The ‘Clueless, Not Criminal’ Trump Defense Comes Up Far Short


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
'Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) talked to NPR’s Steve Inskeep [last Thursday], and the conservative lawmaker expressed support for the ongoing investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal, saying it’d be “healthy” to separate facts from fiction.

But note what happened when the discussion turned to the investigation into whether the president obstructed justice. From the NPR transcript:

SCHWEIKERT: I’m at the point where, you know, we also have to be real careful from the standpoint we have a president that’s not from the political class. The learning of the disciplined use of language and what certain words mean in our context. If you’re not from this world, you may not have developed that discipline. But understand, sometimes…

INSKEEP: Although he’s got an entire staff. He’s got scores of lawyers. He’s got people who could advise him on the law and on procedures if he wanted to listen to those things.

This brings us back to the line of argument known in some circles as the “clueless, not criminal” defense. Trump may have obstructed justice, the defense goes, but he didn’t really mean to: the president simply doesn’t know enough about politics or the law to know where the boundaries are. We should hold Trump to a lower standard, the argument implicitly suggests, because he doesn’t really know what he’s doing.

Or as Schweikert put it, the president is new to “the political class,” which means he lacks “the disciplined use of language.”

If this sounds familiar, it’s because Schweikert isn’t the only one making the argument. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), among others, argued earlier this week, “The president is new at this, he is new to government, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI, and White Houses. He is just new to this.”

This is a very bad argument, which does not improve with repetition.

Just on the surface, it’s a reversal of sorts for Republicans, who’ve gone from saying, “Trump didn’t obstruct justice,” to effectively saying, “Well, maybe he did, but it’s only because he’s ignorant.”

But even putting aside questions of consistency, the “clueless, not criminal” tack is a disaster. As Inskeep reminded Schweikert, if the president wasn’t sure about the legal limits of intervening in an ongoing investigation, he has an army of experts whom he can call on, 24-7, to bring him up to speed.

And for a law-and-order party, ignorance of the law shouldn’t be a legitimate excuse, anyway.’

The 'clueless, not criminal' Trump defense comes up far short


Moreover, ‘clueless, not criminal’ is also not a defense against impeaching Trump; a president may be impeached for reasons other than having committed a criminal act.

Indeed, Trump may be impeached for any number of misdemeanors pursuant to Article ll, Section 4 of the Constitution: his baseless attacks of the judiciary, his providing Russians with sensitive intelligence in violation of his oath of office, his incessant lying, and his firing of Comey in an effort to undermine the Russia investigation have all reflected poorly on the presidency and demonstrated Trump unfit to be president, where his removal from office via the impeachment process is more than justified.
Do you mean "Not clueless, not criminal"?
You can't have it both ways. Everything he's done has proven he knows how to excite people and run a campaign, but governing is entirely different story. As a CEO his experience is more of the monarchical, rather than the democratic, style.
He is Not clueless he speaks as WE speak, WE understand what he said, liberal want to get hims do too but twist it to fit their agenda. Stupid shit comey just built into something his friends could try to use. HIS testimony although targeted proved that Trump said He hoped that the events and investigation would allow them to LET it go and he hoped comey could find a WAY to let it go. Then he said Flynn is a good man to which comey gave an affirmative answer. My though was if comey said he was a good man did he mean that this was a conspiracy against Trump from the beginning with comey, flynn, and the oshitscumas team setting up this entire thing for their assault on the American Publics DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT.
Do you mean "Not clueless, not criminal"?
You can't have it both ways. Everything he's done has proven he knows how to excite people and run a campaign, but governing is entirely different story. As a CEO his experience is more of the monarchical, rather than the democratic, style.

He's approach is brilliant indeed. He's accomplished more in a few months than many have in entire presidencies.

"Not clueless, not criminal, but criminally competent". Works for me.
When it suits conservatives' needs, the Big Orange Head is a genius. When it suits conservatives' needs, the Big Orange Head is too stupid to pound sand into a hole.

It is handy for the conservatives to have a president with such range.

You know what's amusing? You criticize Trump for not being clear in his use of a lawyer or politician would be...but you don't see anything wrong with James Comey...who is a lawyer and a politician not asking for clarification of what Trump was asking him? If Comey thought Trump was giving him an order to stop the investigation into Flynn but wasn't sure of that...wasn't it Comey's responsibility to query Trump on what his intent was? Yet Comey did none of that. He simply agreed with Trump that Flynn was a "good guy" and walked out of that room. Then he sat down and wrote notes on the meeting because he thought something improper happened? I'm sorry but that's a WTF moment!
When it suits conservatives' needs, the Big Orange Head is a genius. When it suits conservatives' needs, the Big Orange Head is too stupid to pound sand into a hole.

It is handy for the conservatives to have a president with such range.

You are delusional.

That is why you cannot give examples, jackass.

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