The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Yes, trust the comedy. Good thinking.
It's been my experience for almost 80 years that comedians could get away with telling the truth through comedy. After all these years, the progressive liberal pukes have figured it out and now are cancelling comedy. Just look at all the comedians and comedy shows that have been the victims of cancel culture. That's why I have been preaching about We The People need to assemble with torches, pitchforks and hang ropes and take our country back. So watch your step, Commie.
It's been my experience for almost 80 years that comedians could get away with telling the truth through comedy. After all these years, the progressive liberal pukes have figured it out and now are cancelling comedy. Just look at all the comedians and comedy shows that have been the victims of cancel culture. That's why I have been preaching about We The People need to assemble with torches, pitchforks and hang ropes and take our country back. So watch your step, Commie.
You are bat shit crazy.
For "the truth through comedy" try listening to "progressive liberal puke" David Feldman for a change:
Uncancelled for some thirteen years now..
Yohng-Zhen Zhang, the first human to sequence SARS2, is also an author that links to cervical cancer surveillance of Chinese girls and women.

We've already shown SARS2 virus parts in Lyme ticks on Long Island, Ixodes scapularis, 2008. The Elf's major PI (principal investigator), Paul Offit, smuggled a circovirus into the Gardasil vaccine for young girls and women, as RFK Jr. tells us in The Real Anthony Fauci. Here we link the same Long Island, New York tick, not only to both psychopaths mentioned above, but also to a Wuhan Institute of Virology circovirus from bats:

Circovirus / Ixodes scapularis
'collected 2014 Columbia University, N.Y., Ixodes scapularis.'

Wuhan Bat Circovirus
'....collected Sep 2009.'
And what do you claim is the fatality rate of this covid you so admire? Last I read it was less than your vaunted 2%.

How is it "my vaunted 2%" when I've never even made this claim in the first place. I was responding to someone else's irrational logic and fear mongering, much like I do with you.
No, they have to tell the truth and demonstrate that they know it to be considered expert. Just like you are not considered exper4t on anything.

Who exactly is claiming to be an expert? Are you an expert then? Where are your credentials on virology, immunology and vaccinology?

Why are we questioning experts who have studied and worked in this field their entire lives but we're not questioning lawyers, like RFK, who pretend to know anything about viruses and vaccines? Ever ask yourself that question?
It's been my experience for almost 80 years that comedians could get away with telling the truth through comedy. After all these years, the progressive liberal pukes have figured it out and now are cancelling comedy. Just look at all the comedians and comedy shows that have been the victims of cancel culture. That's why I have been preaching about We The People need to assemble with torches, pitchforks and hang ropes and take our country back. So watch your step, Commie.

So you get your science facts from comedians? Explains a lot.
How is it "my vaunted 2%" when I've never even made this claim in the first place. I was responding to someone else's irrational logic and fear mongering, much like I do with you.
Re-read your post. You cited the 2% as if it were a fact. You seem to not be able to keep your lies straight.
The one who is wrong here is you. Example, the covid outbreak and the problems it brought forth were extremely expensive and misguided, as we now know. Many people on this forum have tried to inform you of this but you constantly ignore their words.

This exposes your desire to go along with what the government declares without regard to how wrong it is. Thus making you a "conspiracy nut" in your own right. All of your denials prove this to be true.

Right......because no government in the world should respond to a pandemic, and just let a runaway virus take it's course. Gotcha. When has that happened in the history of modern civilization, when governments had the means and the science in order to stop it? hmmm
If someone posts something on Twitter, then we must believe it, especially if it's a by a comedian.
Dipshit, you haven't the IQ to debate the science in that post nor the facts in the one before it. We can see from other sources that there is also truncated mRNA involved. Thus you get doubly lost and doubly left behind. Suggested reading, then, is Zizek, Enjoy Your Symptom!
Re-read your post. You cited the 2% as if it were a fact. You seem to not be able to keep your lies straight.

I cited it because i was responding to Rigby, who himself considered it a real stat, not I, dumbass. I was making an argument on how it was extremely improbable, given the numbers. You have a serious reading comprehension problem.
Who exactly is claiming to be an expert? Are you an expert then? Where are your credentials on virology, immunology and vaccinology?

Why are we questioning experts who have studied and worked in this field their entire lives but we're not questioning lawyers, like RFK, who pretend to know anything about viruses and vaccines? Ever ask yourself that question?
We study these "experts" because they have proven to be wrong most of the time. Even you should be able to see this, if you are honest with yourself.

I have never claimed to be an expert, that is your assumption. I state opinion s, backed by the facts. You cite assumptions backed by false information. We tend to accept the opinions of others because they have been briefed by non political sources who have actual biased information that leads to the truth, something that you are dead set against coming to light, You prefer to just go with the lies that you are told and attacking who differ from your desires to defend your falsehoods and that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, even with the full knowledge that you are continually wrong and in spite of making a fool of yourself and confirming the fact with y our every post.
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