The Clinton Administration Was "ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN" That Saddam Hussein Had WMDs

President Bush is the first president in my lifetime that didn't take full ownership of a war.

.....And, he be known as a "war-time" President!!

At least he came out, maintaining his.....


Clinton didn't invade Iraq. Bush did.

AND 9/11 was caused by Clinton's coverup of his selling missile secrets to the Chinese for donations that the Gorelick Memo prevented the CIA from sharing this with the FBI!

As a result the CIA knew the 9/11 bombers were in the USA but they couldn't share with the FBI because of the "GORELICK MEMO"!

As the No. 2 person in the Clinton Justice Department, Ms. Gorelick rejected advice from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases, according to several internal documents written in summer 1995.

Memos show Gorelick involvement in 'wall' - Washington Times

President Bush got CIA briefings all the time. Was the CIA prevented from telling him, in 2001?
IMPEACH CLINTON------------oh wait, we already did that.

Big deal because the US Senate acquitted President Clinton of the impeachment charges:eek:


good gawd I still can't believe some people don't understand what happened. Impeached? So frigging what, he was acquitted.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


your post is typical of the left wing mindless. he was impeached but was not removed from office. The impeachment stands.

If Nixon had not resigned, he would have been impeached, but we will never know if he would have been removed from office.

Unlike Clinton, Nixon cared more about the country than his personal reputation. BTW, no one died at Watergate-------------but at Benghazi-----4.
Faulty intelligence may have led the Clinton Administration to believe Saddam had WMD - but Clinton didn't invade Iraq. The Bush boys did - TWICE.

Righties can spin it all they want - but THEY OWN IT. Does anyone remember how pissed off Democrats were after they realized Dubya had lied to them? I do...

Much to her credit, or discredit, Speaker Pelosi said impeachment was off the table.

Also, 9/11 happened on Dubya's watch...

Wow... You really are completely stupid. You do understand it wasn't just Bush -that there existed something called a coalition, right? You do understand that Democrats also voted overwhelmingly to go into Iraq, right? You do understand that the 9/11 hijackers were busy training in the U.S. under Clinton's Presidency without anyone raising any red flags, right? No... You're too stupid to understand any of it.
Clinton didn't invade Iraq. Bush did.

AND 9/11 was caused by Clinton's coverup of his selling missile secrets to the Chinese for donations that the Gorelick Memo prevented the CIA from sharing this with the FBI!

As a result the CIA knew the 9/11 bombers were in the USA but they couldn't share with the FBI because of the "GORELICK MEMO"!

As the No. 2 person in the Clinton Justice Department, Ms. Gorelick rejected advice from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases, according to several internal documents written in summer 1995.

Memos show Gorelick involvement in 'wall' - Washington Times

President Bush got CIA briefings all the time. Was the CIA prevented from telling him, in 2001?

The data the CIA had was wrong, the data the UN had was wrong. No one made it up to start a war--------it was bad intel.

Stop lying about this.:eusa_hand:
AND 9/11 was caused by Clinton's coverup of his selling missile secrets to the Chinese for donations that the Gorelick Memo prevented the CIA from sharing this with the FBI!

As a result the CIA knew the 9/11 bombers were in the USA but they couldn't share with the FBI because of the "GORELICK MEMO"!

As the No. 2 person in the Clinton Justice Department, Ms. Gorelick rejected advice from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases, according to several internal documents written in summer 1995.

Memos show Gorelick involvement in 'wall' - Washington Times

President Bush got CIA briefings all the time. Was the CIA prevented from telling him, in 2001?

The data the CIA had was wrong, the data the UN had was wrong. No one made it up to start a war--------it was bad intel.

Stop lying about this.:eusa_hand:
No they didn't.

Stop lying about this. :eusa_hand:

The Bush administration cobbled intel to fit the agenda.
IMPEACH CLINTON------------oh wait, we already did that.

Big deal because the US Senate acquitted President Clinton of the impeachment charges:eek:


good gawd I still can't believe some people don't understand what happened. Impeached? So frigging what, he was acquitted.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


your post is typical of the left wing mindless. he was impeached but was not removed from office. The impeachment stands. If Nixon had not resigned, he would have been impeached, but we will never know if he would have been removed from office.

Unlike Clinton, Nixon cared more about the country than his personal reputation. BTW, no one died at Watergate-------------but at Benghazi-----4.

A partisan House of Representatives Impeaches a President. A Senate acquittal has only one party voting and losing to convict and remove from office.

:rofl: a partisan impeachment? :rofl:

fool, history laughs at the conservative attack machine over this. and good gawd fool, you bring up Nixon?

one word: tapes:clap2:

Big deal because the US Senate acquitted President Clinton of the impeachment charges:eek:


good gawd I still can't believe some people don't understand what happened. Impeached? So frigging what, he was acquitted.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


your post is typical of the left wing mindless. he was impeached but was not removed from office. The impeachment stands. If Nixon had not resigned, he would have been impeached, but we will never know if he would have been removed from office.

Unlike Clinton, Nixon cared more about the country than his personal reputation. BTW, no one died at Watergate-------------but at Benghazi-----4.

A partisan House of Representatives Impeaches a President. A Senate acquittal has only one party voting and losing to convict and remove from office.

:rofl: a partisan impeachment? :rofl:

fool, history laughs at the conservative attack machine over this. and good gawd fool, you bring up Nixon?

one word: tapes:clap2:

of course it was partisan, so was the obamacare vote---whats your point?

the fact remains that clinton was impeached. sorry but posting bullshit and smilies cannot change that.
Watergate was a criminal enterprise run out of the White House and the Committee to Re-Elect the President - CREEP

Ben Ghazzi is the third brother of the triplets: Ben Gay, Ben Dover and Ben Ghazzi

cute on benghazi, amusing how you libs make jokes about dead americans when a libtard is president.

Watergate was one party spying on another, BFD
AND 9/11 was caused by Clinton's coverup of his selling missile secrets to the Chinese for donations that the Gorelick Memo prevented the CIA from sharing this with the FBI!

As a result the CIA knew the 9/11 bombers were in the USA but they couldn't share with the FBI because of the "GORELICK MEMO"!

As the No. 2 person in the Clinton Justice Department, Ms. Gorelick rejected advice from the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who warned against placing more limits on communications between law-enforcement officials and prosecutors pursuing counterterrorism cases, according to several internal documents written in summer 1995.

Memos show Gorelick involvement in 'wall' - Washington Times

President Bush got CIA briefings all the time. Was the CIA prevented from telling him, in 2001?

The data the CIA had was wrong, the data the UN had was wrong. No one made it up to start a war--------it was bad intel.

Yeah.....right.....sure it was.....



[ame=]60 Minutes: George W. Bush Sought to -Find A Way- to Invade Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]EXPOSED: Bush Planned on Invading Iraq Before 9/11-Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]


Wanna try, again????????​
your post is typical of the left wing mindless. he was impeached but was not removed from office. The impeachment stands. If Nixon had not resigned, he would have been impeached, but we will never know if he would have been removed from office.

Unlike Clinton, Nixon cared more about the country than his personal reputation. BTW, no one died at Watergate-------------but at Benghazi-----4.

A partisan House of Representatives Impeaches a President. A Senate acquittal has only one party voting and losing to convict and remove from office.

:rofl: a partisan impeachment? :rofl:

fool, history laughs at the conservative attack machine over this. and good gawd fool, you bring up Nixon?

one word: tapes:clap2:

of course it was partisan, so was the obamacare vote---whats your point?

the fact remains that clinton was impeached.

....For lyin' about a blow-job.

Watergate was a criminal enterprise run out of the White House and the Committee to Re-Elect the President - CREEP

Ben Ghazzi is the third brother of the triplets: Ben Gay, Ben Dover and Ben Ghazzi

cute on benghazi, amusing how you libs make jokes about dead americans when a libtard is president.

Watergate was one party spying on another, BFD was about Nixon trying to "throw" an election.

[ame=]Watergate- The Fall of a President - YouTube[/ame]​
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Watergate was a criminal enterprise run out of the White House and the Committee to Re-Elect the President - CREEP

Ben Ghazzi is the third brother of the triplets: Ben Gay, Ben Dover and Ben Ghazzi

cute on benghazi, amusing how you libs make jokes about dead americans when a libtard is president.

Watergate was one party spying on another, BFD

yeah, we all love joking about dead Americans

Watergate was a criminal enterprise run out of the White House and the Committee to Re-Elect the President - CREEP

Ben Ghazzi is the third brother of the triplets: Ben Gay, Ben Dover and Ben Ghazzi

cute on benghazi, amusing how you libs make jokes about dead americans when a libtard is president.

Watergate was one party spying on another, BFD

yeah, we all love joking about dead Americans


You're the one that made the crude banghazi joke. libtard!

Watergate was nothing compared to benghazi, talk about letting americans die for political gain----thats benghazi.

watergate was a stupid spying of one party on another to try to get some political startegy info-------it was stupid. Then Nixon lied about it--------but not under oath like your hero Clinton lying under oath about BJ's in the oval office.

Do you understand the significance of lying under oath?
A partisan House of Representatives Impeaches a President. A Senate acquittal has only one party voting and losing to convict and remove from office.

:rofl: a partisan impeachment? :rofl:

fool, history laughs at the conservative attack machine over this. and good gawd fool, you bring up Nixon?

one word: tapes:clap2:

of course it was partisan, so was the obamacare vote---whats your point?

the fact remains that clinton was impeached.

....For lyin' about a blow-job.


Under oath, dingleberry, its not the subject of the lie, its that he told it under oath---thats why he was impeached, not for getting a BJ by a 19 year old intern in the oval office of the people's house.
cute on benghazi, amusing how you libs make jokes about dead americans when a libtard is president.

Watergate was one party spying on another, BFD

yeah, we all love joking about dead Americans


You're the one that made the crude banghazi joke. libtard!

Watergate was nothing compared to benghazi, talk about letting americans die for political gain----thats benghazi.

watergate was a stupid spying of one party on another to try to get some political startegy info-------it was stupid. Then Nixon lied about it--------but not under oath like your hero Clinton lying under oath about BJ's in the oval office.

Do you understand the significance of lying under oath?

The breakin at the democrats national headquarters was not the reason Nixon was going to be impeached. Comparing Nixons corruption to the tragic deads of 4 Americans is bad enough, but to claim that somehow the Obama administration let them die for political gain in extremely specious.
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yeah, we all love joking about dead Americans


You're the one that made the crude banghazi joke. libtard!

Watergate was nothing compared to benghazi, talk about letting americans die for political gain----thats benghazi.

watergate was a stupid spying of one party on another to try to get some political startegy info-------it was stupid. Then Nixon lied about it--------but not under oath like your hero Clinton lying under oath about BJ's in the oval office.

Do you understand the significance of lying under oath?

The breakin at the democrats national headquarters was not the reason Nixon was going to be impeached. Comparing Nixons corruption to the tragic deads of 4 Americans is bad enough, but to claim that somehow the Obama administration let them die for political gain in extremely specious.

To admit there was a planned terrorist attack BEFORE the elections when Obama was using this theme over and over again to convince voters he killed Osama!
Remember these were slogans USED by Obama's campaign...

“If you’re looking for a bumper sticker to sum up how President Obama has handled what we inherited, it’s pretty simple: Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive,” Biden said last week.

So what Obama "inherited" was handled by killing Osama!

So remember during the height of the campaign 9/11/2012 Benghazi attack occurred. Was it planned? YES. Was it the video "NO"!!!
So why then for days after Benghazi and BEFORE the election the Obama campaign kept insisting it wasn't a planned attack but the video incited the murders!

EVEN Hillary said so!!!

After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would
“make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”
WHY on Sept. 14,2012 did she say that???
The most honest answer would be "we'll get the people that murdered your son"!
WHY bring up the video if NOT to politicize the murders??

There were no protesters at the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack, even though Obama and others repeatedly said the attackers joined an angry mob that had formed in opposition to the anti-Muslim film that had triggered protests in Egypt and elsewhere. The State Department disclosed this fact Oct. 9 — nearly a month after the attack.

Sept. 16: Libya President Mohamed Magariaf says on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that the attack on the U.S. consulate was planned months in advance. But Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from the CIA.)

Sept. 24: 13 days and Obama still thinks it's the video!!
Obama tapes an appearance on “The View,” and he’s asked by co-host Joy Behar whether the Libya attack was an act of terrorism or caused by the anti-Muslim video. He does not call it a terrorist attack and says, “We’re still doing an investigation.” : Benghazi Timeline

SO tell me again WHY the EMPHASIS on the VIDEO as the cause and total distaste to call it a terrorist attack???


Obama can NOT let the "Osama is dead" slogan be refuted by a planned terrorist attack on 9/11/12 !
It would NOT BE GOOD for voters to see Obama is NOT the tough on terrorists President!
Total political tactic to blame the video and not the planned attack that would show Obama's weaknesses!

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