The Cliven Bundy Fan-Club DEATHWATCH thread

Wow, you really think they don't get a little credibility for denouncing racism?
No, they don't, because you'll notice that each time they say that what Cliven Bundy said was wrong, they also include something along the lines of "but Democrats do that, too."

They were not apologizing for standing with Cliven Bundy until it was undeniably obvious that he was wrong, even when it was undeniably obvious that he was wrong from the start, as the multiple court orders stated.

This was never about Cliven Bundy, land use rights, a Chinese solar plant, the 2nd Amendment, the police state, or desert tortoises. This was about uninformed rednecks thinking that they have had enough of a black President. These people are dangerous. They belong on a terrorist watchlist.

Go fuck yourself. You have some nerve telling people what they were on board with asshole.

You didn't even know what you were on board with in the first place.
If Hannity denounced that deadbeat then that pretty much wraps it up. He's the commander of the fox tv watching rw sheeple.

It means the Neocon media got the queue from the White House that a second invasion of the Bundy Ranch is coming and anyone who stops them from seizing his property will be labels a white supremacist terrorist.

The Neocons are ever the enemy of Liberty as your Progressive ilk.

If the Militias defend Bundy's ranch against the 2nd Invasion (there are some blascks in that Militia that are STILL THERE btw) you fully expect Gun Confiscation all around America in the name "disarming right wing terrorists that seek to restore slavery"

And the Progressives and Necons will cheer them on. Chris Matthews and Hannity will both gets raging hardons and acknowledge that they are in "bipartisan" agreement.

But then the US Government will evaporate because very working American will temporarily stop working and revolt and cause the economy and dollar to crash. The business community will side with those who won't tax them to death, and the Business Community is what decides the outcome of ALL revolutions.

Can't wait.
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Ok, all those super cool Right-Wing gurus who decided to head fer them thar hillz once good old Cliven went all KKK and said that racist stuff about "the Negro".

1.) Sean Hannity - who prolly gave the Clivester more airtime than anyone else:


Fox News Host Sean Hannity Calls Cliven Bundy's Remarks ?Racist' And ?Beyond Repugnant'

Fox News host Sean Hannity said Thursday that Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's racist remarks are “beyond repugnant” and “beyond despicable.”

For the past several weeks, the conservative Fox News network has given a major platform to Bundy. Some of its hosts and guests have portrayed his standoff with authorities over not paying fees to use federal land as a populist fight against an encroaching government. In a two-week stretch this month, Fox News devoted four hours and 40 minutes to Bundy’s story during late afternoon and evening broadcasts, according to progressive watchdog Media Matters.

But Fox News was noticeably silent on Thursday morning as others reacted to Bundy's controversial remarks on race, published Wednesday night by The New York Times. The Times' Adam Nagourney reported that Bundy had wondered during a public press conference if “Negro” people were “better off as slaves."

2.) Greta van Susteren, also from FOX:



Here are Hannity's exact words:

Also, he went on Fox and commented on the run of the entire day:

On Fox, Hannity Responds To Comments Made By The Racist Rancher He Unleashed | Blog | Media Matters for America

HANNITY: Allow me to make myself abundantly clear. I believe those comments are downright racist, they are repugnant, they are bigoted and it's beyond disturbing. I find those comments to be deplorable and I think it's extremely unfortunate that Cliven Bundy holds those views. Now while I supported the Bundy Ranch as they took a stand against the Bureau of Land Management, I was absolutely dismayed and frankly disappointed after reading the article and then hearing the commentary, however, I also want to say this. The ranch standoff that took place out in Nevada was not about a man named Cliven Bundy. At the heart of this issue was my belief that our government is simply out of control. To me this was about a federal agency's dangerous response to a situation that could have resulted in a catastrophe and that means people dying and being shot, kind of comparable to what we saw in Waco, Texas. It was about hundreds of armed federal agents and snipers and sharp shooters surrounding a family and not because that family posed a threat to anyone else, but because their cattle happened to be grazing on the wrong patch of grass and they were eating government grass. In other words, when I believe government officials, when they over step their line, I think it's my job to call them on it and make no mistake about it, I'll continue to do just that.
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Hannity is an establishment asshole like the rest of the media including every single dolt at FOX Fucking News. You people are so caught up in the matrix......really think there is this ideological war going on between liberals and conservatives. What a joke.
If Hannity denounced that deadbeat then that pretty much wraps it up. He's the commander of the fox tv watching rw sheeple.

It means the Neocon media got the queue from the White House that a second invasion of the Bundy Ranch is coming and anyone who stops them from seizing his property will be labels a white supremacist terrorist.

The Neocons are ever the enemy of Liberty as your Progressive ilk.

If the Militias defend Bundy's ranch against the 2nd Invasion (there are some blascks in that Militia that are STILL THERE btw) you fully expect Gun Confiscation all around America in the name "disarming right wing terrorists that seek to restore slavery"

And the Progressives and Necons will cheer them on. Chris Matthews and Hannity will both gets raging hardons and acknowledge that they are in "bipartisan" agreement.

But then the US Government will evaporate because very working American will temporarily stop working and revolt and cause the economy and dollar to crash. The business community will side with those who won't tax them to death, and the Business Community is what decides the outcome of ALL revolutions.

Can't wait.

Dude, seek help for your delusions and paranoia. It's dangerous. And you own weapons? Good god.
Hannity is an establishment asshole like the rest of the media including every single dolt at FOX Fucking News. You people are so caught up in the matrix......really think there is this ideological war going on between liberals and conservatives. What a joke.

Haaaa!!! WEll, if you've lost FOX, then you don't have anything, except maybe WND...
Liberals idiots are wetting themselves nwo they can dismiss the entire incident and simply throw their favorite label over someone.
Newsflash:Obama said pretty much the same thing a few weeks ago.
The libs are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet. They prove it every day. And this post by one of the chief lame brain liars on this site is proof, eh Heinrich?

I missed the part where Obama advocated a return to slavery and the virtues of picking cotton.
And then we found out that the New York Times subversively edited the article and his statement...

Also, even if he was being viciously racist, what would it matter in regards to his actual crisis with the federal government. Did race play a contributing factor to the feds seizing his cattle?

I'm sorry, there's some context where his statements suddenly become less repugnant?
another thread to show off some people act like children to mask their hate for their fellow countrymen and women

grow up
3.) Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck: Cliven Bundy ?unhinged? - Jonathan Topaz -

Glenn Beck criticized Cliven Bundy’s comments on race on his radio program Thursday, saying the Nevada rancher is “unhinged from reality” and urging his supporters to “end your relationship” with him.

That's funny coming from beck another loon hawking the books that Bundy uses to defend his position

EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy's Crackpot Constitutionalism
And then we found out that the New York Times subversively edited the article and his statement...

Also, even if he was being viciously racist, what would it matter in regards to his actual crisis with the federal government. Did race play a contributing factor to the feds seizing his cattle?

I'm sorry, there's some context where his statements suddenly become less repugnant?

i heard he actually wanted to say "the gubmint" instead of "the negro".

on the other hand, i also heard he wanted to say "porch monkeys" instead of "people".
another thread to show off some people act like children to mask their hate for their fellow countrymen and women

grow up

You are correct about growing up and not acting like children. Adults are able to admit mistakes, make adjustments and adapt to changes. The adults have realized that the Bundy cause is lost and has made the supporters of that cause look extremely foolish and even stupid. Only the extremely foolish, stupid and childish continue to support his cause or continue to attempt a debate with those that called Bundy and his cause a fake and an idiots errand.
If Hannity denounced that deadbeat then that pretty much wraps it up. He's the commander of the fox tv watching rw sheeple.

It means the Neocon media got the queue from the White House that a second invasion of the Bundy Ranch is coming and anyone who stops them from seizing his property will be labels a white supremacist terrorist.

The Neocons are ever the enemy of Liberty as your Progressive ilk.

If the Militias defend Bundy's ranch against the 2nd Invasion (there are some blascks in that Militia that are STILL THERE btw) you fully expect Gun Confiscation all around America in the name "disarming right wing terrorists that seek to restore slavery"

And the Progressives and Necons will cheer them on. Chris Matthews and Hannity will both gets raging hardons and acknowledge that they are in "bipartisan" agreement.

But then the US Government will evaporate because very working American will temporarily stop working and revolt and cause the economy and dollar to crash. The business community will side with those who won't tax them to death, and the Business Community is what decides the outcome of ALL revolutions.

Can't wait.

Dude, seek help for your delusions and paranoia. It's dangerous. And you own weapons? Good god.

LOL....well, we'll see how you hold up when the SHTF!!! He'll know where to go to get the shit he needs!!!:D:D
Good luck with that wiffle ball bat arsenal s0n!! You'll be spelling "god" with a capital G!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
another thread to show off some people act like children to mask their hate for their fellow countrymen and women

grow up

No, we just think he should pay his taxes and obey the law, just like the rest of us have to.

And if he doesn't like the law, then advocate for a different law and see how many people agree with him.

Frankly, the Feds have been handling this guy with kids gloves, probably because he's rich.
Now they're all scurrying around trying to throw Bundy under the bus by claiming they didn't "know?"

Here's a little clue for these guys. You can't rescue your credibility when you don't have any to begin with.

Wow, you really think they don't get a little credibility for denouncing racism?
No, they don't, because you'll notice that each time they say that what Cliven Bundy said was wrong, they also include something along the lines of "but Democrats do that, too."

They were not apologizing for standing with Cliven Bundy until it was undeniably obvious that he was wrong, even when it was undeniably obvious that he was wrong from the start, as the multiple court orders stated.

This was never about Cliven Bundy, land use rights, a Chinese solar plant, the 2nd Amendment, the police state, or desert tortoises. This was about uninformed rednecks thinking that they have had enough of a black President. These people are dangerous. They belong on a terrorist watchlist.

old rightwing white men shitting their pants and lashing out because the loss of their white privilege
3.) Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck: Cliven Bundy ?unhinged? - Jonathan Topaz -

Glenn Beck criticized Cliven Bundy’s comments on race on his radio program Thursday, saying the Nevada rancher is “unhinged from reality” and urging his supporters to “end your relationship” with him.

Beck was the rightwing outlier from the beginning.

He's never supported this guy.

Hmmm, I then stand corrected. Thanks for the information.
another thread to show off some people act like children to mask their hate for their fellow countrymen and women

grow up

No, we just think he should pay his taxes and obey the law, just like the rest of us have to.

And if he doesn't like the law, then advocate for a different law and see how many people agree with him.

Frankly, the Feds have been handling this guy with kids gloves, probably because he's rich.

It's probably more because Ruby Ridge and Waco went incredibly wrong.

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