The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored


I know. Its amazing how libs adore these tyrannical murderers. I guess its all part of their history in how they were the party of slavery and segregation.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao all belong to their Party so they are above reproach
Also, it's a bad comparison because Hitler, fucked up as he was, did what he thought was best FOR Germany; modern Liberals would have been working to turn German over to Stalin.

Hitler got rid of everyone with an education.. and he shut down most of the newspapers. He couldn't allow dissent from the intellectuals. You should work on your education or at the very least read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

Kind of like how Democrats are shutting down any media that has an opposing view to theirs. Thanks for the accurate analogy of fascist and Democrat methods.

Twitter and Facebook are private.. Like this place. They have the right to boot you off this forum.

Big tech has taken over media. See, you APPROVE of Democrats silencing opposition. Must make you a nazi.

Spits the self-proclaimed nazi who's silenced posters from this site.

When you lie you do it poorly. I have never once sided with the Nazi philosophy, nor have I ever defended them.

YOU, on the other hand, have.
I told no lie. YOU equated silencing people with nazism. And YOU silenced posters on this site. That makes YOU a nazi according to YOU.

You are a feckless liar, and an ignorant twerp. You defend every fascist act that YOUR democrat masters do.

Your non-sequitur doesn't actually refute what I said. Just so ya know.
Also, it's a bad comparison because Hitler, fucked up as he was, did what he thought was best FOR Germany; modern Liberals would have been working to turn German over to Stalin.

Hitler got rid of everyone with an education.. and he shut down most of the newspapers. He couldn't allow dissent from the intellectuals. You should work on your education or at the very least read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

Kind of like how Democrats are shutting down any media that has an opposing view to theirs. Thanks for the accurate analogy of fascist and Democrat methods.

Twitter and Facebook are private.. Like this place. They have the right to boot you off this forum.

Big tech has taken over media. See, you APPROVE of Democrats silencing opposition. Must make you a nazi.

Spits the self-proclaimed nazi who's silenced posters from this site.

When you lie you do it poorly. I have never once sided with the Nazi philosophy, nor have I ever defended them.

YOU, on the other hand, have.
I told no lie. YOU equated silencing people with nazism. And YOU silenced posters on this site. That makes YOU a nazi according to YOU.
How did he silence anyone on this site?
This should make the heads of the SJWs explode:

Six striking parallels.
I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent “systemic racism” and baseless fears of “white supremacy.” This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me. They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.
However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920’s and 30’s will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today.
First, racial division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was, without doubt, the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate is framed in racism.
The Nazi Party’s obsession with race focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races. This opened the door for blaming various racial groups for all the problems facing the country. The American left are claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing the nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.
Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them.
Hmmm, Hitler lost an election but was installed as leader of Germany anyway ... Trump lost an election but his nazis tried to install him as leader of the U.S. anyway.

Nice comparison you drew up, fucking moron.
Both claims are false.

No, they're not false just because you're ignorant.
I'm not ignorant. Both claims are false. Hitler wasn't "installed." No one tried to "install" Trump.
Wrong. There's nothing fascist about it.
It just so happens it’s a characteristic common with fascists. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

Mussolini was trying to replay the Roman Empire for Christ sake. Make Italy great again has some deep roots.
Prove it, asshole. What Musssolini was doing has nothing to do with modern day conservatives.
A stolen election doesn't mean anyone rejected anything.
Ironically susceptibility and adherence to conspiracy theories fueling grievances is a common characteristic of fascism.
ROFL! No matter what Republicans do, turds like you call it fascism.

You believe the Democrat Reich doesn't "fuel grievances?"

"Hands up! Don't shoot!"
Of course, politics always talks about grievances. But fascism makes the dominant force in the country feel like they’re being attacked by the minorities. So Trump tells white men that immigrants are taking their jobs. He tells white women that poor urban people are coming to their suburban neighborhoods.

It’s about telling them that the majority is being harmed by the minorities and they need to go back to where the majority had more control.

Fascism is about power. How to get it and how to use it.
Every time someone points out that your latest claim is horseshit you come up with a new excuse.
Sorry, got posts mixed up.

Are you denying the right wing penchant for conspiracy theories?
They’ve only gotten nuttier over the last three decades.
I remember Vince Foster’s death being a big deal when I was young. Obama conspiracies weren’t into overdrive. I don’t think anyone saw QAnon coming, though, that one takes the cake.

Hands up don’t shoot isn’t a conspiracy theory. It’s just a false story someone told.
You have to be a major idiot to believe leftwingers aren't prone to falling for conspiracy theories.

Remember "Russia! Russia! Russia!"? Now you imbeciles are concocting all manner of consipiracy theories about QAnon and the Jan 6 protest.

Are you surprised that Black schoolchildren would sing about Obama or admire him?

QANON starts a new conspiracy theory every week. They aren't victims.. they are crazies and instigators.
Most of them weren't black, moron. School children sing what their teacher tells them to sing.
Wrong. There's nothing fascist about it.
It just so happens it’s a characteristic common with fascists. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

Mussolini was trying to replay the Roman Empire for Christ sake. Make Italy great again has some deep roots.
Prove it, asshole. What Musssolini was doing has nothing to do with modern day conservatives.
I’ve been pointing out the parallels all along.

Mussolini was obsessed with the Roman Empire. It was his version of make America great again. Hitler had his own version reminiscing about the German empire.
Wrong. There's nothing fascist about it.
It just so happens it’s a characteristic common with fascists. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

Mussolini was trying to replay the Roman Empire for Christ sake. Make Italy great again has some deep roots.
Prove it, asshole. What Musssolini was doing has nothing to do with modern day conservatives.
I’ve been pointing out the parallels all along.

Mussolini was obsessed with the Roman Empire. It was his version of make America great again. Hitler had his own version reminiscing about the German empire.
You've been pointing out bullshit. Equating "make America great again" with recreating the Roman Empire is the ultimate absurdity.
You can count the number of Republicans who follow QAnon on your fingers.
Jesus. You can barely count the number of Republican members of Congress that follow QAnon on your fingers.
No Republican member of Congress follows QAnon, NAZI.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Also, it's a bad comparison because Hitler, fucked up as he was, did what he thought was best FOR Germany; modern Liberals would have been working to turn German over to Stalin.

Hitler got rid of everyone with an education.. and he shut down most of the newspapers. He couldn't allow dissent from the intellectuals. You should work on your education or at the very least read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

Kind of like how Democrats are shutting down any media that has an opposing view to theirs. Thanks for the accurate analogy of fascist and Democrat methods.

Twitter and Facebook are private.. Like this place. They have the right to boot you off this forum.

Big tech has taken over media. See, you APPROVE of Democrats silencing opposition. Must make you a nazi.

Spits the self-proclaimed nazi who's silenced posters from this site.

When you lie you do it poorly. I have never once sided with the Nazi philosophy, nor have I ever defended them.

YOU, on the other hand, have.
I told no lie. YOU equated silencing people with nazism. And YOU silenced posters on this site. That makes YOU a nazi according to YOU.
How did he silence anyone on this site?
He used to be a mod.
You've been pointing out bullshit. Equating "make America great again" with recreating the Roman Empire is the ultimate absurdity.
Just acknowledging that nostalgia is a strong component of fascism.

Just like conspiracy is a strong component of fascism.

Want to go on? Should we talk about how fascism seems to evolve around a charismatic central figure who is a political outsider?

How about their reverence of the military?

How about enforcement of social class and structure?
This should make the heads of the SJWs explode:

Six striking parallels.
I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent “systemic racism” and baseless fears of “white supremacy.” This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me. They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.
However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920’s and 30’s will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today.
First, racial division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was, without doubt, the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate is framed in racism.
The Nazi Party’s obsession with race focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races. This opened the door for blaming various racial groups for all the problems facing the country. The American left are claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing the nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.
Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them.
Hmmm, Hitler lost an election but was installed as leader of Germany anyway ... Trump lost an election but his nazis tried to install him as leader of the U.S. anyway.

Nice comparison you drew up, fucking moron.
Both claims are false.

No, they're not false just because you're ignorant.
I'm not ignorant. Both claims are false. Hitler wasn't "installed." No one tried to "install" Trump.
Of course Hitler was installed. Learn history, fucking moron. Like Trump, Hitler lost his election to be president. President Hindenburg then "installed" Hitler as chancellor. After Hindenburg died, the Nazi-led parliament decreed the office of chancellor would be combined with the office of president, effectively making Hitler the fuhrer.

And yes, despite losing his election, Trump's base attempted to get him back in office anyway. They called it, "stop the steal."
This should make the heads of the SJWs explode:

Six striking parallels.
I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent “systemic racism” and baseless fears of “white supremacy.” This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me. They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.
However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920’s and 30’s will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today.
First, racial division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was, without doubt, the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate is framed in racism.
The Nazi Party’s obsession with race focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races. This opened the door for blaming various racial groups for all the problems facing the country. The American left are claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing the nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.
Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them.

Once again, Bripat tries to convince himself that Democrats are Nazi's by quoting a questionable website. When this is the quality of your sources, FingerBoi, it doesn't say much for your hypothesis.

  • Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks.

Every since Trump's defeat, and attempted overthrow of the democratically elected government of the USA, Bripat has been trying to convince himself that Trump isn't a Nazi, and continuing down the path of white nationalist authoritarism.

You've been pointing out bullshit. Equating "make America great again" with recreating the Roman Empire is the ultimate absurdity.
Just acknowledging that nostalgia is a strong component of fascism.

Just like conspiracy is a strong component of fascism.

Want to go on? Should we talk about how fascism seems to evolve around a charismatic central figure who is a political outsider?

How about their reverence of the military?

How about enforcement of social class and structure?
You're an imbecile. The Dims have 100 times more in common with fascism than the Republicans.
This should make the heads of the SJWs explode:

Six striking parallels.
I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent “systemic racism” and baseless fears of “white supremacy.” This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me. They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.
However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920’s and 30’s will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today.
First, racial division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was, without doubt, the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate is framed in racism.
The Nazi Party’s obsession with race focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races. This opened the door for blaming various racial groups for all the problems facing the country. The American left are claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing the nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.
Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them.
Hmmm, Hitler lost an election but was installed as leader of Germany anyway ... Trump lost an election but his nazis tried to install him as leader of the U.S. anyway.

Nice comparison you drew up, fucking moron.
Both claims are false.

No, they're not false just because you're ignorant.
I'm not ignorant. Both claims are false. Hitler wasn't "installed." No one tried to "install" Trump.
Of course Hitler was installed. Learn history, fucking moron. Like Trump, Hitler lost his election to be president. President Hindenburg then "installed" Hitler as chancellor. After Hindenburg died, the Nazi-led parliament decreed the office of chancellor would be combined with the office of president, effectively making Hitler the fuhrer.

And yes, despite losing his election, Trump's base attempted to get him back in office anyway. They called it, "stop the steal."
He was appointed through the normal process. The Chancellor was always appointed by the president. Calling the process "installed" only shows that you're a demagogue.
You can count the number of Republicans who follow QAnon on your fingers.
Jesus. You can barely count the number of Republican members of Congress that follow QAnon on your fingers.
No Republican member of Congress follows QAnon, NAZI.
Are you ever not a fucking moron?


She believes some of what QAnon says, and that makes her a follower?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
This should make the heads of the SJWs explode:

Six striking parallels.
I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent “systemic racism” and baseless fears of “white supremacy.” This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me. They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.
However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920’s and 30’s will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today.
First, racial division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was, without doubt, the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate is framed in racism.
The Nazi Party’s obsession with race focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races. This opened the door for blaming various racial groups for all the problems facing the country. The American left are claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing the nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.
Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them.
Hmmm, Hitler lost an election but was installed as leader of Germany anyway ... Trump lost an election but his nazis tried to install him as leader of the U.S. anyway.

Nice comparison you drew up, fucking moron.
Both claims are false.

No, they're not false just because you're ignorant.
I'm not ignorant. Both claims are false. Hitler wasn't "installed." No one tried to "install" Trump.
Of course Hitler was installed. Learn history, fucking moron. Like Trump, Hitler lost his election to be president. President Hindenburg then "installed" Hitler as chancellor. After Hindenburg died, the Nazi-led parliament decreed the office of chancellor would be combined with the office of president, effectively making Hitler the fuhrer.

And yes, despite losing his election, Trump's base attempted to get him back in office anyway. They called it, "stop the steal."
He was appointed through the normal process. The Chancellor was always appointed by the president. Calling the process "installed" only shows that you're a demagogue.
Fucking moron, I didn't call the "process" installed. I said putting Hitler in that office was installed. Hindenburg didn't want Hitler to be chancellor. He was pushed into it because the nazis won a plurality of their parliament.

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