The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

The Gaslighting of the Masses​

"For students of official propaganda, mind control, emotional coercion, and other insidious manipulation techniques, the rollout of the New Normal has been a bonanza. Never before have we been able to observe the application and effects of these powerful technologies in real-time on such a massive scale.

In a little over two and a half years, our collective “reality” has been radically revised. Our societies have been radically restructured. Millions (probably billions) of people have been systematically conditioned to believe a variety of patently ridiculous assertions, assertions based on absolutely nothing, repeatedly disproved by widely available evidence, but which have nevertheless attained the status of facts. An entire fictitious history has been written based on those baseless and ridiculous assertions. It will not be unwritten easily or quickly.

I am not going to waste your time debunking those assertions. They have been repeatedly, exhaustively debunked. You know what they are and you either believe them or you don’t. Either way, reviewing and debunking them again isn’t going to change a thing.. . . . "
GD Gator, is that seriously the best defense you can muster? I thought you had more integrity than that. You are in some serious denial here. You are doing your best, to not only gaslight yourself, but the entire forum. That is some weak, weak sauce. It really is.

Penelope mak2 rightwinger Lesh citygator francoHFW candycorn

You don't have to take some guy on Rogan's word for it. You can listen to the words, right from Pfizer executives mouth, and from the folks that have been controlling this entire psychological con job.

If you folks are too dumb, at this point, to know you are being conned, because of partisan politics, and the government/corporate controlled media, and your support of big institutions, that are more concerned with making a profits by forcing folks to take dangerous untested snek oil? Shit, that is on you.

But this intelligence test has run its course, and the rest of us are done humoring you.

Here they are doing their lying;


I understand the vaccine does not stop transmission, I never thought it did.

My view on the vaccine is somewhere between the "it is the greatest thing ever" folks and you "it is the end of the world as we know it" folks.

You might have noticed that the daily "look what the vaccine has done" threads have all but gone away as just not that man people are being hurt by it and a lot of those that were blamed on the vaccine had nothing to do with it.

I took the initial two doses of the vaccine at the advice of my wife, an RN that was working with COVID patients in a negative pressure ward. I have COPD and she saw first hand how poorly COPD and COVID got along.

But yes, I will keep on laughing at you chicken littles who are still freaking out over the COVID vaccine, it is just too easy a target to pass up
I understand the vaccine does not stop transmission, I never thought it did.

My view on the vaccine is somewhere between the "it is the greatest thing ever" folks and you "it is the end of the world as we know it" folks.

You might have noticed that the daily "look what the vaccine has done" threads have all but gone away as just not that man people are being hurt by it and a lot of those that were blamed on the vaccine had nothing to do with it.

I took the initial two doses of the vaccine at the advice of my wife, an RN that was working with COVID patients in a negative pressure ward. I have COPD and she saw first hand how poorly COPD and COVID got along.

But yes, I will keep on laughing at you chicken littles who are still freaking out over the COVID vaccine, it is just too easy a target to pass up
So what? You aren't taking anymore boosters?
I understand the vaccine does not stop transmission, I never thought it did.

My view on the vaccine is somewhere between the "it is the greatest thing ever" folks and you "it is the end of the world as we know it" folks.

You might have noticed that the daily "look what the vaccine has done" threads have all but gone away as just not that man people are being hurt by it and a lot of those that were blamed on the vaccine had nothing to do with it.

I took the initial two doses of the vaccine at the advice of my wife, an RN that was working with COVID patients in a negative pressure ward. I have COPD and she saw first hand how poorly COPD and COVID got along.

But yes, I will keep on laughing at you chicken littles who are still freaking out over the COVID vaccine, it is just too easy a target to pass up
Jamie Foxx says hi.
You can listen to the words, right from Pfizer executives mouth, and from the folks that have been controlling this entire psychological con job.
And they say the vaccine is dangerous/worthless?

They do not
the good ones are 70% and more effective against disease and spreading it. you are an idiot And these sources of yours lie and leave out important information.
Lol. A true believer of criminals. Why would you support a fake vaccine put out by Trump?
Fuck off moron. Vaccines work, Flu shots work. The only people who disagree are making money off dipshits who listen to everyone but doctors. Go as 10 docs. 9 will tell you that they work. The other one is a republican Qanon butt buddy of yours.
You just admitted being one of the dumbest SOBs on the planet. I suspect your UNTHINKING support of criminals in big pharma and government makes you a good anti-Trumper.
GD Gator, is that seriously the best defense you can muster? I thought you had more integrity than that. You are in some serious denial here. You are doing your best, to not only gaslight yourself, but the entire forum. That is some weak, weak sauce. It really is.

Penelope mak2 rightwinger Lesh citygator francoHFW candycorn

You don't have to take some guy on Rogan's word for it. You can listen to the words, right from Pfizer executives mouth, and from the folks that have been controlling this entire psychological con job.

If you folks are too dumb, at this point, to know you are being conned, because of partisan politics, and the government/corporate controlled media, and your support of big institutions, that are more concerned with making a profits by forcing folks to take dangerous untested snek oil? Shit, that is on you.

But this intelligence test has run its course, and the rest of us are done humoring you.

Here they are doing their lying;


Somehow they manage to ignore those facts and believe propaganda. CRAZY!
Lol. A true believer of criminals. Why would you support a fake vaccine put out by Trump?
It is a fine vaccine put out by drug companies and anyone would have done the same. but no one would have come out all the time with irrelevant dangers and the news that Fauci was a liar et cetera et cetera. along with the Murdoch internet misinformation network....
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I understand the vaccine does not stop transmission, I never thought it did.

My view on the vaccine is somewhere between the "it is the greatest thing ever" folks and you "it is the end of the world as we know it" folks.

You might have noticed that the daily "look what the vaccine has done" threads have all but gone away as just not that man people are being hurt by it and a lot of those that were blamed on the vaccine had nothing to do with it.

I took the initial two doses of the vaccine at the advice of my wife, an RN that was working with COVID patients in a negative pressure ward. I have COPD and she saw first hand how poorly COPD and COVID got along.

But yes, I will keep on laughing at you chicken littles who are still freaking out over the COVID vaccine, it is just too easy a target to pass up
No one is freaking out here. Why the strawman argument? Are you related to Obama?

Many of us knew from the jump a vax offered by known criminal entities driven solely by profit, couldn’t offer an effective Covid vaccine overnight. Then we watched as the government and media (both owned by big pharma) shilled for the vax and silenced all opposing viewpoints.

This isn’t rocket science.

I‘m sorry you aren’t smart enough to see the obvious.

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