The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

My view is that you should look at confederate monuments on a case by case basis. Many were erected for the sole purpose of sticking a finger in the eye of the African America community; others are monuments to the dead and locals killed.

If some communities in the south want civil war monuments let’s erect them to the Union generals. I mean how about a statue of Sherman in Atlanta.
Why do suppose there ISN'T one of those?
There needs to be one up. I’d like to see a March to the Sea hiking trail.
But wait...wouldn't that be offensive to those who love the Confederacy?
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Lost causers love to lose........

And orwellian ***** like you love to rewrite history.
the lost cause strategy is the epitome of revisionist history...

Which is why I enjoy you morons looking like idiots -- getting destroyed over and over again

Just like the Confederates did

What lost cause strategy? People can want these statues to remain without wanting the "South to rise again"

The only idiots are bed wetting snowflakes such as yourself who get the vapors over memorials and statues.

You are nothing but a bunch of pussies.
That argument went out the window when the left went after all statues including those of our founding fathers.
How come? It's not as if the founding fathers didn't keep blacks enslaved, after a rebellion that enabled them to keep blacks enslaved.

So you wipe out history because you don't find it favorable? Washington, Jefferson and others had slaves and looking back on it, it was dead wrong, however it was a normalcy that took place in that time period. There is no excuse for what they did however does it invalidate the good they did? If so why? Why are people vandalizing war memorials that honor WWI, WWII veterans? I believe the rioters are vandalizing, then making excuses later as to why. It seems to me to make no sense.
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Any statues of George Wallace hanging around?
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Any statues of George Wallace hanging around?

He's got a tunnel named after him.

George Wallace Tunnel - Wikipedia
Does this mean we all can't have statues of ourselves? Since in every person there is something to find wrong. Imagine 350 million statues. One for every person. We can even have porto statues. Take a momento of us........ with us.
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Any statues of George Wallace hanging around?

He's got a tunnel named after him.

George Wallace Tunnel - Wikipedia
Well, just goes to show the type of assholes Alabama has.
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Any statues of George Wallace hanging around?

He's got a tunnel named after him.

George Wallace Tunnel - Wikipedia
Well, just goes to show the type of assholes Alabama has.

Wallace actually became a born again christian and moderated his views on race.

But I guess wrong once wrong forever, kind of like the 1 drop rule.
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Any statues of George Wallace hanging around?

He's got a tunnel named after him.

George Wallace Tunnel - Wikipedia
Well, just goes to show the type of assholes Alabama has.

Wallace actually became a born again christian and moderated his views on race.

But I guess wrong once wrong forever, kind of like the 1 drop rule.
Dang, I was wrong. Good for him.
Confederates should always be considered great American heroes and honored by all...including blacks.
They wanted to continue saving young Africans from dying terrible deaths in their primitive homeland. They were courageous enough to take up arms against a tyrannical government depriving them of constitutional rights.
Ask yourself this very scary question; why haven’t any blacks relocated back to their homelands to live that amazing life they missed out on?
Ask any black of today if he/she would push the magic button that would turn back time and allow them to be born in the jungles of Africa?
The bottom line...modern day black folks have benefited tremendously from the slavery endured by their ancestors.
This shit isn’t even debatable...but it is terrifying for the nutless.

And Hitler want Jews just to have a shower to keep clean...

Do you know the numbers?
How many African lives were saved by slavery?
What percentage of African slaves were abused by mostly God fearing plantation owners?
How many slaves asked to be sent home to Africa when they became free?
How many have gone home to Africa since being set free?

I'll bet NOBODY has the nutsack to tackle these questions honestly and logically....and I know why.
You could say Lincoln was an asshole because he did nothing to prevent the country from splitting up and to add insult to injury he believed advisors who said the war wouldn't even last a single summer. The superiority of the federal government compared to the individual states was unclear at the time and Lee felt more loyalty to the state of Virginia than the goings on in Foggy Bottom. You can't judge history by modern standards but if you are stupid and bigoted enough you can try to erase it.
  • Funny
Reactions: cnm
I don’t agree with martybegan on this issue, but he was fair enough and informed enough to make reference to the terrible white supremacist riots and history of the overthrow of Reconstruction in Louisiana that was commemorated by a famous Jim Crow statue in New Orleans, now removed.

Here is more on that fight and history, which I would argue is still working itself out in the debates over military bases being renamed. Confederate General “Old Warhorse” James Longstreet, who after the war worked with the Union supporting reconstruction efforts and black suffrage, was shot during the New Orleans troubles. There is no base named after him — he has been “scrubbed from history” by the “Lost Cause” neo-Confederates.

Colfax massacre - Wikipedia
Battle of Liberty Place Monument - Wikipedia


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I don’t agree with martybegan on this issue, but he was fair enough and informed enough to make reference to the terrible white supremacist riots and history of the overthrow of Reconstruction in Louisiana that was commemorated by a famous Jim Crow statue in New Orleans, now removed.

Here is more on that fight and history, which I would argue is still working itself out in the debates over military bases being renamed. Confederate General “Old Warhorse” James Longstreet, who after the war worked with the Union supporting reconstruction efforts and black suffrage, was shot during the New Orleans troubles. There is no base named after him — he has been “scrubbed from history” by the “Lost Cause” neo-Confederates.

Colfax massacre - Wikipedia
Battle of Liberty Place Monument - Wikipedia

The Liberty place monument is the one I can see being taken down, because it was obviously racist, and deliberately racist.

And he does have a Bridge named after him.
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Lost causers love to lose........

And orwellian ***** like you love to rewrite history.
the lost cause strategy is the epitome of revisionist history...

Which is why I enjoy you morons looking like idiots -- getting destroyed over and over again

Just like the Confederates did

What lost cause strategy? People can want these statues to remain without wanting the "South to rise again"

The only idiots are bed wetting snowflakes such as yourself who get the vapors over memorials and statues.

You are nothing but a bunch of pussies.
So you guys are such pussies that you can't even defeat us "bed wetting snowflakes"??

Because last I checked, you pussies are the ones on the losing side of this usual.....
Monuments go up after people die, that's not unique to this situation.
Really? Everyone gets a monument or do people who did something important and noteworthy?

A monument is to honor. We don’t honor people who made such enormous mistakes.

Their actions were important and noteworthy, even if they lost, and even if part of the cause they were fighting for was wrong by our standards today.
So tell me who gets a monument for doing something “noteworthy” but was wrong?

Well just look at Columbus. Look at Jefferson and Washington. hell look at Andrew Jackson. You can find "wrong" things about all of them.

Overseas look at Cromwell, Look at Maximillian Robspierre.

Even Lenin has a statue of him in the US.
Yes, but there are a lot of things to celebrate about Jefferson, for example. His defining characteristic was not his slave holding but his contribution to our independence and early government.

Lee is being honored specifically for the thing that we consider a huge mistake.

According to current SJW metrics, one bad thing makes you an unperson.

Lee is honored for his tactical mastery, and his conciliatory tone after defeat.

You’re right. Lee was excellent at leading an army of Americans to kill thousands upon thousands of other Americans for no reason.

Is that something to celebrate?

Um, that's what happens in a Civil War where the rebels lose, both sides try to beat each other, and both sides are the same side (before and after).

Exacrlty the reason why civil wars aren’t celebrated in any rational society.

The English Civil War is re-enacted. The French Revolution is celebrated.
This isn’t a re-enactment. The French Revolution lead to greater individual liberty and elimination of the feudal system. Which French hero fighting to maintain an oppressive monarchy do they celebrate to this day?

There is no analogy.

The French revolution also ate itself and executed 10's of thousands of its own. It also led to the directorate and the Empire.

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettte.

Lost causers love to lose........

And orwellian ***** like you love to rewrite history.
the lost cause strategy is the epitome of revisionist history...

Which is why I enjoy you morons looking like idiots -- getting destroyed over and over again

Just like the Confederates did

What lost cause strategy? People can want these statues to remain without wanting the "South to rise again"

The only idiots are bed wetting snowflakes such as yourself who get the vapors over memorials and statues.

You are nothing but a bunch of pussies.
So you guys are such pussies that you can't even defeat us "bed wetting snowflakes"??

Because last I checked, you pussies are the ones on the losing side of this usual.....

Are you actually taking statues down, Mr fucking tough guy?

The brave brave mob with complicit local government, lol "winning"


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