The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

a lot of these statues were put up during the civil rights movement as a fuck you to the civil rights movement, my friends
Stop being a lazy fuck and reply to one poster at a time.

Works on the assumption you are worth a whole post to yourself. I'm a busy man.

No, I'm arguing that the North didn't really care about slavery one way or another until it was convenient for them. Again let's not white-wash history and present the North as they great liberators who were dying for the ending of slavery and/or the rights of black people because they weren't.

Well, that's a stupid thing to argue. Of course, the North ELECTED LINCOLN, who was the anti-slavery candidate. So, yeah, they cared about it. And the South revolted because Lincoln was elected. They had also threatened to revolt in 1856, when Fremont ran on an even more anti-slavery platform than Lincoln ran on.

Now, yeah, a lot of people in the North weren't keen on going to war. No one is ever keen on going to war. It's not something we think much about, because we haven't really been in a major war since Vietnam, given all our conflicts since Vietnam have been around 10,000 dead.

The Civil War killed 600,000 Americans on both sides, when the whole country had a tenth of the population it has now. Yes, it was a horrible event for most people, and frankly, people are kind of selfish. You are some poor Irish Immigrant who got drafted into the New York Militia because you couldn't pay off the recruiter, you probably weren't too keen to catch a musket ball at Gettysburg so some black person in Georgia wouldn't have to pick cotton.

But give us some credit, it's one of the few times we went to war for a noble cause.
Like the rioters, all these kids are doing is allowing the Trumpster bigots to focus on them, rather than the core issues, and helping the Trumpsters dig in even deeper.

They're fucking up. Band aids don't cure cancer.

Boo-fucking-hoo, Vichy Mac.

The Trumpsters were going to be racist assholes no matter what happened.

The fact is, people who've opposed police brutality have been complaining for years peacefully. And the system didn't take measures to stop it. You had one case after another where cops were either let go or got minimal sentences.

Now they have the country's undivided attention. Shouldn't have had to go this far.

I also think that the riots were an offshoot of a country already anxious over Covid and the Recession. In short, the pressure cooker was already boiling, only a matter of time before it blew.

Stop being a lazy fuck and reply to one poster at a time.

Works on the assumption you are worth a whole post to yourself. I'm a busy man.

No, I'm arguing that the North didn't really care about slavery one way or another until it was convenient for them. Again let's not white-wash history and present the North as they great liberators who were dying for the ending of slavery and/or the rights of black people because they weren't.

Well, that's a stupid thing to argue. Of course, the North ELECTED LINCOLN, who was the anti-slavery candidate. So, yeah, they cared about it. And the South revolted because Lincoln was elected. They had also threatened to revolt in 1856, when Fremont ran on an even more anti-slavery platform than Lincoln ran on.

Now, yeah, a lot of people in the North weren't keen on going to war. No one is ever keen on going to war. It's not something we think much about, because we haven't really been in a major war since Vietnam, given all our conflicts since Vietnam have been around 10,000 dead.

The Civil War killed 600,000 Americans on both sides, when the whole country had a tenth of the population it has now. Yes, it was a horrible event for most people, and frankly, people are kind of selfish. You are some poor Irish Immigrant who got drafted into the New York Militia because you couldn't pay off the recruiter, you probably weren't too keen to catch a musket ball at Gettysburg so some black person in Georgia wouldn't have to pick cotton.

But give us some credit, it's one of the few times we went to war for a noble cause.

You're skirting around the fact that the Underground Railroad had to end in Canada, if people in the North caught freed slaves-or even some non-slaves they'd send them down South and that 3 states in the Union allowed slavery DURING the war. All of those are facts and aren't up for discussion and don't care about your feelings.

Just because the North was (clearly) on the right side of history does not mean they were the freedom fighters you're portraying them to be.
You're skirting around the fact that the Underground Railroad had to end in Canada, if people in the North caught freed slaves-or even some non-slaves they'd send them down South and that 3 states in the Union allowed slavery DURING the war. All of those are facts and aren't up for discussion

None of those points are relevent to anything.

I know you really want to live in a world where your inbred ancestors weren't on the side of evil... but they were.
You're skirting around the fact that the Underground Railroad had to end in Canada, if people in the North caught freed slaves-or even some non-slaves they'd send them down South and that 3 states in the Union allowed slavery DURING the war. All of those are facts and aren't up for discussion

None of those points are relevent to anything.

I know you really want to live in a world where your inbred ancestors weren't on the side of evil... but they were.

I'm from New York and actually have ancestors who died fighting for the Union. Normally I would say nice try at using an ad-hominem or strawman...but honestly in this case it wasn't.
I'm from New York and actually have ancestors who died fighting for the Union. Normally I would say nice try at using an ad-hominem or strawman...but honestly in this case it wasn't.

Yawn, racist are racists, no matter where they come from.

Exactly, I'm glad that you can admit that there were plenty of racists in the North as well.

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