The Constitution in a Multicultural Society

@PoliticalChic - Is the Sermon on the Mount more important to you than the repeal of prohibition?
"blessed are the alcohol makers, for they are the spreaders of joy"
The left doesn't understand Capitalism and Free Markets...and consistently attributes the failures of their own statist policies to Capitalism.

Precisely! And the underlying essence of what we're talking about here cannot be reiterated too often. As I've written elsewhere:

What is the Marxist to do when in fact the working class is a culturally heterogeneous component of production whose standard of living has dramatically improved under capitalism?

Well, its constituents must be programmed from early childhood to disregard the discriminations of common logic and eschew the conventions of common morality. But not only that, they must be protected from the economic depredations of false consciousness. Hence, they must be made to think of themselves as the victims of those who own the means of production and all that surplus value.

Toss that fishing pole in the lake and hand 'em a pitchfork.

In other words, make 'em dumb as dirt. Manageable drones. Turn 'em into sexual degenerates bereft of familial affections/allegiances: the Marcusean polymorphous perversity of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Hence, the intellectual and moral mediocrity and uniformity of relativism with a chip on its shoulder. This is cultural Marxism in a nutshell, more commonly known today as political correctness or multiculturalism. As economic Marxism is the deconstruction of the actualities of the factors of production and the expropriation of the means of production, cultural Marxism is the deconstruction of Western culture, of the influences of Christianity especially, and the expropriation of ideas and expression.

. . . Since the theory of Marxism is necessarily true by definition, i.e., that all of history is a struggle between the powerful and the oppressed progressively moving toward that overwhelming conclusion of a stateless Utopia, the uncooperative regressions of history must be due to the false signals or the misdirection of human culture obscuring the proletariat's view of its true interests. Marx was aware of the extant cultural hindrances, of course, but it was a group of German communists who in the 1920's established a think tank and, initially, based on the definitive observations of Marxist theorists Gyorgy Lukacs of Hungary ("Who will save us from Western civilization?") and Antonio Gramsci of Italy, contrived a systematic methodology for expropriating culture. Marcuse joined the group in 1932 with his Neo-Freudian theory of sexual liberation as a component of the proletariat's cultural revolution against the benighted tribal tradition of the biological family.

. . . Comprehensively, this was revolution by another means, the subversion of thought and morality, and the suppression of opposing views. The enlightened would artificially expedite the actualization of the object of the historical dialectic. Oh, the irony! In the 1930's, the members of the Frankfort School of Critical Theory fled Nazi Germany for America and set up shop at Columbia University.

The origination and the history of cultural Marxism is well-documented. —M. D. Rawlings
Please put this thread in the Badlands.

Every time she does this nonsense, that is what we all should report and ask.
Please put this thread in the Badlands.

Every time she does this nonsense, that is what we all should report and ask.
all your posts are flame room material. Usually just useless, brainless, comments. With the intent to irritate and without any real exchange of rational thought.

And that sums up the vast majority of the posts of the leftists, particularly the atheists among them, on this forum or virtually any other forum. This is what becomes of minds reduced to the sloganeering of normative relativism.
is anyone in this thread attacking capitalism? do you guys just default to a "defense" of capitalism and straw-man arguments when you have no point to make?
Please put this thread in the Badlands.

Every time she does this nonsense, that is what we all should report and ask.
Please put this thread in the Badlands.

Every time she does this nonsense, that is what we all should report and ask.
all your posts are flame room material. Usually just useless, brainless, comments. With the intent to irritate and without any real exchange of rational thought.

And that sums up the vast majority of the posts of the leftists, particularly the atheists among them, on this forum or virtually any other forum. This is what becomes of minds reduced to the sloganeering of normative relativism.

Now there is the sloganeering of a decent person who nevertheless believes Joe McCarthy a hero.

You and I both believe, M. D., but I also know the world is not naturally organized as you so hope.

Jesus puts you guys with the Pharisees of old.
Yes, let's round up all the darkies, homos, intellectuals, and Muslims and put them in FEMA camps. Then gas them.

Down with multiculturalism! Homogeneity forever! We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children. Sieg Heil!

Vote for the New GOP to save Amerika.


Right on cue: "Liberals are largely in favor of the balkanization that follows multiculturalism."

Thanks for affirming the OP. Good job.

So the individual liberty of inalienable rights = racism and oppression, eh?
The OP is one giant straw man bullshit whining screed so typical of tards who think they are conservatives.

Just because I refuse to drink the piss does not make me an enemy of America. People like you and PC are the enemies. Totalitarian wannabes who need to be kicked to the curb so conservatism can be restored to its intellectual superiority.

You're good for a laugh, though. Like, "Hey, guys, come take a look at what this moron said now!" Kind of like watching kids in a playpen trying to eat a plastic ball.

Whenever you feel like whining again, I'll be there to serve up some cheese to go with it.
"People of other backgrounds simply cannot comprehend".

"[T]here are today many alien forces entering the United States of America bent upon its destruction."

"Our governmental principles are precisely those of the ORIGINAL U.S. Constitution. Our members are Christians".

"The administration of our National Government is now under the actual control of atheists who are Bolsheviks by nature."

"They are absolutely determined to destroy Christian Civilization and all Christians."

The Constitution takes precedence over religious loyalties.
That is true for two of the three major religions

Hmmmmm... must be Mainline Protestantism and.... Buddhism?

I know you can do better.

How about a real post, addition to the thread.

Well, I know it can't be evangelicals, because they aren't even okay with the First Amendment or the Ninth Amendment.

Really? How's that?

In the meantime, while you dream up more lies/slogans along that line, let's talk about the balkanizing collectivism of Lefty's state church, i.e., the public education system, the speech codes imposed by leftists on college campuses, and the public accommodation codes based on ideology/behavior imposed by leftists in violation of inalienable rights, you know, the inherent concerns of the First Amendment regarding the prerogatives of free-association and private property.
The OP is one giant straw man bullshit whining screed so typical of tards who think they are conservatives.

Just because I refuse to drink the piss does not make me an enemy of America. People like you and PC are the enemies. Totalitarian wannabes.

You're good for a laugh, though. Like, "Hey, guys, come take a look at what this moron said now!" Kind of like watching kids in a playpen trying to eat a plastic ball.

Comrade, do you view the biggest problem in America as the abundance of white people? Would a significant reduction in white, Christian, English speaking people make this a better land?

I really cannot improve on what MD Rawlings wrote above, he nailed it. To reiterate, a homogeneous society with a vibrant middle class is impossible to rule. So you import third world peasants and demagogue to create strife and division.

Only with a society that is divided and in chaos can you achieve your goal of discarding the constitutional republic in favor of a centrally planned and managed, authoritarian state.

Essentially you are waging war on the middle class - the Bourgeoisie, as you have traditionally called us. The middle class is the bull-work against the class warfare you need to establish the totalitarian state you seek.
The left doesn't understand Capitalism and Free Markets...and consistently attributes the failures of their own statist policies to Capitalism.

Precisely! And the underlying essence of what we're talking about here cannot be reiterated too often. As I've written elsewhere:

What is the Marxist to do when in fact the working class is a culturally heterogeneous component of production whose standard of living has dramatically improved under capitalism?

Well, its constituents must be programmed from early childhood to disregard the discriminations of common logic and eschew the conventions of common morality. But not only that, they must be protected from the economic depredations of false consciousness. Hence, they must be made to think of themselves as the victims of those who own the means of production and all that surplus value.

Toss that fishing pole in the lake and hand 'em a pitchfork.

In other words, make 'em dumb as dirt. Manageable drones. Turn 'em into sexual degenerates bereft of familial affections/allegiances: the Marcusean polymorphous perversity of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Hence, the intellectual and moral mediocrity and uniformity of relativism with a chip on its shoulder. This is cultural Marxism in a nutshell, more commonly known today as political correctness or multiculturalism. As economic Marxism is the deconstruction of the actualities of the factors of production and the expropriation of the means of production, cultural Marxism is the deconstruction of Western culture, of the influences of Christianity especially, and the expropriation of ideas and expression.

. . . Since the theory of Marxism is necessarily true by definition, i.e., that all of history is a struggle between the powerful and the oppressed progressively moving toward that overwhelming conclusion of a stateless Utopia, the uncooperative regressions of history must be due to the false signals or the misdirection of human culture obscuring the proletariat's view of its true interests. Marx was aware of the extant cultural hindrances, of course, but it was a group of German communists who in the 1920's established a think tank and, initially, based on the definitive observations of Marxist theorists Gyorgy Lukacs of Hungary ("Who will save us from Western civilization?") and Antonio Gramsci of Italy, contrived a systematic methodology for expropriating culture. Marcuse joined the group in 1932 with his Neo-Freudian theory of sexual liberation as a component of the proletariat's cultural revolution against the benighted tribal tradition of the biological family.

. . . Comprehensively, this was revolution by another means, the subversion of thought and morality, and the suppression of opposing views. The enlightened would artificially expedite the actualization of the object of the historical dialectic. Oh, the irony! In the 1930's, the members of the Frankfort School of Critical Theory fled Nazi Germany for America and set up shop at Columbia University.

The origination and the history of cultural Marxism is well-documented. —M. D. Rawlings

Your simplistic binary thinking would be more entertaining if you could keep it brief.
The OP is one giant straw man bullshit whining screed so typical of tards who think they are conservatives.

Just because I refuse to drink the piss does not make me an enemy of America. People like you and PC are the enemies. Totalitarian wannabes.

You're good for a laugh, though. Like, "Hey, guys, come take a look at what this moron said now!" Kind of like watching kids in a playpen trying to eat a plastic ball.

Comrade, do you view the biggest problem in America as the abundance of white people? Would a significant reduction in white, Christian, English speaking people make this a better land?

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."

Uncensored, why don't you be true to yourself and just join the KKK and be done with it?

"People of other backgrounds simply cannot comprehend".

"[T]here are today many alien forces entering the United States of America bent upon its destruction."

"Our governmental principles are precisely those of the ORIGINAL U.S. Constitution. Our members are Christians".

"The administration of our National Government is now under the actual control of atheists who are Bolsheviks by nature."

"They are absolutely determined to destroy Christian Civilization and all Christians."
Dumbshit thinks that just because I detest his Klan mindset I am left wing. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Simple thoughts from simple minds.

But, of course, everyone looks left when you are that far right.
@PoliticalChic - Is the Sermon on the Mount more important to you than the repeal of prohibition?
"blessed are the alcohol makers, for they are the spreaders of joy"

As a novel approach, how about you stick to what I actually say.
i have. you claimed that the constitution was paramount over religion for 2 of 3 major religions.

so i'm just asking you which is more important to you?
Uncensored and PoliticalChic, I would like to help you make your transition to White Natonalism a little easier. You have adopted many of their phrases and outlooks on life, so let me give you another term they use for people like me who are right wing conservatives who hate bigoted WN assholes like yourselves.

They call us "cultural marxists".

Go ahead. Use it. See how well it feels as it rolls off your tongue, little fuhrers! Doesn't it just perfectly encapsulate what has been boiling in your alleged brains?

Just as gays felt a lot of relief when they came out of the closet, you and PoliticalChic, too, can enjoy that same freeing sensation as you both come out as White Nationalists.
1. The fact is, the Constitution, the 'law of the land,' may not be consistent with what many wish for, a multicultural society.

2. The Constitution promises freedom of thought, and of speech, yet any criticism of minority cultures, or any aspect of same endorsed by the elites, is censored from the public debate as gauche, impolite, ignorant, .....even cause for dismissal from one's employment, e.g., BrendanEich.

a. On the other hand, upon entering this nation illegally, one is perfectly able to reside, even as an antagonist, and enjoy all of the rights and privileges that are the reward of citizenship.
See Emerson, "American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us."

3. Those who doubt that we can have a successful 'multicultural society' advocate an alternative idea, e.g., we should desire a political culture based on pride in this nation, with the country as the object of a common loyalty, and a secular view of law in which religion is a concern of family and society, but not of the state.
My view.

a. As a group, Liberals are largely in favor of the balkanization that follows multiculturalism.

"Liberals care less - Pew divided their sample into different categories across the left-right political spectrum. When asked if respondents “often feel proud to be American,” a majority of strong liberals, 60 percent, said no.
The only group that solidly agreed with the statement was conservatives, ranging from 72 percent to 81 percent."
Stunner: 44 percent not proud to be American |

4. Often, the center of the argument is the question of religion. Is there room for religion in the public arena???

My pal, ErroneousJoe, wrote this: "And if you Wingnuts think theocracy is so bad, why do you keep trying to impose one here?"

It seems obvious that, for the Left, religion should be excluded from all state related functions, that there must be some sort of fanatical expulsion of faith that has been practiced in America.
Not so: Religion should invest social institutions in which citizens engage: there is no reason that prayers should not occur in schools, which, after all, are not political institutions but are social institutions funded by the state. No one that I know of is endorsing religious control of the state.

a. The Constitution takes precedence over religious loyalties.
That is true for two of the three major religions.

5. Why the sudden need for 'multi-cultures' in the nation?
What is the culture of America?

Enterprise, freedom, and pursuit of success. What follows is this announcement when viewing success: "Congratulations! It is wonderful to see what you've built!" Our heritage is one in which freedom of the individual is the highest aim of government.
Scruton, "The West and The Rest."

At least, that was true in an earlier iteration of this nation.

a. It is more than surprising to see Americans tricked into believing in the collective, with the motto "You didn't build that!"

'Shocking' is the term that comes to mind.

Here in America, we want to have our cake and eat it too. Why else are there so many fatasses here? This country either believes in the Constitution or it doesn't. Our government is a reflection of our people.
Uncensored and PoliticalChic, I strongly recommend you hang out at Stormfront. I think you will find youselves saying, "So THIS is where all my ideas originated from!"

It will feel like a homecoming.
The left doesn't understand Capitalism and Free Markets...and consistently attributes the failures of their own statist policies to Capitalism.

Precisely! And the underlying essence of what we're talking about here cannot be reiterated too often. As I've written elsewhere:

What is the Marxist to do when in fact the working class is a culturally heterogeneous component of production whose standard of living has dramatically improved under capitalism?

Well, its constituents must be programmed from early childhood to disregard the discriminations of common logic and eschew the conventions of common morality. But not only that, they must be protected from the economic depredations of false consciousness. Hence, they must be made to think of themselves as the victims of those who own the means of production and all that surplus value.

Toss that fishing pole in the lake and hand 'em a pitchfork.

In other words, make 'em dumb as dirt. Manageable drones. Turn 'em into sexual degenerates bereft of familial affections/allegiances: the Marcusean polymorphous perversity of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Hence, the intellectual and moral mediocrity and uniformity of relativism with a chip on its shoulder. This is cultural Marxism in a nutshell, more commonly known today as political correctness or multiculturalism. As economic Marxism is the deconstruction of the actualities of the factors of production and the expropriation of the means of production, cultural Marxism is the deconstruction of Western culture, of the influences of Christianity especially, and the expropriation of ideas and expression.

. . . Since the theory of Marxism is necessarily true by definition, i.e., that all of history is a struggle between the powerful and the oppressed progressively moving toward that overwhelming conclusion of a stateless Utopia, the uncooperative regressions of history must be due to the false signals or the misdirection of human culture obscuring the proletariat's view of its true interests. Marx was aware of the extant cultural hindrances, of course, but it was a group of German communists who in the 1920's established a think tank and, initially, based on the definitive observations of Marxist theorists Gyorgy Lukacs of Hungary ("Who will save us from Western civilization?") and Antonio Gramsci of Italy, contrived a systematic methodology for expropriating culture. Marcuse joined the group in 1932 with his Neo-Freudian theory of sexual liberation as a component of the proletariat's cultural revolution against the benighted tribal tradition of the biological family.

. . . Comprehensively, this was revolution by another means, the subversion of thought and morality, and the suppression of opposing views. The enlightened would artificially expedite the actualization of the object of the historical dialectic. Oh, the irony! In the 1930's, the members of the Frankfort School of Critical Theory fled Nazi Germany for America and set up shop at Columbia University.

The origination and the history of cultural Marxism is well-documented. —M. D. Rawlings

Your simplistic binary thinking would be more entertaining if you could keep it brief.

Oh, I'm sorry, too much information all at one time for your pea-sized brain? What was that, a fairly complex matter summarized in roughly five paragraphs?

So, tell us, Einstein, how exactly are the historical facts regarding Lefty's divide-and-destroy balkanization strategy the stuff of "simplistic binary thinking"? Oh wait! My post is about the "simplistic binary thinking" of depraved statist ideologues.

Right you are! Carry on. . . .

You see, folks, this is just the kind of thing lefty does. He very seldom actually addresses the arguments, does he? Personal attacks. Naming calling. Anything but the truth or real discussion. Critical Theory tactics 101.

Lefty is depraved.
The left doesn't understand Capitalism and Free Markets...and consistently attributes the failures of their own statist policies to Capitalism.

Precisely! And the underlying essence of what we're talking about here cannot be reiterated too often. As I've written elsewhere:

What is the Marxist to do when in fact the working class is a culturally heterogeneous component of production whose standard of living has dramatically improved under capitalism?

Well, its constituents must be programmed from early childhood to disregard the discriminations of common logic and eschew the conventions of common morality. But not only that, they must be protected from the economic depredations of false consciousness. Hence, they must be made to think of themselves as the victims of those who own the means of production and all that surplus value.

Toss that fishing pole in the lake and hand 'em a pitchfork.

In other words, make 'em dumb as dirt. Manageable drones. Turn 'em into sexual degenerates bereft of familial affections/allegiances: the Marcusean polymorphous perversity of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Hence, the intellectual and moral mediocrity and uniformity of relativism with a chip on its shoulder. This is cultural Marxism in a nutshell, more commonly known today as political correctness or multiculturalism. As economic Marxism is the deconstruction of the actualities of the factors of production and the expropriation of the means of production, cultural Marxism is the deconstruction of Western culture, of the influences of Christianity especially, and the expropriation of ideas and expression.

. . . Since the theory of Marxism is necessarily true by definition, i.e., that all of history is a struggle between the powerful and the oppressed progressively moving toward that overwhelming conclusion of a stateless Utopia, the uncooperative regressions of history must be due to the false signals or the misdirection of human culture obscuring the proletariat's view of its true interests. Marx was aware of the extant cultural hindrances, of course, but it was a group of German communists who in the 1920's established a think tank and, initially, based on the definitive observations of Marxist theorists Gyorgy Lukacs of Hungary ("Who will save us from Western civilization?") and Antonio Gramsci of Italy, contrived a systematic methodology for expropriating culture. Marcuse joined the group in 1932 with his Neo-Freudian theory of sexual liberation as a component of the proletariat's cultural revolution against the benighted tribal tradition of the biological family.

. . . Comprehensively, this was revolution by another means, the subversion of thought and morality, and the suppression of opposing views. The enlightened would artificially expedite the actualization of the object of the historical dialectic. Oh, the irony! In the 1930's, the members of the Frankfort School of Critical Theory fled Nazi Germany for America and set up shop at Columbia University.

The origination and the history of cultural Marxism is well-documented. —M. D. Rawlings

Your simplistic binary thinking would be more entertaining if you could keep it brief.

Oh, I'm sorry, too much information all at one time for your pea-sized brain? What was that, a fairly complex matter summarized in roughly five paragraphs?

So, tell us, Einstein, how exactly are the historical facts regarding Lefty's divide-and-destroy balkanization strategy the stuff of "simplistic binary thinking"? Oh wait! My post is about the "simplistic binary thinking" of depraved statist ideologues.

Right you are! Carry on. . . .

You see, folks, this is just the kind of thing lefty does. He very seldom actually addresses the arguments, does he? Personal attacks. Naming calling. Anything but the truth or real discussion. Critical Theory tactics 101.

Lefty is depraved.

You think that anyone who doesn't buy into free market unregulated or minimally regulated capitalism is a Marxist of some sort.

That's binary, and idiocy.

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