The Clinton Administration Was "ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN" That Saddam Hussein Had WMDs

Clinton: Believed that Iraq had WMD, but did not invade Iraq. (Money and Lives wasted: $0)

Bush: Believed that Iraq had WMD, Invaded Iraq Found no WMD. (Money and Lives wasted: Trillions of $ and thousands upon thousands of lives)
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Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now that we’re out of Iraq, the CIA has come clean on how it came to be bamboozled about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ferrets over at the National Security Archive (NSA) petitioned for, and got, the CIA’s equivalent of the dog-ate-my-homework. (Technically, the NSA obtained this document under a mandatory-declassification-review request it made in 2006, which can be faster [It still took six years!] than an FOIA request if the requester has sufficient details on a specific document.)

Bottom line, from the CIA’s point of view: Saddam used to lie about possessing WMD, so we believed he still was.

Read more: The CIA's Mea Culpa on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction |
Clinton also made the largest cuts to welfare in the program's history.

He completed Reagan's dream of getting big government off Wall Street's back - a.k.a. Financial Deregulation.

His economic team was lead by Richard Rubin, who was a major Free Market guy and antithetical to the LEFT.

Clinton turned his back on Labor with NAFTA.

He was closer to George Bush and Reagan than he was to any Democratic president. Just as Nixon was a great Liberal president (if you look at his policies), Clinton was a great Conservative president.

But you're forgetting something. Regime change in Iraq was the official policy of the US Government starting in 1997. Clinton would definitely have moved Hussein out if thought it would have worked.

You're also forgetting that Hussein rose to power with the help of Reagan, who - because we lost the Shaw in Iran - convinced congress that we needed another asset in the region. This is why Reagan got Iraq and Hussein removed from the official list of terrorist nations. Bush 41 gave him money and chemical weapons - and stood idly buy when he used those weapons against the Kurds. Hussein's regional power is unimaginable without Reagan/Bush.

The neocons who convinced Clinton to make regime change an official US Policy ran Bush's defense department.

Here is the letter they wrote to Clinton

These men decided that they were going to invade Iraq no matter what. This was their one and only goal. This is why they pressured intelligence agencies to give them an alibi.

But you are correct - Clinton also supported regime change.
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Just as Nixon was a great Liberal president (if you look at his policies), Clinton was a great Conservative president.

You couldn't be more wrong if you said Obama was a Kenyan born socialist.

Clinton was a liberal in his time and Nixon was a conservative in his time. Neither man was a one-dimensional ideologue, who used an ideological litmus test before taking a stand on an issue. Most reasonable and rational, intelligent people do not use a litmus test, so most are not one-dimensional nitwits. Both men were principled and pragmatic partisans and not strict ideologues.

Conservatives can and do take liberal stands on issues, and Liberals can and do take conservative stands on issues, and this does not make them hypocritical, it makes them worthy of honor, respect, admiration, and imitation and emulation.
Clinton also made the largest cuts to welfare in the program's history.

He completed Reagan's dream of getting big government off Wall Street's back - a.k.a. Financial Deregulation.

His economic team was lead by Richard Rubin, who was a major Free Market guy and antithetical to the LEFT.

Clinton turned his back on Labor with NAFTA.

He was closer to George Bush and Reagan than he was to any Democratic president. Just as Nixon was a great Liberal president (if you look at his policies), Clinton was a great Conservative president.

But you're forgetting something. Regime change in Iraq was the official policy of the US Government starting in 1997. Clinton would definitely have moved Hussein out if thought it would have worked.

You're also forgetting that Hussein rose to power with the help of Reagan, who - because we lost the Shaw in Iran - convinced congress that we needed another asset in the region. This is why Reagan got Iraq and Hussein removed from the official list of terrorist nations. Bush 41 gave him money and chemical weapons - and stood idly buy when he used those weapons against the Kurds. Hussein's regional power is unimaginable without Reagan/Bush.

The neocons who convinced Clinton to make regime change an official US Policy ran Bush's defense department.

Here is the letter they wrote to Clinton

These men decided that they were going to invade Iraq no matter what. This was their one and only goal. This is why they pressured intelligence agencies to give them an alibi.

But you are correct - Clinton also supported regime change.

Regime change did not presuppose invasion and dismantling and rebuilding the Iaqi nation without the consent before hand of the Iraqi people. Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clinton: Believed that Iraq had WMD, but did not invade Iraq. (Money and Lives wasted: $0)

Bush: Believed that Iraq had WMD, Invaded Iraq Found no WMD. (Money and Lives wasted: Trillions of $ and thousands upon thousands of lives)

Clinton because of the chinese political campaign donations in exchange for US Missile secrets created

Known as the Gorelick Memo...
"As Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton from 1994 to 1997 Jamie Gorelick wrote the memo that created the now infamous “Gorelick Wall.” A 1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”

These rules were, shortly after their creation, expanded to regulate such communications in future counter-terrorism investigations.
It set a procedure where various intelligence operations could not share information with each other.

Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.
At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
‘Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
Breitbart News: Big Government

And that lead to 9/11 and the deaths of thousands of people ALONG with Anthrax attacks you seem to forget and at that time with Saddam having been heavily bombed by Bush here is what the Democrats said..

"Saddam's conduct. He has systematically violated, over the course of the past 11 years, every significant UN resolution that has demanded that he disarm and destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do. He lies and cheats; he snubs the mandate and authority of international weapons inspectors;Henry Waxman, Oct 10, 2002
If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People ? Version 3.0 | Right Wing News
Saddam and Terrorists common enemy : USA!

The Iraqi Perspectives Project (IPP) review of captured Iraqi documents uncovered strong evidence that links the regime of Saddam Hussein to regional and global terrorism.
Despite their incompatible long-term goals, many terrorist movements and Saddam found a common enemy in the United States.
At times these organizations worked together, trading access for capability. In the period after the 1991 Gulf War, the regime of Saddam Hussein supported a complex and increasingly disparate mix of pan-Arab revolutionary causes and emerging pan-Islamic radical movements.
The relationship between Iraq and forces of pan-Arab socialism was well known and was in fact one ofthe defining qualities of the Ba'ath movement.

Saddam's regime often cooperated directly, albeit cautiously, with terrorist groups when they believed such groups could help advance Iraq's long-term goals. The regime carefully recorded its connections to Palestinian terror organizations in numerous government memos.
One such example documents Iraqi financial support to families of suicide bombers in Gaza and the West Bank.

Under Saddam, the Iraqi regime used its paramilitary Fedayeen Saddam training camps to train terrorists for use inside and outside Iraq.
In 1999, the top ten graduates of each Fedayeen Saddam class were specifically chosen for assignment to London, from there to be ready to conduct operations anywhere in Europe.

So when all things are considered, these people saying Saddam supported Terrorism, 9/11 occurred, anthrax attacks...
YOU and your fellow idiots would say..."hmmm... Saddam said he doesn't have WMDs... OK we believe him and tooth fairies and Easter Rabbit!"
Mr Blix, who has since retired to Sweden, said his inspectors found no compelling evidence that Iraq had a hidden arsenal or was blocking the work of the inspectors. He said there had been only small infractions by Iraq.

"We did express ourselves in dry terms but there was no mistake about the content," he said. "One cannot say there was compelling evidence. Iraq was guilty only of small infractions. The government should have re-evaluated its assessment in the light of what the inspectors found.

"We reported consistently that we found no weapons of mass destruction and I carried out inspections at sites given to us by US and British intelligence and not found anything."
Blix insists there was no firm weapons evidence | Politics | The Guardian

Kerry stands by 'yes' vote on Iraq war - CNN

Kerry stands by 'yes' vote on Iraq war. ... Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry said Monday he would ... The question of going to war in Iraq has become a ...
Clinton also made the largest cuts to welfare in the program's history.

He completed Reagan's dream of getting big government off Wall Street's back - a.k.a. Financial Deregulation.

His economic team was lead by Richard Rubin, who was a major Free Market guy and antithetical to the LEFT.

Clinton turned his back on Labor with NAFTA.

He was closer to George Bush and Reagan than he was to any Democratic president. Just as Nixon was a great Liberal president (if you look at his policies), Clinton was a great Conservative president.

But you're forgetting something. Regime change in Iraq was the official policy of the US Government starting in 1997. Clinton would definitely have moved Hussein out if thought it would have worked.

You're also forgetting that Hussein rose to power with the help of Reagan, who - because we lost the Shaw in Iran - convinced congress that we needed another asset in the region. This is why Reagan got Iraq and Hussein removed from the official list of terrorist nations. Bush 41 gave him money and chemical weapons - and stood idly buy when he used those weapons against the Kurds. Hussein's regional power is unimaginable without Reagan/Bush.

The neocons who convinced Clinton to make regime change an official US Policy ran Bush's defense department.

Here is the letter they wrote to Clinton

These men decided that they were going to invade Iraq no matter what. This was their one and only goal. This is why they pressured intelligence agencies to give them an alibi.

But you are correct - Clinton also supported regime change.

Regime change did not presuppose invasion and dismantling and rebuilding the Iaqi nation without the consent before hand of the Iraqi people. Iraq Liberation Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
RIGHT... YOU really think the "Iaqi" people who voted 100% to re-elect Saddam would say "OH world come throw Saddam out!"?

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