The Cliven Bundy Fan-Club DEATHWATCH thread

Actually, this thread is just supposed to be the repository of Cons who denounce Cliven Bundy, cuz many more are sure to follow.

The only con I know of you came out strongly for Cliven Bundy today was Dana Loesch, on her radio show.

ummm..people can be racist if they choose to be. one doesn't have anything to do with the other. and this thread is idiotic....You cant force people to think the way you'd like them to think. orry...Disappointing thread indeed:cuckoo:

Did you even read the OP, Jroc?

Nope, you didn't.

It's just a repository of the Righties who have distanced themselves from Bundy for him being a racist fuck.
Nice attempt at deflection. No donut for you. Pay attention, if you can.

Deflect? BUndy's "racist" comments were about the Welfare state, or did you not even listen/read what he said?

So you don't think those conservatives should have denounced Bundy. Did these conservatives not look at the entire comments made by Bundy? Hell, Megyn Kelly just denounced Bundy for a speech he gave today.

And thank you for that information too!

So, we have added Bill O'Reilly and the lovely Megyn Kelly to the list.
Now they're all scurrying around trying to throw Bundy under the bus by claiming they didn't "know?"

Here's a little clue for these guys. You can't rescue your credibility when you don't have any to begin with.

Wow, you really think they don't get a little credibility for denouncing racism?

This so-called "revelation" is not the intellectual equivalent of Columbus discovering the Americas.
His statments were about "the Negro".

Nice try. No donut for you.

The word "Negro" still appears on significant chunk of government forms...

nice try. No dice.

Context always matters. And you already know that.

Why don't you just go ahead and defend the guy, if you feel that way? It's your right. If you want to support racism, go right ahead, but notice how his RW fan club is shrinking really, really fast.

Gee, maybe they know something you don't know.
Now they're all scurrying around trying to throw Bundy under the bus by claiming they didn't "know?"

Here's a little clue for these guys. You can't rescue your credibility when you don't have any to begin with.

Wow, you really think they don't get a little credibility for denouncing racism?
No, they don't, because you'll notice that each time they say that what Cliven Bundy said was wrong, they also include something along the lines of "but Democrats do that, too."

They were not apologizing for standing with Cliven Bundy until it was undeniably obvious that he was wrong, even when it was undeniably obvious that he was wrong from the start, as the multiple court orders stated.

This was never about Cliven Bundy, land use rights, a Chinese solar plant, the 2nd Amendment, the police state, or desert tortoises. This was about uninformed rednecks thinking that they have had enough of a black President. These people are dangerous. They belong on a terrorist watchlist.

Who said, "but Democrats do that, too," or something along that line?
There is no problem. This thread is simply a repository... Cons should be GLAD I started it, so then they can prove that their brethren indeed condemned this horrible racism.

Can't wait to hear from the names I listed in posting no. 21!!!

Oh, and I denounce and fight racism at every turn, that is part of why I started this thread.

Like most left wingers, you always look for a high horse to ride, and hope to hell that no none notices that you are what you condemn.

Bundy is entitled to his opinion, and people who do not like his opinion are entitled to condemn that opinion. Is that too difficult for you to understand.

I have to wonder why you believe that conservatives are required to condemn racist statements, while liberal/socialists are not. You haven't condemned the statements, and that means you believe you are holier than thou.

No, there is little doubt that you ride the short bus.

Why sure, buddy, that is EXACTLY what I am doing.

And if you don't like it, then tough fuck for you.

I never said that Righties had to condemn him. If they don't and want to out themselves for the disgusting racists they may be, well, hell, that's their right. This thread is simply a repository. You do understand that simple idea, right?


Out themselves? Are you the judge and jury now? the liberal way. In their attempts to control the people through government everyone looses their liberty and who the hell are you to judge anyway?
Now they're all scurrying around trying to throw Bundy under the bus by claiming they didn't "know?"

Here's a little clue for these guys. You can't rescue your credibility when you don't have any to begin with.
This was never about Bundy - it was about the way the asshole federal government acted against Bundy pursuant to their dispute. Bundy's racial beliefs does not in anyway influence the case, and has no bearing on those who promulgated his assertions, but you liberals can't help, but try, and inculpate them - through even innocuous association! Your king hung out with the fucking Weather Underground!

You are disingenuous cowards who don't care how dubious your government acts towards your enemies; those who reject your cultist beliefs. Your silence about BLM actions; your transmutation to race shows how puny you are! You wouldn't recognize credibility if it were clamped to your nose - this administration doesn't have a fucking ounce between them!
His statments were about "the Negro".

Nice try. No donut for you.

The word "Negro" still appears on significant chunk of government forms...

nice try. No dice.

Context always matters. And you already know that.

Why don't you just go ahead and defend the guy, if you feel that way? It's your right. If you want to support racism, go right ahead, but notice how his RW fan club is shrinking really, really fast.

Gee, maybe they know something you don't know.

If context matters why are you ignoring the full unedited context of his remarks? Or does context only matter if it supports your desired version of events?
Like most left wingers, you always look for a high horse to ride, and hope to hell that no none notices that you are what you condemn.

Bundy is entitled to his opinion, and people who do not like his opinion are entitled to condemn that opinion. Is that too difficult for you to understand.

I have to wonder why you believe that conservatives are required to condemn racist statements, while liberal/socialists are not. You haven't condemned the statements, and that means you believe you are holier than thou.

No, there is little doubt that you ride the short bus.

Why sure, buddy, that is EXACTLY what I am doing.

And if you don't like it, then tough fuck for you.

I never said that Righties had to condemn him. If they don't and want to out themselves for the disgusting racists they may be, well, hell, that's their right. This thread is simply a repository. You do understand that simple idea, right?


Out themselves? Are you the judge and jury now? the liberal way. In their attempts to control the people through government everyone looses their liberty and who the hell are you to judge anyway?

Nope. Stop being so butthurt over a thread. Get over yourself.

Do you support Cliven Bundy's racism, Jroc? Do you believe, as he very explicitly said, that he wondered if blacks had it better as slaves than now? Do you believe that? Do you support this guy?
3.) Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck: Cliven Bundy ?unhinged? - Jonathan Topaz -

Glenn Beck criticized Cliven Bundy’s comments on race on his radio program Thursday, saying the Nevada rancher is “unhinged from reality” and urging his supporters to “end your relationship” with him.
Glenn Beck calling someone unhinged from reality?

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, LOL.

And yet, it could be the one time in history where Glenn Beck gets it right.
The word "Negro" still appears on significant chunk of government forms...

nice try. No dice.

Context always matters. And you already know that.

Why don't you just go ahead and defend the guy, if you feel that way? It's your right. If you want to support racism, go right ahead, but notice how his RW fan club is shrinking really, really fast.

Gee, maybe they know something you don't know.

If context matters why are you ignoring the full unedited context of his remarks? Or does context only matter if it supports your desired version of events?

He doesn't care. His mission is to divide and denigrate... pathetic thread really, truly pathetic.
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Why sure, buddy, that is EXACTLY what I am doing.

And if you don't like it, then tough fuck for you.

I never said that Righties had to condemn him. If they don't and want to out themselves for the disgusting racists they may be, well, hell, that's their right. This thread is simply a repository. You do understand that simple idea, right?


Out themselves? Are you the judge and jury now? the liberal way. In their attempts to control the people through government everyone looses their liberty and who the hell are you to judge anyway?

Nope. Stop being so butthurt over a thread. Get over yourself.

Do you support Cliven Bundy's racism, Jroc? Do you believe, as he very explicitly said, that he wondered if blacks had it better as slaves than now? Do you believe that? Do you support this guy?

I support his freedom to be a racist if he is...but that fact as nothing to do with his plight, and the reason he is in the news,
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Why don't you just go ahead and defend the guy, if you feel that way? It's your right. If you want to support racism, go right ahead, but notice how his RW fan club is shrinking really, really fast.

Gee, maybe they know something you don't know.

I've never conformed to political correctness, that's the turf of Progressives, a turf that they navigate well.

Fact: The man lives in the middle of desert and has his entire life, so he has no direct experience or education about the horrors of true slavery.

Fact: He does however have experience and education about modern slavery (welfare state), since he frequently drives through Las Vegas.

Fact: He has observed and realized (correctly) that the most dangerous place for a black person is in the WOMB of their mother. Most blacks die before they are ever born.

Fact: He has observed and realized (correctly) that the second most dangerous and unhappy place to live (in America) is in a black city or suburban ghetto, such as Chicago or Rochester or many of the suburban ghettos on Long Island not far from where I live.

Fact: Black crime rate was lower than the white crime rate int he 30's and 40's and arguably less int he 50's. Family units were very strong then in the black community and their culture thrived --- they invented jazz --- as a fellow musician, I'm sure you know that.

Fact: You do NOT want to be born black in America today.

Fact: Blacks (statistically by percentage) are the most dependent upon Government subsidy.

Fact: LBJ said "I'll have these ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years." In other words --- I'll steal from whites, with he support of black voters, and distribute that money to the blacks very sparingly and just enough to keep them "content" and voting Democrat.

Fact: The Welfare state has only impoverished whites and blacks together, and has resulted in the loss of individual freedoms.

It's just a repository of the Righties who have distanced themselves from Bundy for him being a racist fuck.

Those Righties are Neoconservatives and always have been. They're just as bad --- arguably far more dangerous to be honest, than Progressives. At the very least, the Progressive base doesn't vote for foreign wars.
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The real point is the damage Democrat plans have inflicted on blacks, we can't keep letting Dems sidetrack it by playing the race card
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The word "Negro" still appears on significant chunk of government forms...

nice try. No dice.

Context always matters. And you already know that.

Why don't you just go ahead and defend the guy, if you feel that way? It's your right. If you want to support racism, go right ahead, but notice how his RW fan club is shrinking really, really fast.

Gee, maybe they know something you don't know.

If context matters why are you ignoring the full unedited context of his remarks? Or does context only matter if it supports your desired version of events?

Because what you just said is bullshit.

Here is the NYT article:

Here is the quote:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do."

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Now, go watch the video. here it is:

The same words. The only line that is not a direct quote is the line I bolded, which is called an indicator line, totally common in journalism. And it says exactly the same thing he said.

Nothing about what he said was altered. Nothing.

Care to try again, or is the butthurt just too much for you?
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So, once you all see another rat jumping off the USS-Tea Bundy, just post it here!

Still waiting on words of wisdom from:

Bush, Jeb

Cuz we know they all abhor racism, right?!?!?


What he said wasn't all that bad.

Wasn't all that smart, but not that bad.

At least he didn't call us a bunch of teabaggers.

What, Bundy didn't call you a teabagger?

Wow, he's really slacking off today. Guess he already got enough hate out of his system.

I see a few starting to find some wiggle room...."it wasn't that bad" - "out of context" and "it's his opinion" - yeah, racist opinion....too bad they can't or rather, won't see it.
Now they're all scurrying around trying to throw Bundy under the bus by claiming they didn't "know?"

Here's a little clue for these guys. You can't rescue your credibility when you don't have any to begin with.
This was never about Bundy - it was about the way the asshole federal government acted against Bundy pursuant to their dispute. Bundy's racial beliefs does not in anyway influence the case, and has no bearing on those who promulgated his assertions, but you liberals can't help, but try, and inculpate them - through even innocuous association! Your king hung out with the fucking Weather Underground!

You are disingenuous cowards who don't care how dubious your government acts towards your enemies; those who reject your cultist beliefs. Your silence about BLM actions; your transmutation to race shows how puny you are! You wouldn't recognize credibility if it were clamped to your nose - this administration doesn't have a fucking ounce between them!

Here's a little clue for you. From what I've heard and read, Bundy is an extremist in ALL his views. He's on the edge of the nth degree of a statistical distribution range in terms of his views. The thing is that it's not like it was a secret. Bundy is not the shy and retiring type who has spent years hiding himself and his views behind a wall of privacy. He's quite willing to spout off and has done so for years. So, I don't buy that people in the media who latched on to him as their new anti Obama anti federal gov't media-manufactured hero couldn't or wouldn't do a little due diligence in order to discover some facts about him instead of just hoisting his banner and waving it for him.

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