The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

I’m so old i remember when people had to be criminally convicted of a felony to have their Constitutional rights stripped.

But you fascists gotta fascist!

Running for president isn't a right. Like driving, it's a privilege. Don't you ever tire of losing?

And why no answer to my question? what violent attack against our government did I do?
I’m so old i remember when people had to be criminally convicted of a felony to have their Constitutional rights stripped.

But you fascists gotta fascist!
Again total made up idea of what the law is on this or what the constitution says on this. Bullshit made up crap that then these microbes demand have to be followed after they have made up what it means. . What a hoot , The BOZO land express just came through.
You know what I find interesting.
Do you also find it interesting that he's the leading candidate for POTUS this year? How does that happen? Do you simply reject his popularity? More importantly, what do you think should happen if he wins?
Do you also find it interesting that he's the leading candidate for POTUS this year? How does that happen? Do you simply reject his popularity? More importantly, what do you think should happen if he wins?

Sure, I find it interesting that a large part of the people in the US don’t think doing what I described is disqualifying. And I don’t deny he is.
How it happens is more a question for a sociologist, but I’ll take a stab at it.
First, you have the hyper-partisanship and closed media environment a lot of people live in. This makes it so that those people don’t come in contact with information that’s negative towards Trump, and the information that is negative and can’t be ignored is spun in such a way that it is excused.
Then you have the frequent excusing that being a Trump supporter itself has to do, even if they hear that information. Invariably by using fallacious arguments. “Yes, Trump did x, but if there is some random Democrat who did something kinda, maybe, sorta similar, so it’s ok that he did it.” To give just one frequent example.
This then creates a situation where being a Trump supporter requires a lot of moral bartering with yourself. You might believe in your personal life that a loudmouth, narcissistic bully who’s been held liable for sexual assault should probably not be president, but you’ve spent so much time trying to find a way to justify it to yourself that giving up on it would require you to admit that all the people who hate Trump are hating him for good reason, and you’ve been supporting the bad guy. It’s the sunk cost fallacy. The same fallacy that causes people to support con men even after it is clear that they have been conned.
And then you have Trump himself, who’s played into the strain of anti-institutionalism within the GOP itself. By constantly attacking all branches of government, even when he was the head of that government, he has convinced all of you that any accusation of a crime leveled against him, by definition, is invalid. It doesn’t matter what the facts are, or how many times he loses, everything can be written off as a sign of bias towards him without even having to look at the charges.

As to what I think should happen if he wins? I think the trials should be allowed to continue. If he's acquitted be a jury of his peers, he should be President. If he's found guilty, he should be deposed under the 25th amendment as unable to execute his office by virtue of him being jailed and his VP should take over.
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Running for president isn't a right. Like driving, it's a privilege. Don't you ever tire of losing?

And why no answer to my question? what violent attack against our government did I do?
Being able to run for an election is a Constitutional right and you’re invoking the Constitution to try to keep people from being on the ballot, fascist NAZI.
Being able to run for an election is a Constitutional right and you’re invoking the Constitution to try to keep people from being on the ballot, fascist NAZI.
Not really, the Constitution recognizes limitations on that right. Three of them to be exact. 35 Years old, naturally born citizen, and not having engaged in an insurrection. I think the last one is the most reasonable, and its seemingly the only one you have a problem with.
Not really, the Constitution recognizes limitations on that right. Three of them to be exact. 35 Years old, naturally born citizen, and not having engaged in an insurrection. I think the last one is the most reasonable, and its seemingly the only one you have a problem with.

Actually it's 6.

Not really, the Constitution recognizes limitations on that right. Three of them to be exact. 35 Years old, naturally born citizen, and not having engaged in an insurrection. I think the last one is the most reasonable, and its seemingly the only one you have a problem with.
Who’s been criminally convicted of insurrection, in a criminal court, NAZI?
Do you also find it interesting that he's the leading candidate for POTUS this year? How does that happen? Do you simply reject his popularity? More importantly, what do you think should happen if he wins?
No one is denying that there isn't enough scared, hate driven, stupid people in this country to elect him. That means little. If he was elected we will be at that point in a dictatorship. with a dictator that is a traitor to this country and a total piece of shit. Elected by ugly hate driven Americans that sold out their country and are traitors to this country.
Who’s been criminally convicted of insurrection, in a criminal court, NAZI?
No one has to be convicted , to be a insurrectionist, you people are just brain dead stupid , trying to force that across this country as how it is or even should be. The writers of the constitution saw it different then you dump fucks.
Being able to run for an election is a Constitutional right and you’re invoking the Constitution to try to keep people from being on the ballot, fascist NAZI.
Again total made up idea of what the law is on this or what the constitution says on this. Bullshit made up crap that then these microbes demand have to be followed after they have made up what it means. . What a hoot , The BOZO land express just came threw.
According to the Constitution,Trump could have had Pence arrested on 1/6/21.

Debatable under Article I Section 6 (commonly called the Speech and Debate Clause) that VP Pence could not be arrested that day as he was functioning as a member of the Senate. The EC vote count of course being conducted by him before a joint session of Congress in his capacity as President of the Senate.

Not really, the Constitution recognizes limitations on that right. Three of them to be exact. 35 Years old, naturally born citizen, and not having engaged in an insurrection. I think the last one is the most reasonable, and its seemingly the only one you have a problem with.
There was no insurrection so no one could have engaged in one. Next.
Debatable under Article I Section 6 (commonly called the Speech and Debate Clause) that VP Pence could not be arrested that day as he was functioning as a member of the Senate. The EC vote count of course being conducted by him before a joint session of Congress in his capacity as President of the Senate.

Under these unprecedented circumstances, with or without Pence under arrest ,the president could have declared martial law and began confiscating Dominion voting machines immediately. ....among other things .

Regardless of .the Constitution .
Under these unprecedented circumstances, with or without Pence under arrest ,the president could have declared martial law and began confiscating Dominion voting machines immediately. ....among other things .

Regardless of .the Constitution .

Does that mean Dictator for a day would just have come early?

Being able to run for an election is a Constitutional right and you’re invoking the Constitution to try to keep people from being on the ballot, fascist NAZI.

If that were true, then every single candidate running for prident would have to have their name appear on every ballot in every state. Yet many do not.

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