The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

Whats wrong with defending your lands and homes from an invasion sent by a Tyrant?
who was the tyrant again??

Oh, are you talking about people like Newton Knight revolting against the Confederacy for not wanting to fight their war to preserve slavery??

How come you closet racists don't consider that "southern heritage"??
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Lost causers love to lose........

And orwellian ***** like you love to rewrite history.
the lost cause strategy is the epitome of revisionist history...

Which is why I enjoy you morons looking like idiots -- getting destroyed over and over again

Just like the Confederates did

What lost cause strategy? People can want these statues to remain without wanting the "South to rise again"

The only idiots are bed wetting snowflakes such as yourself who get the vapors over memorials and statues.

You are nothing but a bunch of pussies.
So you guys are such pussies that you can't even defeat us "bed wetting snowflakes"??

Because last I checked, you pussies are the ones on the losing side of this usual.....

Are you actually taking statues down, Mr fucking tough guy?

The brave brave mob with complicit local government, lol "winning"

Are you actually keep them up pussy?? Nope.....
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Lost causers love to lose........

And orwellian ***** like you love to rewrite history.
the lost cause strategy is the epitome of revisionist history...

Which is why I enjoy you morons looking like idiots -- getting destroyed over and over again

Just like the Confederates did

What lost cause strategy? People can want these statues to remain without wanting the "South to rise again"

The only idiots are bed wetting snowflakes such as yourself who get the vapors over memorials and statues.

You are nothing but a bunch of pussies.
So you guys are such pussies that you can't even defeat us "bed wetting snowflakes"??

Because last I checked, you pussies are the ones on the losing side of this usual.....

Are you actually taking statues down, Mr fucking tough guy?

The brave brave mob with complicit local government, lol "winning"

Are you actually keep them up pussy?? Nope.....

you are the one who started the "what are you doing" bullshit, you poseur.

you are the one advocating for mob violence to destroy property.

Yet you don't have the balls to do it yourself, you beta male cuck.
That's the way I look at it.

The "Confederates" were Americans—people just like any others—whose lives were steeped in and ruled by a culture ingrained into their generations by tradition, a great sense of pride and a perhaps antiquated, even for the time, sense or code of inviolable honor. Confederate politicians aside, the average young man of the South was likely looking for a cause to take up with. What greater cause ever existed than defending one's own backyard, family and surrounding backyards? Throw in defense of heritage, that southern sense of honor, plenty of ideological propaganda, and presto, you've got yourself an Army of secession. For BLM and the common radical leftist modern ideologists to piss on and dismiss all southern folk of the day as flaming racists is as ignorant as it is itself racist, bigoted and thoroughly anti-American. The preservation of all history must be a primary duty of all civilizations that plan on surviving. Those civilizations who desecrate the markers and memorials of their own past in attempts to remake themselves into some other kind of "thing" from what they began as soon turn in desperation to their own foundations only to then find them gone forever and themselves adrift without hope of the familiar.
I've lived in the South longer than my hometown.
These people are stubborn, ignorant, and closed-minded. And they vote Democrat. Not for long, but they still vote Democrat. Now I think race-riots and looting are a game changer.
When I was a young man I actually knew an African American guy, working class, who later climbed a flagpole to cut down a Confederate flag that flew over a courthouse in the southern state he was born in. He did it in the daytime and was arrested. I was proud of him.
/——/ And if folks start tearing down MLK statues, because he was a life long Republican, you’ll respond with a LOL?
Did MLK want to break up the US and keep people enslaved? Oh, small detail.
/——/ Who says it has to be for the same reason? Libtards attack the police and they don’t want to break up the US and keep people enslaved.
We libtards are pulling down statues of the police? Bullshit. Send me a link. Or were you just randomly banging on keys in a thread about removing confederate statues?
If I lived back then, I'd gladly have shot the rebel scum if I was a soldier for the Union.

But let bygones be bygones, they're heroes to the people they fought for.

Don't tear down statutes of heroes, even heroes who fought for the wrong side.
Hint: They're not heroes.
So, when do they go after this monument?

View attachment 350950

Washington and Jefferson were slave owners, and I've seen people post on here about Lincoln being less than honorable.
They want to, but the NAs who allegedly own the land want to profit from the attraction.

So, capitalism is okay, as long as it is not practiced by white people. Then, we need communism.

What in the fuck is a "community" of ethnic, religious or qu33r basis? The "community" is supposed to be America. Otherwise go the fuck back to your home shithole.

cnm, the "Union" was based on a legal document in which states agreed to in which Blacks were enjoying "slavery" which meant being cared for, housed and fed and waste products addressed in a civilized manner in exchange for picking cotton a few hours a day.
We should put up thousands of Obama statues as a historical marker of the first Black US president. Let you lovely people on here and your kids gaze on his greatness for the next 100 years to remind you of your place.
We have enough monuments to globalism/corporatism.
I am sure China would be glad to erect one showing their greatness overcoming American industry with his help
Don’t be retarded. Republicans outsourced and moved production overseas for profits. Democrats fought back with unions but lost. Production is now lost but other industries have risen in its place. However republicans have used the system to consolidate the wealth during this transformation into the few.
That's a simplified take, but not totally inaccurate.

Dems would not back off on taxes, so corps left. See California.

So those Iraqis who toppled Saddam's statue were assholes?

No they weren't. We don't need statues to honor traitors who fought a war so they could OWN other people. Motherfuckers deserve to have their statue torn down, defaced, burnt up and thrown in the drink.

That's the way I look at it.
Stomped on, spat upon and even defecated on wouldn't be overdoing it either.
First of all, most of these statues were put up during the early 1900s to the 1920s. Many were funded by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The UDC did this and pushed for textbooks in schools that altered the facts of the confederacy.

Second, as a patriotic southerner I do not call the confederacy my heritage. It was a war in an attempt to extend slavery as an institution. They could see it was doomed, but wanted to keep it going as long as they could.

Lastly, the confederacy only lasted 4 years. What to piss off the rednecks screaming about their heritage while waving the Tennessee Battle flag? Remind them that the Obama administration lasted twice as long as the confederacy.
Wrong. The left does not want to honor slave owners.

Slaveowners were horrible, terrible people. Nobody who owned another person was a good person. I don't care what else they did. The evil of enslaving another person negates any sense of morality they might have thought they possessed.

But certainly you can make a shrine to slaveholders in the privacy of your own home. Feel free to do that if it makes you feel better. The southern part of the US is no longer a haven for slave owner worship.
First of all, most of these statues were put up during the early 1900s to the 1920s. Many were funded by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The UDC did this and pushed for textbooks in schools that altered the facts of the confederacy.

Second, as a patriotic southerner I do not call the confederacy my heritage. It was a war in an attempt to extend slavery as an institution. They could see it was doomed, but wanted to keep it going as long as they could.

Lastly, the confederacy only lasted 4 years. What to piss off the rednecks screaming about their heritage while waving the Tennessee Battle flag? Remind them that the Obama administration lasted twice as long as the confederacy.
I pretty much never agree with this guy, but this time he's kinda nailing it.
First of all, most of these statues were put up during the early 1900s to the 1920s. Many were funded by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The UDC did this and pushed for textbooks in schools that altered the facts of the confederacy.

Second, as a patriotic southerner I do not call the confederacy my heritage. It was a war in an attempt to extend slavery as an institution. They could see it was doomed, but wanted to keep it going as long as they could.

Lastly, the confederacy only lasted 4 years. What to piss off the rednecks screaming about their heritage while waving the Tennessee Battle flag? Remind them that the Obama administration lasted twice as long as the confederacy.
I pretty much never agree with this guy, but this time he's kinda nailing it.

Every now and then I get stuff right, huh? lol

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