The Cosmos

There actually may be a creator of our universe. When you look at our bodies on a molecular level, you see a tiny universe within us. If you look at a drop of water you see a tiny planet of many living things. After watching the Cosmos I truly believe in Multiverses.

....shortened [indiajo]

I cut this because I fully agree to the rest.

Well, the multiverse.
The multiverse idea came not as an analogy to the water droplet or similar.
It generally develope out of the question if the basic natural laws have to be exactly the way they are, or could they possibly be different and allow the existance of another universe. There can't be a second one with the same laws around us, the reason why is a bit more complicated.
Actually we do not know. We cannot simulate every parameter to everypossible setting, because the possibilities are endless. And this ist the point: because they are endless, there is a possibility that there could be other universes, which we could not even detect if we were god. Because we were a god in this universe, an one with different laws would simply be out of reach.

So, the question and the answer are both hypothetical and will stay so, with one exception.
The pyhsics and math of quantum mechanics can play around a bit more if they go for this hypothesis. So, maybe, this keads to knew discoveries in our own universe if the laws theoretically can be altered. This is the sense of it, it has no other one.
It's your link, How does Science PROVE the Bible
Even the title is screwed up. It is text in the Bible that is being submitted as proof of something, not Science. The whole article is illogically.

Actually we don't have to prove anything. Your own evolutionist scientists have been caught in enough fraud to totally make any comment on evolution suspect.

Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists

This is absurd. Because of science we know where and when the universe started. It was the big bang moment. With computers we can run simulations based on where the stars are all going and track them back to where they started. Are you still arguing the flat earth theory? Because of science we also know how big the universe is, how many other stars/suns are out there, what gravity is, atoms, microbes, fossels, bacteria, etc.

You theists already had your chance. Your 7 day 6500 year story didn't hold up. Do you have another story or is it Big Bang vs. your Creation story? Because if it is, we already won.

And if a supernatural being caused the big bang, prove it. If a creator/god created us, prove it. Otherwise all you have is a 2000 year old lie. The Jews have a 5000 year old lie. The Muslims have a 500 year old lie and the Mormons have a 200 year old lie. The Greek gods before the Jews was a lie too.

No, we have God and the Bible. The Bible states that all things are possible with God. Mathematics says your big bang is impossible and your single cell organism is also impossible.

Forget the big bang and single cell organisms. How many other times have you guys been proven wrong. Has it ever mattered to you? No. So even if we are one day able to prove conclusively that we did come from single cell organisms, that won't change your mind. You'll just say that's how god did it. He planted a seed. See, I use to be a person who believed in a god and evolution so I was able to use cognitive dissonance and cherry picking to decide what I wanted to believe. What I want to be true has no bearing on my conclusions.

If all things are possible, why isn't the big bang possible? Most theists believe in the big bang now. You're just a hold out.

Can't your god defy math? Then the big bang and evolution are possible. Right?

With God ALL things are possible. We accept the Big Bang. God spoke and (bang!!!) it was so. Why should God defy math? God created math for us.

All things are possible? Really? Want to show me a miracle? Show me an amputees arm grow back.

So the truth is, not everything is possible. This is another one your religion got wrong about god.

Can god move a mountain? Show me a mountain that one day moved from Michigan to Ohio.

When theists say "all things are possible through god", it means when they don't have an answer to something then it "must be god". God of the gaps. Look it up.

And why didn't god give our ancestors the knowledge of math? It took us hundreds of thousands of years to figure out math. Imagine how many people died of stuff 200 years ago that today science has figured out the cure. So god watched us suffer and struggle for hundreds of thousands of years and now you want to give him credit for making our brains big enough to do math? And it isn't like you do math or figured out the engine. You're just as dumb as your ancestors were 1000 years ago. Most of us are. And what bothers me the most is we'd be a lot smarter and a lot further ahead if it wasn't for your religions.

In fact, one would wonder if god loves Einstein and Newton better than he does you because he made them so much smarter than you. But then why did the church who claims god talked to them and only them be so against free thought and speech that led to all the scientific discoveries we have today? Your religion is bullshit! All religions are. You see Islam is bullshit right? Do you buy the Mormon story? Ok, that's a step. Now question your own religion with that same intelligence. Start with the talking snake.

  • Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so — including me. Think for yourself.
  • Question yourself. Don’t believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn’t make it so.
  • Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it’s wrong. Get over it.
  • Follow the evidence wherever it leads — If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
  • And perhaps the most important rule of all: Remember you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things.
I was watching a movie last night with Charlese Theron and they were going to another planet and she had a flash back when she was a kid. Her and her dad were talking about god. Her dad told her what he believed and when she asked why he said, "because I choose to believe".

How honest.
That makes me laugh when theists trash great men like Tyson or Sagan.

You are as dull of wit as you are bereft of education. You worship Tyson in the same way the Muzzie Beasts worship Muhammad, out of blind faith and ignorance.

You think science is a faith, and you believe it with all your heart, never once glimpsing that through your faith, you sully what science actually is.

It only confirms how right they are about religions. The more you trash science and scientists the more you lose credibility. Keep it up.

You Christians are pigs. You even admit your society is going to shit. You think its because people are turning away from god. I say its BECAUSE we believe in god. It makes us ignorant to truth and science. How many past great societies rose and fell in human history? What's the one thing they all have in common? They all worshiped gods.

Sillybonobo, for you to claim I am a Christian is a bit bizarre - you know full well I am not.

The one who "trashes science" is you, by turning a process of discovery into a faith to be blindly followed. You are incapable of thought, so you replace one icon of worship with another. That you call your icon "science" does not make it so.

Science is a procedural method of discovery. a process for postulation and testing. To "believe in science" is akin to believing in a gear. You attribute to a tool the manifestation of a deity.

I would love for science to be our new religion. Lets give it a try for even 100 years and we'll do better than you guys have in the last 7000 years. You theists are destroying the planet with your coal burning and nuclear shit.

And in your desire for science to be a religion, you demonstrate the depth of your ignorance. You operate on faith and myth, and seek to pervert the word "science" to meet your tribal voodoo, your ignorant and primitive chants and dances at powers you cannot conceive. You seek to make Tyson a shaman, a role he is too willing to assume, with no grasp that he and you represent the opposite of the scientific method.

You are and shall remain a blundering fool.
That makes me laugh when theists trash great men like Tyson or Sagan.

You are as dull of wit as you are bereft of education. You worship Tyson in the same way the Muzzie Beasts worship Muhammad, out of blind faith and ignorance.

You think science is a faith, and you believe it with all your heart, never once glimpsing that through your faith, you sully what science actually is.

It only confirms how right they are about religions. The more you trash science and scientists the more you lose credibility. Keep it up.

You Christians are pigs. You even admit your society is going to shit. You think its because people are turning away from god. I say its BECAUSE we believe in god. It makes us ignorant to truth and science. How many past great societies rose and fell in human history? What's the one thing they all have in common? They all worshiped gods.

Sillybonobo, for you to claim I am a Christian is a bit bizarre - you know full well I am not.

The one who "trashes science" is you, by turning a process of discovery into a faith to be blindly followed. You are incapable of thought, so you replace one icon of worship with another. That you call your icon "science" does not make it so.

Science is a procedural method of discovery. a process for postulation and testing. To "believe in science" is akin to believing in a gear. You attribute to a tool the manifestation of a deity.

I would love for science to be our new religion. Lets give it a try for even 100 years and we'll do better than you guys have in the last 7000 years. You theists are destroying the planet with your coal burning and nuclear shit.

And in your desire for science to be a religion, you demonstrate the depth of your ignorance. You operate on faith and myth, and seek to pervert the word "science" to meet your tribal voodoo, your ignorant and primitive chants and dances at powers you cannot conceive. You seek to make Tyson a shaman, a role he is too willing to assume, with no grasp that he and you represent the opposite of the scientific method.

You are and shall remain a blundering fool.

The only thing I have full faith in is that the christian, muslim & jewish god doesn't exist. Everything else I'm open to.

If science is a religion, here are the commandments. Of which they debunk your feelings about me and my position.

  • Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so — including me. Think for yourself.
  • Question yourself. Don’t believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn’t make it so.
  • Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it’s wrong. Get over it.
  • Follow the evidence wherever it leads — If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
  • And perhaps the most important rule of all: Remember you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things.
That makes me laugh when theists trash great men like Tyson or Sagan.

You are as dull of wit as you are bereft of education. You worship Tyson in the same way the Muzzie Beasts worship Muhammad, out of blind faith and ignorance.

You think science is a faith, and you believe it with all your heart, never once glimpsing that through your faith, you sully what science actually is.

It only confirms how right they are about religions. The more you trash science and scientists the more you lose credibility. Keep it up.

You Christians are pigs. You even admit your society is going to shit. You think its because people are turning away from god. I say its BECAUSE we believe in god. It makes us ignorant to truth and science. How many past great societies rose and fell in human history? What's the one thing they all have in common? They all worshiped gods.

Sillybonobo, for you to claim I am a Christian is a bit bizarre - you know full well I am not.

The one who "trashes science" is you, by turning a process of discovery into a faith to be blindly followed. You are incapable of thought, so you replace one icon of worship with another. That you call your icon "science" does not make it so.

Science is a procedural method of discovery. a process for postulation and testing. To "believe in science" is akin to believing in a gear. You attribute to a tool the manifestation of a deity.

I would love for science to be our new religion. Lets give it a try for even 100 years and we'll do better than you guys have in the last 7000 years. You theists are destroying the planet with your coal burning and nuclear shit.

And in your desire for science to be a religion, you demonstrate the depth of your ignorance. You operate on faith and myth, and seek to pervert the word "science" to meet your tribal voodoo, your ignorant and primitive chants and dances at powers you cannot conceive. You seek to make Tyson a shaman, a role he is too willing to assume, with no grasp that he and you represent the opposite of the scientific method.

You are and shall remain a blundering fool.

And I'm assuming if you believe in god you have some compelling evidence to give me beyond calling me names. Did Jesus tell you to call me a blundering fool? Is it a sin to call me names? Are you going to hell for it. Oh you asked for forgiveness? Are you REALLY sorry you said that to me or are you just giving baby Jesus lip service. LOL.
The only thing I have full faith in is that the christian, muslim & jewish god doesn't exist. Everything else I'm open to.

That may or may not be true, but all you have done is taken blind and unthinking faith in those gods, and turned it to an idol of your own creation.

NEVER did you grasp that is is the MIND and the process of thought that is the motive force behind real discovery and progress.

You're no scientist, nor an advocate of science, You are an ignorant and superstitious soul coopting the process of the mind to your primitive voodoo and expecting others to praise you for the perversion you offer.

If science is a religion, here are the commandments. Of which they debunk your feelings about me and my position.

  • Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so — including me. Think for yourself.
  • Question yourself. Don’t believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn’t make it so.
  • Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it’s wrong. Get over it.
  • Follow the evidence wherever it leads — If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
  • And perhaps the most important rule of all: Remember you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things.

You have no grasp of what science is, nor of what thought is.

And I'm assuming if you believe in god you have some compelling evidence to give me beyond calling me names. Did Jesus tell you to call me a blundering fool? Is it a sin to call me names? Are you going to hell for it. Oh you asked for forgiveness? Are you REALLY sorry you said that to me or are you just giving baby Jesus lip service. LOL.

Though you know I am agnostic, you are a primitive bereft of the capacity for reason, so you recite your mantra in the mindless faith that your magic words will defeat me.
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?
No, we have God and the Bible. The Bible states that all things are possible with God. Mathematics says your big bang is impossible and your single cell organism is also impossible.

Forget the big bang and single cell organisms. How many other times have you guys been proven wrong. Has it ever mattered to you? No. So even if we are one day able to prove conclusively that we did come from single cell organisms, that won't change your mind. You'll just say that's how god did it. He planted a seed. See, I use to be a person who believed in a god and evolution so I was able to use cognitive dissonance and cherry picking to decide what I wanted to believe. What I want to be true has no bearing on my conclusions.

If all things are possible, why isn't the big bang possible? Most theists believe in the big bang now. You're just a hold out.

Can't your god defy math? Then the big bang and evolution are possible. Right?

With God ALL things are possible. We accept the Big Bang. God spoke and (bang!!!) it was so. Why should God defy math? God created math for us.

See? It won't matter to you either way. The thing about science is the truth is so much better than your ancient stories. And the thing about your religion is since science your god has gotten smaller and smaller. Its called god of the gaps. Once god did lightening and thunder. Then science explained those things and you just moved on to all the other things we don't know. Now those things are because of a god.

Even if one day you realized your religion is just one of 1000 and it isn't real, you'll still believe in a generic god. No full blown theist goes from theist to atheist. They might get mad at god but they aren't smart enough to ever grasp that there is no need for a god. The universe is eternal.

God spoke and bang? Then 13.5 million years later humans evolved to have a brain big enough to learn to write and make up stories and have a history. We've been around for a mere 40,000 years. Maybe 1 million at the most. Hell, you say only 6500. If we are so special, why did it take so long? Did the dinosaurs sin or were they a mistake?

When you read the bible or any other book it is so clear that ancient men wrote it. Christianity is so outdated.

PS. Do you know who is sure there is a god? The guys in ISIS and the guys running around Paris shooting people for them drawing their god Allah or Mohammad in a satirical magazine. They are pathetic and so are you.
With the preponderance of evidence supporting both biological and cosmic evolution, all but the the most Fundamentalist Christians will eventually accept some form of theistic evolution most probably that there is a God, but he was not directly involved in the origin of life. He may have created the building blocks, He may have created the natural laws, He may even have created these things with the eventual emergence of life in mind, but at some point early on He stepped back and let His creation take over. He let it do what it does, whatever that is, and life eventually emerged from non-living material. This view is similar to atheistic evolution in that it presumes a naturalistic origin of life.

What is theistic evolution

There actually may be a creator of our universe. When you look at our bodies on a molecular level, you see a tiny universe within us. If you look at a drop of water you see a tiny planet of many living things. After watching the Cosmos I truly believe in Multiverses. Our universe is just one universe in an infinate number of universes. Like bubbles one might die out but another one appears and each one lasts billions and billions of years. Maybe we are just a universe in some giant cows body on a planet somewhere called Merth? And that cow lives on just one planet in his solar system in his galaxy in his universe and he too can see billions of universes. And remember, we're just the size of an atom in his body. The possibilities are amazing.

And I love it how we've been on this planet for a million years. 200-40,000 years ago we got smart but only 5000 years ago we got smart enough to write and organize and have great societies who philosophized and imagined and low and behold god finally showed up only 5000 year ago and talked to the Jews? Then 2000 years ago Jesus and then 500 years ago Mohammad? What took him so long?

Anyways, I'm open to there being a creator. They'll just have to prove it and I am not going to accept their ancient lies.

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those other texts, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artefacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another [2] on many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and isfactually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

The Biblical account of Jesus has striking similarities with other mythologies and textsand many of his supposed teachings existed prior to his time. It is likely the character was either partly or entirely invented [2] by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian theology or any element of the story portrayed in the Bible, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection. Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time.

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution:

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham
Although I think the BS from fundamentalist Christians is rather silly, the enormity and grandeur of the cosmos definitely suggest that a superior intelligence laid down the scientific laws that are the underpinnings of matter, energy, and creation. There just is no other reasonable explanation at this time.
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?
There is a huge amount of documentary evidence of the existence of George Washington from many verifiable sources. The documentary evidence of the existence of the Judeo- Christian God is contained in one book the Bible, a compilation of the work of over 40 authors, most of which whose actually existence can not be verified nor their authorship. This is why we accept the existence of God on faith and we accept the existence of George Washington on documentary evidence from a number of sources.
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?
There is a huge amount of documentary evidence of the existence of George Washington from many verifiable sources. The documentary evidence of the existence of the Judeo- Christian God is contained in one book the Bible, a compilation of the work of over 40 authors, most of which whose actually existence can not be verified nor their authorship. This is why we accept the existence of God on faith and we accept the existence of George Washington on documentary evidence from a number of sources.

Christ is God. There are many references to Christ from historians and early church fathers as well as from other sources. There are references to Noah's ark as well.
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?
There is a huge amount of documentary evidence of the existence of George Washington from many verifiable sources. The documentary evidence of the existence of the Judeo- Christian God is contained in one book the Bible, a compilation of the work of over 40 authors, most of which whose actually existence can not be verified nor their authorship. This is why we accept the existence of God on faith and we accept the existence of George Washington on documentary evidence from a number of sources.

Christ is God. There are many references to Christ from historians and early church fathers as well as from other sources. There are references to Noah's ark as well.
There are references to Bigfoot, ghosts, Nessie as well. So what?
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?

People who lived during the time of George Washington wrote about him. But nobody wrote about Jesus from his days on earth. People only started writing about the Jesus myth 60 plus years after the fact.

Oh and just so you know, some Christian Americans today say/believe god talked to George Washington too. Do you think they really believe that or are they trying to make the man into a myth? Are they trying to suggest that god loves America more than anywhere else on earth?

Anyways, I can't argue with you. I read your replies and you are boring and don't inspire a reply from me.
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?

No one said Washington parted the Delaware or performed miracles. I have no reason not to believe in Washington.
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?
There is a huge amount of documentary evidence of the existence of George Washington from many verifiable sources. The documentary evidence of the existence of the Judeo- Christian God is contained in one book the Bible, a compilation of the work of over 40 authors, most of which whose actually existence can not be verified nor their authorship. This is why we accept the existence of God on faith and we accept the existence of George Washington on documentary evidence from a number of sources.

Christ is God. There are many references to Christ from historians and early church fathers as well as from other sources. There are references to Noah's ark as well.
There are references to Bigfoot, ghosts, Nessie as well. So what?

Another reason it is obvious to me that Christianity is man made up is the "being gay is a sin" schtick. I know stealing and murder are sins. I get that. But then I know gay people and I ask myself, "is what they are doing a sin?" and I say NO.

Christians need to drop the anti gay schtick. What they need to say is that anyone who has sex before marriage is sinning. And let gay people get married. That way no matter if you are gay or straight, if you are having "relations" before marriage then that's a sin.

And that reminds me. How many straight Christians are having sex before marriage? So why don't they worry about their own sins and stop pointing fingers at other people?
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?
There is a huge amount of documentary evidence of the existence of George Washington from many verifiable sources. The documentary evidence of the existence of the Judeo- Christian God is contained in one book the Bible, a compilation of the work of over 40 authors, most of which whose actually existence can not be verified nor their authorship. This is why we accept the existence of God on faith and we accept the existence of George Washington on documentary evidence from a number of sources.

Christ is God. There are many references to Christ from historians and early church fathers as well as from other sources. There are references to Noah's ark as well.
There are references to Bigfoot, ghosts, Nessie as well. So what?

Exactly. Yet you cherry-pick.
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?
There is a huge amount of documentary evidence of the existence of George Washington from many verifiable sources. The documentary evidence of the existence of the Judeo- Christian God is contained in one book the Bible, a compilation of the work of over 40 authors, most of which whose actually existence can not be verified nor their authorship. This is why we accept the existence of God on faith and we accept the existence of George Washington on documentary evidence from a number of sources.

Christ is God. There are many references to Christ from historians and early church fathers as well as from other sources. There are references to Noah's ark as well.
There are references to Bigfoot, ghosts, Nessie as well. So what?

Another reason it is obvious to me that Christianity is man made up is the "being gay is a sin" schtick. I know stealing and murder are sins. I get that. But then I know gay people and I ask myself, "is what they are doing a sin?" and I say NO.

Christians need to drop the anti gay schtick. What they need to say is that anyone who has sex before marriage is sinning. And let gay people get married. That way no matter if you are gay or straight, if you are having "relations" before marriage then that's a sin.

And that reminds me. How many straight Christians are having sex before marriage? So why don't they worry about their own sins and stop pointing fingers at other people?

I didn't know gays were having trouble getting married. Do they want others to pay for their license? Are gays on the Entitlement bandwagon too?
Did a man named George Washington ever exist? Yes, we have books and movies about a man named George Washington.
Have you ever seen George Washington yourself or heard his voice? No? Then how do you know for certain George Washington ever existed?

You claim God does not exist. We have books and movies about God. You have never seen God nor have you heard His voice. Now, do you still claim George Washington existed but God doesn't?

People who lived during the time of George Washington wrote about him. But nobody wrote about Jesus from his days on earth. People only started writing about the Jesus myth 60 plus years after the fact.

Oh and just so you know, some Christian Americans today say/believe god talked to George Washington too. Do you think they really believe that or are they trying to make the man into a myth? Are they trying to suggest that god loves America more than anywhere else on earth?

Anyways, I can't argue with you. I read your replies and you are boring and don't inspire a reply from me.

Too bad that's not true. Anything can and does inspire a response from you.

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