The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

As readers know, there have been plenty of times URLs do not work at USMB. The pathological symptom is the low IQs that can't objectively address the actual science being posted.
When you think the deep state is toying with you, you got a problem.
First, I doubt, in fact know, that you have not contacted "the whole world" to support your lies. Open your eyes and see that even the MSM is reporting on the massive resistance to your claim. Even a brain dead liar such as yourself can see that if you just open your eyes and see the truth, but you won't since it would force you to admit that you are wrong and you just can't admit the truth of that. BTW, you support that fact that you are lying by claiming the whole world believes something than admitting that there are those who do not believe it. You really are a stupid sack of garbage and you provide the truth of that statement.

Second, once again you accuse others of doing exactly what you do and apparently do not even see it. Then deny any evidence to the contrary to your lies. You are getting yourself
in too deep while trying to sound intelligent, and failing, in that endeavor.

More and more doctors are admitting that this shot is not safe, something I know from personal and vivid experience. Even your supposed precious agencies have changed their minds on the subject more time thatn can be counted. Only morons such as yourse3lf still blindly believe any of their claims.

If you were not such an incredible example of stupidity I would almost feel sorry for you. But with your every lying post you make that ever less likely, to impossible.

First, who around the world is outraged over the vaccine like your cult is? The hysteria around it is mostly isolated to north america, because this is where most of the tinfoil in the world is located. Check out Japan, a country of 125-130 million people and they've only experienced 1368 deaths soon after vaccination but they have not found a causal relationship between the vaccine and those deaths. Like I said before, deaths simply happen sometimes, during the pfizer trials 5 ppl died, and 3 had been given a placebo. Do you see Japan freaking out over those 1300 deaths like the snowflakes we have here? Do they create conspiracies out of those 1300 deaths? No. Deaths happen sometimes. Could some be the result of anaphylaxis or something else, sure, but it happens with all vaccines. There's no such thing as a perfect drug. Grow up. The irony is you ppl will focus on that smaller number forever and quickly forget the over 1 million covid deaths we had in this country.

Second, not a single person here has challenged me to provide proof on any particular claim I've made, but I'd be happy to do so! Nothing I've said is some wacky theory that goes against conventional wisdom. It's not made up. I didn't it get from twitter, or some rando newsleter or hear it on a rando podcast or fb. I don't hide from facts like antivaxxers often do, so this repetitive accusation of me doing the same thing is comical. You continue to use it because you're desperate, desperate because you really have nothing of substance to fight back with. You don't even quote or reference any antivax propaganda, it's just a natural part of your brainwashing so you just accept whatever you hear in passing as the truth and rely on that. What need is there to research tinfoil "facts" even at that point.

Show me all these "doctors" you speak of. Out of all the doctors out there what percentage do they make up? What agencies have changed their minds that the vaccine is now no longer safe? TELL ME!

The above is a classic example of what I'm talking about. You or someone else will continue to make statements like this and never provide proof, and when I ask for it, yall tell us to google it or prove it ourselves, which is not only completely illogical but it shows you don't even know the basis for why you believe this in the first place. The greatest irony is what I bolded in the last part of your sentence. It's no wonder why the GOP thinks yall are so easy to control because you continually show them that you're blind, deaf and stupid as hell.
Differences in the more and the less are a false problem in this case because you have been pre-castrated from the facts that Pharma is hiding. The minority has the right to express itself. The unsuccessful minority trumps the successful majority precisely because of Big Pharma's impunity to liability and arrogant anal retentive esoterica.

Not debating the science being posted comes with a price: a head-long fling into numerous little ego deaths.

You have serious amnesia about previous swine flu vaccines being halted in America.

If pharma is hiding facts then show us where they're doing that with actual legit sources. Who is involved, what investigations have there been, where is the evidence?

There is no "science" when one side has actual clinical testing to back and 5.5 billion healthy people to back them up and the other side is busy flinging conspiracy theories and fear mongering.

What does swine flu have to do what I said in my post?
BTW: getting booted out of Military months short of 20yrs service triggers a Pension loss, if i am not mistaken? i read a few complaints about that situation. But not on newsweek you saps.

go get your own links you board clogging spinning loons. Prove it wrong. I have had a bear trap memory, still good.
First, who around the world is outraged over the vaccine like your cult is? The hysteria around it is mostly isolated to north america, because this is where most of the tinfoil in the world is located. Check out Japan, a country of 125-130 million people and they've only experienced 1368 deaths soon after vaccination but they have not found a causal relationship between the vaccine and those deaths. Like I said before, deaths simply happen sometimes, during the pfizer trials 5 ppl died, and 3 had been given a placebo. Do you see Japan freaking out over those 1300 deaths like the snowflakes we have here? Do they create conspiracies out of those 1300 deaths? No. Deaths happen sometimes. Could some be the result of anaphylaxis or something else, sure, but it happens with all vaccines. There's no such thing as a perfect drug. Grow up. The irony is you ppl will focus on that smaller number forever and quickly forget the over 1 million covid deaths we had in this country.

Second, not a single person here has challenged me to provide proof on any particular claim I've made, but I'd be happy to do so! Nothing I've said is some wacky theory that goes against conventional wisdom. It's not made up. I didn't it get from twitter, or some rando newsleter or hear it on a rando podcast or fb. I don't hide from facts like antivaxxers often do, so this repetitive accusation of me doing the same thing is comical. You continue to use it because you're desperate, desperate because you really have nothing of substance to fight back with. You don't even quote or reference any antivax propaganda, it's just a natural part of your brainwashing so you just accept whatever you hear in passing as the truth and rely on that. What need is there to research tinfoil "facts" even at that point.

Show me all these "doctors" you speak of. Out of all the doctors out there what percentage do they make up? What agencies have changed their minds that the vaccine is now no longer safe? TELL ME!

The above is a classic example of what I'm talking about. You or someone else will continue to make statements like this and never provide proof, and when I ask for it, yall tell us to google it or prove it ourselves, which is not only completely illogical but it shows you don't even know the basis for why you believe this in the first place. The greatest irony is what I bolded in the last part of your sentence. It's no wonder why the GOP thinks yall are so easy to control because you continually show them that you're blind, deaf and stupid as hell.
As the resident board loon, why should anyone challenge you to provide what you call facts on the subject? All you would do is try to spin it to be what you claim, without any actual facts that YOU could provide. And then con tinue to lie about yourself and your alleged facts, which remain unproven. You provide zero first hand details, since you have none and admitted so in previous statements from those who you claim are superior to your posts. Nothing original, even your lies are cut and paste. You have nothing but are to much of a coward to admit that all you have is second-hand, cherry-picked claims that you have chosen to believe, without any neutral or counter commentary posts.

The sure sign that you know nothing on the subject that is not second had BS, and you, as a good little sheep, have chosen to believe. In spite of several citations proving you to be wrong. Another sure sign that you are a continuing liar and a spreader of false information. Two methods that your masters ae superior to you at but claim is a tragedy committed on those like you. It is called lying, the only thing that you are good at, and even that is of poor quality.

Since apparently none on the board agree with y ou, perhaps you should quit while you can still type your lies.
If pharma is hiding facts then show us where they're doing that with actual legit sources. Who is involved, what investigations have there been, where is the evidence?

There is no "science" when one side has actual clinical testing to back and 5.5 billion healthy people to back them up and the other side is busy flinging conspiracy theories and fear mongering.

What does swine flu have to do what I said in my post?
You are still impoverished because you have not read RFK Jr. who has already answered many of your questions.
As the resident board loon, why should anyone challenge you to provide what you call facts on the subject? All you would do is try to spin it to be what you claim, without any actual facts that YOU could provide. And then con tinue to lie about yourself and your alleged facts, which remain unproven. You provide zero first hand details, since you have none and admitted so in previous statements from those who you claim are superior to your posts. Nothing original, even your lies are cut and paste. You have nothing but are to much of a coward to admit that all you have is second-hand, cherry-picked claims that you have chosen to believe, without any neutral or counter commentary posts.

The sure sign that you know nothing on the subject that is not second had BS, and you, as a good little sheep, have chosen to believe. In spite of several citations proving you to be wrong. Another sure sign that you are a continuing liar and a spreader of false information. Two methods that your masters ae superior to you at but claim is a tragedy committed on those like you. It is called lying, the only thing that you are good at, and even that is of poor quality.

Since apparently none on the board agree with y ou, perhaps you should quit while you can still type your lies.


Where are YOUR first hand accounts, if this matters to you so much? Go ahead and provide your first hand covid research. I'm sure everyone would love to read the research you've done on the tens of thousands of patients you've personally conducted a clinical trial on. Btw, which mental ward do you currently reside in so I can contact the administrator there and have your internet privileges taken away. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Where are YOUR first hand accounts, if this matters to you so much? Go ahead and provide your first hand covid research. I'm sure everyone would love to read the research you've done on the tens of thousands of patients you've personally conducted a clinical trial on. Btw, which mental ward do you currently reside in so I can contact the administrator there and have your internet privileges taken away. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I have posted many times my first hand account, the death of my son shortly after getting the jab. If you can't read, that is not my fault or concern, you brain dead imbecile.

I never said that I had done tens of thousands of interviews, you did. And try to say that I said it. Just another of your lies, you moron. As for the rest of your comments, Yawn. Repeating your lies does not make them true, as you seem to think. It just makes you confirmed to be even more stupid. If that is possible.
Post #1,398: 'median induction period for myopericarditis from vaccination....3 days.'

In Baric's bat lab in 1992, how long did it take for myocarditis or heart failure in naturally coronavirus-infected rabbits?
BTW: getting booted out of Military months short of 20yrs service triggers a Pension loss, if i am not mistaken? i read a few complaints about that situation. But not on newsweek you saps.

go get your own links you board clogging spinning loons. Prove it wrong. I have had a bear trap memory, still good.

Honestly, if the military demanded the vaccine to stay in the service, and we knew some refused, then why even ask for proof?

Talk about silly arguments.
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First, who around the world is outraged over the vaccine like your cult is? The hysteria around it is mostly isolated to north america, because this is where most of the tinfoil in the world is located. Check out Japan, a country of 125-130 million people and they've only experienced 1368 deaths soon after vaccination but they have not found a causal relationship between the vaccine and those deaths. Like I said before, deaths simply happen sometimes, during the pfizer trials 5 ppl died, and 3 had been given a placebo. Do you see Japan freaking out over those 1300 deaths like the snowflakes we have here? Do they create conspiracies out of those 1300 deaths? No. Deaths happen sometimes. Could some be the result of anaphylaxis or something else, sure, but it happens with all vaccines. There's no such thing as a perfect drug. Grow up. The irony is you ppl will focus on that smaller number forever and quickly forget the over 1 million covid deaths we had in this country.

Second, not a single person here has challenged me to provide proof on any particular claim I've made, but I'd be happy to do so! Nothing I've said is some wacky theory that goes against conventional wisdom. It's not made up. I didn't it get from twitter, or some rando newsleter or hear it on a rando podcast or fb. I don't hide from facts like antivaxxers often do, so this repetitive accusation of me doing the same thing is comical. You continue to use it because you're desperate, desperate because you really have nothing of substance to fight back with. You don't even quote or reference any antivax propaganda, it's just a natural part of your brainwashing so you just accept whatever you hear in passing as the truth and rely on that. What need is there to research tinfoil "facts" even at that point.

Show me all these "doctors" you speak of. Out of all the doctors out there what percentage do they make up? What agencies have changed their minds that the vaccine is now no longer safe? TELL ME!

The above is a classic example of what I'm talking about. You or someone else will continue to make statements like this and never provide proof, and when I ask for it, yall tell us to google it or prove it ourselves, which is not only completely illogical but it shows you don't even know the basis for why you believe this in the first place. The greatest irony is what I bolded in the last part of your sentence. It's no wonder why the GOP thinks yall are so easy to control because you continually show them that you're blind, deaf and stupid as hell.

Because all doctors want to be opened up to malpractice claims and wrongful death suits.

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How are these "experts" defined, these determining causal relationships? The subject is an experimental non-vaccine.
' cases were confirmed by experts suggesting a causal relationship between vaccination and death....reporting rates after the third shot were lower than the background incidence rates, except for myocarditis and pericarditis.'

It's doubtful these "experts" compared the SARS2 spike in all of these "vaccines" with myocarditis and heart failure in Baric's 1992 bat lab rabbit coronaviruses.
SARS2 spike protein contains RGD and a furin cleavage site. We have just found a black-legged tick virus that also has both, from the United States, collected by Columbia University in 2008. What does Big Pharma and The Elf know about this virus?

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