The creationists are BACK

Gravity is just a theory too
Gravity is a 100% proven theory that has been scientifically verified and can be repeated.

The so called pseudo theory of evolution has not been proven, nor is it a verifiable fact that can be repeated in the lab..

evolution is fact... If you have kids tell me, do they look like a mix between the 2 parents or just some random ass creation?

Hey, Bill Nye the not so Science Guy... evolution doesn't affect the traits your kids inherent, that's DNA & genetics. Now, please proceed to tell how much smarter than us you are.

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So is creationism.

The difference being one makes sense and the other is nonsense.

That's your opinion. Here's a fact: Every American has the right to practice their religious beliefs freely in this country. If you don't like it then you can always move to N. Korea or China.

Who's stopping you from practicing your religion?

Americans have the right to teach creationism. That's my point.
That's your opinion. Here's a fact: Every American has the right to practice their religious beliefs freely in this country. If you don't like it then you can always move to N. Korea or China.

Who's stopping you from practicing your religion?

Americans have the right to teach creationism. That's my point.

if there is supposed to a be separation between church and state, the only place you could legally teach creationism would be in a private or religious school. which i would have no problem with as you are choosing that education for you child. it should not be taught in public school, as that would be using tax dollars to teach a religious idea.

In church where it belongs.

I'd agree to that if the whackaloon left would agree that teaching how to put a condom on a banana and "My Two Moms" to 6 year olds is more than a bit inappropriate.

how is sex education equal to creationism?

O palease, sex education is not the teaching of homosexuality and condom usage to small children who can barely grasp the concept of washing their hands before they eat. What your advocating is borderline pedophilia.
Gravity is a 100% proven theory that has been scientifically verified and can be repeated.

The so called pseudo theory of evolution has not been proven, nor is it a verifiable fact that can be repeated in the lab..

evolution is fact... If you have kids tell me, do they look like a mix between the 2 parents or just some random ass creation?

Evolution is a theory.

Yeds and no...

Evolution is not always a good thing, every time something is born it is slightly different that the parents and siblings... It's just the way things are.

Creationism is not even a theory, it’s an idea and a shitty one at that. Creationism has absolutely ZERO proof what so ever. Evolution in no way disproves God while creationism’s sole purpose is to counter evolution for NO FUCKING REASON. Creationism is LITEARLLY religious noobs putting words in GODS mouth.
Who's stopping you from practicing your religion?

Americans have the right to teach creationism. That's my point.

if there is supposed to a be separation between church and state, the only place you could legally teach creationism would be in a private or religious school. which i would have no problem with as you are choosing that education for you child. it should not be taught in public school, as that would be using tax dollars to teach a religious idea.

Where does the US Constitution mention "separation of church and state"?
Gravity is a 100% proven theory that has been scientifically verified and can be repeated.

The so called pseudo theory of evolution has not been proven, nor is it a verifiable fact that can be repeated in the lab..

Has the theory of evolution been scientifically disproved?

Has the theory of evolution been scientifically proved?

The ONLY reason evolution is not fully accepted in society is because SOME people feel it threatens God, nothing more nothing less. Evolution happens everyday, if you have family you can see it right fucking there, it's so blatant it's embarrassing to have to argue this crap with people.
evolution is fact... If you have kids tell me, do they look like a mix between the 2 parents or just some random ass creation?

Evolution is a theory.

Yeds and no...

Evolution is not always a good thing, every time something is born it is slightly different that the parents and siblings... It's just the way things are.

Creationism is not even a theory, it’s an idea and a shitty one at that. Creationism has absolutely ZERO proof what so ever. Evolution in no way disproves God while creationism’s sole purpose is to counter evolution for NO FUCKING REASON. Creationism is LITEARLLY religious noobs putting words in GODS mouth.

Nothing you've mentioned matters. The fact is Americans have the right to believe whatever they want to regarding God. That's is what the US Constitution states. A lot of people are confused. You have the right to your opinion, but you do not have the right to determine who can believe what and what is credible and what isn't. That's not your right.
I'd agree to that if the whackaloon left would agree that teaching how to put a condom on a banana and "My Two Moms" to 6 year olds is more than a bit inappropriate.

What the fuck does one have to do with the other, asshole?

Well, asshole, it's about teaching things that you or I may deem inapropriate Mr. 21/3 results in a fraction.

Yeah, like teaching religious concepts in public schools.

that stuff belongs in church.
Gravity is a 100% proven theory that has been scientifically verified and can be repeated.

The so called pseudo theory of evolution has not been proven, nor is it a verifiable fact that can be repeated in the lab..

Has the theory of evolution been scientifically disproved?

Has the theory of evolution been scientifically proved?

It's kind of a bummer that evolution has not been scientifically disproved, isn't it? Because right NOW, evolution is far and away the preeminate scientific theory, and the theory has endured for well over a hundred years even as tremedous technological advancements have been made. Additionally, nothing discovered in the fossil record of the last 100 plus years has run counter to the theory of evolution.
Evolution is a theory.

Yeds and no...

Evolution is not always a good thing, every time something is born it is slightly different that the parents and siblings... It's just the way things are.

Creationism is not even a theory, it’s an idea and a shitty one at that. Creationism has absolutely ZERO proof what so ever. Evolution in no way disproves God while creationism’s sole purpose is to counter evolution for NO FUCKING REASON. Creationism is LITEARLLY religious noobs putting words in GODS mouth.

Nothing you've mentioned matters. The fact is Americans have the right to believe whatever they want to regarding God. That's is what the US Constitution states. A lot of people are confused. You have the right to your opinion, but you do not have the right to determine who can believe what and what is credible and what isn't. That's not your right.

Yes but when bitchs claim evolution should not be taught in schools, or creationism should be allowed to be taught in schools things get REALLY fucking dumb quickstyle.

The constitution also never mentions the Christian God, ever… so lets leave that crap outa the thread please.

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