The Cliven Bundy Fan-Club DEATHWATCH thread

ah, i see the templedork is back for another productive day of posting retarded bullshit.

harry reid apologized for his insensitive racist remarks. obama has accepted the apology. that was years ago.
meanwhile usmb assholes like yourself are still defending the racist remarks made by clovis sputtlebrain, you know, the racist remarks clangborn denies to have made.
If Hannity denounced that deadbeat then that pretty much wraps it up. He's the commander of the fox tv watching rw sheeple.

It means the Neocon media got the queue from the White House that a second invasion of the Bundy Ranch is coming and anyone who stops them from seizing his property will be labels a white supremacist terrorist.

The Neocons are ever the enemy of Liberty as your Progressive ilk.

If the Militias defend Bundy's ranch against the 2nd Invasion (there are some blascks in that Militia that are STILL THERE btw) you fully expect Gun Confiscation all around America in the name "disarming right wing terrorists that seek to restore slavery"

And the Progressives and Necons will cheer them on. Chris Matthews and Hannity will both gets raging hardons and acknowledge that they are in "bipartisan" agreement.

But then the US Government will evaporate because very working American will temporarily stop working and revolt and cause the economy and dollar to crash. The business community will side with those who won't tax them to death, and the Business Community is what decides the outcome of ALL revolutions.

Can't wait.

Egad, you are a fucking idiot. Once again wishing for armed conflict between citizens of this nation. What a lowball asshole you are.

And almost every working American, those like me, will not stop working because some whacked out dude on an isolated ranch was removed because of his illegal activities. We will simply shake our heads and wonder where whacked out dudes like Bundy and you get your stupid ideas.

The Business Community will call on the government to come down hard on the whackos that are proving bad for business. You guys are such loons.
No, we just think he should pay his taxes and obey the law, just like the rest of us have to.

And if he doesn't like the law, then advocate for a different law and see how many people agree with him.

Frankly, the Feds have been handling this guy with kids gloves, probably because he's rich.

It's probably more because Ruby Ridge and Waco went incredibly wrong.

".............went incredibly wrong?"

Holy fuck you're one of the most naive people on the stupid ass forum. That shit went EXACTLY to plan s0n.........but living in the middle of PCMatrixville, of course you buy the official report!!:D:D

The first was under Bush Sr., the second under Clinton. Yes, both operation went very awry. And the Bundy matter was handled correctly. No deaths, and we saw what a bunch of fruitloops the far right wingnuts truly are. They made an excellent case for the banning of the military type weapons in civilian hands. I hope ample pictures were taken, and the people involved find themselves the center of multiple inquiries from many levels of government.

those words are so over used and thrown around recklessly, they have no impact on most of us who have the brains to see thru these liberacists, their lies, their treasonous acts and idiocy.

The funny thing is, even if they were right this time --- let's just pretend they are right --- they do say it so much that no one gives a flying fuck other than professional PC nerds.

When you cry wolf too many times, when the wolf actually comes (even though it didn't) .... lol
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Actually, this thread is just supposed to be the repository of Cons who denounce Cliven Bundy, cuz many more are sure to follow.

The only con I know of you came out strongly for Cliven Bundy today was Dana Loesch, on her radio show.

I see. Hopefully some dems will see this thread and begin to realize conservatism does not equal racism.

No one said it does.

The issue is those on the right foolish enough to leap on the Bundy bandwagon without first looking.
Actually, this thread is just supposed to be the repository of Cons who denounce Cliven Bundy, cuz many more are sure to follow.

The only con I know of you came out strongly for Cliven Bundy today was Dana Loesch, on her radio show.

I see. Hopefully some dems will see this thread and begin to realize conservatism does not equal racism.

No one said it does.

The issue is those on the right foolish enough to leap on the Bundy bandwagon without first looking.

Well, the story was really misrepresented from the beginning.

The first reports that came out claimed the land belonged to Bundy and called it "his ranch." They neglected to mention that it was public land and that he hadn't been paying his grazing fees for 20 years (after having paid them for 20 years - which establishes his acknowledgement of the authority to collect the fees.)

Ready, fire, aim ... that's today's "journalism" for you.
It's amazing watching the leftwing moonbat brigade shit themselves in glee over the feds abusing their fellow citizens. Note to themselves though... if they can do it to Bundy, they can do it to anyone, including them.

That my friends is the point.
You can now strike the Americans for Prosperity from that list of Bundy supporters:

Koch Brothers Group Wipes Cliven Bundy Support From Social Media Accounts

Americans for Prosperity Nevada, the state affiliate of the Koch Brothers-backed group, appears to have hastily deleted social media posts expressing support for Cliven Bundy, the renegade rancher who exposed himself as a racist in recent press conferences.

A tweet sent by AFP Nevada on April 10 urging followers to read more about the #BundyBattle, which involves Bundy's refusal to pay fines for allowing his cattle to graze on public land, has been deleted. A Facebook graphic that the group posted criticizing the Bureau of Land Management for enforcing grazing laws against Bundy has similarly disappeared.

Previously, the page read: "The BLM spent HOW MUCH to round up cattle? ONE MILLION DOLLARS." As of Friday afternoon, it reads: "This content is currently unavailable"


Guess those people have never heard of google cache or the wayback machine.
Oh....and screw these PC whores on this forum. My God.......they'd sooner jump off a 200 foot cliff then offend somebody. Never learned to buckle up their chinstraps in life. These are the people who you see talking and they whisper if they are talking in public about a "black guy". Hysterical...............and pathetic too.:coffee:
It's amazing watching the leftwing moonbat brigade shit themselves in glee over the feds abusing their fellow citizens. Note to themselves though... if they can do it to Bundy, they can do it to anyone, including them.

That my friends is the point.

Thats funny because when liberals say that about torture and water boarding you think it can only happen to people in turbans
It's amazing watching the leftwing moonbat brigade shit themselves in glee over the feds abusing their fellow citizens. Note to themselves though... if they can do it to Bundy, they can do it to anyone, including them.

That my friends is the point.

Thats funny because when liberals say that about torture and water boarding you think it can only happen to people in turbans

Please post the non muslims who have been waterboarded. US military recruits undergoing special training doesnt count.
It's amazing watching the leftwing moonbat brigade shit themselves in glee over the feds abusing their fellow citizens. Note to themselves though... if they can do it to Bundy, they can do it to anyone, including them.

That my friends is the point.

Thats funny because when liberals say that about torture and water boarding you think it can only happen to people in turbans

He is talking about American citizens, not enemy combatants who blow up women and children in the name of Allah (I assume). I don't agree with him on this Bundy issue, but your are presenting a false equivalency. Good try, almost a good point.
The sad part to me is that this stampede to get away from Bundy has more to do with the guy being a racist rather than him being a freeloader.
Whether 'tis nobler to bend with the back, and pick cotton, or to bend with the back, and pick lettuce: The concept of slave labor and wages is often a comedy theme among "underground" humorists--the Venice BeachWalk variety. It is not clear, for example, if Bundy lives anywhere near a black household--or even black sheep. . .or even black birds. In easily vernacular Whitespeak, he did do a relatively liberal critique of government programs. Welfare has not been in liberal favor for decades. Liberals too, regard welfare as a cause of impoverishment, not a solution to poverty. Lyndon Johnson, as president, actually did more to start that turnaround than even did the Clintons.

The liberal would actually fault Bundy for not supporting anti-poverty programs, such as the basis concept ongoing at Bureau of Land Management.

The pond scum with the weapons intend even harm of the natural resources, the other ranchers, the shephards, the scorpions, the rattlesnakes and rocks--and probably a lot of Big Horned(?) critters, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Society now widely understood, even, on Lands of Many Nations! "Seven-Come-Eleven," even better than mini-marts, on Lands of Many Nations!)
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