The Cliven Bundy Fan-Club DEATHWATCH thread

What is wrong with his words? He's old. he uses old language, expressions, and idioms, My 94 year old mother uses all sorts of politically incorrect words- nobody gives a fuck.

It's a witch hunt..
Okay, so you have no problem with his language. Apparently, the majority of Americans agree that his language and what he said is suspect.

I get it, you think people should say whatever they want and not face the consequences after they say it. I can respect that opinion - I don't agree, but I can accept that ideal. That is not a witch hunt.

Stop misstating my position.

The sentiment behind Bundy's "politically incorrect" choice of words is not hateful or bigoted. Have you watched the unedited full videos?
Yes, I have seen the entire video. Your opinion is that his choice of words were not hateful or racist. My opinion is that his choice of words are suspect. I base my opinion on the generalizations he made. I base my opinion on the fact that he would even wonder if blacks were better off as slaves picking cotton. Why even go into such detail on such an irrelevant topic to his situation - even if he were asked about it.

Here is a newsflash, not all blacks are poor and there are quite a few poor whites. There is a lot of black trash and there are a a lot of white trash. What should we do about the white trash.

As for the age argument, the man is only 67 years old, that is hardly the archaic old you are claiming.

Like I said...the majority of Americans have denounced what he said. I can understand being apologetic for the man, but some people are trying to legitimize his comments - I don't understand the motivation behind that.
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the entire rw media apparatus had their mouths wrapped around Bundy's ..... (well you get the idea :eusa_shhh: ) just a scant few days ago now their running away as fast as their pasty white legs will carry them :rofl:

It was the right’s ‘perfect storm,’ rancher at odds with the ‘evil’ Federal government in the Majority Leader’s home state – ideal for partisan conservatives to contrive yet another phony ‘controversy.’
If your views were misrepresented and twisted wouldn't you go on TV to straighten things out?

I know I would.

I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

What is wrong with his words? He's old. he uses old language, expressions, and idioms, My 94 year old mother uses all sorts of politically incorrect words- nobody gives a fuck.

It's a witch hunt..

Does your grandma owe the government a million dollars and incite people to armed violence?

THis is the guy you wingnuts made into a hero. This is what the GOP is turning into today, and why it keeps losing elections.

Old white bigot doesn't want to pay his fair share, for services he's receiving, and after he loses in courts, get the usual nuts to rally to his cause.

Now it's blown up in your faces, and you guys look silly.

Stop misstating my position.

The sentiment behind Bundy's "politically incorrect" choice of words is not hateful or bigoted. Have you watched the unedited full videos?

Yes, I did.

No, the fact that he said a few nice things before and after the suspect quote doesnt' diminish the suspect quote.

The thing is, he's engaged in generalizations. Not all blacks are on welfare, and most people on welfare are not receiving welfare for life. Usually, they are getting welfare when they've hit a rough patch in their lives. That's what it's there for. It is a safety net, not a hammock.
I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

What is wrong with his words? He's old. he uses old language, expressions, and idioms, My 94 year old mother uses all sorts of politically incorrect words- nobody gives a fuck.

It's a witch hunt..

Does your grandma owe the government a million dollars and incite people to armed violence?

THis is the guy you wingnuts made into a hero. This is what the GOP is turning into today, and why it keeps losing elections.

Old white bigot doesn't want to pay his fair share, for services he's receiving, and after he loses in courts, get the usual nuts to rally to his cause.

Now it's blown up in your faces, and you guys look silly.
You should be happy then...You are also one of the most miserable haters on the board so spare the outrage
thats rich him criticizing people on public assistance when he was squatting on land for decades :lol:

Okay, so you have no problem with his language. Apparently, the majority of Americans agree that his language and what he said is suspect.

I get it, you think people should say whatever they want and not face the consequences after they say it. I can respect that opinion - I don't agree, but I can accept that ideal. That is not a witch hunt.

Stop misstating my position.

The sentiment behind Bundy's "politically incorrect" choice of words is not hateful or bigoted. Have you watched the unedited full videos?

Yes, I have seen the entire video. Your opinion is that his choice of words were not hateful or racist. My opinion is that his choice of words are suspect. I base my opinion on the generalizations he made. I base my opinion on the fact that he would even wonder if blacks were better off as slaves picking cotton. Why even go into such detail on such an irrelevant topic to his situation - even if he were asked about it.

Here is a newsflash, not all blacks are poor and there are quite a few poor whites. There is a lot of black trash and there are a a lot of white trash. What should we do about the white trash.

As for the age argument, the man is only 67 years old, that is hardly the archaic old you are claiming.

Like I said...the majority of Americans have denounced what he said. I can understand being apologetic for the man, but some people are trying to legitimize his comments - I don't understand the motivation behind that.

I concur with you.

Making an isolated racist statement doesn't make Cliven Bundy a racist. Everyone can occasiionally say something stupid.

But he is definitely part of the Posse Comitatus - an extreme, White Supremacist movement since the 50s, that believes that the US government does not even exist (he has said it in interviews more than once last week) and that the local sheriff has more say than the POTUS, for instance.

Not only that, his age is no excuse. Actually, it is one more strike against him. If you get that old and still don't realize that those kind of racist statements are just plain old disgusting, then something it wrong with you.

But the worst part was the generalizations themselves, which is at the core of the definition of racism to begin with: to malign an entire race and generalize it with negative attributes in order to elevate another race.

Interesting to note that the Cattlemen's union in NV did not go to bat for him. Also interesting to note that he goes on and on about 1,600 other ranchers who are supposedly as pissed off as he is, but they didn't come to his "aid" - it was crazy assed sovereigners from all over the area outside of NV who showed up for the circus.

The guy is a fucking deadbeat who is abusing the system, one that was in place BEFORE he was born.

And the statements he made were unbelievably racist. And then he doubled down on them.

The Right will regret having tried to make this yahoo their newest cause celebre, mark my words.

I can see the attack ads now.
Stop misstating my position.

The sentiment behind Bundy's "politically incorrect" choice of words is not hateful or bigoted. Have you watched the unedited full videos?

Yes, I have seen the entire video. Your opinion is that his choice of words were not hateful or racist. My opinion is that his choice of words are suspect. I base my opinion on the generalizations he made. I base my opinion on the fact that he would even wonder if blacks were better off as slaves picking cotton. Why even go into such detail on such an irrelevant topic to his situation - even if he were asked about it.

Here is a newsflash, not all blacks are poor and there are quite a few poor whites. There is a lot of black trash and there are a a lot of white trash. What should we do about the white trash.

As for the age argument, the man is only 67 years old, that is hardly the archaic old you are claiming.

Like I said...the majority of Americans have denounced what he said. I can understand being apologetic for the man, but some people are trying to legitimize his comments - I don't understand the motivation behind that.

I concur with you.

Making an isolated racist statement doesn't make Cliven Bundy a racist. Everyone can occasiionally say something stupid.

But he is definitely part of the Posse Comitatus - an extreme, White Supremacist movement since the 50s, that believes that the US government does not even exist (he has said it in interviews more than once last week) and that the local sheriff has more say than the POTUS, for instance.

Not only that, his age is no excuse. Actually, it is one more strike against him. If you get that old and still don't realize that those kind of racist statements are just plain old disgusting, then something it wrong with you.

But the worst part was the generalizations themselves, which is at the core of the definition of racism to begin with: to malign an entire race and generalize it with negative attributes in order to elevate another race.

Interesting to note that the Cattlemen's union in NV did not go to bat for him. Also interesting to note that he goes on and on about 1,600 other ranchers who are supposedly as pissed off as he is, but they didn't come to his "aid" - it was crazy assed sovereigners from all over the area outside of NV who showed up for the circus.

The guy is a fucking deadbeat who is abusing the system, one that was in place BEFORE he was born.

And the statements he made were unbelievably racist. And then he doubled down on them.

The Right will regret having tried to make this yahoo their newest cause celebre, mark my words.

I can see the attack ads now.

You should be happy then....Since you love Obama and what he stands for so much,maybe you should start a movement to repeal the 22nd amendment. You don't seem to comprehend the fact that this is not about this one man. it's the principle of big, overreaching, too powerful, federal government. Were you outraged by Obama and Eric holders speaking at the race baiting, piece of shit, Al Sharpton's conference? Your selective outrage is duly noted. I say you're a hypocrite. Liberals are a bunch of race baiters. They divide people by race, religion, and gender to win elections. That's all they have really
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Yes, I have seen the entire video. Your opinion is that his choice of words were not hateful or racist. My opinion is that his choice of words are suspect. I base my opinion on the generalizations he made. I base my opinion on the fact that he would even wonder if blacks were better off as slaves picking cotton. Why even go into such detail on such an irrelevant topic to his situation - even if he were asked about it.

Here is a newsflash, not all blacks are poor and there are quite a few poor whites. There is a lot of black trash and there are a a lot of white trash. What should we do about the white trash.

As for the age argument, the man is only 67 years old, that is hardly the archaic old you are claiming.

Like I said...the majority of Americans have denounced what he said. I can understand being apologetic for the man, but some people are trying to legitimize his comments - I don't understand the motivation behind that.

I concur with you.

Making an isolated racist statement doesn't make Cliven Bundy a racist. Everyone can occasiionally say something stupid.

But he is definitely part of the Posse Comitatus - an extreme, White Supremacist movement since the 50s, that believes that the US government does not even exist (he has said it in interviews more than once last week) and that the local sheriff has more say than the POTUS, for instance.

Not only that, his age is no excuse. Actually, it is one more strike against him. If you get that old and still don't realize that those kind of racist statements are just plain old disgusting, then something it wrong with you.

But the worst part was the generalizations themselves, which is at the core of the definition of racism to begin with: to malign an entire race and generalize it with negative attributes in order to elevate another race.

Interesting to note that the Cattlemen's union in NV did not go to bat for him. Also interesting to note that he goes on and on about 1,600 other ranchers who are supposedly as pissed off as he is, but they didn't come to his "aid" - it was crazy assed sovereigners from all over the area outside of NV who showed up for the circus.

The guy is a fucking deadbeat who is abusing the system, one that was in place BEFORE he was born.

And the statements he made were unbelievably racist. And then he doubled down on them.

The Right will regret having tried to make this yahoo their newest cause celebre, mark my words.

I can see the attack ads now.

You should be happy then....Since you love Obama and what he stands for so much,maybe you should start a movement to repeal the 22nd amendment. You don't seem to comprehend the fact that this is not about this one man. it's the principle of big, overreaching, too powerful, federal government. Were you outraged by Obama and Eric holders speaking at the race baiting, piece of shit, Al Sharpton's conference? Your selective outrage is duly noted. I say you're a hypocrite. Liberals are a bunch of race baiters. They divide people by race, religion, and gender to win elections. That's all they have really

Now wait a minute Jroc, maybe there is a way to rescue the train-wreck of what you just wrote.

First of all, I don't "love" Obama. I have never "loved" any President.

Second of all, why repeal the 22nd?

Third, this thread IS about one man: Cliven Bundy. I should know, I started the thread. If you want to talk about the "bigger picture", then fine, start a thread and let's talk about the bigger picture. But I guarantee you, in not all too long from now, the Right is going to want to forget Cliven Bundy as quickly as it can. There are far better examples of people being upset about "government overreach" than this.

Fourth: again, you attack ME as a person, but I am not going to do that to you. At some point in time, you need to control your anger so that you can actually debate ideas instead of impugning members of USMB.
"Now don't get me wrong. Some of my best friends are deadbeat racist millionaire ranchers. But having said that, I wonder.... I mean, I drive to Las Vegas, and they are out there in the desert stomping on tortoises, stealing land for their own use, and inciting armed insurrection against out country. Not that all that is wrong. Sometimes tortoises need stomping, and some of their cows are from Mexico, and it would not be right to discriminate against them, but some of these guys would be better off if they had learned the work ethic of their forefathers, like killing Indians, and cutting barbed wire where squatting homesteaders tried to grow gardens where God clearly wants cows to graze. Mexicans have the right idea, they work hard, and so do millionaire deadbeat ranchers. God bless them! They are all part of this great country, America, which I don't believe exists." (Cue John Phillips Souza)
"Now don't get me wrong. Some of my best friends are deadbeat racist millionaire ranchers. But having said that, I wonder.... I mean, I drive to Las Vegas, and they are out there in the desert stomping on tortoises, stealing land for their own use, and inciting armed insurrection against out country. Not that all that is wrong. Sometimes tortoises need stomping, and some of their cows are from Mexico, and it would not be right to discriminate against them, but some of these guys would be better off if they had learned the work ethic of their forefathers, like killing Indians, and cutting barbed wire where squatting homesteaders tried to grow gardens where God clearly wants cows to graze. Mexicans have the right idea, they work hard, and so do millionaire deadbeat ranchers. God bless them! They are all part of this great country, America, which I don't believe exists." (Cue John Phillips Souza)


Cue O'Reilly: G-ddamned Leftist Loons!!!!!


(Thanks, Pogo!)
So this dirtbag doesn't pay for using Public Lands, ignores legal rulings against him, points a gun at the Feds (who he doesn't believe in), and the right-wing of America so hates their government that they rally to his defense? They are just as insane as most Liberals believe. Little more than irrational children and nothing like patriots. Patriots pay the taxes and fees that support their government.
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So this dirtbag doesn't pay for using Public Lands, ignores legal rulings against him, points a gun at the Feds (whom he doesn't believe in), and the right-wing of America so hates their government that they rally to his defense? They are just as insane as most Liberals believe. Little more than irrational children and nothing like patriots. Patriots pay the taxes and fees that support their government.

I concur with you.

Making an isolated racist statement doesn't make Cliven Bundy a racist. Everyone can occasiionally say something stupid.

But he is definitely part of the Posse Comitatus - an extreme, White Supremacist movement since the 50s, that believes that the US government does not even exist (he has said it in interviews more than once last week) and that the local sheriff has more say than the POTUS, for instance.

Not only that, his age is no excuse. Actually, it is one more strike against him. If you get that old and still don't realize that those kind of racist statements are just plain old disgusting, then something it wrong with you.

But the worst part was the generalizations themselves, which is at the core of the definition of racism to begin with: to malign an entire race and generalize it with negative attributes in order to elevate another race.

Interesting to note that the Cattlemen's union in NV did not go to bat for him. Also interesting to note that he goes on and on about 1,600 other ranchers who are supposedly as pissed off as he is, but they didn't come to his "aid" - it was crazy assed sovereigners from all over the area outside of NV who showed up for the circus.

The guy is a fucking deadbeat who is abusing the system, one that was in place BEFORE he was born.

And the statements he made were unbelievably racist. And then he doubled down on them.

The Right will regret having tried to make this yahoo their newest cause celebre, mark my words.

I can see the attack ads now.

You should be happy then....Since you love Obama and what he stands for so much,maybe you should start a movement to repeal the 22nd amendment. You don't seem to comprehend the fact that this is not about this one man. it's the principle of big, overreaching, too powerful, federal government. Were you outraged by Obama and Eric holders speaking at the race baiting, piece of shit, Al Sharpton's conference? Your selective outrage is duly noted. I say you're a hypocrite. Liberals are a bunch of race baiters. They divide people by race, religion, and gender to win elections. That's all they have really

Now wait a minute Jroc, maybe there is a way to rescue the train-wreck of what you just wrote.

First of all, I don't "love" Obama. I have never "loved" any President.

Second of all, why repeal the 22nd?

Third, this thread IS about one man: Cliven Bundy. I should know, I started the thread. If you want to talk about the "bigger picture", then fine, start a thread and let's talk about the bigger picture. But I guarantee you, in not all too long from now, the Right is going to want to forget Cliven Bundy as quickly as it can. There are far better examples of people being upset about "government overreach" than this.

Fourth: again, you attack ME as a person, but I am not going to do that to you. At some point in time, you need to control your anger so that you can actually debate ideas instead of impugning members of USMB.

Cliven Bundy is the bigger picture, and the fact that you cannot understand that, is why your nonsense falls flat. The only people supporting Cliven Bundy, because he is Cliven Bundy, are his family and close friends. The support Cliven Bundy is receiving from around the nation is because Cliven Bundy is a victim of government overreach.

You also seem to believe that only the pure at heart are entitled to public support when they are abused by government. Did you get that idea from a superman comic, or are you just naive? All Americans are entitled to equal protection from government overreach, and that includes racists, trailer park trash, and even occupy wall street trash.

When the left wing finds it necessary to seek out side issues to bolster their case, you know they have lost the real battle. The BLM backed down, and fled like cockroaches when the light was shined on them. I know that irks all you statists.
You should be happy then....Since you love Obama and what he stands for so much,maybe you should start a movement to repeal the 22nd amendment. You don't seem to comprehend the fact that this is not about this one man. it's the principle of big, overreaching, too powerful, federal government. Were you outraged by Obama and Eric holders speaking at the race baiting, piece of shit, Al Sharpton's conference? Your selective outrage is duly noted. I say you're a hypocrite. Liberals are a bunch of race baiters. They divide people by race, religion, and gender to win elections. That's all they have really

Now wait a minute Jroc, maybe there is a way to rescue the train-wreck of what you just wrote.

First of all, I don't "love" Obama. I have never "loved" any President.

Second of all, why repeal the 22nd?

Third, this thread IS about one man: Cliven Bundy. I should know, I started the thread. If you want to talk about the "bigger picture", then fine, start a thread and let's talk about the bigger picture. But I guarantee you, in not all too long from now, the Right is going to want to forget Cliven Bundy as quickly as it can. There are far better examples of people being upset about "government overreach" than this.

Fourth: again, you attack ME as a person, but I am not going to do that to you. At some point in time, you need to control your anger so that you can actually debate ideas instead of impugning members of USMB.

Cliven Bundy is the bigger picture, and the fact that you cannot understand that, is why your nonsense falls flat. The only people supporting Cliven Bundy, because he is Cliven Bundy, are his family and close friends. The support Cliven Bundy is receiving from around the nation is because Cliven Bundy is a victim of government overreach.

You also seem to believe that only the pure at heart are entitled to public support when they are abused by government. Did you get that idea from a superman comic, or are you just naive? All Americans are entitled to equal protection from government overreach, and that includes racists, trailer park trash, and even occupy wall street trash.

When the left wing finds it necessary to seek out side issues to bolster their case, you know they have lost the real battle. The BLM backed down, and fled like cockroaches when the light was shined on them. I know that irks all you statists.

Oh, uh, actually, no. But just keep letting the anger flow through you.
When the left wing finds it necessary to seek out side issues to bolster their case, you know they have lost the real battle. The BLM backed down, and fled like cockroaches when the light was shined on them. I know that irks all you statists.
They left because if they didn't people we going to die. A wise, and generous move since the government will always live to fight another day but stupid people pointing guns at the Feds won't. There is more than one way to skin a cat. The skinners are working on a new plan, I guarantee it.
So this dirtbag doesn't pay for using Public Lands, ignores legal rulings against him, points a gun at the Feds (who he doesn't believe in), and the right-wing of America so hates their government that they rally to his defense? They are just as insane as most Liberals believe. Little more than irrational children and nothing like patriots. Patriots pay the taxes and fees that support their government.

The highest form of patriotism of dissent. Take your pozzed liberal crap elsewhere you tory.
So this dirtbag doesn't pay for using Public Lands, ignores legal rulings against him, points a gun at the Feds (who he doesn't believe in), and the right-wing of America so hates their government that they rally to his defense? They are just as insane as most Liberals believe. Little more than irrational children and nothing like patriots. Patriots pay the taxes and fees that support their government.

The highest form of patriotism of dissent. Take your pozzed liberal crap elsewhere you tory.

So, THERE, Paint! :lol:
So this dirtbag doesn't pay for using Public Lands, ignores legal rulings against him, points a gun at the Feds (who he doesn't believe in), and the right-wing of America so hates their government that they rally to his defense? They are just as insane as most Liberals believe. Little more than irrational children and nothing like patriots. Patriots pay the taxes and fees that support their government.

The highest form of patriotism of dissent. Take your pozzed liberal crap elsewhere you tory.
it can be, but not in this case. In this case he is ripping off the taxpayers, and you support him.
So this dirtbag doesn't pay for using Public Lands, ignores legal rulings against him, points a gun at the Feds (who he doesn't believe in), and the right-wing of America so hates their government that they rally to his defense? They are just as insane as most Liberals believe. Little more than irrational children and nothing like patriots. Patriots pay the taxes and fees that support their government.

The highest form of patriotism of dissent. Take your pozzed liberal crap elsewhere you tory.
it can be, but not in this case. In this case he is ripping off the taxpayers, and you support him.

So are the other 53% who pay no taxes


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