The Constitution in a Multicultural Society

Uncensored and PoliticalChic, I strongly recommend you hang out at Stormfront. I think you will find youselves saying, "So THIS is where all my ideas originated from!"

It will feel like a homecoming.

Right. Now an apology for the inalienable rights of individual liberty are the stuff of Stormfront! Right. Classical liberals are Nazis! By all means, continue affirming the OP's point regarding the collectivistic balkanization of leftist kooks like you.
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."

Uncensored, why don't you be true to yourself and just join the KKK and be done with it?

"People of other backgrounds simply cannot comprehend".

"[T]here are today many alien forces entering the United States of America bent upon its destruction."

"Our governmental principles are precisely those of the ORIGINAL U.S. Constitution. Our members are Christians".

"The administration of our National Government is now under the actual control of atheists who are Bolsheviks by nature."

"They are absolutely determined to destroy Christian Civilization and all Christians."

Naturally, the KKK was a feature of your party, the democrats. And it is you of the Khmer Rouge democrats who continue to judge people by the color of their skin.

You think of yourself as a "new improved democrat - now hating white people." But your just the same old racists you always were. Changing the color of those you hate and seek to deprive of civil rights is not an improvement.
Some anti-European immigrant cartoons from a century ago.

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."

Uncensored, why don't you be true to yourself and just join the KKK and be done with it?

"People of other backgrounds simply cannot comprehend".

"[T]here are today many alien forces entering the United States of America bent upon its destruction."

"Our governmental principles are precisely those of the ORIGINAL U.S. Constitution. Our members are Christians".

"The administration of our National Government is now under the actual control of atheists who are Bolsheviks by nature."

"They are absolutely determined to destroy Christian Civilization and all Christians."

Naturally, the KKK was a feature of your party, the democrats.

I'm a Republican, but yes, the KKK used to be mostly Democrats. Extreme right wing Democrats. Just look at those right wing views I quoted. There are more right wing views expressed in their pamphlet I posted on page 2 of this topic. You cannot possibly say they are left wing views.

Then again, you have demonstrated an high degree of tardness, so may YOU would. :badgrin:

How does it feel to be the direct political descendant of those kind of Democrats? I imagine it must feel the same as if David Duke discovered his great-grandmother was black. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
Dumbshit thinks that just because I detest his Klan mindset I am left wing. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Simple thoughts from simple minds.

But, of course, everyone looks left when you are that far right.

That you bring up the Klan reveals you as a moron. Even the FBI admits the Klan is a joke, with more FBI undercover agents than actual members.

The Klan is boogie man you leftists trot out to frighten the children. The real racists are you - the democrats. But the real white supremacists are Aryan Nations, which you would know if your goal was rational discussion. Of course it is not, you seek only to slander the enemy of your party.

I point out that you are left wing because you advocate for the central planning and control of the means of production by the state, and demand rigid adherence to the social and religious rules of your party. Any deviance from the approved views as provided by the democratic party and it's controlled media is met with strong derision and demagoguery by you.

IOW, I point out you are left wing because you are a totalitarian leftist.
PoliticalChic, Uncensored, and M.D. Rawlings are direct political descendants of the nativist Know Nothings of the 19th century and the Deep South KKK of the 20th century.

As you read their rants and match them up against the informational sources I have provided, you cannot fail to see the resemblances.
Dumbshit thinks that just because I detest his Klan mindset I am left wing. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Simple thoughts from simple minds.

But, of course, everyone looks left when you are that far right.

That you bring up the Klan reveals you as a moron. Even the FBI admits the Klan is a joke, with more FBI undercover agents than actual members.

By the 60s and 70s, yes, the Klan had been heavily infiltrated. But not before that, moron.
Some anti-European immigrant cartoons from a century ago.

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.


The eugenicists were affiliated with the anti-immigration movement as well.
Uncensored and PoliticalChic, I strongly recommend you hang out at Stormfront. I think you will find youselves saying, "So THIS is where all my ideas originated from!"

It will feel like a homecoming.

Oh that's okay, we can converse with you just as well here. No doubt you're more at home at stormfront or dailykos, or one of the other hate sites.
Please put this thread in the Badlands.

Every time she does this nonsense, that is what we all should report and ask.
Please put this thread in the Badlands.

Every time she does this nonsense, that is what we all should report and ask.
all your posts are flame room material. Usually just useless, brainless, comments. With the intent to irritate and without any real exchange of rational thought.

And that sums up the vast majority of the posts of the leftists, particularly the atheists among them, on this forum or virtually any other forum. This is what becomes of minds reduced to the sloganeering of normative relativism.

Now there is the sloganeering of a decent person who nevertheless believes Joe McCarthy a hero.

You and I both believe, M. D., but I also know the world is not naturally organized as you so hope.

Jesus puts you guys with the Pharisees of old.

Jake, you didn't address the argument in the above. You slashed and burned. Where's the sloganeering in pointing that out, and what does McCarty have to do with this?

I have no idea what you're talking about in the rest of your post. How about some meat on those bones?

Uncensored thinks most of those guys are FBI agents/informants!

If unregulated or minimally regulated capitalism were the right system, then it would thrive on its own merits.

If it were the right system, it would not produce discontent in such large numbers of the people that are needed to make opposition to it such a consequential force in so many cases.
"People of other backgrounds simply cannot comprehend".

Yep. That sounds like something a liberal would say. :badgrin:

"[T]here are today many alien forces entering the United States of America bent upon its destruction."

Yeah. Definitely something liberals say. :badgrin:

"Our governmental principles are precisely those of the ORIGINAL U.S. Constitution. Our members are Christians".

We hear this said on MSNBC all the time! :badgrin:

"The administration of our National Government is now under the actual control of atheists who are Bolsheviks by nature."

I think I heard Obama say this in his last press conference. :badgrin:

"They are absolutely determined to destroy Christian Civilization and all Christians."

Rachel Maddow says this frequently. :badgrin:
I'm a Republican,

Well of course you are, just like Jake Starkey. An honest guy like you just happens to be a "Republican" who holds the same views as rdean and Shallow.

I mean, you love Hillary right? But she is a bit radical right for you. You're a Republican that sees revocation of 1st amendment rights as a really great thing, Obama Akbar - and sure, you think nationalizing industry is the best way to "save" the free market.

Yep, you have us all fooled Comrade, none of us suspect that you are anything other than a capitalist pig who clings to "god, guns, and the Constitution."

By the 60s and 70s, yes, the Klan had been heavily infiltrated. But not before that, moron.

Is that when those "conservative" Roosevelt democrats were promoting the Klan, you know, the ones advocating 96% income tax and government regulation of everything from airlines to telephones.

You know, "conservatives" like you, Comrade fucktard?
Uncensored and PoliticalChic, I strongly recommend you hang out at Stormfront. I think you will find youselves saying, "So THIS is where all my ideas originated from!"

It will feel like a homecoming.

Oh that's okay, we can converse with you just as well here. No doubt you're more at home at stormfront or dailykos, or one of the other hate sites.
I am not kidding. You really should visit. It is astonishing how much you have in common with those tards.

Seriously. You will see what I mean very quickly.

Well of course you are, just like Jake Starkey. An honest guy like you just happens to be a "Republican" who holds the same views as rdean and Shallow.

I mean, you love Hillary right?

Nope. You see what you are doing there? Building a straw man and then smoking it. :laugh:

And you should ask Shallow how many times I have kicked him in the nuts. Probably more than I have you.
The eugenicists were affiliated with the anti-immigration movement as well.

Eugenicists like Planned Parenthood founder Margret Sanger, leftist hero Franklin Roosevelt - who advocated "euthanasia for imbeciles?"

Funny, you read the list of Eugenicists and it is exactly the same as the list of the radical left.

Leftists were ghoulish fuckwads then, just as they are now.
[I am not kidding.

You're not kidding, you're just too fucking stupid to pull off this act.

To be an effective demagogue, you need to know your victim.

Accusing me of racism isn't going to upset me, I'll just look at you like you're a retard.

To effectively slander, you need to make the charge at least plausible. Because you are a moron, you have failed.

Now trot along back over to ThinkProgress for more training, Comrade.
Let us know when you have your WN coming out party, folks. But just remember, when you get an 88 tattoo, it never comes off.
[I am not kidding.

You're not kidding, you're just too fucking stupid to pull off this act.

To be an effective demagogue, you need to know your victim.

Accusing me of racism isn't going to upset me, I'll just look at you like you're a retard.

To effectively slander, you need to make the charge at least plausible. Because you are a moron, you have failed.

Now trot along back over to ThinkProgress for more training, Comrade.

It's just a shame you do not know whence your unoriginal thoughts come. You and PC are WN mouthpieces and don't even know it!

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