The Cliven Bundy Fan-Club DEATHWATCH thread

another thread to show off some people act like children to mask their hate for their fellow countrymen and women

grow up

No, we just think he should pay his taxes and obey the law, just like the rest of us have to.

And if he doesn't like the law, then advocate for a different law and see how many people agree with him.

Frankly, the Feds have been handling this guy with kids gloves, probably because he's rich.

yeah ok, too bad you don't care about all that with your elected Democrat politicians
that's reserved for us little people only...and maybe they'll come to your home and handle you with those, kiddy gloves
good grief

Staph, they didn't come to his "home".

He was grazing cattle on Public Land. Land that the government uses the money of taxpayers to maintain.

Now, really, most ranchers who use public land pay the fees, and it's actually a good deal for them. They certainly couldn't afford the land themselves.
The sad part to me is that this stampede to get away from Bundy has more to do with the guy being a racist rather than him being a freeloader.

A freeloader who was afforded abundant and appropriate due process before sustaining a judgement against him in a court of law, where he is in no way a ‘victim’ of the Federal government, as contrived by the partisan right.

Because no cattle ranchers went out of business from these extreme fees...

If they did, they shouldn't have been in the cattle business.
No, we just think he should pay his taxes and obey the law, just like the rest of us have to.

And if he doesn't like the law, then advocate for a different law and see how many people agree with him.

Frankly, the Feds have been handling this guy with kids gloves, probably because he's rich.

yeah ok, too bad you don't care about all that with your elected Democrat politicians
that's reserved for us little people only...and maybe they'll come to your home and handle you with those, kiddy gloves
good grief

Staph, they didn't come to his "home".

He was grazing cattle on Public Land. Land that the government uses the money of taxpayers to maintain.

Now, really, most ranchers who use public land pay the fees, and it's actually a good deal for them. They certainly couldn't afford the land themselves.

Why wouldn't they be able to afford the land? Its desert...miles upon miles of nothing. The fair market value would not be that high.

I think they are upset that, in the end, they cannot purchase the land.
I suspect that Bundy was just doing a Reagan bit, and went a little too far. After all, when Regan was running for president, he made a speech about how outrageous it was to "'''standing in line at the grocery store cashier behind a big buck using food stamps". Reagan got away with it, but Bundy never took acting lessons, so his stab at it did not go over well.

Of course, CNN doctored the video of Bundy, apparently trying to show him as a racist when he wasn't. And it's working. Even conservatives who have seen only CNN's version, are blasting the guy. And if I had seen only what CNN carefully showed, I'd be blasting him too.

But in the full video, Bundy talks for several minutes about how black people were hard workers, decent people with strong families, etc. Even back in the slave days, when they were making useful contributions despite the horrible oppression they were enduring ("picking cotton"), they showed fine qualities and had nothing to be ashamed of. Bundy said the same was true for Mexican people, too.

But today, when the government is giving them tons of free stuff in the guise of "helping" them, Bundy said you can find black people sitting around doing nothing, winding up in jail, etc. - a major contrast to when they had to fight for their own interests under dreadful conditions and displayed stellar character.

CNN cut off the first part and showed only the second, in an apparent attempt to pretend Cliven Bundy was a racist when he clearly wasn't. It was a typical liberal response for which CNN has perfected the technique: If you can't refute what a man is saying, doctor it and try to smear him personally, instead.

The hoax has since been revealed, but the liberals, true to form, keep forwarding the lie as hard and fast as they can... joined by the usual liars and smear artists in this thread. The truth doesn't suit their agenda, so they shun it.

See the real, original video here, along with CNN's carefully doctored version:

HOAX EXPOSED: Full Clip Of Cliven Bundy?s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Remarks Vs. NYTimes? Deceptively Edited Version « Pat Dollard

If Cliven Bundy were the least bit racist, he could have used the most common perjorative of them all, the N-word. Then CNN wouldn't have had to go to the effort to doctor his video. But he never touched it. So they went to Plan B instead and tried to alter what he said, and smear him.
Little Acorn,

If the video were doctored, why would Bundy go on CNN today and address what he said?
The sad part to me is that this stampede to get away from Bundy has more to do with the guy being a racist rather than him being a freeloader.

A freeloader who was afforded abundant and appropriate due process before sustaining a judgement against him in a court of law, where he is in no way a ‘victim’ of the Federal government, as contrived by the partisan right.

Well, a lot of people got sucked into the knee-jerk propaganda a couple of militia sites were spewing in the beginning. The more the full story trickled out, the more this guy's support trickled away. You have to wonder what type of "news" organization would spend that much time on a story without ever really researching the story.
the entire rw media apparatus had their mouths wrapped around Bundy's ..... (well you get the idea :eusa_shhh: ) just a scant few days ago now their running away as fast as their pasty white legs will carry them :rofl:
Little Acorn,

If the video were doctored, why would Bundy go on CNN today and address what he said?

If your views were misrepresented and twisted wouldn't you go on TV to straighten things out?

I know I would.

I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.
Little Acorn,

If the video were doctored, why would Bundy go on CNN today and address what he said?

If your views were misrepresented and twisted wouldn't you go on TV to straighten things out?

I know I would.

I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

So your words not in context or in full representation of what you said are fair game for the editor's of those words?
Little Acorn,

If the video were doctored, why would Bundy go on CNN today and address what he said?

If your views were misrepresented and twisted wouldn't you go on TV to straighten things out?

I know I would.

I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

What is wrong with his words? He's old. he uses old language, expressions, and idioms, My 94 year old mother uses all sorts of politically incorrect words- nobody gives a fuck.

It's a witch hunt..
If your views were misrepresented and twisted wouldn't you go on TV to straighten things out?

I know I would.

I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

So your words not in context or in full representation of what you said are fair game for the editor's of those words?
Hmm, seems to me the edited version was a full representation of what he said. The idiotic nature of his comments - whether in or out of context - makes me think the man is suspect
If your views were misrepresented and twisted wouldn't you go on TV to straighten things out?

I know I would.

I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

What is wrong with his words? He's old. he uses old language, expressions, and idioms, My 94 year old mother uses all sorts of politically incorrect words- nobody gives a fuck.

It's a witch hunt..
Okay, so you have no problem with his language. Apparently, the majority of Americans agree that his language and what he said is suspect.

I get it, you think people should say whatever they want and not face the consequences after they say it. I can respect that opinion - I don't agree, but I can accept that ideal. That is not a witch hunt.
I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

So your words not in context or in full representation of what you said are fair game for the editor's of those words?
Hmm, seems to me the edited version was a full representation of what he said. The idiotic nature of his comments - whether in or out of context - makes me think the man is suspect

I see. So no matter the full context of the statement what you chose to highlight is relevant as long as we all focus on the small portion of what you deem need to know. And the actual context and full quote isn't anything you are interested in as long as you get to claim racism.

Why is it people like you have the need for editing to your favor? If there is no editing you lose. Is that the reason?
If your views were misrepresented and twisted wouldn't you go on TV to straighten things out?

I know I would.

I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

What is wrong with his words? He's old. he uses old language, expressions, and idioms, My 94 year old mother uses all sorts of politically incorrect words- nobody gives a fuck.

It's a witch hunt..

witch hunt,,,,bwhahahahahhahahhaa
I don't think he was misrepresented. I would believe misunderstood. Realize, whether you think the video was unfairly edited or not...he is being criticized for HIS words.

What is wrong with his words? He's old. he uses old language, expressions, and idioms, My 94 year old mother uses all sorts of politically incorrect words- nobody gives a fuck.

It's a witch hunt..
Okay, so you have no problem with his language. Apparently, the majority of Americans agree that his language and what he said is suspect.

I get it, you think people should say whatever they want and not face the consequences after they say it. I can respect that opinion - I don't agree, but I can accept that ideal. That is not a witch hunt.

Stop misstating my position.

The sentiment behind Bundy's "politically incorrect" choice of words is not hateful or bigoted. Have you watched the unedited full videos?

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