The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

They were "forgiven" in order to end the rift in the nation. It was part of the attempts to heal.

Exactly. And part of the attempt was to let the South remember what happened as they wanted to. No forced schooling on the "North" view of the war, no trials for treason.

Who are we to decide later that the peace negotiated then is unacceptable?

so basically - alternative facts.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

That brings up a good question. Confederate soldiers were fighting to defend their land and homes from an invasion sent by a Tyrant.

What were Union soldiers fighting for?

To maintain the United States of America and return the confederacy to the Union.
That's what Lincoln said. His war was to preserve the Union.
But after a couple hundred thousand Union soldiers were dead, the Northern people started to become against his war, so he needed something more compelling for Union soldiers to fight and die for. So he made a new reason for the war. To free the slaves.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.

The only reason that racist Lincoln made the war about slavery was to get the Negroes to fight for the Union to be cannon fodder to replace the White Union thugs that were killed.
If Lincoln was against slavery then why did he use slaves to fortify DC?
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.
History question.....

How many little white girls did BLM blow up in a church??

View attachment 351454
BLM prefers to shoot them or burn them alive in the the riots they start.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
If Lincoln was against slavery then why did he use slaves to fortify DC?

Who said Lincoln was against slavery. He saw that it was, as an institution, doomed. But he made it clear he was focused on preserving the union.
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
The Civil War was
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

You are confused, aren't you?

The Confederate soldier didn't fight for rich people to maintain slaves. They fought to keep the Union filth from killing and destroying. That is what is in my Grandfather's letters and the chronicles of many other Confederate soldiers.

I bet that your Jr High text didn't even mention that one third of the Confederate States first voted not to secede but changed their minds when that piece of shit Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his regiments of hate to kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments of patriots to defend against destruction.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
Wrong. More than 4 Union States had slavery during the Civil War.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Three border states still had a small percentage of slaves. Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri. Lincoln needed to maintain the buffer of those states and couldn’t let them join the Confederacy.
Lincoln was being pragmatic in trying to maintain the Union as much as he could.
Slavery was a southern institution, with slavery leeching into some of the border states.

For example
South Carolina was more than 50 percent slave. Maryland 10 percent.
... You didnt know that? ...
What a presumptuous little fool... You and Flash repeat the same old talking points and act as if we haven’t heard and answered them a thousand times before. Check my resume posts if you really want answers to your “questions.” You are not interested in historical understanding, and less still in resolving present problems which are a legacy of slavery, the tragic Civil War, and Jim Crow. You and your friends can wrap yourself in the Confederate Flag and “Lost Cause” historiography and myth. The grownups are trying to find a way forward.
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
The Civil War was
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

You are confused, aren't you?

The Confederate soldier didn't fight for rich people to maintain slaves. They fought to keep the Union filth from killing and destroying. That is what is in my Grandfather's letters and the chronicles of many other Confederate soldiers.

I bet that your Jr High text didn't even mention that one third of the Confederate States first voted not to secede but changed their minds when that piece of shit Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his regiments of hate to kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments of patriots to defend against destruction.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
Wrong. More than 4 Union States had slavery during the Civil War.
Name them
I have Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri and Delaware (around 1000 slaves)
Who else?
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.

The only reason that racist Lincoln made the war about slavery was to get the Negroes to fight for the Union to be cannon fodder to replace the White Union thugs that were killed.
Lincoln brought in negroes to show they were capable of more than menial labor.......he was right
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
The Civil War was
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

You are confused, aren't you?

The Confederate soldier didn't fight for rich people to maintain slaves. They fought to keep the Union filth from killing and destroying. That is what is in my Grandfather's letters and the chronicles of many other Confederate soldiers.

I bet that your Jr High text didn't even mention that one third of the Confederate States first voted not to secede but changed their minds when that piece of shit Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his regiments of hate to kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments of patriots to defend against destruction.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
Wrong. More than 4 Union States had slavery during the Civil War.
Name them
I have Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri and Delaware (around 1000 slaves)
Who else?
During the Civil War, 6 Union States had slavery...Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, and New Jersey.
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
The Civil War was
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

They are confused.

The Confederate soldier didn't fight for rich people to maintain slaves. They fought to keep the Union filth from killing and destroying. That is what is in my Grandfather's letters and the chronicles of many other Confederate soldiers.

I bet that your Jr High text didn't even mention that one third of the Confederate States first voted not to secede but changed their minds when that piece of shit Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his regiments of hate to kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments of patriots to defend against destruction.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
Wrong. More than 4 Union States had slavery during the Civil War.

You are confused. Your Jr High text book didn't cover everything, did it?

All of the Southern States had legal slavery, just like the rest of the United States. Slavery was absolutely legal in the United States.

When South Carolina seceded so did several other states like my beloved Florida a few months later.

However, four states (Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee) Legislatures first voted to not secede but then changed their minds when that asshole Lincoln declared that he was going to raise an army of 75,000 to kill Americans.

Like I said; Lincoln raised his regiments to kill Americans and Davis raised his regiment to defend against the killing.
Last edited:
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
The Civil War was
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

You are confused, aren't you?

The Confederate soldier didn't fight for rich people to maintain slaves. They fought to keep the Union filth from killing and destroying. That is what is in my Grandfather's letters and the chronicles of many other Confederate soldiers.

I bet that your Jr High text didn't even mention that one third of the Confederate States first voted not to secede but changed their minds when that piece of shit Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his regiments of hate to kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments of patriots to defend against destruction.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
Wrong. More than 4 Union States had slavery during the Civil War.
Name them
I have Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri and Delaware (around 1000 slaves)
Who else?
During the Civil War, 6 Union States had slavery...Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, and New Jersey.

These Moon Bats are confused about things like this.

Slavery was legal in the United States on a Federal level. It had been for over 80 years and was all during the Civil War and was afterwards.

If anything the Stars and Stripes is the flag of slavery.

Hell, slaves are the ones that constructed the fortifications around DC during the war. Lincoln or the US government didn't have any problem with that slavery.

Even the filthy Emancipation Proclamation didn't end slavery in the occupied areas. There were exemptions given up the ass like in West Virginia and New Orleans and other places.
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
The Civil War was
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

You are confused, aren't you?

The Confederate soldier didn't fight for rich people to maintain slaves. They fought to keep the Union filth from killing and destroying. That is what is in my Grandfather's letters and the chronicles of many other Confederate soldiers.

I bet that your Jr High text didn't even mention that one third of the Confederate States first voted not to secede but changed their minds when that piece of shit Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his regiments of hate to kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments of patriots to defend against destruction.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
Wrong. More than 4 Union States had slavery during the Civil War.
Name them
I have Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri and Delaware (around 1000 slaves)
Who else?
During the Civil War, 6 Union States had slavery...Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, and New Jersey.

West Virginia broke off from Virginia when the war broke out and still had slaves.
New Jersey had none in the 1860 census
don't destroy them, but because they are part of american history - take the damn things down & put them in museums.

they don't need to be 'honored' for being the traitors that they were.

They were forgiven for being traitors by the very people that fought them.

Why do you assume your view outweighs the people that bled to fight them?

sure sure. like benedict arnold was ' forgiven '. the only 'forgiving' should be done by the ancesters of people they fought to own.

& the south ain't gonna rise again, so get over it.

there is no honor in fighting for the right to own people.

Actually he wasn't forgiven by his contemporaries.

And you are going back to standard progspeak instead of directly responding to my statement.

the civil war was about treason & slavery.

there is nothing to honor regarding that action nor the ideology behind it. to have them out in public to be adorned is pathetic. put them in museums, so those that are still on the wrong side of history can have their circlejerks for the price of admission. i think i've answered yer question.
The Civil War was
The South was right.
The South fought for human slavery then.
The Confederate Flag you so proudly wave today ... is in fact a symbol of hate and an inspiration for racist terrorists....

“On Wednesday evening, a 21-year-old white South Carolina man murdered 9 black people at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was an act of violence reminiscent of the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church. For generations, the confederate flag has represented the terror and violence perpetrated on Black communities....”

Take down the confederate flag from the South Carolina Capitol

Every day in Chicago Blacks kill Blacks just like they do in every other Democrat controlled big city shithole and I never hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch about it.

You are confused about the Civil War. You must only have a Jr High School history text knoweldge of the war, which would explain your ingnorance.

Let me suggest something to educate you.

My Great, Great, Grandfather fought in the Civil War for the Confederacy in the 9th Florida Regiment.

During the time he wrote almost 200 letters describing his participation. We have donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the archives in the library.

Go read those letters if you really want to know why men like him fought. He says it very clearly in the letters. It was because the Yankee filth was coming to kill Americans and destroy American homes. It wasn't to protect slavery. At that time there were very few slaves in Central Florida and he did not own any. He was a Libertarian that just wanted to be left alone and the Union filth was trying to destroy his freedom.

He fought in the Battle of Olustee where the shithead Union Army was sent to Florida to kill and destroy.

Don't be ignorant. It just makes you look foolish when you post ignorant shit.

Before I read any letters, you should read the Cornerstone Speech, delivered by the Vice-President of the Confederate states of America.

Yes, the Union soldiers came in to return the southern states to the Union. I, personally, am very happy they did. I am a patriotic American.

You are confused, aren't you?

The Confederate soldier didn't fight for rich people to maintain slaves. They fought to keep the Union filth from killing and destroying. That is what is in my Grandfather's letters and the chronicles of many other Confederate soldiers.

I bet that your Jr High text didn't even mention that one third of the Confederate States first voted not to secede but changed their minds when that piece of shit Lincoln said he was going to raise an army to kill Americans.

Lincoln raised his regiments of hate to kill Americans.

Davis raised his regiments of patriots to defend against destruction.
What were Union soldiers fighting for?
The hundreds of thousands of black Union soldiers, the runaway slaves, most white Union soldiers by the end of the war, like Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party leadership, all became determined to end slavery once and for all. They learned, the hard way, what most only suspected before — that until human slavery was destroyed root and branch there would be no peace and no Union.

After the bloody rebellion and all the killing and dying, NOT to have passed the constitutional amendments legally abolishing slavery and granting citizenship rights to African Americans would have been an unthinkable betrayal of America’s future and the ideals of its original Declaration of Independence.
It was OK for the Union to still have slavery. You didnt know that? Union States still had slavery at the time of the Civil War.

Of course I knew that. 4 states that did not secede allowed slavery. In fact, if you had been paying attention you would have seen I addressed that earlier. Or do you just post without reading replies?
Wrong. More than 4 Union States had slavery during the Civil War.

You are confused. Your Jr High text book didn't cover everything, did it?

All of the Southern States had legal slavery, just like the rest of the United States. Slavery was absolutely legal in the United States.

When South Carolina seceded so did several other states like my beloved Florida a few months later.

However, four states (Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee) Legislatures first voted to not secede but then changed their minds when that asshole Lincoln declared that he was going to raise an army of 75,000 to kill Americans.

Like I said; Lincoln raised his regiments to kill Americans and Davis raised his regiment to defend against the killing.
Only Congress can call for troops. Lincoln trashed the Constitution on that one. But he trashed the Constitution many more times than that.
Define Tyrant.

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