The Comming Midterm Elections. Republicans on the Defensive


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2015
In the wake of the 11.7.17 bloodbath that the Republicans suffered, the Democrats are energized and emboldened . I am creating this tread as a clearing house for all news, thoughts and analysis of the races that are heating up for 2018. This will be a repudiation of Trumpism including the bigotry, nationalism, and classism . Mark my words!!

As Republicans unravel, Democrats take aim at two dozen more House seats, including Paul Ryan's

It's almost hard to imagine how satisfying it would be to see House Speaker Paul Ryan go down in a sea of flames in 2018, but behold: Democrats are moving to capitalize on the GOP’s Tuesday night disaster by padding their target list with a couple dozen more House seats. Washington Post's Greg Sargent writes:

Here is the hit list so far :

One of those targets, I’m told: House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Later today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will release a new memo on the state of the House map that details the new targets, and this blog obtained an advance look at the new list. In addition to Wisconsin’s 1st District, which is held by Ryan, they include:

  • Four open seats: Ohio’s 12th District, Pennsylvania’s 11th District, Pennsylvania’s 15th District, and Texas’s 21st District, where Rep. Pat Tiberi, Lou Barletta, Charlie Dent, and Lamar Smith are retiring.
  • Utah’s 4th District — the seat held by Rep. Mia Love
  • New York’s 2nd District — the seat held by Pete King
  • Indiana’s 9th District — the seat held by Trey Hollingsworth
  • California’s 4th District — the seat held by Tom McClintock
  • Washington State’s 5th District — the seat held by Cathy McMorris Rodgers
  • Wisconsin’s 6th District — the seat held by Glenn Grothman

Damn, I knew I shouldn't have gone to bed early
In the wake of the 11.7.17 bloodbath that the Republicans suffered, the Democrats are energized and emboldened . I am creating this tread as a clearing house for all news, thoughts and analysis of the races that are heating up for 2018. This will be a repudiation of Trumpism including the bigotry, nationalism, and classism . Mark my words!!

As Republicans unravel, Democrats take aim at two dozen more House seats, including Paul Ryan's

It's almost hard to imagine how satisfying it would be to see House Speaker Paul Ryan go down in a sea of flames in 2018, but behold: Democrats are moving to capitalize on the GOP’s Tuesday night disaster by padding their target list with a couple dozen more House seats. Washington Post's Greg Sargent writes:

Here is the hit list so far :

One of those targets, I’m told: House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Later today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will release a new memo on the state of the House map that details the new targets, and this blog obtained an advance look at the new list. In addition to Wisconsin’s 1st District, which is held by Ryan, they include:

  • Four open seats: Ohio’s 12th District, Pennsylvania’s 11th District, Pennsylvania’s 15th District, and Texas’s 21st District, where Rep. Pat Tiberi, Lou Barletta, Charlie Dent, and Lamar Smith are retiring.
  • Utah’s 4th District — the seat held by Rep. Mia Love
  • New York’s 2nd District — the seat held by Pete King
  • Indiana’s 9th District — the seat held by Trey Hollingsworth
  • California’s 4th District — the seat held by Tom McClintock
  • Washington State’s 5th District — the seat held by Cathy McMorris Rodgers
  • Wisconsin’s 6th District — the seat held by Glenn Grothman

I kind of had to backtrack on some thoughts I had in another thread about it, but the more I think on it, the more I come aroud to the idea that it my be something to look at.

Though, I reject it's because of any social issues you're referencing. Of course, that may be the benchmark for many voters, to be fair

Now, you said classism. What are you talking about? I'm a Classical Liberal. I take it you're talkign about traditional social customs?
The Dems had to win where they won, and they did. They're hyping it up as hard as they can, which is what the parties do. They're kinda silly that way.

I'd think they have an advantage in '18, but this happy dance stuff is a little premature.
In the wake of the 11.7.17 bloodbath that the Republicans suffered, the Democrats are energized and emboldened . I am creating this tread as a clearing house for all news, thoughts and analysis of the races that are heating up for 2018. This will be a repudiation of Trumpism including the bigotry, nationalism, and classism . Mark my words!!

As Republicans unravel, Democrats take aim at two dozen more House seats, including Paul Ryan's

It's almost hard to imagine how satisfying it would be to see House Speaker Paul Ryan go down in a sea of flames in 2018, but behold: Democrats are moving to capitalize on the GOP’s Tuesday night disaster by padding their target list with a couple dozen more House seats. Washington Post's Greg Sargent writes:

Here is the hit list so far :

One of those targets, I’m told: House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Later today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will release a new memo on the state of the House map that details the new targets, and this blog obtained an advance look at the new list. In addition to Wisconsin’s 1st District, which is held by Ryan, they include:

  • Four open seats: Ohio’s 12th District, Pennsylvania’s 11th District, Pennsylvania’s 15th District, and Texas’s 21st District, where Rep. Pat Tiberi, Lou Barletta, Charlie Dent, and Lamar Smith are retiring.
  • Utah’s 4th District — the seat held by Rep. Mia Love
  • New York’s 2nd District — the seat held by Pete King
  • Indiana’s 9th District — the seat held by Trey Hollingsworth
  • California’s 4th District — the seat held by Tom McClintock
  • Washington State’s 5th District — the seat held by Cathy McMorris Rodgers
  • Wisconsin’s 6th District — the seat held by Glenn Grothman

I kind of had to backtrack on some thoughts I had in another thread about it, but the more I think on it, the more I come aroud to the idea that it my be something to look at.

Though, I reject it's because of any social issues you're referencing. Of course, that may be the benchmark for many voters, to be fair

Now, you said classism. What are you talking about? I'm a Classical Liberal. I take it you're talkign about traditional social customs?
You don't know what I mean?? Really? Try giveaways to the wealthy at the expense of the working/ middle call. How about policies that promote increasing wealth and income disparity?. How about taking health care away from those who can least afford to loose it?
You don't know what I mean?? Really? Try giveaways to the wealthy at the expense of the working/ middle call. How about policies that promote increasing wealth and income disparity?. How about taking health care away from those who can least afford to loose it?

No. I don't know you. I've learned to ask people what they mean when they mention isms. So it's best to ask them what they mean so I know whether they understand the ism they're tossing around.

I actually agree with these few points. You call it classism. I call it Keynesianism. And correctly so.
Bloodbath? In a couple of blue state races, versus the thousand seats that Democrats lost? Your party of hate has hemorrhaged millions of voters (including myself) since they threw away their huge, white working class demographic in favor of fringe minorities (due to Obama's resentment of all things white and American). Mathematically, your party has already commit suicide, it's just too stupid to realize it and fall down.

Most Americans are interested in jobs/security/safety. You can't possibly believe that most Americans simply want more Islam and tranny pandering while liberals get up on their high horse's to scold America on how racist, Hitler and Nazi everything is and everyone should feel guilt over their existence. Society doesn't want any more of that bullshit. Don't you see, you liberals have nothing positive to offer society, it's always negative.
If you liberals believe nothing else I tell you, believe this: in a white-majority country you DON'T win major, large-scale elections by spewing hatred and violence toward white people due to some pissy, whiny historical grievances that were settled generations ago. Sorry liberals, but human nature simply doesn't work that way. America likes an enthusiastic, ambitious message, not sniveling guilt-trips we've heard a thousandfold over.
As Trump's war on regulation bears fruit, the environment, and the economy, will suffer as the Kleptocracy is emboldened.
But the buffoonish behaviour of our Glorious Leader is driving the electoral carnage being visited on the GOP. And will continue to do until he's brought down, and for years to come.
Your party of hate has hemorrhaged millions of voters (including myself) since they threw away their huge, white working class demographic in favor of fringe minorities (due to Obama's resentment of all things white and American).
Party of hate ? Are you fucking serious!!?? Yes the Dems made some mistakes but if you want talk about hate you had better take a hard look at T-Rump and his Trumpanzees.
You can't possibly believe that most Americans simply want more Islam and tranny pandering while liberals get up on their high horse's to scold America on how racist, Hitler and Nazi everything is and everyone should feel guilt over their existence.
Did you say something about hate? I rest my case on who is hateful
Bloodbath? In a couple of blue state races, versus the thousand seats that Democrats lost? Your party of hate has hemorrhaged millions of voters (including myself) since they threw away their huge, white working class demographic in favor of fringe minorities (due to Obama's resentment of all things white and American). Mathematically, your party has already commit suicide, it's just too stupid to realize it and fall down.

Most Americans are interested in jobs/security/safety. You can't possibly believe that most Americans simply want more Islam and tranny pandering while liberals get up on their high horse's to scold America on how racist, Hitler and Nazi everything is and everyone should feel guilt over their existence. Society doesn't want any more of that bullshit. Don't you see, you liberals have nothing positive to offer society, it's always negative.

What you forget is that Republicans have no support for what they are doing. Voters want Obamacare fixed not repealed. They do not want millions kicked off their insurance because they can't afford it. Voters overwhelmingly support DACA. They do not want a wall built. They do not support the Republican tax plan. They have no problem with deregulation but they do not support no regulation. We are not talking about liberals. We are talking about American voters.

I do believe the Democrats could win the House. If it happens, it will be because voters want to force the parties to work together. They are rejecting the right wing extremism of Donald Trump. Worth noting that they also think that Trump is sympathetic to Nazis and white supremacists.

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