The Cliven Bundy Fan-Club DEATHWATCH thread

Deathwatch? Aren't you lefties being a bit over dramatic? A former KKK member and Nazi who happened to run for office as a democrat killed three Jews last week claiming he was influenced by a Media Matters anti-Israel rant and there wasn't nearly as much outrage or this much drama about it in left wing posts.
Deathwatch? Aren't you lefties being a bit over dramatic? A former KKK member and Nazi who happened to run for office as a democrat killed three Jews last week claiming he was influenced by a Media Matters anti-Israel rant and there wasn't nearly as much outrage or this much drama about it in left wing posts.

Oh, I denounced it quite heavily.

Enjoying your drama queen moment?
The tee potties are running scared but the racists here can't catch up.

Fun watching them eat their own.
Why don't you just go ahead and defend the guy, if you feel that way? It's your right. If you want to support racism, go right ahead, but notice how his RW fan club is shrinking really, really fast.

Gee, maybe they know something you don't know.

I've never conformed to political correctness, that's the turf of Progressives, a turf that they navigate well.

Fact: The man lives in the middle of desert and has his entire life, so he has no direct experience or education about the horrors of true slavery.

Fact: He does however have experience and education about modern slavery (welfare state), since he frequently drives through Las Vegas.

Fact: He has observed and realized (correctly) that the most dangerous place for a black person is in the WOMB of their mother. Most blacks die before they are ever born.

Fact: He has observed and realized (correctly) that the second most dangerous and unhappy place to live (in America) is in a black city or suburban ghetto, such as Chicago or Rochester or many of the suburban ghettos on Long Island not far from where I live.

Fact: Black crime rate was lower than the white crime rate int he 30's and 40's and arguably less int he 50's. Family units were very strong then in the black community and their culture thrived --- they invented jazz --- as a fellow musician, I'm sure you know that.

Fact: You do NOT want to be born black in America today.

Fact: Blacks (statistically by percentage) are the most dependent upon Government subsidy.

Fact: LBJ said "I'll have these ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years." In other words --- I'll steal from whites, with he support of black voters, and distribute that money to the blacks very sparingly and just enough to keep them "content" and voting Democrat.

Fact: The Welfare state has only impoverished whites and blacks together, and has resulted in the loss of individual freedoms.

It's just a repository of the Righties who have distanced themselves from Bundy for him being a racist fuck.

Those Righties are Neoconservatives and always have been. They're just as bad --- arguably far more dangerous to be honest, than Progressives. At the very least, the Progressive base doesn't vote for foreign wars.
Why don't you just go ahead and defend the guy, if you feel that way? It's your right. If you want to support racism, go right ahead, but notice how his RW fan club is shrinking really, really fast.

Gee, maybe they know something you don't know.

I've never conformed to political correctness, that's the turf of Progressives, a turf that they navigate well.

Fact: The man lives in the middle of desert and has his entire life, so he has no direct experience or education about the horrors of true slavery.

Fact: He does however have experience and education about modern slavery (welfare state), since he frequently drives through Las Vegas.

Fact: He has observed and realized (correctly) that the most dangerous place for a black person is in the WOMB of their mother. Most blacks die before they are ever born.

Fact: He has observed and realized (correctly) that the second most dangerous and unhappy place to live (in America) is in a black city or suburban ghetto, such as Chicago or Rochester or many of the suburban ghettos on Long Island not far from where I live.

Fact: Black crime rate was lower than the white crime rate int he 30's and 40's and arguably less int he 50's. Family units were very strong then in the black community and their culture thrived --- they invented jazz --- as a fellow musician, I'm sure you know that.

Fact: You do NOT want to be born black in America today.

Fact: Blacks (statistically by percentage) are the most dependent upon Government subsidy.

Fact: LBJ said "I'll have these ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years." In other words --- I'll steal from whites, with he support of black voters, and distribute that money to the blacks very sparingly and just enough to keep them "content" and voting Democrat.

Fact: The Welfare state has only impoverished whites and blacks together, and has resulted in the loss of individual freedoms.

It's just a repository of the Righties who have distanced themselves from Bundy for him being a racist fuck.

Those Righties are Neoconservatives and always have been. They're just as bad --- arguably far more dangerous to be honest, than Progressives. At the very least, the Progressive base doesn't vote for foreign wars.

You see, that wasn't that hard to do, now was it?
Now they're all scurrying around trying to throw Bundy under the bus by claiming they didn't "know?"

Here's a little clue for these guys. You can't rescue your credibility when you don't have any to begin with.
This was never about Bundy - it was about the way the asshole federal government acted against Bundy pursuant to their dispute. Bundy's racial beliefs does not in anyway influence the case, and has no bearing on those who promulgated his assertions, but you liberals can't help, but try, and inculpate them - through even innocuous association! Your king hung out with the fucking Weather Underground!

You are disingenuous cowards who don't care how dubious your government acts towards your enemies; those who reject your cultist beliefs. Your silence about BLM actions; your transmutation to race shows how puny you are! You wouldn't recognize credibility if it were clamped to your nose - this administration doesn't have a fucking ounce between them!

Here's a little clue for you. From what I've heard and read, Bundy is an extremist in ALL his views. He's on the edge of the nth degree of a statistical distribution range in terms of his views. The thing is that it's not like it was a secret. Bundy is not the shy and retiring type who has spent years hiding himself and his views behind a wall of privacy. He's quite willing to spout off and has done so for years. So, I don't buy that people in the media who latched on to him as their new anti Obama anti federal gov't media-manufactured hero couldn't or wouldn't do a little due diligence in order to discover some facts about him instead of just hoisting his banner and waving it for him.
I saw this as an obstinate man who chose not to pay his taxes, because he did not recognize the federal authority, and the deplorable way they responded - his racial bias is not relevant! You seem to think that those beliefs should suppress it.

I did not see one person champion his tax dodge on fox. They told both sides of this significant case. I don't see why you believe they flew his banner?
So, once you all see another rat jumping off the USS-Tea Bundy, just post it here!

Still waiting on words of wisdom from:

Bush, Jeb

Cuz we know they all abhor racism, right?!?!?


Nope they are all a bunch of racists, because you have just declared it.:cuckoo:
So, once you all see another rat jumping off the USS-Tea Bundy, just post it here!

Still waiting on words of wisdom from:

Bush, Jeb

Cuz we know they all abhor racism, right?!?!?


Nope they are all a bunch of racists, because you have just declared it.:cuckoo:

No, I didn't.

I quote:

Still waiting on words of wisdom from:

Put yer glasses on, Jroc.
This was never about Bundy - it was about the way the asshole federal government acted against Bundy pursuant to their dispute. Bundy's racial beliefs does not in anyway influence the case, and has no bearing on those who promulgated his assertions, but you liberals can't help, but try, and inculpate them - through even innocuous association! Your king hung out with the fucking Weather Underground!

You are disingenuous cowards who don't care how dubious your government acts towards your enemies; those who reject your cultist beliefs. Your silence about BLM actions; your transmutation to race shows how puny you are! You wouldn't recognize credibility if it were clamped to your nose - this administration doesn't have a fucking ounce between them!

Here's a little clue for you. From what I've heard and read, Bundy is an extremist in ALL his views. He's on the edge of the nth degree of a statistical distribution range in terms of his views. The thing is that it's not like it was a secret. Bundy is not the shy and retiring type who has spent years hiding himself and his views behind a wall of privacy. He's quite willing to spout off and has done so for years. So, I don't buy that people in the media who latched on to him as their new anti Obama anti federal gov't media-manufactured hero couldn't or wouldn't do a little due diligence in order to discover some facts about him instead of just hoisting his banner and waving it for him.

I saw this as an obstinate man who chose not to pay his taxes, because he did not recognize the federal authority, and the deplorable way they responded - his racial bias is not relevant! You seem to think that those beliefs should suppress it.

I did not see one person champion his tax dodge on fox. They told both sides of this significant case. I don't see why you believe they flew his banner?

The bolded: an interesting point. Were it a case to not receive national attention and 24/7 accolades from FOX News, I could almost agree with you on it, but as soon as a national party pretty much attached itself to him as a cause celebre for their ideology, as soon as he started to to do this shit, then is DOES matter, imo.
They called the Bundy ranch "ranch Davidian" last week and snickered about it. Doesn't giggling about using tanks and poison gas and burning 80 men women and children to death sound a little creepy? Doesn't it trump a racist comment by an old man? The gotcha mentality on the left is starting to sound a little desperate and a tad psychotic.
So, once you all see another rat jumping off the USS-Tea Bundy, just post it here!

Still waiting on words of wisdom from:

Bush, Jeb

Cuz we know they all abhor racism, right?!?!?


What he said wasn't all that bad.

Wasn't all that smart, but not that bad.

At least he didn't call us a bunch of teabaggers.

you are trying to rationalize crazy....
So, once you all see another rat jumping off the USS-Tea Bundy, just post it here!

Still waiting on words of wisdom from:

Bush, Jeb

Cuz we know they all abhor racism, right?!?!?


Nope they are all a bunch of racists, because you have just declared it.:cuckoo:

No, I didn't.

I quote:

Still waiting on words of wisdom from:

Put yer glasses on, Jroc. think the tea party movement itself is racist. that is the liberal armor. Throw out the racist card and run with it...No way bro, there is no nice way to talk with this kind of stupidity...It is what it is. Mindless, liberal, made up wedge issue, bullshit and you're part of it...congratulations

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