The creationists are BACK

And im just trying to have a debate. Dont leave, lets have a more productive conversation. Simpler. Will you answer one question?

Are those three different species of jackal related at all?
Hey JS..there's a Mexican wolf, too!

This is more likely to put in an appearance in Texas than the Maned Wolf...

Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)


"Mexican wolves are native to western Texas, southern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona and Mexico. However, there are no known Mexican wolves in the wild today."

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: lupus
Subspecies: baileyi

Height: 26 - 32 inches
Length: 54 - 65 inches
Weight: 50 - 90 lbs
Gestation: 63 days
Offspring: 4 - 6
Hey JS..there's a Mexican wolf, too!

This is more likely to put in an appearance in Texas than the Maned Wolf...

Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)


"Mexican wolves are native to western Texas, southern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona and Mexico. However, there are no known Mexican wolves in the wild today."

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: lupus
Subspecies: baileyi

Height: 26 - 32 inches
Length: 54 - 65 inches
Weight: 50 - 90 lbs
Gestation: 63 days
Offspring: 4 - 6

Whats your point? Congrats on providing the stats for a subspecies of the lupus species. What does that prove? That example is variation within species, no one is arguing that. Of course variation within species exists thats a simple concept. Im trying to prove to you that animals that are not within the same species, are none the less undeniably related.

Are those three Jackal species i posted last page related at all? What about those three hominid skulls i linked to? What do you make of those?
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Hey JS..there's a Mexican wolf, too!

This is more likely to put in an appearance in Texas than the Maned Wolf...

Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)


"Mexican wolves are native to western Texas, southern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona and Mexico. However, there are no known Mexican wolves in the wild today."

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: lupus
Subspecies: baileyi

Height: 26 - 32 inches
Length: 54 - 65 inches
Weight: 50 - 90 lbs
Gestation: 63 days
Offspring: 4 - 6

Heavier darker version. That looks very similar, AB. Hmmm . . . I thought the Mexican Wolf had an Alamo done it by WWII. Maybe not.
Still, if you aren't trying to use it to explain away God, then why on earth do you bring it up every time the topic of creation comes up?

Then whine that it has nothing to do with creation?

Because you don't think it exists, and because you want to teach faith in a science class.

I do believe that ID and or are creationism should be taught in public school, in the humanities.
Isn't teaching that humans evolved from some missing link teaching faith as well?
Hey JS..there's a Mexican wolf, too!

This is more likely to put in an appearance in Texas than the Maned Wolf...

Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)


"Mexican wolves are native to western Texas, southern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona and Mexico. However, there are no known Mexican wolves in the wild today."

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: lupus
Subspecies: baileyi

Height: 26 - 32 inches
Length: 54 - 65 inches
Weight: 50 - 90 lbs
Gestation: 63 days
Offspring: 4 - 6

Whats your point? Congrats on providing the stats for a subspecies of the lupus species. What does that prove? That example is variation within species, no one is arguing that. Of course variation within species exists thats a simple concept. Im trying to prove to you that animals that are not within the same species, are none the less undeniably related.

Are those three Jackal species i posted last page related at all? What about those three hominid skulls i linked to? What do you make of those?

You retard, I provided this for another poster who spotted an unknown canine in Texas. It has nothing to do with you.
Still, if you aren't trying to use it to explain away God, then why on earth do you bring it up every time the topic of creation comes up?

Then whine that it has nothing to do with creation?

Because you don't think it exists, and because you want to teach faith in a science class.

I do believe that ID and or are creationism should be taught in public school, in the humanities.
Isn't teaching that humans evolved from some missing link teaching faith as well?

Science is a faith devoted to observation and self correction, thats why i trust it. All other faiths have at the very core the idea that they provide absolute truth. Science has at the very core the presupposition that its statements are probably wrong until supported by fact.

Evolution has been debated for 150 years by the smartest people on the planet. It is fact.

And there is no single missing link. Thats a stupid concept invented by people that dont understand evolution. There is no single missing link. There are a few million of years worth of transitional fossils from the time period between the first ape and the first human. Humans are primates.

What about Australopithecus Africanus, and Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus. Those are just the most well known transitional fossils, should i find more?
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Hey JS..there's a Mexican wolf, too!

This is more likely to put in an appearance in Texas than the Maned Wolf...

Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)


"Mexican wolves are native to western Texas, southern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona and Mexico. However, there are no known Mexican wolves in the wild today."

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: lupus
Subspecies: baileyi

Height: 26 - 32 inches
Length: 54 - 65 inches
Weight: 50 - 90 lbs
Gestation: 63 days
Offspring: 4 - 6

Whats your point? Congrats on providing the stats for a subspecies of the lupus species. What does that prove? That example is variation within species, no one is arguing that. Of course variation within species exists thats a simple concept. Im trying to prove to you that animals that are not within the same species, are none the less undeniably related.

Are those three Jackal species i posted last page related at all? What about those three hominid skulls i linked to? What do you make of those?

You retard, I provided this for another poster who spotted an unknown canine in Texas. It has nothing to do with you.

So why does that mean you cant answer the simple question?
Science was fairly certain that illness was caused by little demons in our bellies for a long time.

Science also told us that everything revolved around the earth, and the earth was flat.

It's great how science is always right.
Because you don't think it exists, and because you want to teach faith in a science class.

I do believe that ID and or are creationism should be taught in public school, in the humanities.
Isn't teaching that humans evolved from some missing link teaching faith as well?

Science is a faith devoted to observation and self correction, thats why i trust it. All other faiths have at the very core the idea that they provide absolute truth. Science has at the very core the presupposition that its statements are probably wrong until supported by fact.

Evolution has been debated for 150 years by the smartest people on the planet. It is fact.

So you trust something that constantly proves itself wrong over something that science has yet to have been able to prove is wrong.
Within species or traversing species? No one has argued the theory of evolution within species here. There is no evidence of evolution across species.
There is PROFUSE evidence of intermediate species and more is found and PREDICTABLE Because OF Evolution.
The Fossil record does indeed get More Filled in every year with by Fossils Only predictable by evolution.
Fossils, Isotopic Dating, Archaeology, DNA Regression analysis, ALL consistent with Evolution.

"15 Answers" again.


Congrats, you know how to post a link to anti-religious websites that really don't prove much of anything. I can do that too... /articles/nab2/humans-evolve-apelike-creatures]Chapter 8: Did Humans Really Evolve from Apelike Creatures? - Answers in Genesis[/url]

Evolutionary Starting Assumptions
While Bible-believing Christians begin with the assumption that God’s Word is true and that man’s ancestry goes back only to a fully human Adam and Eve, evolutionists begin with the
assumption that man has, in fact, evolved from apes. No paleoanthropologists (those who study the fossil evidence for man’s origin) would dare to seriously raise the question,
“Did man evolve from apes?” The only permissible question is, “From which apes did man evolve?”
You're an IDIOT.

Scientific American is not "anti-Religous".
See Anything about religion on their home page?
Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American
They are a SCIENCE website. They occassionally debunk some voodoo Idiots when those idiots try and Inject their Dogma/Dogdo in the Public Discourse.
They do NOT object to people believing in a God.


Answers in Genesis' 'about us'.
About Answers in Genesis - Answers in Genesis
"Answers in Genesis is an Apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) Ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.
We focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible.
We also desire to train others to develop a biblical worldview, and seek to expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas, and its bedfellow, a “millions of years old” earth (and even older universe).

Need we go further?

These people, probably even Stupider than you (mebbe); believe the earth is 6000 years old and Men and Dinosaurs roamed the planet together.
They are not just believers and creationists they are YEC/Young Earth Creationists.
The Dumbest of the Dumb.
To believe the earth is only 6000 years old you have to DENY most of the world basic sciences like simple geology, and dendochronology (Tree ring dating/counting) that anyone can understand.
Not to mention, archaeology, Biology, Isotopic dating, DNA, Sociology, Paleantology, etc, etc, etc,

So no. 'answersingenesis' doesn't answer sciam and you too brain-dead to even cite the relevant portions to the discussions as I did.
Scientific American started in 1845, 14 years Before Darwin Published his famous treatise on Evolution, Origin of the Species.

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Science was fairly certain that illness was caused by little demons in our bellies for a long time.

Science also told us that everything revolved around the earth, and the earth was flat.

It's great how science is always right.

Are you fucking serious you retard? That is not science. Just because the "smart" people of that time said it back then that doesnt mean its science at all. Science must be supported by fact and observation. If its not, then its just a guess made by someone that thinks its smart. Scientific method has only existed since the 18th century, since Sir Francis Bacon and Newton.

Aristotle thought the four elements were air, water, earth, and fire. That doesnt mean its science, its philosophical nonsense.
Isn't teaching that humans evolved from some missing link teaching faith as well?

Science is a faith devoted to observation and self correction, thats why i trust it. All other faiths have at the very core the idea that they provide absolute truth. Science has at the very core the presupposition that its statements are probably wrong until supported by fact.

Evolution has been debated for 150 years by the smartest people on the planet. It is fact.

So you trust something that constantly proves itself wrong over something that science has yet to have been able to prove is wrong.

Just because you make a statement doent mean it is assumed true until proved false. Its presumed false until it can be proved true. And then its always able to be proved false, if scientists are able to. When you say "god exists", its on you to provide evidence that it exists, not on me to prove it doesnt. I cant prove that something doesnt exist if you cant prove it does.

Science doesnt propose an idea without evidence. Once an idea is proposed its just an idea until more evidence can be supported. Then other scientists attempt to prove it wrong. If it cant be proved wrong it becomes more accepted. The longer it lasts, the more accepted.

How does that not sound like solid logic. Evolution hasnt been proved wrong once in 150 years.
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Science is a faith devoted to observation and self correction, thats why i trust it. All other faiths have at the very core the idea that they provide absolute truth. Science has at the very core the presupposition that its statements are probably wrong until supported by fact.

Evolution has been debated for 150 years by the smartest people on the planet. It is fact.

So you trust something that constantly proves itself wrong over something that science has yet to have been able to prove is wrong.

Just because you make a statement doent mean it is assumed true until proved false. Its presumed false until it can be proved true. And then its always able to be proved false, if scientists are able to. When you say "god exists", its on you to provide evidence that it exists, not on me to prove it doesnt. I cant prove that something doesnt exist if you cant prove it does.

Science doesnt propose an idea without evidence. Once an idea is proposed its just an idea until more evidence can be supported. Then other scientists attempt to prove it wrong. If it cant be proved wrong it becomes more accepted. The longer it lasts, the more accepted.

How does that not sound like solid logic. Evolution hasnt been proved wrong once in 150 years.

There is a big difference between evolution and man evolving from a common ancestory to other species. Religion wouldn't argue that men have evolved over time. That has never been in dispute.

Religion hasn't been proved wrong for many millenium :cool:
The onus isn't upon detractors to prove it wrong, it's upon the supporter of any idea to prove it TRUE.

Well, i believe in the flying meatball monster. I didn't get my belief from a book, I got it from a cartoon that was created by other humans. Just like the belief books.

All praise to the meatball monster!!
Science was fairly certain that illness was caused by little demons in our bellies for a long time.

Science also told us that everything revolved around the earth, and the earth was flat.

It's great how science is always right.

People still think illness is part of God's plan.

The Bible still says you can see the entire earth from a tall hill (aka flat earth).

Science continues to learn more and advance, the Bible stays in the era thousands of years ago, proven wrong time and time again but unable to change.
I have never held the bible up as a scientific document. It's complex, ancient, and has all the missed nuances and context that are to be expected from an ancient document in which many of the words may or may not be what we read them as...
There is PROFUSE evidence of intermediate species and more is found and PREDICTABLE Because OF Evolution.
The Fossil record does indeed get More Filled in every year with by Fossils Only predictable by evolution.
Fossils, Isotopic Dating, Archaeology, DNA Regression analysis, ALL consistent with Evolution.

"15 Answers" again.


Congrats, you know how to post a link to anti-religious websites that really don't prove much of anything. I can do that too... /articles/nab2/humans-evolve-apelike-creatures]Chapter 8: Did Humans Really Evolve from Apelike Creatures? - Answers in Genesis[/url]

Evolutionary Starting Assumptions
While Bible-believing Christians begin with the assumption that God’s Word is true and that man’s ancestry goes back only to a fully human Adam and Eve, evolutionists begin with the
assumption that man has, in fact, evolved from apes. No paleoanthropologists (those who study the fossil evidence for man’s origin) would dare to seriously raise the question,
“Did man evolve from apes?” The only permissible question is, “From which apes did man evolve?”
You're an IDIOT.

Scientific American is not "anti-Religous".
See Anything about religion on their home page?
Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American
They are a SCIENCE website. They occassionally debunk some voodoo Idiots when those idiots try and Inject their Dogma/Dogdo in the Public Discourse.
They do NOT object to people believing in a God.


Answers in Genesis' 'about us'.
About Answers in Genesis - Answers in Genesis
"Answers in Genesis is an Apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) Ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.
We focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible.
We also desire to train others to develop a biblical worldview, and seek to expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas, and its bedfellow, a “millions of years old” earth (and even older universe).

Need we go further?

These people, probably even Stupider than you (mebbe); believe the earth is 6000 years old and Men and Dinosaurs roamed the planet together.
They are not just believers and creationists they are YEC/Young Earth Creationists.
The Dumbest of the Dumb.
To believe the earth is only 6000 years old you have to DENY most of the world basic sciences like simple geology, and dendochronology (Tree ring dating/counting) that anyone can understand.
Not to mention, archaeology, Biology, Isotopic dating, DNA, Sociology, Paleantology, etc, etc, etc,

So no. 'answersingenesis' doesn't answer sciam and you too brain-dead to even cite the relevant portions to the discussions as I did.
Scientific American started in 1845, 14 years Before Darwin Published his famous treatise on Evolution, Origin of the Species.


All I have to do is read the title of the stupid article to see the blatant bias. Give me a freakin' break. :cuckoo:

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
by John Rennie, Editor in Chief

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