The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

It is easier for them to call us anti-vaccine than to see the truth in front of them and they are the same people who implored us and also insulted us because we did not want the shot and they should still pray because this dangerous product seems to continue to make many victims several years after the shots
Yes yes, right in front of them, that is if they can find the only TV channel in the world that says this crap and doesn't anymore, So you have to search out this the scumbag cottage industry liars on the conspiracy internet garbage algorithm or listen to the biggest con man in the history of the world as far as we know.... get a clue for crying out loud, ignoramus dupe.
And they say the vaccine is dangerous/worthless?

They do not
Mouthpieces of the establishment told us it prevented the spread, for two years.

Newscasters, folks from the CDC, the president, etc.

And then, when questioned, they admitted they had no reason to believe this. . . IOW? They were lying.

Thus, for most intelligent folks, when they tell you, that it is safe and effective, and we now know, that it IS NOT effective, we can conclude, what, about that safe part?



I watch Fox Everyday and many times a day and the Five except sometimes when Geraldo is the Liberal so I know very well how they don't inform you and misinform you all the time. I also watch France 24 and BBC news and the nightly network news and I Google Google News so I get both sides of everything, Fox News is the only opportunity to hear your crap and at this point you must be out on some algorythm on the conspiracy channel on the Internet.... your big oil big money stupid voter GOP is the only political party in the world that denies health care, election security, global warming, putin as the reason for inflation etc etc. You basically don't know a damn thing that is factual....
My views have little in common with the shit you consume on Fox or elsewhere. This is why you and I have little in common. You consume propaganda and don’t know it.
My views have little in common with the shit you consume on Fox or elsewhere. This is why you and I have little in common. You consume propaganda and don’t know it.
oh I know it, even mainstream media is corporate and they don't spend a lot of time talking about how rich the rich are in the United States or how we do on benefits compared to every other modern country. They also aren't big on blaming Putin... but you are way out there in La La Land listening to pure crap about vaccines elections God knows what global warming putin LOL. There is no election fraud or vaccine fraud or global warming fraud. Our public servants and FBI do a great job. And you are totally full of it, conspiracy nut job. Try reality and education someday. And no universities and schools are not dominated by leftist crazies.... just reality and facts for crying out loud. you would not understand, ignoraramus doop....
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It is easier for them to call us anti-vaccine than to see the truth in front of them and they are the same people who implored us and also insulted us because we did not want the shot and they should still pray because this dangerous product seems to continue to make many victims several years after the shots
Already traduit.
So if the spike protein binds to every organ, RFK Jr.s proposal of vaccines linked to autism cannot be disregarded: ABC News's accusing RFK Jr. of misinformation about autism.

Autism gene CHD8:

Two RGD motifs, multiple furin-like sites, one of them in tandem with an RGD motif, multiple glycine zippers (linking to prions and protein misfolding). Multiple furin-like sites, one of them only one amino acid different than the SARS2 spike: CHD8 RARR, SARS2 RRAR.

SARS2 spike protein:

RGD motif, furin cleavage site RRAR, 5 glycine zippers (prions, protein misfolding).
From the French: 'Results reveal accumulation of spike protein in the cranial medulla, cerebral meninges, and cerebral parenchyma....The presence of spike protein in the skulls of people who died long after their COVID-19 infections, suggests that persistence of the spike protein may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms.'

Glycine zippers of the SARS2 spike are not the only contributors to brain tissue prion-like tropism of the spike protein. The RGD amino acid sequence itself links to Parkinson's disease, and the human prion protein has furin-like amino acid sequences, ex. RYYR, that resonate with the ritual eating of human brains in New Guinea:

So the CHD8 gene sequence RARR linked to autism links to kuru precisely for the human spastin gene. Required of the reader will be understanding of the shaking syndromes of New Guinea, referenced on the Kuru Wikipage above. Gajdusek documents Yakurimba's "athetoid" symptoms and heart rub that could be heard from a yard away from the body.

Therefore, another linking furin-like sequence is for human spastin protein:
'....172-175 RARR....'

As with spastin, there is one amino acid difference between SARS2: RRAR.
What a joke. This autism debunk uses one British example. Readers of RFK Jr. know that it's much more complex than that. The vaccine it's talking about links to Ugandan bats to boot.
So we post the spastin gene sequence (same as the autism gene sequence) for the target bat genus that everyone knows links to SARS2, Rhinolophus:

Rhinolophus Spastin
The first "debunked" myth in this report is ahistorical, failing to document for the prisoners that any coronavirus can cause sudden death in the host.

You thus prove your ignorance of the topic and are already information-compromised. Rabbit and pig coronaviruses previously have documented this symptom, and Ralph Baric's North Carolina bat virus labs knows it. Please, keep going.
In Rhinolophus spastin above, RARR sequence can be seen to start at position 171. In human spastin variants, it can begin @ either positions 172 or 173. Conveniently for the Wuhan communist virologists and their American counterparts, there is no published sequences for the bat that sports the virus that was once considered SARS2 closest relative, Rhinolophus affinis: RaTG13. This is the virus from the Mojiang copper mine and the copper-binding sequences of the Homo sapiens prion protein link the furin motifs already mentioned: RYYR.
So when manipulating furin sequences, the arginine (R) is toggled between the other three. One reason for this is the flexibility of arginine rivaled by the flexibility of glycine (G). Thus, glycine zippers can be considered rival amino acids to the use of arginine.

For the virus linking Hunter Biden's involvement with Metabiota, PEDV, it was the changing of one amino acid only, R, which the communists used in the Huazhong lab for PEDV gain-of-function experiments.

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