The curious "radio-silence" of USMB's Trumpeteers

Geez, with the self described "320 years of history" wouldn't you think the poster could remember the Obama campaign. I mean "hope and change", WTF?

that campaign was before the GOP morphed into the party of no.



Just a little reminder everything being said about Trump today cult of personality, charisma, style. flash, no substance was said about Obama in 2008 by and large by the same people now backing Trump and the same people going after Trump on this are also by and large the same ones who backed Obama in 2008. Just a little something for all concerned to consider.

hmmmm. the big difference with that comparison, is trump has a documented history that blatantly shows his blunders, flipflopping, backpeddling, etc.... & people STILL believe what he's saying despite the facts.

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