The Constitution in a Multicultural Society

Which do you hold in higher esteem, PC - the Gospel of Mark, or the 22nd Amendment. I mean I know presidential term limits are pretty important, but on the other hand JESUS.
This country has no business being multicultural. We all are Americans and that's good enough. If you're a hyphenated American, then go back to the country ( or continent for those who don't know better) you claim you're from.

It's a core value of American democracy that you have the right to be 'multi-cultural'. It's starts with freedom of religion.

Religion is a key component of culture. Is there an 'American' religion that everyone is supposed to embrace in order to conform to an 'American' culture? Is that in the Constitution?

Let's assume that this is merely one of your lacunae.....and it's too early for your usual obfuscation.

1.There is personal religion, and there is civil religion.

From the OP:
. Those who doubt that we can have a successful 'multicultural society' advocate an alternative idea, e.g., we should desire a political culture based on pride in this nation, with the country as the object of a common loyalty, and a secular view of law in which religion is a concern of family and society, but not of the state.
My view.

On would hope that morality, stemming from personal religion, infuses the actions of the nation.
Stephen Decatur: "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong."

Morality would prevent that wrong.

2.Civil religion is not a state religion, but rather an expression that religionizes national values, national heroes, national history, and national ideals. It proposes a God behind all gods that especially favors America. The unifying thing is not the object of prayer (god) but the source of the prayer—we Americans.

3. Americans are a praying people. Praying gets even more popular in a national crisis, though Americans have always recognized god and prayer as important. We have "IN GOD WE TRUST" on our currency. We say "One nation under god” in our pledge of allegiance. In many research reports almost all Americans say they pray regularly, and more than half claim they pray “every day.” 4.The prayers offered by “civil religion” are to an expansive god-behind-all-gods—a national unifying god. Civil religion is the common ecumenical ground where we all can gather—not just all Christian denominations, but all religions, and even the great host of people who practice no formal religion at all but believe in god and prayer. This is civil religion. The god of civil religion is the "higher power as you know it"—the god behind all religions and everything else.

5. Although he recognized this as a largely Protestant nation, JFKennedy did make frequent references to god—three times in his inaugural address. Robert Bellah, in 1967 first made the keen observation that John Kennedy's use of "god" however was not in the narrow sense as a Roman Catholic, but in the broader sense as a the god-of-us-all, the god of American civil religion. Bellah suggested that Kennedy was doing exactly what his predecessors had done—referring to the unifying god of American civil religion, not any specific narrow denominational god or even the god organized religion like the Christian god, or Roman Catholic understanding of God. It was the god-above-all-gods, the god of American civil religion.
Civil Religion

Is that an explanation as to why conservatives never complain about the construction of mosques in their communities?


I love it! The facts in my posts affects you the way a paddle affects a ping-bong ball!

Every day....either you lie or you attempt to change the subject from the post to which you are ostensibly replying.

Don't ever change.

Nothing in your excruciatingly interminable post addressed anything in the post you responded to?

Let me repeat the question, rephrased...

Are conservatives wrong to object to the construction of mosques in their communities?
Yes, let's round up all the darkies, homos, intellectuals, and Muslims and put them in FEMA camps. Then gas them.

Down with multiculturalism! Homogeneity forever! We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children. Sieg Heil!

Vote for the New GOP to save Amerika.


Your simian countenance suggests a heritage unusually rich in species diversity.

"They want to throw white children and colored children into the melting pot of integration, through out of which will come a conglomerated mulatto MONGREL class of people."

Any truth to the rumor that they push your face into dough to make gorilla biscuits?

A KKK vid?

That deserves a reminder: Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

The Klan was a Southern right wing movement. How's it feel to be the direct political descendant of racist Democrats anyway?

Left wing. Get your facts straight.

The Tard is strong in this one.
This country has no business being multicultural. We all are Americans and that's good enough. If you're a hyphenated American, then go back to the country ( or continent for those who don't know better) you claim you're from.
YEAH! Woo hoo! Let's start with forcing those goddam Native-Americans to go back to the county they are from!

Fuckin' A!
I love it! The facts in my posts affects you the way a paddle affects a ping-bong ball!

Every day....either you lie or you attempt to change the subject from the post to which you are ostensibly replying.

Don't ever change.

Nothing in your excruciatingly interminable post addressed anything in the post you responded to?

Let me repeat the question, rephrased...

Are conservatives wrong to object to the construction of mosques in their communities?
When PC talks about "multiculturalism", she actually has something much more narrow in mind that does not include the multiple cultures that come with Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Islamism, etc.

She means darkies and their jigaboo music, Mexicans and their lowriders. Shit like that. And yes, Muslims hootin' and hollerin' from their minarets at prayer time.

The bigots piggyback on the movement to free blacks from the Democrats' dependence plantation, but the bigots really want to lure them away and drown them or Send 'Em Back To Africa. They can't see how their rhetoric completely betrays their real feelings for Others. It's a huge blind spot.

Blacks will never leave the Democratic camp as long as we continue to tolerate these assholes like PC in our ranks.

Congratulations for exposing the gigantic gap between the richness of actual multiculturalism and the bigot's purloined version of "multiculturalism".
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"When the American people created the Constitution it was their intent to create a National government whose laws were supreme, along with the rulings of Federal courts."

You might benefit from a few courses on the Constitution.....
Try finding this in the Constitution: "laws were supreme, along with the rulings of Federal courts."

Judging by knowledge alone....the only career for you is driving the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile

The Supremacy Clause for starters.
10. And now for a trip down the multicultural rabbit hole......

a. ".... owners of Sneakers Bistro in Winooski Circle, Vermont, did a little gardening on some city flower beds. The city has a program in place ("Operation Bloom") which allows business owners to do a little landscaping and earn the right to advertise/post signs on the plot of land they landscape....
So Sneakers gardened, and chose to display a sign which read, "Yield for Sneakers Bacon."

b. No big deal, right? I mean, bacon exists (thankfully). A lot of people eat it. I'm guessing it's a popular item at Sneakers Bistro.

c. .... some Muslim chick on an internet forum wrote that the sign was "insensitive" to people who don't consume pork, and that AS a Muslim, she's offended by the sign, ...

d. Sneakers took it down. They completely caved..... Their goal is obviously to be cowardly idiots who don't even realize their own first amendment rights.... realize that they are contributing to the destruction of their own country.

e. ...we are talking about the WORD "bacon" here. This Muslim woman was offended because she saw the word bacon on a sign.
Does she protest every grocery store? Does she protest every farm? And if she took the time to whine about the HORROR of seeing the word "bacon" on a small yard sign, I'm just curious - did she express any outrage about the video of James Foley being beheaded in the name of HER FREAKING RELIGION?"
Sneakers Bistro In Vermont Caves To One Muslim Woman Who Is Offended By The WORD Bacon. FOR REAL. - Chicks on the Right

She wasn't Muslim.

And btw, isn't it at least just as undeserving for this guy to be attacked by a horde of rightwing nuts for taking the sign down as it was for this single woman to bitch about it in the first place?

Both of you are trying to get this guy to knuckle under.
G5000 wrote:

Where you fucked up is by claiming he believed people were property of the state. That is wrong on two counts, tard.
First, black people were not considered human. Second, they were private property, not public property. You will find it impossible to provide a link that Bedford believed the state should have control over private property!
God, you just fail on so many levels one wonders how you are able to breathe and walk at the same time!

You get a few things right, but overall, you are so far off the rails as to be an intellectual train wreck. Your ignorant assertion, that since the KKK perported to support states rights, and right wingers support states rights, then they must be interrelated in some way, is sophmoric, at best.

Racism after the civil war, and right up through today, was not and is not an exclusive Southern trait. Racism was, and still is widespread throughout the Northern and Western States, and resided in the Democrat party. Jim Crow was Southern, and Jim Crow, just like the KKK, was part and parcel owned by the Democrat party.

Northern racist Democrats did not switch parties in the late sixties, and neither did the Southern racist Democrats. They just went underground and changed their rhetoric.

I was a Democrat, in the South, in the sixties, and so was anyone else who desired to vote in state and local elections. Those elections were mostly settled in the primaries, because few Republicans risked life and limb to put on a campaign. When the Republicans began fielding local and state contenders, I switched my registration, just like a lot of others did. It had nothing to do with racism.
I just directed her new thread back to here.

Let's not let her evade the question. We can, without violating Board rules, keep directing her other thread right back here.
Erand, many slaves were public property. Where did you ever think they were not?
Not always. The freaky south tried it and lost. The indigeousness tribes of America were taken over, regardless. The far right racial haters have been forced to submit. The social cons against marriage equality are being forced to submit.

Yeah, it works.

The Constitution takes precedence over religious loyalties.
That is true for two of the three major religions

Hmmmmm... must be Mainline Protestantism and.... Buddhism?

I know you can do better.

How about a real post, addition to the thread.

Well, I know it can't be evangelicals, because they aren't even okay with the First Amendment or the Ninth Amendment.

Seems it's easier for you to pretend to be stupid.


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