The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.

The BLM is recent and not connected to the topic. But I understand your reaching.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.
Not really....but nice deflection though

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.
History question.....

How many little white girls did BLM blow up in a church??

_0-rac008a (115).png

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.

The BLM is recent and not connected to the topic. But I understand your reaching.
Yea but its a good rebuttal to some idiot that brings up the KKK. Who commits the vast majority of interracial violent crime? Take a guess.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.

The BLM is recent and not connected to the topic. But I understand your reaching.
Yea but its a good rebuttal to some idiot that brings up the KKK. Who commits the vast majority of interracial violent crime? Take a guess.

Are you upset that the KKK isn't doing enough to all of those racist blacks??

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.

The BLM is recent and not connected to the topic. But I understand your reaching.
Yea but its a good rebuttal to some idiot that brings up the KKK. Who commits the vast majority of interracial violent crime? Take a guess.
Who has BLM killed? What churches or schools have they bombed? Who have they removed from police custody and publicly lynched?

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.
History question.....

How many little white girls did BLM blow up in a church??

View attachment 351454
Wow a 57 year old crime. Thats desperately reaching. How many hundreds of White women have been raped and or killed by Blacks since then?

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.
History question.....

How many little white girls did BLM blow up in a church??

View attachment 351454
Wow a 57 year old crime. Thats desperately reaching. How many hundreds of White women have been raped and or killed by Blacks since then?
Can you tell me the name of the organization that rapes white women??

I'll wait

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.

The BLM is recent and not connected to the topic. But I understand your reaching.
Yea but its a good rebuttal to some idiot that brings up the KKK. Who commits the vast majority of interracial violent crime? Take a guess.

In recent years? The BLM. But the kkk had far longer as a terrorist organization. Plus, the BLM is defending black people. The kkk was on the attack, and killed far more black people than the BLM has killed white people.

The kkk started in 1865, specifically to terrorize blacks. The first klan existed from 1865 until 1871, then the 2nd existed from 1915 to 1944. The 2nd group was the one who hijacked confederate "heros" and the flag as symbols of white supremacy. The 3rd and final version existed from 1946 to the present. Although the final version was pretty much dead after losing a lawsuit to a black woman suing on behalf of her son who was lynched.

View attachment 348955

Its all part of history. The names remind us of the war we fought to preserve the union AND to end slavery, and basically, that war is over now. Picking at old wounds is a curious thing but its what political movements like to use as emotional fuel.
I don't go for it because its BS. It's better to face history than run away from it.

It's also a waste of resources to do all this when a. I imagine simply doing something like this is going to come with a price tag as well. I bet you some politician is getting some money through the backdoor on this one.
It is part of history
But why do we have such a twisted view of who we honor in history?
10 first named after Confederate Generals, one after Union Generals

Why Gen Lee and not General Grant?
Why Gen Bragg and Hood but not Gen Sherman and Sheridan?

Why? The Lost Cause movement
That would be because the South had better and much more honorable generals.
Bragg, Hood, Benning, Polk are better and more honorable than Grant, Eisenhower, MacArthur, Marshall and Patton?
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".

No, it is not terrorism. Sherman burning Atlanta was simply an attempt to stop the confederate's ability to resupply. Atlanta was a railroad hub. And Sherman paid dearly taking it. And his continued march to the sea was covering ground that had confederates and confederate sympathizers that would "live off the land". He stopped that.

"The goal of war is to destroy the enemy's ability to fight" Sun Tzu
You don't get to start a war and then whine about the other side fighting too hard to win.

Terrorism | Definition of Terrorism by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Terrorism
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Got Sherman and Lincoln written all over it.
KKK was a terrorist organization
It was also supported and tolerated by local governments
BLM is a terrorist organization and is supported and tolerated by local governments.
History question.....

How many little white girls did BLM blow up in a church??

View attachment 351454
Wow a 57 year old crime. Thats desperately reaching. How many hundreds of White women have been raped and or killed by Blacks since then?

And the murderers involved in the church bombing were known, and not prosecuted until Bill Baxley stepped up in 1977. The FBI knew who did it for 13 or 14 years. They even had audio tapes of the two other suspects implicated themselves. But the FBI refused to let Baxley have them (and even denied they had any audio tapes).

That bombing was done by the kkk. You talk about rapes and murders, but there is no evidence that the BLM itself was involved in any of those.
That's the way I look at it.

...and you got it half right.

The South was right.

Right? Right about what? That they should be able to OWN other human beings? No.
It was US laws that made slavery legal. And just before the Civil War the US Supreme Court and Congress backed slavery. So blame the US and the American Flag...

These dumbass uneducated hate filled Moon Bats with only a Jr High School history text understanding of the Civil War don't know that slavery was legal in the US for almost 100 years before the Civil War, during the enitre Civil War and for almost a year after the Civil War.
That's the way I look at it.

...and you got it half right.

The South was right.

Right? Right about what? That they should be able to OWN other human beings? No.
It was US laws that made slavery legal. And just before the Civil War the US Supreme Court and Congress backed slavery. So blame the US and the American Flag...

These dumbass uneducated hate filled Moon Bats with only a Jr High School history text understanding of the Civil War don't know that slavery was legal in the US for almost 100 years before the Civil War, during the enitre Civil War and for almost a year after the Civil War.
Northern schools must blame slavery on the South and dont even teach the fact that the North had slavery. Makes them feel better.
That's the way I look at it.

...and you got it half right.

The South was right.

Right? Right about what? That they should be able to OWN other human beings? No.
It was US laws that made slavery legal. And just before the Civil War the US Supreme Court and Congress backed slavery. So blame the US and the American Flag...

These dumbass uneducated hate filled Moon Bats with only a Jr High School history text understanding of the Civil War don't know that slavery was legal in the US for almost 100 years before the Civil War, during the enitre Civil War and for almost a year after the Civil War.
Northern schools must blame slavery on the South and dont even teach the fact that the North had slavery. Makes them feel better.

The Union was wrong. They should have never sent Federal troops to kill Americans.

They use the slavery bullshit as the moral justification for the murders and destruction.

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