The Clintons Didn’t Just Sell Our Uranium To Russia

Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!
How is Uranium owned by a Canadian company, “our” Uranium? :cuckoo:
Would it matter?
Look at the characters involved and just the word uranium thrown in the mix along with a little cash. Ya and nothings going on
What’s that got to do with what I posted? :dunno:

PoliticalHack idiotically claims that the Clinton’s sold out Uranium to Russia.

How is that true when it wasn’t our Uranium and it was sold by a Canadian company?

The Facts on Uranium One -
This paragraph was of particular interest to me:
The Times also wrote that Bill Clinton spoke at a conference in Moscow on June 29, 2010 — which was after the Rosatom-Uranium One merger was announced in June 2010, but before it was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States in October 2010. The Russian-based Renaissance Capital Group organized the conference and paid Clinton $500,000.

Renaissance Capital has “ties to the Kremlin” and its analysts “talked up Uranium One’s stock, assigning it a ‘buy’ rating and saying in a July 2010 research report that it was ‘the best play’ in the uranium markets,” the Times wrote.

But there is no evidence that the donations or the speaking fee had any influence on the approvals granted by the NRC or the Committee on Foreign Investments.

All I care is Money, Bill, Hillary, Uranium. This is all I need. There are countless stories about the clintons that have this same theme.
It's not Chuck schumer, it's not Adam shiff, jerry brown, cory booker. It's always the clintons
Great, so a company NOT related to Rosatom paid bill a lot of money to give a speech, which even at $500,000, Renaissance Group might have even profited.

Great conspiracy ya got there. :badgrin:
I hate to say this but I think Jeff Sessions was also involved in the Uranium One Scandal.

If so, this would make sense why he refuses to do his job.

Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!
Is no Uranium One Scandal. Only a made up fantasy in the heads of goofballs like you desperate for a Hillary scandal that will stick.

Everyone knows you're won't injure your reputation.....
It couldn't be any lower.

Now....what's your story as to why the Kremlin saw to it that the Clinton Crime Family was enriched to the tune of $145 million????

This oughta' be good.
This is such a fun presidency, though! I'm not understanding why you keep talking about the Clintons.

I mean, consider Trump's tweet this morning before the caffeine hit.

Thinking that 'dying' is spelled 'dieing' has to be right up there with 'corpse,' amirite?!


This thread is based on debunked Russian FAKE NEWS !
Still not seeing you tell us how much uranium actually went to Russia.


She'd sell more if she could.

No, not true.

Everything I post is true.
Liar. You are a long-term infamous distorter of facts and confirmed liar, one of the best-known spin doctors of falsehoods on USMB, and that is saying a lot. sound like you never got over the spankings I've had to administer.

Lots more where those came from.
You are still evading and deflecting away from answering the question asked by numerous posters numerous times.
Those spankings you imagine are symptoms of your serious mental illness. Something is wrong with you.
I’m still trying to figure that out.

He just seems uninterested in handling any of this stuff.

Rosenstein for certain should not be in power.

And in my opinion Mueller should never have been allowed to be appointed.

16 months of this investigation in to a nothing burger. It’s purpose is actually deflection obstruction and a delay tactic to stop us from getting to the bottom of real corruption in The Obama Administration.

Why didn’t that just get handed to the IG instead of Mueller? Special Counsels are only supposed to be appointed if there is clear evidence of a crime. That wasn’t even remotely the case.

My opinion is if you are going to investigate Russian Trolling and attempted influence in our election, you can’t just investigate one side. Investigate all of it.

Clinton, Obama, Trump.

Full Transparency!

I hate to say this but I think Jeff Sessions was also involved in the Uranium One Scandal.

If so, this would make sense why he refuses to do his job.
It would cause a bunch of screaming from the swamp but if Trump doesn't fire Sessions the swamp will roll all over the white house...Obviously at this point in time there can be no doubt that Sessions is part of the swamp...
Last edited:

She'd sell more if she could.

No, not true.

Everything I post is true.
Liar. You are a long-term infamous distorter of facts and confirmed liar, one of the best-known spin doctors of falsehoods on USMB, and that is saying a lot. sound like you never got over the spankings I've had to administer.

Lots more where those came from.
You are still evading and deflecting away from answering the question asked by numerous posters numerous times.
Those spankings you imagine are symptoms of your serious mental illness. Something is wrong with you.
It's from being a Canadian Asian girl that is too smart for her own good...
Everyone knows you're won't injure your reputation.....
It couldn't be any lower.

Now....what's your story as to why the Kremlin saw to it that the Clinton Crime Family was enriched to the tune of $145 million????

This oughta' be good.

WOW, you claim HIllary was in Putin's pocket, yet Putin had the FSB, GRU, troll farms, and even 400 pound russins in their basement, work to elect Trump over Hillary.
Everyone knows you're won't injure your reputation.....
It couldn't be any lower.

Now....what's your story as to why the Kremlin saw to it that the Clinton Crime Family was enriched to the tune of $145 million????

This oughta' be good.

WOW, you claim HIllary was in Putin's pocket, yet Putin had the FSB, GRU, troll farms, and even 400 pound russins in their basement, work to elect Trump over Hillary.
It is if you inhale car exhaust in an enclosed room......
Nope….they even made sure we couldn’t replace it.
Putin got every Ruble's worth from the personification of the Democrat Party, the Clinton Crime Family.

The $500k Putin paid Bill ‘the rapist’ for his fake speech was worth every kopek to Putin.

1."Most sapient Americans—those who are skeptical of the mainstream media—know the outrageous but largely unreported story that Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the help of Obama officials and over congressional experts’ objections, allowed Russia to gain control of 20 percent of America’s uranium supplies.

2.What is unknown is whether the Clintons sweetened the deal for their Russian friends by engineering closure of a million federal acres of the nation’s best source of uranium.

3. In March 2010, then-Secretary of State Clinton traveled to Russia to meet with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June, Bill Clinton was gifted $500,000 by a Russian bank with close connections to Putin’s government for a speech in Moscow.

4. In October of 2010, the Obama administration, with the blessing of the State Department run by Hillary Clinton, allowed the Russians to purchase a company called Uranium One, which controls more than 20 percent of American uranium.”

5. Here we can see the real reason for the Trump/Collusion-Mueller Investigation: to camouflage the fact that every major Democrat elite was both knowledgeable and a participant in the corruption: Muller, Comey and Rosenstein knew and probably wet their beaks in the payoffs.

6. What are the other parts of this tale of political corruption?

“…a Russian agent in Maryland involved in extortion, fraud, and international money laundering; a Washington, D.C. lobbyist who, hearing danger afoot, became an FBI informant; congressional critics decrying “the take-over of essential U.S. nuclear resources by a government-owned Russian agency”; non-disclosure by the FBI of its investigation into Russia’s “racketeering and strong-arming” as the administration considered the Russian acquisition; the transfer of $145 million to the Clinton Foundation by sources tied to the Uranium One deal; prolonging of the FBI investigation for years; and indictment and slap-on-the-wrist sentencing of the agent and his conspirators just before Labor Day and Christmas, all without fanfare.

7.Oh, and the informant? The FBI forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement, enforceable even against Congress.”
Uranium too: Did the Clintons finagle a twofer, including a land-grab?

Jail 'em all!!!!

stop lying, cut and paste queen.

FNC's Shep Smith: Hillary Clinton Had Nothing To Do With 'Uranium One' Sale

She'd sell more if she could.

No, not true.

Everything I post is true.
Liar. You are a long-term infamous distorter of facts and confirmed liar, one of the best-known spin doctors of falsehoods on USMB, and that is saying a lot. sound like you never got over the spankings I've had to administer.

Lots more where those came from.
You are still evading and deflecting away from answering the question asked by numerous posters numerous times.
Those spankings you imagine are symptoms of your serious mental illness. Something is wrong with you.

20% of America's uranium for the princely sum of $145 million.

Of course, the Clintons have accepted far less to do other underhanded things.....
Still not seeing you tell us how much uranium actually went to Russia.


She'd sell more if she could.


Zero went to russia you dolt.

You don't know where it went after Clinton sold it to you.
You still have not provided evidence or a valid link indicating actual uranium was ever sold and transferred to Russia.

Sure have.

Lots of 'em.

Nope....I want to know how many pounds/tons of uranium actually went to Russia. Give me the amount.


You've already been revealed as a suck-up for anti-American interests.
You should have the many pounds/tons of uranium actually went to Russia?


I just needed to have you on record as a supporter of the sleazy corruption of this career criminal.

"While CFIUS evaluated Rosatom’s offer, Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer observed, “a spontaneous outbreak of philanthropy among eight shareholders in Uranium One” began. “These Canadian mining magnates decide now would be a great time to donate tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.”

These included Uranium One’s then-chairman, Ian Telfer, whose donations to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI) totaled $3.1 million. Giustra himself gave $131.3 million to the Clinton Foundation. Before, during, and after CFIUS’s review, Schweizer calculates, “shareholders involved in this transaction had transferred approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation or its initiatives.”
Clinton Russia Ties: Bill & Hillary Sold Out U.S. Interests to Putin Regime | National Review
Still not seeing you tell us how much uranium actually went to Russia.


She'd sell more if she could.

20%? 20% of how many pounds/tons? You do understand English, right? How many pounds/tons of uranium from Uranium One made it to Russia because of this?

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