The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

The 13th amendment passed by the Senate in April of 1864. It was passed by the House in January of 1865. And it was ratified by the required number of states in December of 1865. There were 4 states that allowed slavery and did not secede with the confederates. But slavery was still banned in December of 1865.
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.
So when people talk about how racist the US has been -- are they lying??

All you are doing is just further illustrating how truly racist this country has been all in your quest to defend the Confederacy....

So after the Civil War and Re-Construction -- where was slavery legal in the US??
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.
So when people talk about how racist the US has been -- are they lying??

All you are doing is just further illustrating how truly racist this country has been all in your quest to defend the Confederacy....

So after the Civil War and Re-Construction -- where was slavery legal in the US??

8 months after the end of the civil war, slavery was abolished everywhere in the US.
George Orwell was a Democratic Socialist, a “premature anti-fascist” who almost died fighting Franco and Nazis in the Spanish Civil War, who hated the Conservative Tories. He generally supported the British Labour Party.

Orwell wrote little about American race relations and to my knowledge nothing about Civil War memorials, but your demagogic partisanship represents precisely everything he hated in real life.

Were Orwell alive today I am confident he would have contempt for your views on this question. Orwell might well have denounced the excesses and stupidities of those on the other side who show no understanding or even political savvy in addressing these questions, but he was a dedicated enemy of nationalism, racism, and bigoted partisan thinking in all forms, and he never hesitated to attack inherited shibboleths of earlier reactionary times.

His argument about erasing the past, and this quote from 1984 describing a Stalinist-like state, would most certainly NOT apply to the long process of re-evaluating the past that has resulted in the gradual removal of Confederate Flags from public Courthouses and State Capitols, schools and military bases all across the South ... a result of the Civil Rights revolution of the 1960s. Like the removal of statues to Confederate heroes, this has mostly been a slow deliberative and democratic process carried out by local communities and elected representatives. Orwell, a far-sighted “democratic socialist,” would have argued that old Jim Crow memorials to the leaders of a war fought to defend human slavery and its whole way of life are better placed in museums or cemeteries or on battlefields, or simply melted down, than allowed to stand forever in our public squares as an insult to free men.
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.
So when people talk about how racist the US has been -- are they lying??

All you are doing is just further illustrating how truly racist this country has been all in your quest to defend the Confederacy....

So after the Civil War and Re-Construction -- where was slavery legal in the US??

8 months after the end of the civil war, slavery was abolished everywhere in the US.
Apparently Scampy thinks slavery existed for decades after the Confederates got their ass handed to them -- so that somehow makes slavery not that bad or something...I aint really sure what the logic is with these neo-confederates....
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If I lived back then, I'd gladly have shot the rebel scum if I was a soldier for the Union.

But let bygones be bygones, they're heroes to the people they fought for.

Don't tear down statutes of heroes, even heroes who fought for the wrong side.
Why do we erect statues and monuments?

In a word; honor. We put up statues to honor someone or something.

How do we learn history? By reading books, visiting museums and significant places.

So let's continue to honor the honorable by erecting statues and monuments. But let's not honor those who fought against the country. And let's remember the cause for which they fought: slavery.

We can learn history by books, museums and significant sights. But not by honoring pro-slavery traitors in town squares and in front of government buildings.

We honor Washington and Jefferson in spite of their slaves. Because these men formed a union and a democratic republic. They did not seek to dissolve it.

But the confederacy was formed stating the Black man must be subservient to The a White man and those who disagree must be separated from. Racism and treason.

Now, tell us why they are worthy of the honor of public monuments.
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
For the most part they were also forgiven and rehabilitated assholes. If the Union wanted to execute them for treason, they could have, but that might have started a gorilla campaign we could still be fighting today.

They surrendered, they came back to the Union, and in return the people who beat them forgave them and allowed them to honor the loss and their dead as they saw fit.

Naw, we should have hung them.

Funny thing, "gorilla" campaigns (It's actually Guerrilla) didn't really do that well in the 19th century when they just wiped out everyone. Just ask the Native Americans.
That argument went out the window when the left went after all statues including those of our founding fathers. The left wants to erase all history not just that of the Civil War. And it’s not because they are “ offended”.

Nobody is really talking about taking down the statues of the Founding Slave Rapists.
They toppled a statue of Thomas Jefferson, Vandalized The Lincoln memorial., Vandalized the memorial to black union soldiers,WW1 and WW2 vets...And are now going after Christopher Columbus and the Conquistadors of NM. Care to explain why they are attacking Hispanic heritage now?
They toppled a statue of Thomas Jefferson, Vandalized The Lincoln memorial., Vandalized the memorial to black union soldiers,WW1 and WW2 vets...And are now going after Christopher Columbus and the Conquistadors of NM. Care to explain why they are attacking Hispanic heritage now?

MOre like Hispanic Genocide. They aren't the descendants of the Conquistadors, they are the descendants of the native Americans and slaves who were subjected to their genocide.
They toppled a statue of Thomas Jefferson, Vandalized The Lincoln memorial., Vandalized the memorial to black union soldiers,WW1 and WW2 vets...And are now going after Christopher Columbus and the Conquistadors of NM. Care to explain why they are attacking Hispanic heritage now?

MOre like Hispanic Genocide. They aren't the descendants of the Conquistadors, they are the descendants of the native Americans and slaves who were subjected to their genocide.
See Hispanos of NM.

For the most part they were also forgiven and rehabilitated assholes. If the Union wanted to execute them for treason, they could have, but that might have started a gorilla campaign we could still be fighting today.

They surrendered, they came back to the Union, and in return the people who beat them forgave them and allowed them to honor the loss and their dead as they saw fit.

Naw, we should have hung them.

Funny thing, "gorilla" campaigns (It's actually Guerrilla) didn't really do that well in the 19th century when they just wiped out everyone. Just ask the Native Americans.

Their choice, not yours.
The Confederacy had slavery for 4 years.
The USA had slavery for 89 years.
yea. the US was founded on slavery......then they abolished it......and the Confederacy wanted to fight a war to maintain it...
The US (Union States) still had slavery during the Civil War. And when the war was over and all the Confederate slaves were free...The US still had slavery. But this true history doesn't fit hateful Yankee sympathizers agenda.

What you call "yankee sympathizers" I call patriotic Americans. I am a southerner, born & bred. But I am also an American patriot.
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".
How do you feel about Sherman burning Atlanta? It's called Terrorism. And Terrorism won the war for these "patriotic Americans".
No, that is called Total War. Sherman did not terrorize civilians, he destroyed the logistical resources of Atlanta and the surrounding area as he marched to the seea.

Sherman was a brilliant general.

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