The Cliven Bundy Fan-Club DEATHWATCH thread

The sad part to me is that this stampede to get away from Bundy has more to do with the guy being a racist rather than him being a freeloader.

Yeah, that is kind of getting lost in the the whole thing.

I get it that some farmers/ranchers in NV are angry at the "the state".
I get it that they think that "the state" is encroaching in their lives.
They might not believe it, but I understand and respect their concern.

But Conservatives have generally prided themselves on hard work and honesty. Conservatives have generally been very much for the rule of law.

So, the whole Bundy thing mystifies on this level, for the Dude owes back fees for 20 years. In my book, and that makes him a thief.

And he was offered the grazing priviledge for a damned good price, far less than he would have to pay a commercial farmer.

And, the union is not supporting him.

And, he claimed that 1,600 ranchers are all upset. Well, if they are, where are they? Why did so many have to come from out of state to do their sovereign citizen act?

And, although Conservatives prefer much, much more limited Government, Conservatives do recognize our government, the one in Washington DC, as legitimate and real. This guy does not. I mean, the first time he said that he didn't even recognize the federal gubbermint as real SHOULD have been the moment when high powered Conservatives with lots of name recognition should have headed for the hills and dropped this guy.

Hell, who knows what kind of cool stuff he may say tomorrow?

It really is batshit crazy.
I suspect that Bundy was just doing a Reagan bit, and went a little too far. After all, when Regan was running for president, he made a speech about how outrageous it was to "'''standing in line at the grocery store cashier behind a big buck using food stamps". Reagan got away with it, but Bundy never took acting lessons, so his stab at it did not go over well.
This thread should be renamed "death watch of the NY Times".....

They used to be respected, now they are nothing but partisan cheerleaders.
The sad part to me is that this stampede to get away from Bundy has more to do with the guy being a racist rather than him being a freeloader.

Yeah, that is kind of getting lost in the the whole thing.

I get it that some farmers/ranchers in NV are angry at the "the state".
I get it that they think that "the state" is encroaching in their lives.
They might not believe it, but I understand and respect their concern.

But Conservatives have generally prided themselves on hard work and honesty. Conservatives have generally been very much for the rule of law.

So, the whole Bundy thing mystifies on this level, for the Dude owes back fees for 20 years. In my book, and that makes him a thief.

And he was offered the grazing priviledge for a damned good price, far less than he would have to pay a commercial farmer.

And, the union is not supporting him.

And, he claimed that 1,600 ranchers are all upset. Well, if they are, where are they? Why did so many have to come from out of state to do their sovereign citizen act?

And, although Conservatives prefer much, much more limited Government, Conservatives do recognize our government, the one in Washington DC, as legitimate and real. This guy does not. I mean, the first time he said that he didn't even recognize the federal gubbermint as real SHOULD have been the moment when high powered Conservatives with lots of name recognition should have headed for the hills and dropped this guy.

Hell, who knows what kind of cool stuff he may say tomorrow?

It really is batshit crazy.

And does anyone else note the irony of this guy - in his promotional video - riding around on his horse carrying the American flag - when he says he doesn't recognize the U.S. government as existing?
This thread should be renamed "death watch of the NY Times".....

They used to be respected, now they are nothing but partisan cheerleaders.

Here's a reality check for you. It's not only a reality check, it's a truth check.

Sometimes the truth is unpleasant. That means it's not welcome. It would be a wonderful world for most of us if the truth was always welcome news. But that's not they way the world is.

What that means is this: If anyone gravitates to the idea that what they like (and like to hear) is always true, and what they don't like (and don't like to hear) is always false, then they're fools.

Think about it!
Here's a... a truth check.

(at the NY times) Sometimes the truth is ... not welcome.

Think about it!

I selectively edited your post to reflect the editorial standards of the NYTimes. It captures what you said, right?

This thread should be renamed "death watch of the NY Times".....

They used to be respected, now they are nothing but partisan cheerleaders.

Here's a... a truth check.

(at the NY times) Sometimes the truth is ... not welcome.

Think about it!

I selectively edited your post to reflect the editorial standards of the NYTimes. It captures what you said, right?


This thread should be renamed "death watch of the NY Times".....

They used to be respected, now they are nothing but partisan cheerleaders.

Here's a... a truth check.

(at the NY times) Sometimes the truth is ... not welcome.

Think about it!

I selectively edited your post to reflect the editorial standards of the NYTimes. It captures what you said, right?


yeah, you did it wrong.
This thread should be renamed "death watch of the NY Times".....

They used to be respected, now they are nothing but partisan cheerleaders.

Here's a... a truth check.

(at the NY times) Sometimes the truth is ... not welcome.

Think about it!

I selectively edited your post to reflect the editorial standards of the NYTimes. It captures what you said, right?


Can't you say whatever you want to say without altering my quote in the process? I ask because it's my understanding that altering quotes is verboten as the Germans might say. I've never heard that there's an exception for doing so as long as you admit that's what you've done in your own post.
Because this has so far been ignored by the libbies on USMB, I will keep reposting it until they respond.

Why don't you just go ahead and defend the guy, if you feel that way? It's your right. If you want to support racism, go right ahead, but notice how his RW fan club is shrinking really, really fast.

Gee, maybe they know something you don't know.

I've never conformed to political correctness, that's the turf of Progressives, a turf that they navigate well.

Fact: The man lives in the middle of desert, ranching cattle and picking some crops --- and has his entire life; he has no direct experience or education about the horrors of true slavery.

Fact: He does however have experience and education about modern slavery (welfare state), since he frequently drives through Las Vegas.

Fact: He has observed and realized (correctly) that the most dangerous place for a black person is in the WOMB of their mother. Most blacks die before they are ever born. Even blacks admit this. Aborition is not SAFE (Gosnell) and it is not RARE (20+million now, aye?) in black America, but it certainly is LEGAL and often subsidized.

Fact: He has observed and realized (correctly) that the second most dangerous and unhappy place to live (in America) is in a black city or suburban ghetto, such as Chicago or Rochester or many of the suburban ghettos on Long Island not far from where I live. I've had cops let me go when "improperly" storing my shotgun in the front seat of my car nearly loaded when driving through these areas --- black cops btw.

Fact: Black crime rate was lower than the white crime rate in the 30's and 40's and arguably less int he 50's. Family units were very strong then in the black community and their culture thrived --- they invented jazz --- as a fellow musician, I'm sure you know that. Today, their music ---- omfg. And they degrade themselves and their women in particular.

Fact: You do NOT want to be born black in America today, nor more than you wanted to be born black in America pre-1860's. The 1920's-1950's was the Black Golden Age. It was during this Golden Age of Enlightenment that outstanding men like Martin Luther King rose to power to restore their birthrights of freedom. Then MLK got shot and his movement was hijacked by race merchants and KKK Democrats like Byrd and LBJ who realized that black empowerment couldn't be stopped, so they diverted it's course to their own political ends. Funny enough, Gun Control laws were started by the KKK to disarm blacks (whilst the NRA armed them hahaha) and Democrat run cities like Chicago are still enforcing Black Codes to keep them disarmed.

Fact: Blacks (statistically by percentage) are the most dependent upon Government subsidy.

Fact: LBJ said "I'll have these ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years." In other words --- I'll steal from whites, with he support of black voters, and distribute that money to the blacks very sparingly and just enough to keep them "content" and voting Democrat.

Fact: The Welfare state has only impoverished whites and blacks together, and has resulted in the loss of individual freedoms.

It's just a repository of the Righties who have distanced themselves from Bundy for him being a racist fuck.

Those Righties are Neoconservatives and always have been. They're just as bad --- arguably far more dangerous to be honest, than Progressives. At the very least, the Progressive base doesn't vote for foreign wars.
Can't you say whatever you want to say without altering my quote in the process? I ask because it's my understanding that altering quotes is verboten as the Germans might say. I've never heard that there's an exception for doing so as long as you admit that's what you've done in your own post.

it is against the CoC, and you can report the altered post to the mods, who will warn or discipline the person who altered your post.
The sad part to me is that this stampede to get away from Bundy has more to do with the guy being a racist rather than him being a freeloader.

A freeloader who was afforded abundant and appropriate due process before sustaining a judgement against him in a court of law, where he is in no way a ‘victim’ of the Federal government, as contrived by the partisan right.
The sad part to me is that this stampede to get away from Bundy has more to do with the guy being a racist rather than him being a freeloader.

A freeloader who was afforded abundant and appropriate due process before sustaining a judgement against him in a court of law, where he is in no way a ‘victim’ of the Federal government, as contrived by the partisan right.

Because no cattle ranchers went out of business from these extreme fees...
The sad part to me is that this stampede to get away from Bundy has more to do with the guy being a racist rather than him being a freeloader.

A freeloader who was afforded abundant and appropriate due process before sustaining a judgement against him in a court of law, where he is in no way a ‘victim’ of the Federal government, as contrived by the partisan right.

Because no cattle ranchers went out of business from these extreme fees...

the solution is to simply not pay the bills. fuck the gooberment.

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