The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
The Civil War was
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

You are confused, aren't you?

The Confederate soldier didn't fight for rich people to maintain slaves. They fought to keep the Union filth from killing and destroying. That is what is in my Grandfather's letters and the chronicles of many other Confederate soldiers.

I bet that your Jr High text didn't even mention that one third of the Confederate States first voted not to secede but changed their minds when that piece of shit Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his regiments of hate to kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments of patriots to defend against destruction.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
Wrong. More than 4 Union States had slavery during the Civil War.

You are confused. Your Jr High text book didn't cover everything, did it?

All of the Southern States had legal slavery, just like the rest of the United States. Slavery was absolutely legal in the United States.

When South Carolina seceded so did several other states like my beloved Florida a few months later.

However, four states (Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee) Legislatures first voted to not secede but then changed their minds when that asshole Lincoln declared that he was going to raise an army of 75,000 to kill Americans.

Like I said; Lincoln raised his regiments to kill Americans and Davis raised his regiment to defend against the killing.
Only Congress can call for troops. Lincoln trashed the Constitution on that one. But he trashed the Constitution many more times than that.
Define Tyrant.

The really despicable thing that Lincoln did was break the truce at Ft Sumter.

President Buchanan had established an informal but yet effective truce in the secession states regarding Federal facilities. He knew that could be something that could spark hostilities.

The arrangement at Ft Sumter was the Feds could maintain control of the fort but they couldn't fortify it. Supplies were to bought locally. The troops that guarded the fort were not to be harassed. In fact they all lived off post and some were married to Southern women.

One of the first things that asshole Lincoln did after taking office was to break that truce by sending a supply ship to Ft Sumter. He did it without approval from his cabinet or anybody.

He did it to provoke hostilities.

Lincoln started the goddamn war.

Of course Ft Sumter has always been a fake news story. The real war started when that asshole Lincoln his filthy army of thugs across the Potomac River river to kill Americans.
They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

That's the point. They never should have been "forgiven". There should have been trials for the leaders, and the history books should have been very clear that they were the bad guys.

Kind of like Nazi Germany after WWII.
Truman ordered the dropping of a couple nukes which killed what 100,000 civilians? It won the war for us, just like Terrorism won the Civil War for the Union. If you cant beat the Army, go after the civilains. Now days these are called war crimes.
You mean like destroying Iraq's infrastructure in an illegal war of aggression? I agree. I wonder why that crime wasn't prosecuted.
Yea but its a good rebuttal to some idiot that brings up the KKK. Who commits the vast majority of interracial violent crime? Take a guess.
Of inter-racial terror crime? No need to guess that one.
They need to look into why the Union never took Jefferson Davis to trail for treason. It was because his defense would have been that secession was legal and he had a strong case. The Union filth didn't want to lose that argument so they released him.
But the Confederacy's offence was not secession but firing on and occupying Federal property. That was the trigger.
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.

Again, those who lost were forgiven by the people they fought. You have no standing to bitch about it compared to them.

So just go off and fuck yourself, you SJW soy boy.
They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

That's the point. They never should have been "forgiven". There should have been trials for the leaders, and the history books should have been very clear that they were the bad guys.

Kind of like Nazi Germany after WWII.

The people fighting them made that choice, so fuck off.
The people fighting them made that choice, so fuck off.
And have occupied them with military bases ever since.

How do you occupy your own territory?

The CSA was never a separate country, it was an area in insurrection given belligerent rights as per the rules of war at the time.
Yet it believed it had asserted nationality. Funny that.

But to pass on: Some have propounded the inquiry whether it is practicable for us to go on with the confederacy without further accessions? Have we the means and ability to maintain nationality among the powers of the earth? On this point I would barely say, that as anxiously as we all have been, and are, for the border States, with institutions similar to ours, to join us, still we are abundantly able to maintain our position, even if they should ultimately make up their minds not to cast their destiny with us. That they ultimately will join us-be compelled to do it — is my confident belief; but we can get on very well without them, even if they should not.
The people fighting them made that choice, so fuck off.
And have occupied them with military bases ever since.

How do you occupy your own territory?

The CSA was never a separate country, it was an area in insurrection given belligerent rights as per the rules of war at the time.
Yet it believed it had asserted nationality. Funny that.

But to pass on: Some have propounded the inquiry whether it is practicable for us to go on with the confederacy without further accessions? Have we the means and ability to maintain nationality among the powers of the earth? On this point I would barely say, that as anxiously as we all have been, and are, for the border States, with institutions similar to ours, to join us, still we are abundantly able to maintain our position, even if they should ultimately make up their minds not to cast their destiny with us. That they ultimately will join us-be compelled to do it — is my confident belief; but we can get on very well without them, even if they should not.

It declared itself a country, but no other county recognized it as such. At best it was recognized as a belligerent, which gave it certain diplomatic abilities, but not those of a recognized country.

What it believed is irrelevant, because it lost before it got recognized by anyone as a true nation.
When you have to Google the guy on a statue to figure out who he is, maybe it’s not really the daily humiliation you claim it is
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

Read Abraham Lincolns own words...
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

Most white people were taught that very thing from birth. They just didn't like the chattel slavery practiced in the South. They were conditioned to accept that the enslaved race was simply inferior. Lincoln was pandering to the crowd like a politician in those speeches or debates.

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