The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

Lol, there were only 1000 top nazis....right.

As for communist statues taken down by actually oppressed people vs. our statues, if you really try to make that comparison you are a far worse human being than I thought.

Wow, so you are claiming that the statues of people who did THIS...

View attachment 353919

didn't oppress people?

Check your privilege, buddy. Check your privilege.

Is there a statue of the dude that did that?
What a vindictive little twat you are.

One day you are going to stop posting, and on that day I am going to have a little party.

Not any time soon, buddy... I'll probably outlast you.

I've seen them come, I've seen them go.

But, yeah, descrecrating his grave would be awesome. Slave Trader, Traitor, Racist...
Hey, Marty, here's the new Nathan Bedford Forest Memorial.

What a vindictive little twat you are.

One day you are going to stop posting, and on that day I am going to have a little party.

Not any time soon, buddy... I'll probably outlast you.

I've seen them come, I've seen them go.

But, yeah, descrecrating his grave would be awesome. Slave Trader, Traitor, Racist...

What a miserable pile of shit you are.
What a vindictive little twat you are.

One day you are going to stop posting, and on that day I am going to have a little party.

Not any time soon, buddy... I'll probably outlast you.

I've seen them come, I've seen them go.

But, yeah, descrecrating his grave would be awesome. Slave Trader, Traitor, Racist...

I agree with your sentiment and while the statues/monuments to such heinous people are awful-that's precisely why I prefer if they stay. I think we run the risk of (eventually) forgetting or probably a better way of it is thinking about history among younger generations. I honestly believe that the physical reminders of slavery is a big reason why the bulk of mainstream hasn't stopped thinking about it but HAS stopped thinking about the native Americans, Japanese internment camps, etc.

I understand the emotions behind it and I'm with you on that-but removing the statues just might be more harm than good. Imagine if everybody in the US stopped flying the Confederate flag tomorrow...would they suddenly not be racist (if they are)? No. We'd now also not know whom is or might be, we might fall into more of a false sense of security or "victory" if you will.
A big problem in your analysis, @JoeB131, is that you see this as still a North/South problem, when it is today in fact a national problem. As you well know, this national problem, this “original sin” so to speak, started well before the Civil War, and continued in many forms afterward. The “Lost Cause” mythology represents only one aspect of this problem, and not the most serious aspect either.

I agree, we have a lot to fix.

But this is one of the bigger ones TO fix. The notion that the South was somehow fighting for a "noble" cause, when they were just fighting for the right to own other human beings.

I agree that slavery was one of the issues at hand...but let's not pretend like the North didn't have 3 states that allowed slavery DURING the war, that the Underground Railroad ended in the North (it ended in Canada because the North would send the slaves and even free blacks down South), or that slavery wasn't eventually used as a tool for Lincoln to unite the North and give them a just and noble cause to continue the war.

You might say that the "right" side won....I'd argue that the "not quite as bad" side won. The Northern US were not friends of blacks-let's not pretend otherwise. The North didn't liberate black people and welcome them with open arms and lived happily ever after. That's a narrative that predominantly white people in the North come up with so they don't have to face the uncomfortable reality of what actually happened.
What a miserable pile of shit you are.

Naw, a miserable piece of shit is someone who thinks a guy who engaged in the slave trade, committed war crimes at Ft. Pillow and then went on to found a hate group that has lasted to this very day deserves a statue.

I agree that slavery was one of the issues at hand...but let's not pretend like the North didn't have 3 states that allowed slavery DURING the war, that the Underground Railroad ended in the North (it ended in Canada because the North would send the slaves and even free blacks down South), or that slavery wasn't eventually used as a tool for Lincoln to unite the North and give them a just and noble cause to continue the war.

Again, you are arguing that the North didn't do enough fast enough to end slavery, and I'd agree, they didn't.

You might say that the "right" side won....I'd argue that the "not quite as bad" side won. The Northern US were not friends of blacks-let's not pretend otherwise. The North didn't liberate black people and welcome them with open arms and lived happily ever after. That's a narrative that predominantly white people in the North come up with so they don't have to face the uncomfortable reality of what actually happened.

I would say the North Won the War and Lost the Peace, but that's kind of typical for most wars. We don't need to look any further back than our recent forays into the Middle East. Saddam and Bin Laden are dead, but are Afghanistan and Iraq nice places to live now? Of course not. Eventually, people get tired.
JoeB131, do you realize virtually all Afros in Africa with any tribal power were slave owners and slave traders for thousands of years and even today? You really need to do your homework, snowflake.
JoeB131, do you realize virtually all Afros in Africa with any tribal power were slave owners and slave traders for thousands of years and even today? You really need to do your homework, snowflake.

The Cleaner called, they can't get the yellow stains out of your sheets when you pissed yourself during the last Klan rally.
What a miserable pile of shit you are.

Naw, a miserable piece of shit is someone who thinks a guy who engaged in the slave trade, committed war crimes at Ft. Pillow and then went on to found a hate group that has lasted to this very day deserves a statue.

I agree that slavery was one of the issues at hand...but let's not pretend like the North didn't have 3 states that allowed slavery DURING the war, that the Underground Railroad ended in the North (it ended in Canada because the North would send the slaves and even free blacks down South), or that slavery wasn't eventually used as a tool for Lincoln to unite the North and give them a just and noble cause to continue the war.

Again, you are arguing that the North didn't do enough fast enough to end slavery, and I'd agree, they didn't.

You might say that the "right" side won....I'd argue that the "not quite as bad" side won. The Northern US were not friends of blacks-let's not pretend otherwise. The North didn't liberate black people and welcome them with open arms and lived happily ever after. That's a narrative that predominantly white people in the North come up with so they don't have to face the uncomfortable reality of what actually happened.

I would say the North Won the War and Lost the Peace, but that's kind of typical for most wars. We don't need to look any further back than our recent forays into the Middle East. Saddam and Bin Laden are dead, but are Afghanistan and Iraq nice places to live now? Of course not. Eventually, people get tired.

Stop being a lazy fuck and reply to one poster at a time.
What a miserable pile of shit you are.

Naw, a miserable piece of shit is someone who thinks a guy who engaged in the slave trade, committed war crimes at Ft. Pillow and then went on to found a hate group that has lasted to this very day deserves a statue.

I agree that slavery was one of the issues at hand...but let's not pretend like the North didn't have 3 states that allowed slavery DURING the war, that the Underground Railroad ended in the North (it ended in Canada because the North would send the slaves and even free blacks down South), or that slavery wasn't eventually used as a tool for Lincoln to unite the North and give them a just and noble cause to continue the war.

Again, you are arguing that the North didn't do enough fast enough to end slavery, and I'd agree, they didn't.

You might say that the "right" side won....I'd argue that the "not quite as bad" side won. The Northern US were not friends of blacks-let's not pretend otherwise. The North didn't liberate black people and welcome them with open arms and lived happily ever after. That's a narrative that predominantly white people in the North come up with so they don't have to face the uncomfortable reality of what actually happened.

I would say the North Won the War and Lost the Peace, but that's kind of typical for most wars. We don't need to look any further back than our recent forays into the Middle East. Saddam and Bin Laden are dead, but are Afghanistan and Iraq nice places to live now? Of course not. Eventually, people get tired.

No, I'm arguing that the North didn't really care about slavery one way or another until it was convenient for them. Again let's not white-wash history and present the North as they great liberators who were dying for the ending of slavery and/or the rights of black people because they weren't.

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