The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Who exactly is claiming to be an expert? Are you an expert then? Where are your credentials on virology, immunology and vaccinology?

Why are we questioning experts who have studied and worked in this field their entire lives but we're not questioning lawyers, like RFK, who pretend to know anything about viruses and vaccines? Ever ask yourself that question?
Stupid, there is no way for you to win this: RFK Jr. was one of the only Homo sapiens on earth who pointed to David Crosby's plight by precisely mentioning SASR2 vaccinations linked to Crosby's hepatitis C. RFK Jr. is published, and you are not. We suggest a basic text on virology. Try to keep up.
I have posted many times my first hand account, the death of my son shortly after getting the jab. If you can't read, that is not my fault or concern, you brain dead imbecile.

I never said that I had done tens of thousands of interviews, you did. And try to say that I said it. Just another of your lies, you moron. As for the rest of your comments, Yawn. Repeating your lies does not make them true, as you seem to think. It just makes you confirmed to be even more stupid. If that is possible.


You made it a point that in order to speak on this subject you needed "first hand" knowledge of this virus, so do you have it? Where is all your important first hand medical knowledge of covid and vaccines? Tell me.
I cited it because i was responding to Rigby, who himself considered it a real stat, not I, dumbass. I was making an argument on how it was extremely improbable, given the numbers. You have a serious reading comprehension problem.
You cited it because you wanted it to be true, in spite of the mounting evidence that it is a bogus claim. By your doing so, you embraced it as fact, no matter how you try to squirm out of your statement.

Another example of your idiocy.
Dipshit, you haven't the IQ to debate the science in that post nor the facts in the one before it. We can see from other sources that there is also truncated mRNA involved. Thus you get doubly lost and doubly left behind. Suggested reading, then, is Zizek, Enjoy Your Symptom!

Right, because someone who gets their science facts from twitter and lawyers does have the necessary science iq. When it comes to science iq you are one of the biggest snakeoil salesman on this forum. Your head is filled with every minute detail you've read from randos on twitter or some right wing conspiracy website and now suddenly you can claim to be an expert in the field, so to speak, lol. Mental institutions are filled with ppl just like yourself. All with claims of high science iqs. :auiqs.jpg:
Right, because someone who gets their science facts from twitter and lawyers does have the necessary science iq. When it comes to science iq you are one of the biggest snakeoil salesman on this forum. Your head is filled with every minute detail you've read from randos on twitter or some right wing conspiracy website and now suddenly you can claim to be an expert in the field, so to speak, lol. Mental institutions are filled with ppl just like yourself. All with claims of high science iqs. :auiqs.jpg:

Your science iq is about -3.
You cited it because you wanted it to be true, in spite of the mounting evidence that it is a bogus claim. By your doing so, you embraced it as fact, no matter how you try to squirm out of your statement.

Another example of your idiocy.

No i cited Rigby's claim of 2% anaphylaxis for the purposes of refuting his statement. Any normal person could see that. I find it funny that you are somehow randomly choosing this hill to die on because it makes you look insanely stupid right now. Here are your problems, you don't read, when you do read you have a serious reading comprehension issue, and then you couple it with your irrational or disordered thoughts and we end up with posts like the one above.
Right, because someone who gets their science facts from twitter and lawyers does have the necessary science iq. When it comes to science iq you are one of the biggest snakeoil salesman on this forum. Your head is filled with every minute detail you've read from randos on twitter or some right wing conspiracy website and now suddenly you can claim to be an expert in the field, so to speak, lol. Mental institutions are filled with ppl just like yourself. All with claims of high science iqs. :auiqs.jpg:
Once again, exposing your lack of IQ. You have never once asked what Badgers' sources are, just dismiss anything that shows you to be wrong, which every statement you make proves that to be the case. As stated, you have no measurable IQ or relation to the truth.
No i cited Rigby's claim of 2% anaphylaxis for the purposes of refuting his statement. Any normal person could see that. I find it funny that you are somehow randomly choosing this hill to die on because it makes you look insanely stupid right now. Here are your problems, you don't read, when you do read you have a serious reading comprehension issue, and then you couple it with your irrational or disordered thoughts and we end up with posts like the one above.
You continue to get your insults wrong. You say I claim things that I never said, stupid. You ay that I refer to facts that are not facts, yet you continue to not be able to refute them, stupid. You say that I don't read and then say that I do, stupid and confused. You say that I don't comprehend what I read or don't read, projection on your stupid part.

In other words, you lie and get frustrated when it is pointed out to you since you cannot stand the truth.

I told you that you should quit posting while you think that you can still claim some kind of veracity. This posts that you have no veracity, only a growing amount of evidence that you actually know nothing on this subject, or any other subject.
We study these "experts" because they have proven to be wrong most of the time. Even you should be able to see this, if you are honest with yourself.

I have never claimed to be an expert, that is your assumption. I state opinion s, backed by the facts. You cite assumptions backed by false information. We tend to accept the opinions of others because they have been briefed by non political sources who have actual biased information that leads to the truth, something that you are dead set against coming to light, You prefer to just go with the lies that you are told and attacking who differ from your desires to defend your falsehoods and that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, even with the full knowledge that you are continually wrong and in spite of making a fool of yourself and confirming the fact with y our every post.

You may not have said outright that you're expert, but you require "first hand" knowledge of covid/vaccines, etc in order to discuss this subject. Typically ppl who ask for such things have it themselves, which is why I'm asking to see your credentials and the "first hand" scientific research you've done on covid. I'm sure you have it ready to go. I'm anxious to see it.

You rely on the "opinions," of random ppl online, which include anyone who works in fast food, to celebs, to garbage men and you just go off your feelings from there. I rely on health organizations, research teams here and abroad, who have done the science, who have completed the clinical trials, who have been peer reviewed, which is extremely important, and who have actual legitimate scientific backgrounds in viruses and immunology. Many have gone so far as to do large done double blind studies into the effects of the vaccine. These are the people whom I listen to. Who would you say is many times more prone to "cite assumptions backed by false information?" You or I? Hmmmm

You may not have said outright that you're expert, but you require "first hand" knowledge of covid/vaccines, etc in order to discuss this subject. Typically ppl who ask for such things have it themselves, which is why I'm asking to see your credentials and the "first hand" scientific research you've done on covid. I'm sure you have it ready to go. I'm anxious to see it.

You rely on the "opinions," of random ppl online, which include anyone who works in fast food, to celebs, to garbage men and you just go off your feelings from there. I rely on health organizations, research teams here and abroad, who have done the science, who have completed the clinical trials, who have been peer reviewed, which is extremely important, and who have actual legitimate scientific backgrounds in viruses and immunology. Many have gone so far as to do large done double blind studies into the effects of the vaccine. These are the people whom I listen to. Who would you say is many times more prone to "cite assumptions backed by false information?" You or I? Hmmmm
Yea, he doesn't even understand the twisted "science" he is cutting and pasting. I had 2 micro classes in college and it has indeed been a while, but I know enough to know I do not understand the molecular structure of RNA or DNA viruses, or anything close. That would be years more education. In fact, I think when I was in school they were not really sure there were DNA viruses because I remember one of my professors insisting viruses had only RNA. I kinda basically understand how epidemics work but again I only have a Masters degree, I understand the numbers but not the mechanics. I think my Masters program just really helped me to know what I don't know.
You continue to get your insults wrong. You say I claim things that I never said, stupid. You ay that I refer to facts that are not facts, yet you continue to not be able to refute them, stupid. You say that I don't read and then say that I do, stupid and confused. You say that I don't comprehend what I read or don't read, projection on your stupid part.

In other words, you lie and get frustrated when it is pointed out to you since you cannot stand the truth.

I told you that you should quit posting while you think that you can still claim some kind of veracity. This posts that you have no veracity, only a growing amount of evidence that you actually know nothing on this subject, or any other subject.

Stop, just stop. We go through this over and over because you have the reading level of a 7 year old. I'm sorry but this true. Then when you reply, it's just a garbled mess of paranoia and weird statements that make no sense. That liar, liar quote I made for you accurately depicts this, lol.

Questioning someone on their claims, doesn't mean I'm embracing those claims as if they're true, if anything it's the complete reverse. I've explained this insanely simple concept to you before but you continue to double and triple down on your remedial reading skills. Why, I don't know.
Yea, he doesn't even understand the twisted "science" he is cutting and pasting. I had 2 micro classes in college and it has indeed been a while, but I know enough to know I do not understand the molecular structure of RNA or DNA viruses, or anything close. That would be years more education. In fact, I think when I was in school they were not really sure there were DNA viruses because I remember one of my professors insisting viruses had only RNA. I kinda basically understand how epidemics work but again I only have a Masters degree, I understand the numbers but not the mechanics. I think my Masters program just really helped me to know what I don't know.

You have a masters degree and Catman barely made out of grade school education, yet he's asking for first hand knowledge of viruses in order to talk about covid and the vaccines. It all makes sense now.
You may not have said outright that you're expert, but you require "first hand" knowledge of covid/vaccines, etc in order to discuss this subject. Typically ppl who ask for such things have it themselves, which is why I'm asking to see your credentials and the "first hand" scientific research you've done on covid. I'm sure you have it ready to go. I'm anxious to see it.

You rely on the "opinions," of random ppl online, which include anyone who works in fast food, to celebs, to garbage men and you just go off your feelings from there. I rely on health organizations, research teams here and abroad, who have done the science, who have completed the clinical trials, who have been peer reviewed, which is extremely important, and who have actual legitimate scientific backgrounds in viruses and immunology. Many have gone so far as to do large done double blind studies into the effects of the vaccine. These are the people whom I listen to. Who would you say is many times more prone to "cite assumptions backed by false information?" You or I? Hmmmm
You finally admit that you listen to those who you have no actual knowledge of what they have learned or what they actually say or know. Or if they are supported by big pharma and the government to say what they are told to say. Yet insist that they know best. Without actual evidence. Once again you have outed yourself as a wannabe and just believe what you are told. Assine.

Again, I have provided you with first had knowledge and you choose to not believe it. Seems you have a preconceived notions, that you refuse to give up or question. Show you to be lying, again. Those "false assumptions" you claim are all on your side of the aisle, again.
Stop, just stop. We go through this over and over because you have the reading level of a 7 year old. I'm sorry but this true. Then when you reply, it's just a garbled mess of paranoia and weird statements that make no sense. That liar, liar quote I made for you accurately depicts this, lol.

Questioning someone on their claims, doesn't mean I'm embracing those claims as if they're true, if anything it's the complete reverse. I've explained this insanely simple concept to you before but you continue to double and triple down on your remedial reading skills. Why, I don't know.
Why? Because you continue to lie at every opportunity, and get pissed off when called on your lies.

Besides, did you not claim that I cannot read? Once again exposing yourself a a liar especially when you turn around and claim that I don't know what I am reading. You continue to display a lack of reading comprehension that is astounding. But we have to consider that it is you making the claim, which means that you are wrong again.
Right, because someone who gets their science facts from twitter and lawyers does have the necessary science iq. When it comes to science iq you are one of the biggest snakeoil salesman on this forum. Your head is filled with every minute detail you've read from randos on twitter or some right wing conspiracy website and now suddenly you can claim to be an expert in the field, so to speak, lol. Mental institutions are filled with ppl just like yourself. All with claims of high science iqs. :auiqs.jpg:
You contradict yourself. Most all of badger's posts are peer-reviewed.
These low IQs are ignoring peer-reviewed sources even posted to Twitter and doctors on Twitter. Show these posts that sidestep peer-reviewed sources and we will add them to wherever there's a gap.

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