
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
I'm just driving down on Memory lane....



Mena, Arkansas featured prominently in Iran-Contra investigations:

"One week before the boys died, a man wearing military fatigues was spotted not far from the train tracks.

"When police officer Danny Allen attempted to stop him, the man opened fire and managed to disappear into the night.

"On the same night the boys died, a similar-looking man dressed in military fatigues was spotted nearby.

"The usual theory given about the boys' deaths, believed by Linda Ives, involves drug trafficking.[7][8][9]

"The theory is that the boys came upon a drug drop from an airplane similar to Barry Seal's operations near Mena and were murdered."

Death of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia
There is NO Clinton body count. But you can go down in the rabbit hole if you like!!
Oh yes there is sweetie.
Hillary Clinton fomented unrest in Ukraine with the help of the cia. And backed the svoboda party a notorious neo fascist, nazi jew hating organization.
how many people have died so that the bidens and the sale of steel from ukraine to iran can enrich US politicians like the Clintons and the Bidens.
There is NO Clinton body count. But you can go down in the rabbit hole if you like!!
Oh yes there is sweetie.
Hillary Clinton fomented unrest in Ukraine with the help of the cia. And backed the svoboda party a notorious neo fascist, nazi jew hating organization.
how many people have died so that the bidens and the sale of steel from ukraine to iran can enrich US politicians like the Clintons and the Bidens.

Oh my, I see its too late.
I'm just driving down on Memory lane....THE CLINTON BODY COUNT part 1: "Mena"
Then it's not a 'Current Event': 'History', maybe, 'Rubber Room', probably!
There is NO Clinton body count. But you can go down in the rabbit hole if you like!!

go troll somewhere else,as always,when you cant refute the facts,you troll with nothing to contribute.

Then it's not a 'Current Event': 'History', maybe, 'Rubber Room', probably!

what I said to penelope allies to you as well.
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Mena, Arkansas featured prominently in Iran-Contra investigations:

"One week before the boys died, a man wearing military fatigues was spotted not far from the train tracks.

"When police officer Danny Allen attempted to stop him, the man opened fire and managed to disappear into the night.

"On the same night the boys died, a similar-looking man dressed in military fatigues was spotted nearby.

"The usual theory given about the boys' deaths, believed by Linda Ives, involves drug trafficking.[7][8][9]

"The theory is that the boys came upon a drug drop from an airplane similar to Barry Seal's operations near Mena and were murdered."

Death of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia

many people who knew too much about Clintons

Mena, Arkansas featured prominently in Iran-Contra investigations:

"One week before the boys died, a man wearing military fatigues was spotted not far from the train tracks.

"When police officer Danny Allen attempted to stop him, the man opened fire and managed to disappear into the night.

"On the same night the boys died, a similar-looking man dressed in military fatigues was spotted nearby.

"The usual theory given about the boys' deaths, believed by Linda Ives, involves drug trafficking.[7][8][9]

"The theory is that the boys came upon a drug drop from an airplane similar to Barry Seal's operations near Mena and were murdered."

Death of Don Henry and Kevin Ives - Wikipedia

georgephillip and tyroneweaver

many people besides Don Henry and Kevin Ives after discovering clintons drug smuggling operation for the CIA as governor of arkansas along with his long time friend and pal George Bush,ended up being arkansawed by the clinton crime machine including arkansas state troopers. the clintons are part of the royal family of england,they are very powerful same as the bushes and untouchable and do not have to answer to the law same as most politicians.

this is a another great book that exposed clinton and Bushs crime activities for the CIA. He was a bodyguard for clinton and talked about how clinton sent him on a mission for the CIA,he thought it was a good cause he was involved in but then later discovered it was an illegal operation for the CIA in drug smuggling. when he found out the truth he confronted clinton face to face and yelled out at him in anger and clinton then came back laughing saying-Hey dont worry,my buddy Bush knows all about it.

In this book of his he has MANY pics of the Bushs and clintons hanging out together. He tried to bring a lawsuit against clinton while he was president but as i said before,clinton is untouchable by the law as are the bushes and all the criminal politicians around the country because politicians are protected by some powerful forces we can not touch and are immune from prosecution.

The Bushes and Clintons share their deepest bonds in common with the CIA. Cord Meyer, Roger Morris, and Christopher Hitchens said that in the summer of 1968, while at the University of Oxford, young Bill Clinton was recruited by the agency to infiltrate left-wing anti-war groups in Eastern Europe and snitch on their activities to the boys at Langley.

the MAINSTREAM media never reported on any of this because if you did you would be lucky if you ONLY lost your job and not your life which many who report on clintons evil doings wind up as murders disguised as suicides or heart attacks,ect,ect. much like the JFK assassination of people who gave versions that did not go along with the governments. Bush has his trail of dead bodies as well you just hear about his all the time as you do with clinton because he was not sloppy about it like clinton was.
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amazing how there has never been a president linked to so many deaths as clinton,the clinton body count is like the JFK assassination where people who knew too much eneded up ALSO being arkansawed and had their murders covered as suicides and drug overdoses which is the same with the clinton body count.

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