The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

It is a fine vaccine put out by drug companies and anyone would have done the same. but no one would have come out all the time with irrelevant dangers and the news that Fauci was a liar et cetera et cetera. along with the Murdoch internet misinformation network....
You’re a leftist and Trump scambled your brain.

The left never before would go to absurd lengths to support criminal for profit industries like big pharma. You see your undying support of big pharma and big government as opposing Trump. It’s mental.
You’re a leftist and Trump scambled your brain.

The left never before would go to absurd lengths to support criminal for profit industries like big pharma. You see your undying support of big pharma and big government as opposing Trump. It’s mental.
I am against big Pharma but I greatly admire our pharmacological scientists. GOP big business big money swine I am against and you would be too if you knew facts... God knows what you are babbling about LOL. I am for good government and good services and good benefits of citizenship like every other modern country, super Dupe. It was a pandemic for crying out loud Super Duper and a good vaccine, but you GOP idiots keep it going By not getting vaccinated.
I am against big Pharma but I greatly admire our pharmacological scientists. GOP big business big money swine I am against and you would be too if you knew facts... God knows what you are babbling about LOL. I am for good government and good services and good benefits of citizenship like every other modern country, super Dupe. It was a pandemic for crying out loud Super Duper and a good vaccine, but you GOP idiots keep it going By not getting vaccinated.
You got duped. Just admit it.
You can ignore the facts if you like. It merely means you’re a dumb ass like francoHFW
It's dumbass, dumbass. Now try not to be so "stunned" like Typhoid


..while facing the actual facts.
Hundreds of thousands died because of the lies you were spreading.

You celebrated and kept spreading lies

If they count motorcycle crash victims as "Covid deaths," can we question the "covid" death total??

Do you believe this person died of covid?

If they count motorcycle crash victims as "Covid deaths," can we question the "covid" death total??

Do you believe this person died of covid?
More misinformation
More misinformation


What is wrong?

Where is the misinformation?

Died from covid or motorcycle accident or both??

Any idea how many other "covid deaths" have a similar "other cause" like CANCER???

Only 6% of reported "covid deaths" were really from covid, and that ceased to be covid and became JUST THE FLU in the Fall of 2020...

because everyone with the flu was lied to and told they had covid.

What is wrong?

Where is the misinformation?

Died from covid or motorcycle accident or both??

Any idea how many other "covid deaths" have a similar "other cause" like CANCER???

Only 6% of reported "covid deaths" were really from covid, and that ceased to be covid and became JUST THE FLU in the Fall of 2020...

because everyone with the flu was lied to and told they had covid.
ONE case where COVID was misreported and the deniers claim ALL cases are misreported

Over a million died of COVID
Stop trying to blame it on motorcycles
ONE case where COVID was misreported and the deniers claim ALL cases are misreported

Over a million died of COVID
Stop trying to blame it on motorcycles

So the CDC lied about 94%??


Every death in that time frame was actual CAUSE of DEATH

AND COVID.... because there was a DESIRE to FUDGE THE DATA to HYPE COVID....
Notice all the sheep that took the clot shot coming here to claim it wasn't the vaccines?

Deep down, they know they made a huge mistake when they trusted that evil little troll Fauxi but their own ego won't let them admit it.
They know we know the clot shots are killing people so at this point they are just trying to convince themselves
It is easier for them to call us anti-vaccine than to see the truth in front of them and they are the same people who implored us and also insulted us because we did not want the shot and they should still pray because this dangerous product seems to continue to make many victims several years after the shots
No one is freaking out here. Why the strawman argument? Are you related to Obama?

Many of us knew from the jump a vax offered by known criminal entities driven solely by profit, couldn’t offer an effective Covid vaccine overnight. Then we watched as the government and media (both owned by big pharma) shilled for the vax and silenced all opposing viewpoints.

This isn’t rocket science.

I‘m sorry you aren’t smart enough to see the obvious.

You can ignore the facts if you like. It merely means you’re a dumb ass like francoHFW
stay away from Fox and Internet conspiracy nut jobs sometime
Lol. Never watch Fox but you watch CNN and MSNBC, which is why you know nothing.
Lol. Never watch Fox but you watch CNN and MSNBC, which is why you know nothing.
I watch Fox Everyday and many times a day and the Five except sometimes when Geraldo is the Liberal so I know very well how they don't inform you and misinform you all the time. I also watch France 24 and BBC news and the nightly network news and I Google Google News so I get both sides of everything, Fox News is the only opportunity to hear your crap and at this point you must be out on some algorythm on the conspiracy channel on the Internet.... your big oil big money stupid voter GOP is the only political party in the world that denies health care, election security, global warming, putin as the reason for inflation etc etc. You basically don't know a damn thing that is factual....

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