The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

How are these "experts" defined, these determining causal relationships? The subject is an experimental non-vaccine.
' cases were confirmed by experts suggesting a causal relationship between vaccination and death....reporting rates after the third shot were lower than the background incidence rates, except for myocarditis and pericarditis.'

It's doubtful these "experts" compared the SARS2 spike in all of these "vaccines" with myocarditis and heart failure in Baric's 1992 bat lab rabbit coronaviruses.

Do they need to attend law school like RFK before you'll trust their expertise?

Here is the initial study:

In total, 52,805 participants responded to a symptom survey following their first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The surveys were conducted via text, email, phone calls, and smartphone applications over the 3 days following each vaccination.
The team used the health records of the employees to identify anaphylaxis.

‘Extremely low’ reactions​

The researchers found that 2.1%, or 1,365, of the employees had experienced an acute allergic reaction and that 0.025%, or 16, had experienced anaphylaxis.

While only 2% sounds low, the reality is there should not be ANY anaphylaxis, which is swelling of the heart.
A vaccine should not get to the heart, and if it does, should not cause the immune system to attack the heart.
They are calling it an allergic response, but the reality is that means the immune system started attacking the heart and killing cells.
That means the mRNA instructions did not stay in the arm muscle as they claimed would happen.
And with a potential of 300 million people to vaccinate, that means 6 million people are going to get this dangerous anaphylaxis.
That is not at all acceptible.
The risk from covid is much lower than that, since it only has a lethality of 0.02%.
So the mRNA vax is 100 times more risky then covid, if you are under 70 years of age.

Vaccines can cause anaphylaxis, but I've yet to read that anaphylaxis described as a swelling of the heart as the one major symptom. Myocarditis can cause this though and is a well known adverse reaction in a number of vaccines, particularly the smallpox vaccine, and in much higher numbers than the mrna ones. I guess this makes you completely wrong.

Over 5.5 billion people are fully vaccinated. If 2% of vaccinated ppl get anaphylaxis from the shot that would mean 110 million got it. Are doctors and health agencies around the world hiding the fact that 110 million people got anaphylaxis from the vaccines? :cuckoo:
Vaccines can cause anaphylaxis, but I've yet to read that anaphylaxis described as a swelling of the heart as the one major symptom. Myocarditis can cause this though and is a well known adverse reaction in a number of vaccines, particularly the smallpox vaccine, and in much higher numbers than the mrna ones. I guess this makes you completely wrong.

Over 5.5 billion people are fully vaccinated. If 2% of vaccinated ppl get anaphylaxis from the shot that would mean 110 million got it. Are doctors and health agencies around the world hiding the fact that 110 million people got anaphylaxis from the vaccines? :cuckoo:
And what do you claim is the fatality rate of this covid you so admire? Last I read it was less than your vaunted 2%.
Fatality rates of the actual, whole virus infection can't be measured against fatality rates in the "vaccinated" because only the spike protein of the virus is used in the "vaccine."
Fatality rates of the actual, whole virus infection can't be measured against fatality rates in the "vaccinated" because only the spike protein of the virus is used in the "vaccine."
So how would you construct a study? Perhaps a few thousand people who have been vaccinated v a few thousand who have not been vaccinated?
who would pay for said study comes to mind....~S~
Not all studies are incredibly expensive. In fact, if a student finds a MD or PhD to take an idea for a study to the IRB, access to the hospital or university data base could be nearly free. A historical study could be very very robust with the millions and millions who have been vaccinated and the millions who have not. So um, of course the studies are conducted and peer reviewed all the time. You peeps are crazy.
Not all studies are incredibly expensive. In fact, if a student finds a MD or PhD to take an idea for a study to the IRB, access to the hospital or university data base could be nearly free. A historical study could be very very robust with the millions and millions who have been vaccinated and the millions who have not. So um, of course the studies are conducted and peer reviewed all the time. You peeps are crazy.
Possibly what you claim, but when the government gets involved (for veracity of course) it becomes extremely expensive.
Possibly what you claim, but when the government gets involved (for veracity of course) it becomes extremely expensive.
This is where you people go to Sillyville. The government cannot stop knowledge. I understand why no one else on this forum tries to explain why you are just simply wrong, the conspiracy nuts suck all the sane thinking out of the room.
This is where you people go to Sillyville. The government cannot stop knowledge. I understand why no one else on this forum tries to explain why you are just simply wrong, the conspiracy nuts suck all the sane thinking out of the room.
The one who is wrong here is you. Example, the covid outbreak and the problems it brought forth were extremely expensive and misguided, as we now know. Many people on this forum have tried to inform you of this but you constantly ignore their words.

This exposes your desire to go along with what the government declares without regard to how wrong it is. Thus making you a "conspiracy nut" in your own right. All of your denials prove this to be true.
The one who is wrong here is you. Example, the covid outbreak and the problems it brought forth were extremely expensive and misguided, as we now know. Many people on this forum have tried to inform you of this but you constantly ignore their words.

This exposes your desire to go along with what the government declares without regard to how wrong it is. Thus making you a "conspiracy nut" in your own right. All of your denials prove this to be true.
Of course.
This comedian has the best take on the vaccines I have seen. It's comedy but it nails the gullible weaklings who trust the government and the "science."


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