

I challenge you to supply irrefutable proof a god exists.
Let's not include Bible's and gospels etc because that is not evidence. If your proof is personal as you suggest, I strongly suspect you have none at all but a strong belief and that is still not evidence.

With respect, I am evidence based. I don't wish to simply believe. I want to KNOW.
I'll wait here for your evidence. Cheers my friend.
Not really, Your arrival came by irrational deduction. You can't even explain how every physical thing began with atheistism. Where did the material for the big bang come from? You can't explain this so how can you claim deductive reasoning?
The Lord has only one true and living church. One reason The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a “living church” is that the living God reveals His will to living prophets and apostles. All other churches are dead and mourn constantly and this is the reason for the cross on all other Christian Churches. The worship the dead Christ while TCOJCOLDS worships the living Christ and has a spire pointing to the resurrecting living Christ.
"Three features—(1) fulness of doctrine, (2) power of the priesthood, and (3) testimony of Jesus Christ—explain why God has declared and why we as His servants maintain that this is the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth." - Dallin H. Oaks. Here is the entire massage from Elder Oaks, a current day Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Only True and Living Church

Do not be threatened? Be humble: "Because of this declaration of the Lord, we refer to this, His Church—our Church—as the “only true Church.” Sometimes we do this in a way that gives great offense to people who belong to other churches or who subscribe to other philosophies. But God has not taught us anything that should cause us to feel superior to other people. Certainly all churches and philosophies have elements of truth in them, some more than others. Certainly God loves all of His children. And certainly His gospel plan is for all of His children, all according to His own timetable."
The True Church is Sabbath Keeping and observes the 7 annual Holy Days. Yours is steeped in Catholic Paganism.
The True Church is Sabbath Keeping and observes the 7 annual Holy Days. Yours is steeped in Catholic Paganism.
Huh? Our Church is the Church that is expressly laid out in the New Testament. In fact, the Bible is the blue print for Christ's True Church beginning with the foundation of apostles and Prophets with Jesus Christ as the Chief Cornerstone. The Catholic Church has no Prophets or apostles. We have the Priesthood Orders that are laid out in the Book of Hebrews in the NT, The Orders of Aaron and Melchezidek. The Catholic as Orders but not the ones Paul laid out specifically. So, we have no connections with the Catholic Church. Of course we keep the Sabbath Day Holy because that has been so since Moses. As far as other "Holy Days" we have none. We do observe the Birth of Christ and His Atonement. But, it isn't a special "Holy Day" like it is for Catholics and Protestants. In fact, we believe that Jesus Christ was born and died on the same day, April 6th. We also believe the "Sacraments" of the bread and wine (we use water) do not turn into flesh or blood outside or inside our bodies. We partake of the Sacrament in remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins. So, the Sacraments are a renewal each week of our baptismal covenants. Not anything like Catholics believe. And on and on and on...
I don't ignore anything you write. It's very important not to ignore the devil and his dangerous aspirations to create his tyranny by destroying God's free moral agency to choose good or evil. Communism does just that. Marxism by itself isn't communism. You do know this, right? True Marxism is simply everyone having the same opportunities, same outcomes, no wars or tribulation, everyone getting along singing cumbaya around the campfire, no poverty. Just a perfect Utopia. No one at the top getting more money, property or power than anyone else. I wonder if Marx journeyed to America and became aware of Joseph Smith and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaching of the United Order. It's the same concept that will be the order of the Celestialized earth part of heaven. The same concepts are also taught in The Book of Mormon as well with the people in the America's living at times a very utopian lifestyle in various places in the Americas between the years 600 BC and 421 AD. However, it never lasted. Eventually Satan made inroads to the carnal and prideful natural hearts of mankind. The problem today is that the wrong people always try to establish the same utopian ideas and it never happens. It's always tried with tyrannists like Stalin and Mao. tens of millions always die. Poverty reigns under Communist control.
You're a brainwashed religious idiot. Even the bible, commands you to feed and house the poor. What you said is a silly caricature of Marxism, in other words, bullshit. Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn.
You're a brainwashed religious idiot. Even the bible, commands you to feed and house the poor. What you said is a silly caricature of Marxism, in other words, bullshit. Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn.
your delusional and stupid to boot. Communism has killed more people than anyone else in the 20th century.
your delusional and stupid to boot. Communism has killed more people than anyone else in the 20th century.
You're the retard, because it's capitalist imperialism that has a much larger death toll. It even started two world wars and bombed cities to the ground. Communists never did that. However, violence in and of itself, including death tolls, doesn't determine whether a religion, ideology, or system is valid or not. History has shown that sometimes the only remedy for the wicked is a bullet.
You're a brainwashed religious idiot. Even the bible, commands you to feed and house the poor. What you said is a silly caricature of Marxism, in other words, bullshit. Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn.
And, you are an ignorant atheist communist concerning the writings of Jesus Christ. He never addressed the Roman government directly. He even kept his mouth shut as he was brought to Pilot as a lamb to the slaughter. The commandment is for individuals and the religious communities to care for the poor and the needy, the widows and so on... When disasters occur around the world, the first responders are mostly religious organizations such as Salvation Army, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, many other Churches as well. Our Church has an extensive welfare organization around the world. And, as individuals, when a need arises, you find individuals doing what Jesus commands of us. Do you help out? I'm a member of our city's ministerial association. While our doctrines and beliefs are all different, we work together with the poor and the needy, the homeless and the sick and afflicted. So, you are wrong on your understanding of the commandment of Jesus Christ. His commandment is not one of force like give your money to a godless government or go to jail and be fined. All commandments today are voluntary with people keeping their God-given right of free moral agency. Communism is 100% government tyranny controlled or else. It's evil and has lead to and will lead to hundreds of million deaths.

Stacy Abrams of Georgia who wants to be Governor of Georgia shared with the world her belief in communism when she recently said the way to stop and control inflation is to kill babies. King Herod and Ramses II would be proud of Abrams. Such sickness amongst the communist and democrats. This is what happens when a nation forgets God and breaks too many of the commandments.
The Lord has only one true and living church. One reason The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a “living church” is that the living God reveals His will to living prophets and apostles. All other churches are dead and mourn constantly and this is the reason for the cross on all other Christian Churches. The worship the dead Christ while TCOJCOLDS worships the living Christ and has a spire pointing to the resurrecting living Christ.
"Three features—(1) fulness of doctrine, (2) power of the priesthood, and (3) testimony of Jesus Christ—explain why God has declared and why we as His servants maintain that this is the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth." - Dallin H. Oaks. Here is the entire massage from Elder Oaks, a current day Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Only True and Living Church

Do not be threatened? Be humble: "Because of this declaration of the Lord, we refer to this, His Church—our Church—as the “only true Church.” Sometimes we do this in a way that gives great offense to people who belong to other churches or who subscribe to other philosophies. But God has not taught us anything that should cause us to feel superior to other people. Certainly all churches and philosophies have elements of truth in them, some more than others. Certainly God loves all of His children. And certainly His gospel plan is for all of His children, all according to His own timetable."
The KJV says if you believe in Jesus Christ, you are loved by God the Father and protected by the Holy Spirit that Christ promised his apostles and followers. Those who know who Jesus is and obey his teachings that are from the scriptures of old are the likeliest candidates for eternal life. Also Our bible says God, not man, and associated Churches--He decides who is of his kingdom, and he welcomes many churches to follow and lead in the Church universal.
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The KJV says if you believe in Jesus Christ, you are loved by God the Father and protected by the Holy Spirit that Christ promised his apostles and followers. Those who know who Jesus is and obey his teachings that are from the scriptures of old are the likeliest candidates for eternal life. Also Our bible says God, not man, and associated Churches--He decides who is of his kingdom, and he welcomes many churches to follow and lead in the Christian church universal.
Present the passage of scripture, book, chapter and verse that declares that the Holy Spirit will protect you from your own free will choices.......such a passage of scripture does not exist. There is nothing "supernatural" about being protected by the Holy Spirit of are under His protection only as long as you demonstrate your love in return to God's love. You are not protected from your own free will judgments that end up going against the Word of God. You demonstrate your love in return for this The scriptures enlighten you as to how you demonstrate your love. 1. You worship in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24). What is truth? God's word is truth that we as Christians are to be "sanctified" in (John 17:17)

"He that has My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me; and he that loveth Me shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him." -- John 14:21

First false premise........there are many different churches acceptable to God. Untrue. There is no such animal as a UNIVERSAL CHURCH....the kingdom of Christ bears His name. The scriptures declare there is but ONE FAITH, ONE CHURCH, ONE LORD, ONE FATHER of all.....and that church is revealed by Jesus Christ in the word of God. God speaks through the words of Christ today, there are no prophets, no signs and wonders to confirm that which has existed for over 2000 years. (Eph. 4:5-6)

How does God manifest/reveal Himself to you today? Through the words taught by Jesus Christ that will endure until the final judgment. There are no supernatural gifts today, no modern day prophets, today Jesus speaks to us through the truth found in the Word of God (all scripture is inspired by God and is good for doctrine, correction, instruction, the word will make the man of God Whole or Complete in knowing "righteousness and good works". (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

"In the past God has spoken to our people through the prophets. He spoke to them many times and in many ways. And now in these LAST DAYS (Act 2....the last days began) He has spoken to us again through His Son.........." -- Hebrew 1:1-2

Its the word of Jesus which the Apostles recorded as Holy Scriptures (2 Peter 1:12-15) that will judge everyone on judgement day (John 12:47-48)

Truth, God's truth, Jesus' truth: "If you love Me (the Lord Christ)........keep My commandments.." -- John 14:15. The Holy Spirit was a guide to help the Apostles of Christ establish the ONE TRUE CHURCH during its infant stage......the Apostles were to use the supernatural gift of the Spirit promised to them by Jesus (that the World Cannot Receive -- John 14:17) to establish DOCTRINE from Heaven as confirmed by sings and wonders. Jesus promised the apostles that they would be endowed with power from heaven (Acts 1:-10)

The supernatural gifts of the Spirit would end after the church/kingdom was Mature......Established by the "Perfect Law of Liberty" (James 1:25)..........the Word of God. When Christians had everything required "pertaining to life and godliness....through the revelation of Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 1:3) The gifts ceased to exist when the last apostle of Christ one other than an Apostle of Christ could pass on these gifts by the laying on of their hands, as exampled in (Acts 8:14-20)..........only an Apostle of Christ was capable of giving the gifts of the Spirit to the congregation at Samaria........they were saved but the gift of the Spirit had fallen on no one......until Peter laid on His hands. There was a trickster who practiced sorcery that saw that through the laying of the hands of an apostle these gifts were passed on........he attempted to purchase this power and Peter told him as he would tell anyone today, "You have neither lot nor part in the matter........because your heart is not right with God"

These gifts were to end when the word of God matured or made whole as stated by the Apostle.........."when that which is PERFECT (in the Greek tongue this word means whole/complete).........comes that which is in part shall cease.....the gits were given only in parts, 1 type of gift to one person, another type of gift to another..........these gifts was to teach the whole/complete doctrine, even through they were received in parts......each person used their gift to establish doctrine for the infant church. (1 Cor. 13), today the gifts of the spirit that remain are, "faith, hope and charity/love"

The faith has been delivered ONCE FOR ALL by the saints of the first century. (Jude 3) It is the duty of the Christian to be "the keepers and defenders of the truth/faith"........not to create new truths which they have no lot nor part in. truth does not evolve...........that which existed in the 1st century is just as true today.
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The KJV says if you believe in Jesus Christ, you are loved by God the Father and protected by the Holy Spirit that Christ promised his apostles and followers. Those who know who Jesus is and obey his teachings that are from the scriptures of old are the likeliest candidates for eternal life. Also Our bible says God, not man, and associated Churches--He decides who is of his kingdom, and he welcomes many churches to follow and lead in the Church universal.
Nice post until the last sentence. Jesus Christ told the Prophet Joseph Smith to not join any of the churches. They teach false doctrines and have no authority. He said that these latter days would be the times of the restitution of ALL things pertaining to His doctrine and commandments. That the Church he established would be restored with all authority to act in his name.

With that said, I agree that the beginning of conversion and inclusion in Christ begins with belief in Christ. One can be influenced by the Holy Ghost and receive a sure testimony in Christ. However, the "Gift" of the Holy Ghost comes only by the laying on of hands by one with proper authority of the Priesthood. The Melchizedek Priesthood.
Nice post until the last sentence. Jesus Christ told the Prophet Joseph Smith to not join any of the churches. They teach false doctrines and have no authority. He said that these latter days would be the times of the restitution of ALL things pertaining to His doctrine and commandments. That the Church he established would be restored with all authority to act in his name.

With that said, I agree that the beginning of conversion and inclusion in Christ begins with belief in Christ. One can be influenced by the Holy Ghost and receive a sure testimony in Christ. However, the "Gift" of the Holy Ghost comes only by the laying on of hands by one with proper authority of the Priesthood. The Melchizedek Priesthood.
What about the passage of scripture that declares, God no longer speaks through prophets? (Hebrews 1:1-2) Either the Apostle/Word of God is being truthful or the self proclaimed prophet is right.

God used to speak through, He speaks through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Word.......not joe smith.

"And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." -- John 1:14

Either the Bible (the Holy Scriptures, God) is right.....or the self proclaimed prophet joe smith is right.....the Word of God (scriptures) completely equips the man of God, or it takes joe smith to completely equip man. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Do you actually need 'modern day prophets" .....self proclaimed (as joe smith has never presented any evidence, signs and wonders to confirm a true apostle of Christ)? God tells us the faith was delivered ONCE. (Jude 3) through the saints of the 1st century. James declared the Word of God as being "THE PERFECT (complete/whole) LAW OF LIBERTY" -- James 1:25. Did joe smith find a way to be "more perfect" than perfect? Perfect: Complete, according to Websters.

Is God correct when the Word declares that He has already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness through the revelation of His Son......or does joe smith trump the WORD again? (2 Peter 1:3)

Is God right when He declared that miraculous knowledge would cease ".......But whether there are prophecies, they will fail".......when the PERFECT comes (the same Greek word used in James 1:25, the perfect law of liberty. Or..........does joe smith trump the WORD again? (1 Cor.13:8-10)

Only joe smith had a direct line to miraculous knowledge?

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world.........." -- 1 John 4:1. joe smith nor his modern day prophets have produced one sign or wonder of a true prophet or apostle of Christ.

We are to search the scriptures to test the spirits (Acts 17:11). joe smith disagrees with the Word.

Christians are to avoid those who pervert the WORD OF GOD (Romans 16:17) Christians are to have no fellowship with those who work darkness ...........but we are to expose them. -- Eph. 5:11
What about the passage of scripture that declares, God no longer speaks through prophets? (Hebrews 1:1-2) Either the Apostle/Word of God is being truthful or the self proclaimed prophet is right.

God used to speak through, He speaks through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Word.......not joe smith.

"And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." -- John 1:14

Either the Bible (the Holy Scriptures, God) is right.....or the self proclaimed prophet joe smith is right.....the Word of God (scriptures) completely equips the man of God, or it takes joe smith to completely equip man. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

Do you actually need 'modern day prophets" .....self proclaimed (as joe smith has never presented any evidence, signs and wonders to confirm a true apostle of Christ)? God tells us the faith was delivered ONCE. (Jude 3) through the saints of the 1st century. James declared the Word of God as being "THE PERFECT (complete/whole) LAW OF LIBERTY" -- James 1:25. Did joe smith find a way to be "more perfect" than perfect? Perfect: Complete, according to Websters.

Is God correct when the Word declares that He has already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness through the revelation of His Son......or does joe smith trump the WORD again? (2 Peter 1:3)

Is God right when He declared that miraculous knowledge would cease ".......But whether there are prophecies, they will fail".......when the PERFECT comes (the same Greek word used in James 1:25, the perfect law of liberty. Or..........does joe smith trump the WORD again? (1 Cor.13:8-10)

Only joe smith had a direct line to miraculous knowledge?

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world.........." -- 1 John 4:1. joe smith nor his modern day prophets have produced one sign or wonder of a true prophet or apostle of Christ.

We are to search the scriptures to test the spirits (Acts 17:11). joe smith disagrees with the Word.

Christians are to avoid those who pervert the WORD OF GOD (Romans 16:17) Christians are to have no fellowship with those who work darkness ...........but we are to expose them. -- Eph. 5:11
Hebrews 1:1-2 doesn't say that prophets still aren't necessary. I would say Paul was still an apostle which is also a prophet for he certainly did prophesied. So did Peter and others. In fact, Jesus said that after he was gone, Peter would be the little rock or prophet whom Jesus would continue to speak and guide.
2Peter 1:3, "Was Peter talking to us today? No, he was talking to the people in his time. Read verse 5, "And beside this, fiving all diligence, ADD to your faith virtue; and to virtue KNOWLEDGE." See, all learning of God did not cease. Not until the last apostle was gone. That is when the old world fell into a great apostasy. There were still apostles in the America's until 421 AD when the Americas fell into the great apostasy as well.
Also, if you go down further to verses 19-21, "WE have also more sure word of prophecy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." Peter is saying prophecy still exists and we should be able to recognized it by way of the Holy Ghost. God is the same today as he was yesterday and forever. Yes, we need prophets today more than ever! We see Christian churches falling by the wayside by the devil's influence with transgender issues, homosexual issues, marriage out of wedlock issues and a whole bunch more! 40,000 Christian churches that many contradicting doctrine and ordinances against each other. Yes! It was time for the heavens to open up again and for the times of restitution of all things including prophets, seers, revelators and apostles with Christ the chief cornerstone.
Hebrews 1:1-2 doesn't say that prophets still aren't necessary. I would say Paul was still an apostle which is also a prophet for he certainly did prophesied. So did Peter and others. In fact, Jesus said that after he was gone, Peter would be the little rock or prophet whom Jesus would continue to speak and guide.
2Peter 1:3, "Was Peter talking to us today? No, he was talking to the people in his time. Read verse 5, "And beside this, fiving all diligence, ADD to your faith virtue; and to virtue KNOWLEDGE." See, all learning of God did not cease. Not until the last apostle was gone. That is when the old world fell into a great apostasy. There were still apostles in the America's until 421 AD when the Americas fell into the great apostasy as well.
Also, if you go down further to verses 19-21, "WE have also more sure word of prophecy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." Peter is saying prophecy still exists and we should be able to recognized it by way of the Holy Ghost. God is the same today as he was yesterday and forever. Yes, we need prophets today more than ever! We see Christian churches falling by the wayside by the devil's influence with transgender issues, homosexual issues, marriage out of wedlock issues and a whole bunch more! 40,000 Christian churches that many contradicting doctrine and ordinances against each other. Yes! It was time for the heavens to open up again and for the times of restitution of all things including prophets, seers, revelators and apostles with Christ the chief cornerstone.
Cherry picking passages and applying your own twist again? The passages you present are TRUE..........prophecy was still valid when Peter was declaring NEW DOCTRINE FROM has nothing to do with new 20th century doctrine. Peter was writing scripture to be used as doctrine, and could prove his apostleship through signs and wonders. Something joe smith could not accomplish, nor can any supposed modern day apostle.

God speaks to us through His Son...i.e, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-2), Jesus Christ is THE WORD (John 1:1). We are to be "sanctified" Truth, What is Truth? Your WORD is TRUTH (John 17:17) THE WORD OF GOD is inspired by God, and is good for, Doctrine, Teaching, Correction, order to make the man of God Complete or Whole in working righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

If the scriptures can make the man of God, complete............what good is a supposed book of mormon? Either God in the form of the Holy Spirit lied..........or joe smith is lying and we need be more than COMPLETE, we need to be little gods in waiting. Oxymoron: contradictory terms. Something cannot be true and false at the same instant, according to the law of the excluded middle. One is truth, the other is a lie.

What part of Cor. 13:8-10)......did you fail to comprehend? "...............Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues (the gift of being able to translate foreign languages not ever learned, as demonstrated in acts 2) they will fail........whether there be knowledge (supernatural as the other gifts demonstrate in this list of gifts that will one day cease to exist), it (knowledge) will vanish away.

For We (the followers and disciples of Christ) know in part (there was no scriptures for the infant church to use as doctrine, (the law and prophets were nailed to the cross of Jesus), thus the use of the supernatural gifts to help establish doctrine for the N.T. church of Jesus Christ), and we prophecy in part (the church doctrine was not yet, at the time of Paul's writing, whole/complete/...i.e, Teleios in Greek....i.e, PERFECT:whole/completed). BUT WHEN THAT (THAT! not a he, but that....a thing,) which is PERFECT/TELEIOS) WHICH IS PERFECT COMES, THAT WHICH IS IN PART SHALL CEASE (propheceis will fail when the Word of God was completed just as James declared in 1:25 (Teleios, the same word used in 1 Cor.13),,,,,,,,,,,when the PERFECT LAW of LIBERATY was established in the 1st century) By the time the Book of James was recorded........the PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY was in effect, the doctrine was complete, just as described by Jude 3...........once for all, the faith has been delivered by the saints (of the 1st century.....not the 20th century)

Its simple: You must worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). Your cult can't actually expect others to believe as TRUTH, a doctrine such as the supposed latter day saints propagate? Your modern day Apostles of Christ can raise the dead, heal the sick, the crippled, the blind........while not one time preforming these signs and wonders that accompany a truth Apostle of Christ in front of those they wish to convert in making known that your Apostles are speaking the Word of God confirmed by the signs and wonders? Even you can't TRUTHFULLY declare that you have witnessed any such SIGN OR WONDER of a true Apostle of Christ. (Mark 16:20, Hebrews 2:4)

SHOW ME THE SIGNS of a real prophet or apostle of Christ. Or don't because you can't.

That's why your cult fails when its SPIRIT of truth is placed to the test of the WORD revealed by Jesus Christ. There were no moon people dressed like quakers, Black Skinned people are not black because God is punishing them.............most importantly, God would not use an antiquated translation (mistakes of transmission and all) like the king James to present NEW DOCTRINE (God is not the author of confusion).......God would reveal new Scripture in the universal language of the day (American English) joe smith's circumstance, there would be no need to parrot passages of an existing translation and claim it as his own. What? joe smiths' god is not capable of revealing new text in modern English? :disbelief:

I will convert.........if you can demonstrate (IN TRUTH).......the signs and wonders preformed by a True Apostle of Christ. Demonstrate where your modern day apostles have lain hands on others and they now have a supernatural gift of the spirit (Just as recorded in Acts 8: 9-24). You will not because YOU are not Worshiping in Spirit and Truth.

This is not TESTING or tempting God............this is TESTING THE SPIRITS for false prophets as commanded in THE WORD (1 John 4:1-3) in comparison against the actual WORD of GOD which is the sword of the Spirit. (Eph. 6:17) YOUR CULT FAILS THE TEST OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD.:welcome: All one needs to do is SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES TO SEE IF THESE THINGS ARE SO...... (Acts 17:11)
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Cherry picking passages and applying your own twist again? The passages you present are TRUE..........prophecy was still valid when Peter was declaring NEW DOCTRINE FROM has nothing to do with new 20th century doctrine. Peter was writing scripture to be used as doctrine, and could prove his apostleship through signs and wonders. Something joe smith could not accomplish, nor can any supposed modern day apostle.

God speaks to us through His Son...i.e, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-2), Jesus Christ is THE WORD (John 1:1). We are to be "sanctified" Truth, What is Truth? Your WORD is TRUTH (John 17:17) THE WORD OF GOD is inspired by God, and is good for, Doctrine, Teaching, Correction, order to make the man of God Complete or Whole in working righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

If the scriptures can make the man of God, complete............what good is a supposed book of mormon? Either God in the form of the Holy Spirit lied..........or joe smith is lying and we need be more than COMPLETE, we need to be little gods in waiting. Oxymoron: contradictory terms. Something cannot be true and false at the same instant, according to the law of the excluded middle. One is truth, the other is a lie.

What part of Cor. 13:8-10)......did you fail to comprehend? "...............Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues (the gift of being able to translate foreign languages not ever learned, as demonstrated in acts 2) they will fail........whether there be knowledge (supernatural as the other gifts demonstrate in this list of gifts that will one day cease to exist), it (knowledge) will vanish away.

For We (the followers and disciples of Christ) know in part (there was no scriptures for the infant church to use as doctrine, (the law and prophets were nailed to the cross of Jesus), thus the use of the supernatural gifts to help establish doctrine for the N.T. church of Jesus Christ), and we prophecy in part (the church doctrine was not yet, at the time of Paul's writing, whole/complete/...i.e, Teleios in Greek....i.e, PERFECT:whole/completed). BUT WHEN THAT (THAT! not a he, but that....a thing,) which is PERFECT/TELEIOS) WHICH IS PERFECT COMES, THAT WHICH IS IN PART SHALL CEASE (propheceis will fail when the Word of God was completed just as James declared in 1:25 (Teleios, the same word used in 1 Cor.13),,,,,,,,,,,when the PERFECT LAW of LIBERATY was established in the 1st century) By the time the Book of James was recorded........the PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY was in effect, the doctrine was complete, just as described by Jude 3...........once for all, the faith has been delivered by the saints (of the 1st century.....not the 20th century)

Its simple: You must worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). Your cult can't actually expect others to believe as TRUTH, a doctrine such as the supposed latter day saints propagate? Your modern day Apostles of Christ can raise the dead, heal the sick, the crippled, the blind........while not one time preforming these signs and wonders that accompany a truth Apostle of Christ in front of those they wish to convert in making known that your Apostles are speaking the Word of God confirmed by the signs and wonders? Even you can't TRUTHFULLY declare that you have witnessed any such SIGN OR WONDER of a true Apostle of Christ. (Mark 16:20, Hebrews 2:4)

SHOW ME THE SIGNS of a real prophet or apostle of Christ. Or don't because you can't.

That's why your cult fails when its SPIRIT of truth is placed to the test of the WORD revealed by Jesus Christ. There were no moon people dressed like quakers, Black Skinned people are not black because God is punishing them.............most importantly, God would not use an antiquated translation (mistakes of transmission and all) like the king James to present NEW DOCTRINE (God is not the author of confusion).......God would reveal new Scripture in the universal language of the day (American English) joe smith's circumstance, there would be no need to parrot passages of an existing translation and claim it as his own. What? joe smiths' god is not capable of revealing new text in modern English? :disbelief:

I will convert.........if you can demonstrate (IN TRUTH).......the signs and wonders preformed by a True Apostle of Christ. Demonstrate where your modern day apostles have lain hands on others and they now have a supernatural gift of the spirit (Just as recorded in Acts 8: 9-24). You will not because YOU are not Worshiping in Spirit and Truth.

This is not TESTING or tempting God............this is TESTING THE SPIRITS for false prophets as commanded in THE WORD (1 John 4:1-3) in comparison against the actual WORD of GOD which is the sword of the Spirit. (Eph. 6:17) YOUR CULT FAILS THE TEST OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD.:welcome: All one needs to do is SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES TO SEE IF THESE THINGS ARE SO...... (Acts 17:11)
Funny how you reject scripture when it doesn’t support your incomplete doctrine. Makes it easy to corrupt doctrine when you can tell the almighty God that He can’t speak through prophets anymore. Especially with all the changes and mistakes made with translation and interpretation creating 40,000 different sects of Christianity. Have any of you found that marvelous work (book) Isaiah spoke about in chapter 29 that would confound you and your doctrine that God can’t talk through prophets anymore?

Smithsonian Institution Statement Regarding the Book of Mormon​

Some Latter-day Saints, in their zeal to give tangible authenticity to the Book of Mormon, have told prospective converts that the Smithsonian Institution has used the Book of Mormon to verify sites in the New World. In response to numerous requests on this subject, the Smithsonian has issued the following paper detailing their position on the matter.
Information from the National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560
Statement Regarding the Book of Mormon
  1. The Smithsonian Institution has never used the Book of Mormon in any way as a scientific guide. Smithsonian archaeologists see no direct connection between the archaeology of the New World and the subject matter of the book.
  2. The physical type of the American Indian is basically Mongoloid, being most closely related to that of the peoples of eastern, central, and northeastern Asia. Archaeological evidence indicates that the ancestors of the present Indians came into the New World — probably over a land bridge known to have existed in the Bering Strait region during the last Ice Age — in a continuing series of small migrations beginning from about 25,000 to 30,000 years ago.
  3. Present evidence indicates that the first people to reach this continent from the East were the Norsemen who briefly visited the northeastern part of North America around A.D. 1000 and then settled in Greenland. There is nothing to show that they reached Mexico or Central America.
  4. One of the main lines of evidence supporting the scientific finding that contacts with Old World civilizations, if indeed they occurred at all, were of very little significance for the development of American Indian civilizations, is the fact that none of the principal Old World domesticated food plants or animals (except the dog) occurred in the New World in pre-Columbian times. American Indians had no wheat, barley, oats, millet, rice, cattle, pigs, chickens, horses, donkeys, camels before 1492. (Camels and horses were in the Americas, along with the bison, mammoth, and mastodon, but all these animals became extinct around 10,000 B.C. at the time the early big game (sic) hunters spread across the Americas.)
  5. Iron, steel, glass, and silk were not used in the New World before 1492 (except for occasional use of unsmelted meteoric iron). Native copper was worked used (sic) in various locations in pre-Columbian times, but true metallurgy was limited to southern Mexico and the Andean region, where its occurrence in late prehistoric times involved gold, silver, copper, and their alloys, but not iron.
  6. There is a possibility that the spread of cultural traits across the Pacific to Mesoamerica and the northwestern coast of South America began several hundred years before the Christian era. However, any such inter-hemispheric contacts appear to have been the results of accidental voyages originating in eastern and southern Asia. It is by means certain that even such contacts occurred; certainly there were no contacts with the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, or other peoples of Western Asia and the Near East.
  7. No reputable Egyptologist or other specialist on Old World archaeology, and no expert on New World prehistory, has discovered or confirmed any relationship between archaeological remains in Mexico and archaeological remains in Egypt.
  8. Reports of findings of ancient Egyptian, Hebrew, and other Old World writings in the New World in pre-Columbian contexts have frequently appeared in newspapers, magazines, and sensational books. None of these claims has stood up to examination by reputable scholars. No inscriptions using Old World forms of writing have been shown to have occurred in any part of the Americas before 1492 except for a few Norse rune stones which have been found in Greenland.
  9. There are copies of the Book of Mormon in the library of the National Museum, of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
  10. Smithsonian Institution Statement Regarding the Book of Mormon – Mormonism Research Ministry

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