The Civil Rights' Double-Edged Sword: Time To Silence The Rogue Judge In Oregon Instead.

Will you commit to contacting the Oregon Judicial Commission on this civil rights violation?

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
BOLI’s Administrative Prosecution Unit is responsible for processing contested civil rights division cases pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and BOLI contested case hearing rules. ..BOLI protects all Oregonians from unlawful discrimination, investigating allegations of civil rights violations in workplaces, career schools, housing and public accommodations.
Yes...all Oregonians except Christians practicing their 1st Amendment civil rights to exercise their religion. Jude 1 of the New Testament prohibits them from enabling the spread of a homosexual culture. Marriage is the hub of any culture. If they fail this mandate, this mortal sin, it is under pain of eternal soul death. The language of Jude 1 is not vague in this regard.

The equivalent would be to require that gay bakers not be allowed to buy didos or participate in Pride parades because doing so is a form of oppression against Christian beliefs. For that matter, how long will it be before Christians force gay graphic artists or cake designers to write the passage of Jude 1 on a billboard, monument or child's confirmation cake?

The 9th Amendment to the Constitution says that no new law may come along and modify or impinge upon any other rights granted in the Constitution. That includes the 1st Amendment..." judge soon-to-be-unemployed" of Oregon.. I'd cite that ordinace right on the application for investigating the judge. Civil rights violations are civil rights violations. Plain and simple. There are no favorites, even in Oregon..

Like I said before about this asshole backwater judge in Oregon, the "silencing" mechanism is a double-edged sword:

The defendants/Christians must simply turn the judge in for judicial misconduct. No sitting judge may order the silencing of anyone if that silencing 1. Has nothing to do with the case and 2. Seeks merely to cover the judge's ass for a shitty ruling. and 3. Suppresses someone's 1st Amendment civil rights without just cause. (other laws allegedly dominating the 1st Amendment are not allowed to do so. Consult the 9th Amendment for details)

Here are the links that these people (or anyone else in Oregon) can utilize to silence the judge instead: Oregon Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability : CJFD Home - CJFD Home

Easy to fill out form to launch an investigation into the judicial misconduct in this case:

Applicants should cite the 1st Amendment and the 9th Amendment of the US Constitution, and provide a copy of the Ruling and if possible the transcripts of the hearing and any other documentation of the prosecution. These commissions take their jobs very seriously. They hold a very high standard of judicial conduct in order to preseve the public's faith in a fair and just judicial system. Bad judges make for bad countries.

Everyone concerned about Christians rights to object to partcipate in gay behaviors taking over marriage via that, our collective culture are encouraged to voice their concerns by visiting the links in this thread and submitting an application for judicial investigation into the civil rights violations enacted by this rogue judge fining and ordering a gag on this Oregon baker couple for simply following a mortal command of their faith. The process of filling out and submitting the applications is quite simple. Call for this judge to step down.

Oh, and one more thing. Did you know that these judicial peformance organizations exist in your state too? And if any judge has violated a Christian's civil right to object in participating in a mortal sin at risk to their soul's eternal peril, that judge is guilty of violating civil rights too? Use your search engines. The forms to launch investigations are usually quite simple to fill out..
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Has the equal access law in Oregon been ruled as unconstitutional?The judge is merely following state law...
BOLI’s Administrative Prosecution Unit is responsible for processing contested civil rights division cases pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and BOLI contested case hearing rules. ..BOLI protects all Oregonians from unlawful discrimination, investigating allegations of civil rights violations in workplaces, career schools, housing and public accommodations.
Yes...all Oregonians except Christians practicing their 1st Amendment civil rights to exercise their religion.

You poor, put-upon, pitiful little thing you.

Has the equal access law in Oregon been ruled as unconstitutional?The judge is merely following state law...
State law say no civil right may be violated. You don't get to pick favorites and neither does the judge.. :popcorn:

And this judge should remember: ignorance of the law is no excuse.. Each and every single judge in the US should do a quick refresher course on the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution. Unemployment can be such a bitch.
Of course conservatives consider equal rights 'rogue'. Conservatism begins and ends with a deep devotion to white male heterosexual superiority.
Sil's legal predictions are notoriously shitty. Why should we believe you now when you have failed so miserably time and time again?
Has the equal access law in Oregon been ruled as unconstitutional?The judge is merely following state law...
State law say no civil right may be violated. You don't get to pick favorites and neither does the judge.. :popcorn:

And this judge should remember: ignorance of the law is no excuse.. Each and every single judge in the US should do a quick refresher course on the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution. Unemployment can be such a bitch.

If two claimed rights are in conflict, one HAS to win out.

The right to deny a right cannot constitutionally exist. One HAS to be determined not to be a right. That's what judges do.
Has the equal access law in Oregon been ruled as unconstitutional?The judge is merely following state law...
State law say no civil right may be violated. You don't get to pick favorites and neither does the judge.. :popcorn:

And this judge should remember: ignorance of the law is no excuse.. Each and every single judge in the US should do a quick refresher course on the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution. Unemployment can be such a bitch.

If two claimed rights are in conflict, one HAS to win out.

The right to deny a right cannot constitutionally exist. One HAS to be determined not to be a right. That's what judges do.


My rights end where your rights begin.

Sil's rights to be a homophobic bigot ends when she tries to impose her religious beliefs on others.

Judge is ruling correctly in this instance.
Remember the peyote case from the nineties? Employment Division v Smith. Native Americans fired for using peyote claimed it was a religious right.

Want to guess what Judge Scalia said in that case? I'll tell you:

Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, observed that the Court has never held that an individual's religious beliefs excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that government is free to regulate. Allowing exceptions to every state law or regulation affecting religion "would open the prospect of constitutionally required exemptions from civic obligations of almost every conceivable kind."

Employment Division v. Smith The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Employment Division v. Smith US Law LII Legal Information Institute
Has the equal access law in Oregon been ruled as unconstitutional?The judge is merely following state law...
State law say no civil right may be violated. You don't get to pick favorites and neither does the judge.. :popcorn:
It also says that you can't deny access to public and private enterprises based on sexual orientation...
Well the 9th Amendment is going to make this a real sticky wicket then isn't it?

It's time for Melissa and hubby to obey the laws of this country.

I agree.

1. They should abide by the 1st Amendment.

2. They should abide by the 9th Amendment

3. They should abide by their state's code of judicial peformance (see the links in the OP).
Has the equal access law in Oregon been ruled as unconstitutional?The judge is merely following state law...
State law say no civil right may be violated. You don't get to pick favorites and neither does the judge.. :popcorn:
It also says that you can't deny access to public and private enterprises based on sexual orientation...
Well the 9th Amendment is going to make this a real sticky wicket then isn't it?
BOLI’s Administrative Prosecution Unit is responsible for processing contested civil rights division cases pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and BOLI contested case hearing rules. ..BOLI protects all Oregonians from unlawful discrimination, investigating allegations of civil rights violations in workplaces, career schools, housing and public accommodations.
Yes...all Oregonians except Christians practicing..

The law doesn't say 'all business's except ones owned by Christians'.

Day 10 of Silhouette's meltdown continues.
Has the equal access law in Oregon been ruled as unconstitutional?The judge is merely following state law...
State law say no civil right may be violated. You don't get to pick favorites and neither does the judge.. :popcorn:

And this judge should remember: ignorance of the law is no excuse.. Each and every single judge in the US should do a quick refresher course on the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution. Unemployment can be such a bitch.

Remember this is the same loon who told us that the entire State of California was going to be prosecuted under Federal Law because of passing "Harvey Milk Day"- so based upon the quality of her predictions- this Judge may be elected Governor.
Has the equal access law in Oregon been ruled as unconstitutional?The judge is merely following state law...
State law say no civil right may be violated. You don't get to pick favorites and neither does the judge.. :popcorn:

And this judge should remember: ignorance of the law is no excuse.. Each and every single judge in the US should do a quick refresher course on the 9th Amendment to the US Constitution. Unemployment can be such a bitch.

Remember this is the same loon who told us that the entire State of California was going to be prosecuted under Federal Law because of passing "Harvey Milk Day"- so based upon the quality of her predictions- this Judge may be elected Governor.
Her multi-year obsession with Harvey Milk is truly pathological.

And really creepy.
We'll get back to him in the near future I imagine...right about the time the question of "is this cult marrying good for children?" gets legally dissected..

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