The Civil War

There was a practice civil war most people seem to have conveniently forgotten. Today it is called "bleeding Kansas" and it was undeniably over slavery or rather the expansion of slavery into the western states. After what happened there when the "Missouri border ruffians" tried to force Kansans to accept slavery or die the battle lines for the civil war were drawn in blood before it officially started. The south saw a market for their excess slaves in the west but the north had slammed the door on slavery expanding outside the slave states or slaves being exported.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
When did Lincoln do that?
Corwin Amendment - Wikipedia

Wakey, wakey
Wow! Clearly, The Civil War is still a hot topic, 150 years later. That's sad. But at least we're talking about it...
That largely depends on when and where you grew up.

I grew up in the North in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore the Civil War was about slavery.

Had I grown up in the South I would have learned it was about states rights and was a war of northern aggression.

Because the Southern states turned down Lincoln's offer of making slavery Constitutional.

Then it became a matter of the Southern states simply wanting nothing more to do with the North.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?

YOu are very brave fighting a war that better men won for you before you were born.
Wow! Clearly, The Civil War is still a hot topic, 150 years later. That's sad. But at least we're talking about it...
It's important to talk about history because democrat controlled schools don't want you do know any of it, just like they failed to teach you about the Corwin Act.

No, you probably were even taught Lincoln was a democrat. LOL.

The public schools don't want you to know history because the more you know about history, the more you see their folly and vote against them.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
If it wasn't only about slavery why would Lincoln think that promise would work?
That largely depends on when and where you grew up.

I grew up in the North in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore the Civil War was about slavery.

Had I grown up in the South I would have learned it was about states rights and was a war of northern aggression.

I grew up in the North but I would have never fought for the Khmer Rouge union army
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
If it wasn't only about slavery why would Lincoln think that promise would work?
Lincoln never even mentioned slavery until later in the war
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
The end of slavery was one of the eventual outcomes of the war. Odd that every other country that had slaves was able to ban slavery without killing a million of its own citizens...UK and France for example.

No you silly person; the Civil War was about $ usual.

Make no mistake; that slavery was ended was a good thing and overdue. You must also be aware that the North DESTROYED the South's ECONOMY. No money for reparations.

Uhm, that's a non-answer if I've ever heard one not to mention I recognise at least 2 logical fallacies.

Wether or not other countries were capable of abolishing slavery has absolutely no bearing on whether or not the US was. That's a red herring.

The same goes for your "it was about money"

The fact of the matter was that their was 1 and only 1 reason for the civil war and that was slavery. Specifically the issue of slavery being allowed to expand into new territories. An issue that caused the South to secede when Lincoln was elected.
Nope. you are wrong.

You from Yorkshire by any chance??

Why would you think I'm from Yorkshire? I'm Belgian actually.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
If it wasn't only about slavery why would Lincoln think that promise would work?
The point is that the North would have allowed slavery to keep their power over the South.

So Lincoln sending in the troops was more about power, even though slavery was one of the triggers.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
If it wasn't only about slavery why would Lincoln think that promise would work?
Lincoln never even mentioned slavery until later in the war
He mentioned it way before then. Abolishing slavery wasnpart of his acceptance speech and his stance on it was the catalyst for secession.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
When did Lincoln do that?
Corwin Amendment - Wikipedia

Wakey, wakey
OK, but Lincoln didn't "offer" to make slavery a Constitutional right. He said that he would not object to making the Corwin Amendment law, which could be interpreted as making slavery legal. In any case, the amendment wasn't passed. And Lincoln's primary objective ALWAYS was preserving the Union. He hated slavery, yes, but if he could have preserved the Union by not freeing any slaves, he would have done it.
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
If it wasn't only about slavery why would Lincoln think that promise would work?
Lincoln never even mentioned slavery until later in the war
He mentioned it way before then. Abolishing slavery wasnpart of his acceptance speech and his stance on it was the catalyst for secession.
Abe wanted slavery to naturally disappear
He just did not want it in the new states from the Mexican war
Abe was a tyrant who violated the constitution and had 700,000 innocent folks killed
I prefer Washington and Jefferson
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
If it was only about slavery, why did Lincoln offer to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the Southern states came back into the Union?
If it wasn't only about slavery why would Lincoln think that promise would work?
The point is that the North would have allowed slavery to keep their power over the South.

So Lincoln sending in the troops was more about power, even though slavery was one of the triggers.
The point is that when given the choice between the Union and allowing slavery to persist, Licoln was prepared early in his presidency to compromise. That doesn't change the fact that the idea that slavery wasn't the root cause of the civil war is ludicrous.
Another part of the history that seems to have been forgotten is what the south said they wanted. They had some grand plans. Since they had depleted their soil slavery had been a losing proposition for some time but they had a way to keep it. Instead of using slaves to grow crops they would grow slaves for export. They foresaw selling slaves to the west and to the entirety of Mexico and South America which they thought we should annex by force. Turns out the North was not too hot on all that.

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